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Infiltrators to hold your DZ and a Gladiator Lancer


I think that Inner Circle Taskforce buffs make running hellblaster balls better than in gladius. You can put deathwing assault on the captain or ancient for the DWK and rapid ingress turn one somewhere (go second) this allows you to put a group of bladeguard in the redeemer along with the heavy intercessors. To hold the DZ I would run infiltrators and use jump pack infantry to play for secondaries. Something like this IMO?


Competitive List (2000 points) Space Marines Dark Angels Strike Force (2000 points) Inner Circle Task Force CHARACTERS Ancient in Terminator Armour (105 points) • 1x Chainfist 1x Storm bolter • Enhancement: Deathwing Assault Apothecary (50 points) • 1x Absolvor bolt pistol 1x Close combat weapon 1x Reductor pistol Azrael (105 points) • 1x Lion’s Wrath 1x The Lion Helm 1x The Sword of Secrets Captain in Terminator Armour (115 points) • 1x Relic fist 1x Storm bolter • Enhancement: Singular Will Lion El’Jonson (300 points) • Warlord • 1x Arma Luminis 1x Fealty BATTLELINE Heavy Intercessor Squad (100 points) • 1x Heavy Intercessor Sergeant • 1x Bolt pistol 1x Close combat weapon 1x Heavy bolt rifle • 4x Heavy Intercessor • 4x Bolt pistol 4x Close combat weapon 3x Heavy bolt rifle 1x Heavy bolter OTHER DATASHEETS Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (80 points) • 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant with Jump Pack • 1x Plasma pistol 1x Power fist • 4x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs • 4x Astartes chainsword 3x Heavy bolt pistol 1x Plasma pistol Bladeguard Veteran Squad (90 points) • 1x Bladeguard Veteran Sergeant • 1x Heavy bolt pistol 1x Master-crafted power weapon • 2x Bladeguard Veteran • 2x Heavy bolt pistol 2x Master-crafted power weapon Deathwing Knights (235 points) • 1x Watcher in the Dark • 1x Knight Master • 1x Great weapon of the Unforgiven • 4x Deathwing Knight • 4x Mace of absolution Hellblaster Squad (230 points) • 1x Hellblaster Sergeant • 1x Bolt pistol 1x Close combat weapon 1x Plasma incinerator • 9x Hellblaster • 9x Bolt pistol 9x Close combat weapon 9x Plasma incinerator Infiltrator Squad (100 points) • 1x Infiltrator Sergeant • 1x Bolt pistol 1x Close combat weapon 1x Marksman bolt carbine • 4x Infiltrator • 4x Bolt pistol 4x Close combat weapon 1x Helix Gauntlet 1x Infiltrator Comms Array 4x Marksman bolt carbine Land Raider Redeemer (285 points) • 1x Armoured tracks 2x Flamestorm cannon 1x Hunter-killer missile 1x Multi-melta 1x Storm bolter 1x Twin assault cannon Vanguard Veteran Squad with Jump Packs (105 points) • 1x Vanguard Veteran Sergeant with Jump Pack • 1x Inferno pistol 1x Vanguard Veteran weapon • 4x Vanguard Veteran with Jump Pack • 2x Inferno pistol 2x Storm Shield 4x Vanguard Veteran weapon ALLIED UNITS Callidus Assassin (100 points) • 1x Neural shredder 1x Phase sword and poison blades


Nice ty, why Are the hellblaster in the inner Circle Are better? Can you explain? 😁 What do you think about the inner Circle companions instead of Blade guard


If the hellblasters are attached to Azreal (or any character with the deathwing keyword) they then get the deathwing keyword and will get the +1 to wound on vowed objective and can use the stratagems that say target deathwing or target deathwing infantry. Goes for any non deathwing keyword unit really. As long as one of the models has the keyword the rest of them get it as well.


