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That "stuns enemies AND allies for 4 seconds" got me laughing


It took me a second, but I laughed when I got it. 🤣


Smite does the same. Im like “ You have the perfect opportunity slaughter all these ragers Im hold for you! What are you karkin doin!??”


Empowered smite + venting shriek burn will kill most enemies. Bzzt bzzt


Barely kills poxwalkers, wtf you talking about lol.


You gotta have 80%+ peril for the six stacks, so spam something that builds peril when a horde approaches like Smite then detonate it.


13 people dont seem to realize it does 200 damage with max stacks, and poxwalkers have 375 hp on damnation, lol XD


To be fair, most enemies ARE poxwalkers


It kills em now but elites take longer to cook


Searching for plasteel sah!


*Mildly rages in support zealot*


“wow… look at all those enemies being stunned. i should totally just stand here and not revive the 2 teammates that are right in front of me. actually, i’m gonna start trying to slap-fight everything instead!”


To be fair the light of the God Emperor is a glorious thing. It’s not too surprising that our fellow rejects drop to their knees and weep at the sight.


Every time I run book I end up using it like a weird veteran shout mid round after multiple empty sermons. 


I saw this one and was like "this is EXACTLY how I feel."


Next edition: Emperor knows, I'm a busy man. No, don't look at my post history, I swear I am busy. Who am I kidding I'll probably do another one tomorrow


You’re doing His work man, these are hilarious!


Do Ogryn next.


Who’s next? Ogryn?


This was pre-patch Immolation grenade. Post patch it pushes your team mates out of the fire in the direction of the closest horde, allowing them to catch it in melee while the fire burns slightly behind them.


Just reading this is making me rage....


in verm, I ALWAYS had to remind team to pull back and fight behind fire instead of pushing through. so dumb. or like they'd push through a good choke point and start getting hit in the sides and back instead of just slaughtering the incoming horde in the choke.


I don't think that the majority of players actually understand the concept of things like choke points, it's so obnoxious.


*Plants my feet at the start of a chokepoint with my Minigun revving up* **Teammates rush through the chokepoint to get to the horde and leave the horde coming from behind to slap my butt** I AM NOT OKAY!!!


I called it the green circle mentality. Utter selfish play style just because they want to farm all the green circles. Or in DT, seeing their name popping up on the top left.


Sometimes the game throws too much shit at me and I do not have the composure to tell if that fire on ground is pure golden or slightly orange.


You think you're too good to step into it to see if your toughness decreases but forget that if you're wrong you'll be staggered and have to use an ult just to get away unscathed like the rest of us?


I do not have enough toughness to try under that kind of pressure. The circle of flame still does its job as long as enemies step into it. It's not a healing grenade.


Zealot flame is bright and pale. Shitty other flame is typically dark orange or green. If you step into it and it hurts, it's bad. If it doesn't, it's good.


Throwing grenades too early feels extra bad when there's a whole ass light show to remind me what I wasted.


I feel so seen by you


“30 seconds after you use your last charge, summon a horde of poxwalkers behind your squishiest teammate.” I’m in fucking tears


As a Smite Psyker I fucking feel for the Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude description. “I’m keeping the entire horde at bay, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD REVIVE THE OGRYN!”


I think I saw a clip posted a few weeks back that showed smite can solo wipe a horde in like 10 seconds if done right, but never saw the specifics so I assume it's highly situational. Wouldn't be surprised if people saw the post, saw smite killing, exited the post and just assumed from there. i want smite to feel good for killing i loved the sound of it when the rework was announced but my favored psyker build personally has just become a staff focused pre-rework sort, running head pop, scream and empowered psykinetics


I guess the person in the video ran shriek with creeping flames and EP keystone.


IIRC, that was exactly what was going on. Shriek with creeping flames doing half of the work to make the kill times seem decent.


I run warp charges and shriek. I can cast smite for about double what I used to when I thought warp charges sucked and can typically be casting again before anything gets close to me, and by that point they can't escape their inevitable slow death. Smite definitely does kill as long as you aren't looking at a crusher or a monster.


