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This, this is Darwin in action. Approaching a bear is peak natural selection.


If Darwin were still alive he would order popcorn and pull up a chair. This is not survival of the fittest. Is the death of the mentally unfit.


Ha. Totally.


Still better than approaching a man thankfully


Bears are freakishly strong and much fast than you think. Amazing predators. Not so good at selfies.


Bears love selfies and more people should do them. -definitely not a bear


Rawr RAWR rawr rawr? - rawr


Frighteningly fast. I still get a little shook from the scene in The Revenant. I know it’s not real but it’s still intense.


It did happen to the original man the movie is based on... tough as nails.


It’s true. That movie was based on a true story. Guy survived being a bears chew toy. Brutal!


Right, that’s why it’s so intense. Because it’s a recreation 😟


2 minutes in. After what felt like an hour I was begging for the love god make it stop already. The brutality of that scene is insane.


> I still get a little shook from the scene in The Revenant. Just watch Legends of the Fall afterwards, in which Brad Pitt somehow goes toe-to-toe with grizzly at the end, for an honorable death as an old man.


That whole movie....I grew up with Dances With Wolves being seen as an 'accurate' depiction of the frontier - oh wow


Can't they run as fast as a horse for a limited distance?


I’m not sure but there is video of a brown bear chasing a black bear up a tree and both were moving unbelievably fast


Yes, they were running way up that skinny tree like cats! That grizzly covered that huge distance in seconds. Pretty wild


I've seen wild horses chased by a bear and it was frighteningly easily keeping pace


It's something like 100 metres, but too lazy to look it up.


No idea if [this](https://youtu.be/90OC4TQ7uHc?si=lo5S8A9N-zFCkkcQ) is accurate, but it is fun.


I believe they out accelerate horses. I was once told something like that years ago by a palaeontologist.


It seems like I’ve heard they can hit 35 miles per hour. I don’t think they’re quite as fast as race horses, but I know they can faster than I can.


Grizzly bears hit 35 to 40 miles. Usain Bolt can't even outrun one.


*Urs*ing around is not recommended.


Bear selfies are awesome..... when you take a selfie with the bear way the fuck behind you.


To die being eaten alive. Worst possible way to go


3x the myofibrular density so minimally triple the strength of a human pound for pound of muscle which they were already up 2-5x


>Not so good at selfies. [Are you certain?](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fzdz5yiinz0b91.png)


I like how the dog finally decides, *"my owner is toast, buh-bye"*


It was a well meaning stray apparently. So prob thought 'meh, I dont even know this guy'


I appreciate that the dog tried at all


maybe the dog was helping the bear?... "get him bro, the neck man, go for the neck, gawdddamn we're eating well tonight"


Wasn't there a heartwarming story recently about a dog that ran away and was discovered to be living with a group of bears?


It was a Huskie. And it was annoying the hell out of them if I remember the video correctly.


If the dog had hands, he would have been recording it on his cellphone and not bothering to help just like the people there.


Unfortunately this is how it works in India and in most Asian countries, if it would have been one of their family members they would have instanly ran at the bear even if it means someone will die in the attempt. But if they see someone who is not their family member in danger they wont lift a finger.


I don't think I would want to charge an 800lb bear for some dumbass I don't know either. Best he's going to get from me is aphone call to 911 if I have service, and maybe some words of encouragement yelled over my shoulder as I tear ass outta there.


Oh yeah if Id be alone in that situation I wouldnt charge at it either, it would end up with 2 dead bodies lol. If you are in a large group and the group runs at it then it might - maybe, run away but if it decides to make a heroic last stand then it turns into a huge mess.


I really don't care to find out how many humans you have to throw at a bear before it's too tired to kill any more.


For a while at least in China helping someone made you responsible for them. Then if they died or ended up in the hospital you’d have to pay for it. I’m not sure if they’ve made any changes to the laws in the decade since I read about it though.


I did a quick google search and the Good Samaritan law came into force in China in 2017 and before 2017 it was excatly like you said.


Technically, you're wrong. Someone at least lifted the hand to hold the phone and the finger to press record, and then bothered to upload it.


"Are you eating that?"


"I don't have a human in this fight", and walks away.


Man’s best friend fr fr


He did the Ol’ Doggy Dip


I like to think it went to fetch help from its dog people.


