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I used to think the same but remember it's a video game. These specific enemies have individual aggro ranges, you can aggro one at a time by going slowly and waiting every couple of seconds.


This is how I do it.


Well either ways Got past the area.


I’ve tried that. Every time it seems like only one has triggered abd I move away as soon as one chases me. All of them run around the corner.


it’s easy to draw them one at a time, or you can sprint past them and jump to the ledge with the item to the right of the bridge


I’ll try that. With a bow. Need to make sure I have the right arrows. Last time I equipped the bow they just didn’t have any arrows


All the enemies commit suicide if you make the jump to the ledge. They all lose their shit and jump off the bridge. It’s an excellent use of messed up AI where it works and suits the situation.


Fair. As much as I got teased in the comment I do appreciate all the people trying to help.


try using a bow and arrows to jebait them off their purches, one by one, nuke them from range. repeat 7 or 8 times and they stop respawning. stop zerging them and aggroing the entire group


I am not I try aggroing just one and pulling it away. That has succeeded once. I’ll try again when I calm down. I play significantly worst when angry.


use a bow. when you get around that last corner and can see them stay at the back and dont go any further, use a bow. There is a short bow+1 in majula in the chest behind lemongrass the blacksmith. buy some wooden arrows.


One of the best things that I have learned from the Dark Souls series is that anger makes everything more difficult unless you learn to control your response. That and patience.


And thus why I stopped playing for awhile. To control my response. Always best to take a step away if getting irritated.


Run past them and jump on the ledge by the fog gate. They will all suicide themselves trying to get to you or de-aggro.


I hated my first playthrough but Ive loved every area this time. All of them except shrine of amana…Love the atmosphere and enemies but the combination of everything in knee deep water with ranged attacks and drops just makes it really frustrating…


I got to the point of either running right past them, or there’s a summon in one of the little huts (the one directly across the field from the two stone bridges) and you can use him to take most of their agro!


I love the enemy placement. Big ol fuck you which seems natural considering they want you dead. No mans wharf is especially notable imo. Be careful or you'll get bum rushed.


I'm already past no mans wharf. Beat everything and killed the bell gargoyles and have the path to the lost sinner open.


I'm sure you love flexile sentry between you and lost sinner. I genuinely do love it. Game is rude and I'm here for it.


i ran past it.


You a lil bitch. I'm joking. Overreaching on familiarity. I jump attack him from the safety of the lift. Like I say ain't no wrong way to go about it. I can't leave anything alive on a boss run.


Fair, but they are easy to run past. I'm sure i'll try to kill em once at least.


I just run past them


You can throw an alluring skull and run past I believe.


ds2's enemy placements is bad but fine


Nah, why? It´s absolutely doable, at this point I can run simply between those enemies and that´s it, if you are new is just a matter of practice, some people use to tell you that you need to kill every enemy but no way, you can do a mix or you can just run and believe me, it´s doable


Just the amount of ganks. I’ve learned ways around it (Ie I got passed this area by usinf a bow ro aggro enemies one at a time.) but still, this is just my opinion I typed up after losing 30+k souls to this one area so I was… rather frustrated. I’m also someone bad at explaining my points.


If only there was some kind of handheld weapon that... I dunno... threw some sort of pointy object at one enemy WAY over there and made it mad enough to come get you, by itself, without all its friends...


Read the edit


Poison Arrows from your boy Gavlan will make life much easier.


So we learned patience there, and that enemies can be both fast and hit hard. So why rush down in a world not full of no sim characters, they slap you harder than fish, and not no Mario party punishment Doug gets his coins taken no no this is all the way an more. Be cursed, be wretched, be back? I won't directly reveal me info just so I'm not wrapped in bacon in my sleep but I owe it to my fellow nameless knights to help other souls players. I'm also off duty.


You can literally just walk to them and they drop 1 by 1 not even bow required. This is purely a skill issue ..


Tried pulling them away one by one without a bow. And did not work because every time I think I’ve pulled only one away the 3 other’s in the gank squad joins in.


You just keep running in, first one drops pretty much outside of the "tunnel" if you run down that small ramp you will always pull all of them


When I tried pulling them I actually didn’t walk down the ramp. I walked maybe half way towards it and it caused them to all drop. Either way got passed it with a bow.


That's why I love DS2, because you can't just run past everything like you can in literally every other souls game (haven't played Sekiro tho so idk about that one)


Just wait it gets worse