"You wouldn't, per chance... Feel like a bit of a poxwalker today... Would you?" **"NAH. ME CRUSH! OGRYN STRONG!"** "It was worth a shot, my Beloved! UNLIMITED POWEEEER!" *zap zap ⚡*


If you have a empowered psionics charge and use sheirk to quash the warp overload you can destroy massive quantities of drones and plenty of the specials too. If you use it on lower difficulties you can even kill the armoured specials too.


In my experience, an alternative text to Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude would be more like: "Channel to stun the pack of ragers that just rounded the corner into your face, teammates will immediately stop attacking and begin searching for plasteel."


Plasteel economy is pretty harsh these days. Your teammates are spending that time wisely. You're a Zealot, you can handle those 6 Ragers no problem : )


As an Eviscerator main, that kind of fight makes my mouth water. Until I die horribly, but damn is it fun!


I slept on the eviserator so heavily. Then one match I accidentally had the grey one equipped and I was merking kids like butter. I immediately went to hadrons or whatever and prayed to the sweet lord for mercy and blessings.... Being able to time one hitting a mutant running at your face is insanely satisfying. One higher levels, the side step power up heavy attack is amazing


Are you kidding, book is my personal oh shit button, I'm leaving


We're going to need plasteel to repair our armor after being brutalized by those ragers, you'll thank me later! \*vanishes\*


I absolutely loved this as a Zealot main. If you ever make an Ogryn one I expect each box to contain like 1 to 3 words AT MOST.






Did I hear a rock and stone!


For Karl!


For Karl!


Rock and stone in the heart!




Stunstorms really could use a just SLIGHTLY shorter fuse.


They should explode on impact with an enemy. Can't tell you how many times I've hit something with a stun and it charges at me before the grenade can go off.


And longer duration. I'm using it for the penance and god damn am i looking forward to it being _done_.


They take all fucking day. That Penance is unreal.


Shroudfield is too true, god damn random poxwalkers


I've got a hammer build that one shots monstrositys but whenever I try to use it, I ALWAYS HIT A FUCKING POX WALKER THATS INDIDE THE GOD DAMN MONSTER


As a crucis main; the shroudfield one is way too accurate :')


As an ironhelm main i have no idea what shroudfield is :-p


I feel like immolation should read "guaranteed to have no charges when the next herd of pox hounds arrives because your teammates don't share nades...then you all die."


Excellent stuff, please do more of the other classes. The stun grenade is too real...


In my experience, FoTF has been "Activate it and chase after the enemy of your choice, then activate the second charge to finally close the gap and miss your overhead." I have a skill issue methinks.


Random thought but does fury of the faithful stack with momentum?


The actual abilities? Oh hell Yeah. Fury guarantees a crit, inexorable judgement makes it a big one. I believe its part of the tech for oneshotting demon hosts.


Double dipping into additional attack speed with those two is really powerful


These are great. Now do psyker.


Shit, stun, shit, Shit, cool down, shit Shit, shit, uh - weakspots! Shit, shit, uh - weakspots! This description was brought to you by someone who just watched Tanner Lindberg decimate the psyker tree with words :-p


That sounds about right.


>just watched Tanner Lindberg Why are you punishing yourself?


Mathematically it was nice to see which nodes are super effective and which are not and i havent stumbled on anyone else really going in depth with the skill trees like that. It has changed my perspective on some things, while with others i realise what he says may be true for 100% effective players (like skipping Thy Wrath Be Swift on zealot), while i make enough mistakes to get absolutely murdered if i dont take them :-p


I'll leave the personality judgements aside. IME, TL makes good points here and there, but it largely boils down to stuff like "stack passives are great value even when not fully stacked" that you can derive on your own. However, as you've discovered about TWBS, the points are packaged with some willfully wrong takes that are likely due to faulty assumptions. I think it's fair to say that TL operates under the baseline assumption that playing Darktide is the most mentally demanding thing you'll do in your day. Even when we're steelmanning the argument, it's pretty hard to refute that the most cracked and defensively responsible players can benefit from TWBS by 6pm on a weekday.