Oh i see, ty :)


With +1 to wound allows you to shoot nearly everything in the game on at least 4+ with them. Makes standing on objectives with 90% of the models in the game not ideal. This makes this unit good against all armies not just a few. It looked like you were making the unit as durable as possible with the apothecary and putting fire discipline on him from gladius just doubles up on sustained hits 1. In gladius you got to run a lieutenant to get the exploding 5/6's of lethal + sustained. This makes the unit go boom, but ideally you keep in 6" range of the Lion for MW protection from Hazardous if you go this route. Some other things, in pariah nexus mobility is king and having fast units makes for the ability to score more VP. You can put one of the jump pack units in the redeemer to protect the MW delivery. I personally think the Gladiator Lancer is 160 point target. Every decent opponent will kill it by turn 2 but with +1 to wound and full wound re-roll in melee your jumpacks can deal with the vast majority of armies and be super mobile. The jump assault squad doesn't get the core detachement rules but they have mortals on the charge that you can also put on the veteran squad with for the Lion for potential 5 mortal wounds but avg 3 on the charge for 1CP. (Edit) didn't realize wrath of lion has Deathwing keyword so not with non veterans. Meaning if you are engaging a deadly melee unit it won't hit back nearly as hard even if it has fights first. If you fail to kill something big on your turn you will likely be in melee and force a fall back from that unit. Meaning it can't score VP and likely can't shoot without a CP. Lastly, I think inner circle companions are great but you have to run a character in them. That means 700+ points on characters. If I ran them I would not run the Lion and run more terminators along with a 6 man of them. The ICC fulfill a similar purpose as the Lion in this regard. Now for the leader Azrael is ideal, but if you want a threatening gunline keeping him in hellblasters is required. That leaves a choice damage or durability. Considering their movement I would run them durable and put regular librarian in. You could also go all in on damage and run a Captain or Ezekiel. Hope this gives you some ideas and that first list is pretty scary.


Nice ty mate. Very helpfull. Whats the thing between vanguard with Jumppacks and assault intercessor with Jumppacks?


The non vets do not get the deathwing keyword. Meaning most of the stratagems can't target them in Inner Circle. This is the squad I would put in the redeemer with the blade guard and rush the enemy with as a suicide unit to bog down something threatening.


Got it, ty. I still think that i miss to much value without Gladius. Fallback and shoot/ Charge, lance (actually +1 wound but without a Missionmarker), Fight After death, reactive Move etc.


Gladius does give a bunch of options advance and charge being amazing. I have lists written in both and have a hard time choosing. I really like the hellblasters wounding on 4's. The fall back and shoot is tough to give up too, but with a list of mostly melee with pistols the only unit it would be for is the hellblasters and I wouldn't let my opponent charge them without paying a heavy 500 point+ unit price.


Fall back, re-Charge + lance Stratagem is awesome too. Its actually pretty hard for me to decide haha. Other question: what do you think about eliminator? Saw them while browsing through the datasheets


I like to run them with phobos librarian. Similar use to the callidus, but you can run them as an anti HQ that can't get shot outside 12. Forces an opposing deepstrike to answer them or you will never touch them.


So much units to play with and just 2000 points haha


I actually feel that i Need 2 5 man Deathwing Knights in the Inner Circle detachement. 1 ingress or Deep Strike T1 with deathwing assault (2 Characters attached) and 1 Deep Strike normal 3“ away with Stratagem. With the Landraider in my list, i can possible put 1 into the LR depends on the enemy


