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I dont think Matt's work is any less harder than most of the jobs available. But the Pay....the pay....that's why the people would rather have a job like his


To me these discussions are missing really important details and that is the pros and cons of the job, yes you can work at home and make a lot of money but you need to micro mange your reputation try to market yourself try to stay relevant..etc there are many issues so it isn’t as simple as big pay = better


Yeah his job isn't as easy as people think it is. Moreover Matt involves himself into political matters and also doesn't take take care of his health much. It pretty much mixes up hard on him


It's also very hard to work at home like he does and maintain mental and physical wellbeing Matto made this clear many times too Hope his sleep improves


Yeah, but no. Consider the hours worked per day and the days he works per week. The hourly pay is probably not that bad, but I'm sure there are a lot of better jobs.


Sure the pay but hes built himself to this point and earning all this money but he has no free time, no social life, stuck inside everyday. I am and would be much happier in my physically demanding job with low pay than doing that, I like the outside too much!


I think at the end of it, its also because he is doing something he likes as a job. Sure its super tiring for him but he is very passionate about it and loves doing what he does. Is that the case for a lot of "normal" work folk? Probably not. I mean, I am a comission writer and I have had extended family tell me my job is terribly easy when it really isn't. Its a job still but I enjoy doing it and talking about it in a fun way.


Didn't see the drama but W facts


There is none, i am just sharing my bewilderment


I get pissed off at people like that. Like, it's what he wants to do, he gets by doing it, leave the man be. Maybe you don't think it's hard work, but that doesn't mean you should kick up a fuss in his chat about it. Mind your own business


Thank you so much for talking common sense! ![img](emote|t5_11v6xc|6799)


It’s not physically taxing work, which is why some folks aren’t too fond of Matt just sitting for however long he streams and edits for. It’s creatively taxing, which a lot of these folks calling him out for being lazy and having an easy job aren’t capable of realizing. I would try to do what Matt does, but I’m simply not as creative as him when it comes to content creation.


Its not just Matt, a lot of people out there underestimate the amount of work that goes into being a streamer or youtuber. Like a lot of people just assume that "oh, this guy just plays videogames all day, what an easy job". When, they're not taking anything else into consideration. Matto has to come up with video ideas, do the editing, make thumbnails, creating massive projects that take months. Granted, he does have helpers, but he's still doing much more than just gaming. And either way, gaming for multiple hours a day is fucking tiring. Anyone who says that its easy, clearly have never tried it. You go try playing a game for 8 hours a day, and commentating the entire time, I guarantee you're gonna feel like shit afterwards. And when gaming is considered your job, instead of your hobby, you're also going to get much less enjoyment out of it. So you're not gonna have as much fun playing games. In general, freelance work isn't easy. People just think it is because you don't have a boss and you can choose your own hours, but that doesn't automatically make it easy.


What moron said he doesn't work hard?


he definetely works hard, if he does all the editing himself still, its nuts, if you are a midly succesful streamer not to get an editor, Usually its more because the streamer is kinda picky and has a standard that is pretty high. There are a lot of good editors out there but its gotta be hard to find the right one for you, im assuming he does struggle because i never hear a streamer talk and try to find editors as much as he does.


Most people here don’t have a job so of course they think YouTubing is as hard as oil rig or any other job


I see troll comments like that on Matto's Twitch streams sometimes - like, don't join if you're just gonna be a dick. Matto is love, Matto is life.


People who asume editing is easy have either never edited in their life or are shit tier editors for vloggers


strange how some were saying his work isn't remotely hard. if i remember right, he said he hired editors. but even then, his work is going to be somewhat hard, due to many factors, whether that be speedrunning the game or something else.




Can you please point me to where i said that being a streamer/youtuber is harder than being oil rig worker?




>First of all, compared to some of the hardest works that you are able to think of, basically no one has hard work. Simply states that if someone thinks of the hardest possible thing to do for work, everything else is less difficult or (misconstrued) not difficult at all. With that statement said i do make a satiric joke about nurses as you have believed. The last part is just me asserting that the satire is their real life perspective. I can understand how these sentences could be jumbled up and misunderstood, so thanks for politely asking for a clarification, i appreciate that a lot Edit: The 11 hour stream is not my example, it was from the short. I assumed it was obvious since watching the short and reading the comments helps understanding what i am saying. I thought so since talking about the opinions of a short without seeing these opinions and just my potentially biased perspective is not productive


> I thought so since talking about the opinions of a short without seeing these opinions and just my potentially biased perspective is not productive oh right no that makes sense :p, my fault > So thanks for politely asking for a clarification, i appreciate that a lot no worries! that said, I realize my assumption was wrong, so, fair enough good talk ps.: I'm very likely to delete the previous comments just so that replies of people who haven't seen we reached a consensus aren't possible




Just because one is more physically demanding than the other doesn't mean that being a YouTuber/streamer isn't hard


Ok you do a pacifist and ohko run of story mode and send me the outcome


What do you mean?


Well he doesn’t work hard


What is your original comment supposed to mean?


Have you had a job? “Oh man I have to play to games today for 11 hours, my life sucks ” he chooses his own hours, he is his own boss basically, he has no physical labour, no shitty boss and shitty manager to answer to, he doesn’t even do his own editing.


First, he edits just as much as he did when he had no help. Second, have you done the hours? Have you edited for 100's of hours editing insane projects together? >If anyone wants to argue Matt's work is not hard, please explicitly state whether or not you have done this work or edited for hundred of hours. That is all i am asking for, nothing more I was asking for too much


Lol have you even had a job? It’s kinda ridiculous you would think being a YouTube is as hard as oil rigger, when that’s actual back breaking work. Dark viper just has to sit at computer creating blood clots all day (he should workout or else im scared he will get bloodclots or gamer leg)


I will just copy paste my question from another comment >Can you please point me to where i said that being a streamer/youtuber is harder than being oil rig worker?


Can you point to me where I said it is harder also? I said as hard, which you we’re implying in OP that it is is as hard as other jobs, also you said “basically nobody has hard work they are just cry babies” this tells me you’re jobless, never worked a day in your life or probably a dumb child, I’ll be no longer entertaining this further. You don’t want to debate you just want to be right. You even set Rules for how people should argue against you, Pathetic attempt at trapping people.


>“basically nobody has hard work they are just cry babies” I said before that, if you think of the hardest job possible, everything else in comparison is less hard and appears to be not difficult. And the people saying Matt is not having difficult work because more difficult work exists, is therefore silly, since that can be said about basically every job in existence I didn't set a rule, i simply asked whether or not you have actually worked and done the job that you are saying is easy. Is asking if you have experience in the discipline that you want to convince me is easy really too much? If we want to talk about Subject and i ask you if you have experience in that subject is seriously too much? And you insulted me as a dumb child. You misconstrued what i said and did so with absolute confidence without possibility of misinterpretation from your side. I was civil and simply asked genuine questions. I can’t be the judge here, but i am not quite sure i am the one looking childish


Yeah I’m not reading allat 😭 since your being disingenuous about having a real conversation, tried to set rules for me on how I should argue and probably haven’t worked a day in your life. It’s not worth it


Read the second paragraph, i did not set rules. I was simply asking for a favor to ensure i understand whether or not you are experienced in that area.