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Lol what!? You proved exactly why they should've cross examined her. "Brooks temper was about to explode" Dude that's EXACTLY what they wanted. Yes trial is about showing the evidence but no doubt they want him to look like a absolute piece of shit in front of the jury. What lawyer wouldn't want that. That ALONE was more than enough reason to call her up. No case is EVER EVER locked in till the end no matter who EG: Casey Anthony and OJ Simpson. I'm glad they took every tiny step to destroy him. Wish they did more.


I think they were careful about allowing his shittiness in front of the jury, but, of course, it’s DB and he’s going to deep six himself to spite everyone trying to help. The prosecution didn’t outright fight to stop it all, but they did low key purposefully irritate him at times. They didn’t want *ANY* reason for an appeal to include them not being professional. Notice how they didn’t get heated when objecting, unlike we see in many other cases? They didn’t put on a show like so many trial lawyers do to persuade the jury. They could have *really* used their judicial experience and degrees to fuck him over even more, but allowed the evidence to speak for itself. However, at this point in the trial with Katrice, they were done with his BS. OP, in some ways you are correct, however, the team had to clarify any BS he tried to use to confuse the jury. They only crossed his witnesses to 1) prove a point, such as Mrs. Yourell’s kids’ injuries and 2) to clarify any of his fuckery.


Yes! well put, thank you!


Not that he needed more examples of what an absolute demon insect he is, but agree 💯 lol


Fair points, but this case was closed by the time Ms. Babiasz was called. I just think it was not right for her to sit on the stand and be badgered by Brooks on his direct and re-direct examination.


See i gotta stop you at the begining of your reply. You said "The case was closed" I've watched a lot of trials and have watched even more interviews with lawyers. EVERY SINGLE LAWYER says a case is never ever over till that jury comes back with the verdict. It doesn't matter how perfect and on point you were with your arguments. The opposing lawyer literally could've said nothing. It doesn't matter. It takes one, JUST ONE jury member to come with the opposite verdict. So lawyers gotta do whatever it takes to secure that verdict. It may suck ass for Babiaz to be on that stand. But it'll suck for EVERYONE if Brooks gets even a mistrial.


I don’t think babiaz minded the questions from the state , she answered them clearly and 1) hammered home the point it was just DB car driving thru parade and no other car. 2) even tho there were barricades on pleasant street he still could’ve pulled into that street (since DB brought about barricades blocking the roads insinuating he couldn’t get off the parade route, see officer schulton cross) 


Fair points


I definitely understand where you're coming from though. Mrs. Yurell who testified before her I can get behind the argument she shouldn't have been crossed. After all she had to talk about ALL her children getting hit especially her son who's BONE WAS STICKING OUT! She was balling her eyes out, so it's a fair argument to say she was crossed way to harshly. But still they needed to able to show the jury how horrible Brooks was so although most if not all the witness experienced some kind of discomfort on the stand, IMO it was necessary to do so put this monster behind bars.


I actually think that cross was perfect, if not true, it appeared that DB didn’t even know all her children had been so horribly injured. In all honesty, it made him look even more callous!


I agree with you. I think she wanted to be able to say the damage done to her children even though it was hard.


They crossed her to show the injuries were caused by DB driving through the parade.  Might sound ruthless but the prosecution has a job to do. 


Damn straight. Criminal trials isn't about playing nice and holding hands. It's about prosecuting or protecting a would be criminal at ALL COST. No matter what.(In the confines of the law) The witness being ok on being questioned comes second if not dead last on the list.


That’s the judges responsibility. The prosecution shouldn’t be second guessing due to the defences volatility.


She's my favourite witness. Absolutely ground Brooks into dust without ruffling a hair on her head. 


This gave us the "How are you even a juuuuudge?" gem.


made me ask, "How are you even a human" so many times.


This poor lady was kickin the 💩out of Brooks on the witness stand. When judge cautioned him about “intimidating the witness” was the only truth that came out of his wretched mouth! He asked the Judge “DOES SHE LOOK INTIMIDATED” No you moron, she doesnt cuz you cant even do that right! LoL How embarrassing that the witness you called effectively nailed your coffin shut. It was poetic, really! DA Boese showed Up all of DBs posturing and strutting around for what it was, a sham, a con, a disgusting charade. After That there was no coming back for DB, in anyones mind!


Can you recall what you can't recall?


I think the State felt they had to cross examine each witness a bit after that young man earlier in the afternoon that they didn’t cross examine, and Darrell threw a big fit, saying that they weren’t asking questions because they’d already ‘coached’ all his witnesses. I noticed after that the State made a point to ask a few questions of each of the remaining witnesses. And, in my opinion, the guy who was such a terrible witness for Darrell - which caused him to blow a gasket - either was horrified that he was called as a Defence witness for someone who was so clearly guilty, or he honestly couldn’t remember much from a year ago. As Nick Kirby said in a later interview with the News, it wasn’t fair for Darrell to pick on tiny details that were given in police reports about a year ago, when they were in a terrible mental distress from seeing people run over.


What Nick said about picking details from reports is understandable, however that is unfortunately what defense lawyers have to do when they have nothing else. I've been reading through the Scott Peterson transcripts recently. While Scott had a very good, experienced attorney, Scott was so guilty that they could do nothing but pick apart year old police reports. It's a way for a lawyer to try and discredit a witness, by making it seem like they're changing their story, when in reality they just don't have photographic memories.


That was the point, they set him up for the jury