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I’m loving these posts. It was clear from watching that his main strategy was portraying himself as the real victim, and that he was deluded enough to believe it would work. From his jovial attitude when the jury was sent to deliberations, it did appear that he thought he’d done it. Did he talk about his impending victory in a jail phone call or something? I’d love to know why you believe this was the case.


One of the women he had children with spoke with me, and he was keeping her appraised of his thinking. And a person he worked with in music corroborated. DB was planning his big Not Guilty CD.


Once the jury had made their decision he asked the judge if now would be a good time to take his shackles off. He really thought he was walking.


Oh man did I laugh when he said that!!!!!!! Man he really thought his stupid sympathy speech worked. JD straight out said in no way are you to sway this jury on sympathy. He just doesn't listen, to anyone, ever.


Oh what? I missed that! I love seeing him crushed so definitely going to have a watch


No way…that seriously did not happen…I am dying!!!


Oh it did, and it was fucking hilarious!


That is stupendous.


Is it possible one person can be so utterly delusional?


I love these posts too every time I get my phone that’s the first thing I do is check for more posts


If Judge Dorow started reading off “not guilty” verdicts I don’t think that jury would’ve survived. The victims in that courtroom would’ve lost it and either attacked the jury, attack Brooks, or both


But hey! He spoke from duh heart, it's all coming from right here, (thumping his chest) he said. No lookin in the mirror rehearsing, no arguing fax, no well prepared speeches, no smoke and mirrors, and no theatrics. Plus, he believed the jury deserved to be privy to ALL knowledge! Except maybe to the knowledge of his mile long rap sheet covering his multiple decades as a deadbeat dad, domestic abuser, admitted sex offender and general lifelong career as a violent convicted criminal! Oh and the fact that he smacked Erika around the day before as well as the day of the parade, that he drove over her leg with the red SUV just a few weeks earlier, and that he previously tried to shoot his nephew with a gun that turned out to be stolen, and which was illegal for him to possess due to his status as a convicted felon! Yeah, the lying, smarmy little thug was truly delusional - on steroids. Thank God every single person on that jury was not swayed in the slightest by his pathetic, nonstop narcissistic, manipulative, gaslighting bullshit.


I really thought he had done it. He did a lot to show them he was concerned about the jury. He pointed out that the state was wasting time. He told them to “chop chop”. He didn’t want the jurors to have to sit there 1 minute longer than necessary. He wanted to make sure the jury knew “da troof.” Remember when he asked Erika, “Wouldn’t you say it’s important when talking to Law Enforcement that it’s important to tell “da troof”? He brought to light all the witness testimony that conflicted with the police reports. He wanted the jury to know they weren’t being “forthright”. When a juror had to leave for COVID reasons he wanted to make sure that they delayed the trial because he didn’t want anyone else in the court room to get COVID. He thought that would be wise. And he tried to advocate for the jury due to that Reddit post. He mentioned several times that he was “very, VERY concerned.” He sure did call out Opper too. Didn’t he say he wondered if she even cared about the victims”?


LOL 🤣😂


\*not sit there 1 minute longer than necessary besides when he was delaying them going back and forth daily\* what a maroon


That wasn’t because of him. He said It wasn’t his fault. IDIOT!!!!!!


Your synopses are always the best, my friend. You pack a lot of punch into a few grafs.


Aww thanks! Likewise you too, right back atcha!


The jury deserves to hear this...subject matter jurisdiction has not been proven


Yeah except for the simple fact that he killed 6 innocent people. And that's one fact that he couldn't get away from. And the way he disrespected the poor victims on the witness stand. That's the final nail in the coffin.


He was instead sent AWAY while they went home😀


The delusion was a sight to behold. Darrell, in his heart of hearts, actually thought if he informed da jury of deir power, that they'd let him stride out of there a free man. That they'd side with him just because he waited in da welfare line and CUT da um-biblical cord. That running over dozens of people, killing six, and injuring sixty-plus others would be alright just because he grew up with bugz in his cereal. Forget about little Jackson Sparks, Darrell's daughter is SUCH a light. SUCH. A. LIGHT. Never mind his behavior in this courtroom and his callous lack of remorse. We're clearly seeing the plight of a simple man wronged by an unjust system and not the stain on society he's proven himself to be over the course of his worthless 40 years on this planet, if his sappy Oscar-bait speech wasn't evidence enough. I'm sorry, that's all I could type before my seething disdain toward Darrell Brooks reached a boiling point.


In his infancy of a mind and never once in his life taking personal responsibility for his actions he truly believes in his innocence. He didn’t intend to cause such carnage on a terrorist level so therefore he’s innocent. His anger got the best of him on a level seldom seen. I can’t wait for his appeals to be denied on every level.


And don't forget when he showed that picture of their kid to Erica, without a doubt proving she was a horrible mother and all this was her fault. Hopefully soon they'll bring her up on murder charges too. No one's more to blame than her. I'm so glad a great man wasn't put behind bars 🥲🥹


Because they are from herrrrrrrrrrrr 🤡🤡🤡🤡


I could believe this simply because of the way he was shouting at the cameras and the people in the courtroom during the whole ankle shocks debacle. That clown really viewed himself as some sort of martyr. He thought he had people in his corner.


I believe he was trying to have his last fun. His plea from the DA was very similar to what he got life is life if convicted so why not make this miserable I can see the thought process


I think Darrell really couldn’t understand why the jury didn’t WANT to use their power to nullify. It’s a POWER and he likes power. He would have used his power to nullify because if would have showed everyone how much power he had and he. Loves. Power. Period.


Perceptive. It's so weird though because what power did he ever have except to make the lives of his mom and a few other women miserable? He had less power than a hot dog fart in a hurricane.


He hated doing what he was told especially by women. So if he had been on the jury and Opper told him to find someone guilty his first inclination would have been to do the opposite. And then if he had learned there was a way to find him not guilty as a jury he would have totally done that. He knows he has no real power so he clings to anything he can have power over or have control over - like going through his papers and holding up Dorrow and Erika and the whole court for 8 minutes for no reason, he’s just shuffling papers. He wanted the jury to see he was such an important man that he was so busy and deep into his defense he could keep his papers straight. And that he couldn’t find the letter from Erika (I believe that was a setup to losing the letter). And no one stopped him so that he finally had to stop himself after 8 minutes. I bet he hated that.


Man, he shuffled the shit out of those papers, didn't he? Never in the history of paper has so little been shuffled so much.