Inner Circle Lion (2000 points) Space Marines Dark Angels Strike Force (2000 points) Inner Circle Task Force CHARACTERS Azrael (105 points) • 1x Lion’s Wrath 1x The Lion Helm 1x The Sword of Secrets Captain in Terminator Armour (110 points) • 1x Combi-weapon 1x Relic fist • Enhancement: Champion of the Deathwing Librarian in Terminator Armour (105 points) • 1x Combi-weapon 1x Force weapon 1x Smite • Enhancement: Deathwing Assault Lion El’Jonson (300 points) • Warlord • 1x Arma Luminis 1x Fealty BATTLELINE Assault Intercessor Squad (75 points) • 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant • 1x Plasma pistol 1x Power fist • 4x Assault Intercessor • 4x Astartes chainsword 4x Heavy bolt pistol DEDICATED TRANSPORTS Impulsor (80 points) • 1x Armoured hull 1x Bellicatus missile array 2x Fragstorm grenade launcher 1x Ironhail heavy stubber OTHER DATASHEETS Deathwing Knights (235 points) • 1x Watcher in the Dark • 1x Knight Master • 1x Great weapon of the Unforgiven • 4x Deathwing Knight • 4x Mace of absolution Deathwing Terminator Squad (360 points) • 1x Watcher in the Dark • 1x Deathwing Sergeant • 1x Power weapon 1x Storm bolter • 9x Deathwing Terminator • 2x Cyclone missile launcher 9x Power fist 9x Storm bolter Hellblaster Squad (115 points) • 1x Hellblaster Sergeant • 1x Bolt pistol 1x Close combat weapon 1x Plasma incinerator • 4x Hellblaster • 4x Bolt pistol 4x Close combat weapon 4x Plasma incinerator Infiltrator Squad (100 points) • 1x Infiltrator Sergeant • 1x Bolt pistol 1x Close combat weapon 1x Marksman bolt carbine • 4x Infiltrator • 4x Bolt pistol 4x Close combat weapon 4x Marksman bolt carbine Repulsor Executioner (220 points) • 1x Armoured hull 1x Heavy laser destroyer 1x Heavy onslaught gatling cannon 1x Icarus rocket pod 1x Ironhail heavy stubber 1x Repulsor Executioner defensive array 1x Twin Icarus ironhail heavy stubber 1x Twin heavy bolter Sternguard Veteran Squad (90 points) • 1x Sternguard Veteran Sergeant • 1x Close combat weapon 1x Power fist 1x Sternguard bolt pistol 1x Sternguard bolt rifle • 4x Sternguard Veteran • 4x Close combat weapon 1x Pyrecannon 4x Sternguard bolt pistol 3x Sternguard bolt rifle Vanguard Veteran Squad with Jump Packs (105 points) • 1x Vanguard Veteran Sergeant with Jump Pack • 1x Inferno pistol 1x Vanguard Veteran weapon • 4x Vanguard Veteran with Jump Pack • 2x Inferno pistol 2x Storm Shield 4x Vanguard Veteran weapon This is one of the other lists I built. I drop the ten man terminator ball turn one with rapid ingress if going second (on the teleport homer for free if not blocked) then armor of contempt. If first just regular deep strike and line up shots / safety. I have yet to see it fall in one round even from a full necron army gunline + melee. I drop the Lion with Rapid Ingress turn 2 depending on the enemy army. Ideally within 3 of the terminator ball using the mortal wound protection and then deep strike the DWK for 50/50 charge or point hold. I haven't lost with this list against my friends yet.


Which characters are attached to which units in this list? I've been running a super elite list with ICC & Deathwing Terms but the lack of mobility has cost me a few games, think i'll try this list tonight as i've never used Hellblasters, sternguard or Vanguards before


Librarian is with the big ball, Captain is with knights. Azrael is with the hell blasters. Sternguard are in the impulsor and assault intercessors are in the executioner.


A big point of the game is making sure you place your teleport homers in locations you can possibly hit with a free rapid ingress near objective markers in the open. Force the opponent to play into the detachment rule or let you setup right in his face. Typically the Deathwing Term ball loses 3 models of focused fire with armor of contempt and cover. If the free rapid ingress gets blocked on the big ball do it where they can't bring their whole army to bear. I then tie up the most dangerous thing I can in melee with the terminator ball and rush the midboard. From the four pariah nexus games I have been up over 15 VP by round 3 every game mostly from primary and my opponent having to deal with that terminator ball for two rounds and unable to get onto a point. Your DZ is vulnerable in this list as nearly your whole army ends up in the mid board end of round 2. The list is tweakable to fit a second vanguard vet squad along with scouts which I have debated by dropping the sternguard / impulsor for the others.


I like this List a lot. Do you think about Interceptor? 3 Models 3“ deepstrike ?


Good unit but since no deathwing better suited for a different detachment. Unforgiven detachment for easy objective steals.


I actually dont Like the sternguard 😬 how they perform ?


I think they are heavily slept on. Easiest access to dev wounds space marines have and can make that difference of punching a few wounds through on 4+ invuln targets. With the change to dev wounds again they are weaker but in Inner circle they wound even mid toughness on a 4. In the impulsor they can still disembark after advancing and shoot to gain their detachment rule if needed. This has put them in rapid fire range a bunch for me.


I‘ll give them a try, ty. I guess you put combiweapons on them. Do you ever tried a droppod for them ?


Don't own one but that does seem viable. I would run Infernus though in drop pods and probably play firestorm for dev wound silliness. I run the bolt rifle typically and pretty much only shoot the oath of moment target with them. I tried combi weapons but found 12 shots from rapid fire really does make a difference when shooting big toughness things it's like having a better Assault Cannon with a better flamer. I dislike losing shots to be better against only infantry when you have a ton of units good against it already.