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I tried something similar using inner circle task force with little success….. 1st company sounds I interesting…


I only picked the 1st company for their teleport Strat to increase mobility


Inner Circle has an enhancement that allows you to Deep Strike on turn one, super useful for a big Terminator blob and it has a strat that lets you deep strike within 3 inches. Can be combined for some spicy moves. Turn one, Drop 10 man blob led by Captain in the enemy deployment zone 3 inches away from a target you want to delete or objective you want to hold. Pop Armour of Contempt for minus 1 AP for free to help with survivability and if you want to splurge you can spend a CP on Unmatched Fortitude for minus 1 to wound too. On your turn if the target unit is on an objective make it the Vowed Objective for plus one to wound and the Oath target for reroll hits and BAM


If your local players have any inclination towards competitive play, you’re likely to go 0-X, maybe 1-X if you get a good match up. You only have 6 units so the second your opponent focuses one brick, you just lost 1/6th of your army. Your fighting units and your secondary objective scoring units ideally shouldn’t be the same unit even using fixed obj. In order for you to maximize your scoring you would need two whole units within your opponents deployment zone, that’s 1/3 of your army, and depending on the deployment zones being used in the tournament, the zone could be limited to one table quarter. Worst case scenario: you get a table quarter deployment zone, have to dedicate 2 whole units to your opponents deployment zone, then another in each quarter totaling 5 units for max secondary scoring. That leaves 1 unit to hold a center objective and it’ll probably be blown off the board asap. Not to mention the second your opponent hears you say you’re doing fixed objectives, they’re just going to leave a unit or two in their deployment zone preventing you from deep striking, leaving you the only option to deepstrike away and footslog all the way over there, which will likely result in you getting shot to death before reaching your target. Movement and versatility is what wins games, you need to add some inceptors/infiltrators/scouts/callidus and get some long range anti tank/monster


My local players are great. Like I said, this is mostly a meme list. However, I think if you play them like grey knights you might be able to score at least 70-80 VP.


What’s your plan to have the versatility of gray knights without access to anything like mists, guaranteed advances, and teleporting?


1st company has a mists like stratagem for terminators. A terminator unit not in engagement can enter reserves and return next movement phase.


Ah I see now. Doesn’t leave much room for other Strats but it could be interesting. I’d like to hear how it goes for you if you end up using it!


That’s why I want the. Azzy CP farm. When I’m playing my GK I am starved with CP because of mists, rapid ingress, and True silver. A ton of the 1st co. detachment strats are battle tactics so the captain can null their cost. I honestly think saving 1 CP of 3 per turn for relic Teleportation will be easier then with GK.


How’d this game end up going for you?


Went with my GK cuz I forgot most of the regular crowd was at ACO, so I didn’t want to think too hard.


Be better with a land raider.


I was debating this but, dropped it for more termies.


I ran a similar list, without SG BG Az and librarian and with a termie chaplain and a land raider and it was pretty effective.


Hmm drop the blade guard/Lt and the FNP and I can put my Redeemer in…. I am running the librarian with the 10man with the auto cannons. The sustained on 36 bolter and 12 auto cannons should do at least 1 damage into a tank. But in all honesty (statistically) this unit if it shoots and charges will pick up 10 space marines, a 5 man terminator block, kill 75% of a mirrored unit, kill a dread, nuke a lancer, and send a redeemer packing.


You call it Oops, All Terminators, then add blade guard and Sternguard. Just for that I set your odds of winning at Zero.


Oops 30 odd terminators* I’m considering another Knights unit but I have to buy build paint. For some reason I have 25 terminators built and painted. So can I haggle a 1% out of you?


Dark Angels are known for stubbornness, not compromise. 0%. In truth, it’s a hard list to use. It’s low model count, low unit count, low fire power, and low mobility. I’d split at least one of the 10 man term squads into 2 5 man squads. I ran pure Deathwing for years, and always struggled with the issues about. But I also always had fun and loved the army. If you stay with this list, you can try my old Fabian-esque strategy: play for a draw and wait for the enemy to make a mistake that you can capitalize on.