Yeah. I'm also not going to ask my lvl 8 tide newbie veteran friend to go shredder over Kraks or not take all the nade perks 'cause he needs the help and were just trying to do tier 3's with a group of newbs without wiping on a regular basis :-p Still, i was sleeping on a lot of the talents, at least in the vet and zealot trees and not realising just _how_ busted scriers+DD is for psyker, so i got around to trying out gunpsyker because of that and i'm glad i did, duelling sword's pretty nice even if i dont particularly enjoy using the c5iag on a psyker. I'm thinking if i can make it work with a deimos and... Maybe a void or trauma with peril transfer and soulblaze, hit some kind of hybrid build there... Anyway i'm rambling, have a nice day :-)


Oh yeah, there's a lot of value in the right Psyker tree that most don't explore because they're wedded to the idea of a conventional space wizard. People who're used to spending ammo lavishly also tend to be more than a bit passive-aggressive about Gun Psykers. Sounds like you got good value out of watching those breakdowns, which is about the best outcome possible.  The laspistols are also excellent on the Gunker, if not quite as outright busted as the Columnus. They do require a willingness to pay your physio or a click macro for best effect. For the Columnus, I found that largely ignoring the ADS/treating it like a Braced Autogun addressed my annoyances. 


I leveled my psyker without mods, started my vet and kinda fell in love with the lasrifles, so first order of business was to start modding, FullAuto first and foremost :-p but also i'm colourblind, so the flame mod really helped too.


This is a magnificent and accurate shitpost my brother.


I still can’t manage that one penance for stun grenades


Crowd control? Stun 1500 enemies? Yeah I'm struggling too, I usually forget to toss them and then when I remember there's only like 7 guys and then when there's a massive horde, I'm out. The other one I'm working on is stun then kill within 10s. That ones confused me because do I have to do it in one go? I swear I've stunned and killed enough guys by now within 10s.... I can't wait to be done with it and go back to my throwing knives.


Yeah it’s the within 10 seconds that kills me


Blazing piety is very honest


Need a mod to have the descriptions updated to this


First time seeing one of these. Excuse me while I go binge the whole series.


Knife 1 shots bulwark and reapers and muties? Wut?


Stealth backstab on a decent knife and you can


In the meme hes talkin about the throwing knife tho


Oh, that's just hyperbole for the funny


*I'm in this picture and I don't like it* Genuinely laughed out loud, +1 internet for u. Can't wait for the follow ups!


Hahah very well done OP. This is the content I come here for


Good job man, this is hilarious !!!


I love it, do Ogryn next.


“Martyrdom- Makes nearby health stations invisible” Lmao should add “Teammates will heal you despite telling them you’re running Martyrdom.”


I typically throw a knife before, during, and after I reload my gun out of habit. I find it punches through enemies? Sometimes, at least.


Oh my God PLEASE do these for the Pysker skills lol I can already see the points about Chorus and Smite carrying over, plus the Cocaine addiction becomes the Satanic Cocaine addiction for us Disrupt Destiny users


Oh god, the Knife one is so accurate. I've entirely abandoned them and gone for Immolation Grenades purely because A. I always forget about the fact that I have knives B. the second someone looks I do the worst throw in the entire world


The stun grenade penances made me feel the first one especially hard.


That Fury of the Faithful description... Way too accurate


Does the stunstorm count towards penances? If not, I'd add something about using it for a while, wondering why your penances aren't progressing, and then slogging for a few hours with no talents equipped.


Shroudfield: Disables allies' ability to block while being received.


The knives one is spot on. When no ones looking I can hit a sniper 3 rooms down, but can't hit a barrel 5ft away when teammates are waiting for me to pop it off loool


I need this for every class.


"Makes health stations invisible." That definitely got a genuine LOL. I've seen too many Martyr Zealots get killed because they refuse to ever heal, even when they've got the tiniest sliver of one wound remaining. IT'S JUST A SCRATCH


This is too real.




This is great. Have you done the other classes?


Oh my fucking god that Blades of Faith description are you watching me personally play the game??


Missed commenting on the Blazing Piety keystone, one of the augments to it literally restores 50% toughness whenever 25 enemies are killed around or by you, triggering fury, which, for a zealot, is known as BASICALLY BEING FUCKING INVULNERABLE


These are so amazingly accurate


The fact that there's a Penance tied to only using Stun grenades is fucking blasphemy and it should count for all grenades, given how goddamn useful Immolation is.