It seemed to have responded to that whistle sound. Almost like it’s a hunting dog and that’s the release signal.


Doggo was like "We ain't *best* friends bruh. You on your own hummie!"


Everyone in the comments seems upset the guy didn’t get help but If I saw some idiot risk his life for a selfie with a bear there is zero chance I’m risking my life to help him.


Ding. Not risking my life to try and save someone that's clearly too stupid to give a shit about their own. Dude got exactly what was coming to him.


Also because unlike that dude, ***I know better than to fuck with bears***.


sure, but im also not going to film it, im getting out of there


Exactly. If the man had done nothing to antagonise the bear and was innocent, I might try to do something. If some dumb fuck who has questionable genes endangers his own life, I'm not risking my own. I have family and responsibilities. It's the same as if a person was crossing the road , had a heart attack and needed to be pulled from traffic, versus a crackhead falling down. I don't wish harm to the crackhead or in anyway think they deserved it, but I'm less likely to risk myself.


Exactly. This is exactly what the gene pool needs to do to clean itself. No need to stop that process.


Besides, he died doing what he loved: absolutely dumb shit.


Agreed. If I had a rifle I'd take a few shots at the bear but if I'm unarmed, there's no way in hell I'd run over there to become the bear's 2nd dish, especially over a "selfie".


Good old self preservation. I’d even extend this argument to people who are drowning. If I was lifeguard certified, sure I’d jump in and help a drowning person. But I’m not. And so I will not jump in and help a drowning person unless it’s a child. Heard a lot of stories about how drowning people panic and if you don’t know how to properly save a drowning person, they will likely pull you down with them.


Did they recover his phone? Was the selfie good? So many questions.


My toxic trait is I was only concerned for the dog


As far as bear selfie photographers go he actually had a pretty lengthy career.


It's not easy. Sometimes you come out from the selfie bearly recognizable.


Bless the doggy, far more useful than the whole multitude just making noise and not even keeping the camera straight.


Exactly. If all those people had approached yelling at the bear, it might have run off. However, I understand not wanting to be the first on the scene.


Indians are more loyal to their family and less helpful to non-family than the West, in general anyway. In a lot of other countries too, if a stranger is in trouble they don't want to get involved as they don't want to interfere or make the wrong decision. If it was one of their family they I wouldn't be surprised if ten of them would have happily died trying to save the person. In the West if one person died helping we would be more likely to back off and see it as pointless. They also are not that good at thinking outside the box or on their feet compared to Westerners, due to the caste / group loyalties of not questioning authority and their education system. I'm not saying this is a difference in intelligence, but systems. Indians academically are definitely smarter on average than Western countries. This is quite common in a lot of Asia. It's also connected to groups and castes. There's a video from China where a group was crossing a river on a rope while hooked to the rope. One woman started falling off and her and her boyfriend were stuck for a few minutes before it snapped and they fell to their deaths. There were lots of people around and no one was shouting or trying to form a plan or knew what to do. They just tried one thing and it when it didn't work they had no other ideas and didn't even bother to try. Westerners would keep trying lots of different ideas until all hope was lost. Societies in which you aren't allowed to question your parents, elders, teachers, bosses etc can be quite terrifying at times. If they haven't been told to directly do or not do something then they're afraid to do anything out of fear of being wrong and punished. For example. I was in a South-East Asian coffee shop once and someone stole a regular customer's bike right in front of the staff. When questioned by some foreigners as to why they did nothing they said 'I hadn't been told to look after the customer's bike.' In the West the staff would either have shouted something or at least gone and got the customer to come and sort it out. EDIT: Link to the Chinese video. You can hear the cameraman just observing and talking to the person next to him. I do hear people shouting in the background, so was wrong about that. The main rescuer is smoking / vaping though. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKNYtxU3MIQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKNYtxU3MIQ)


This is one reason the US introduced Good Samaritan laws. They saw that in China people were a lot less likely to help out of fear of being punished, so we decided to make it so even if it’s a punishable act, as long as you were trying to help it’s not a crime. Still doesn’t overwhelm the bystander effect, but better than nothing for sure.


Americans take good Samaritan for granted and think it's a worldwide rule....it's not. When I go overseas, I'm even cautious to help people because where I know I'd be covered in America, I'm not necessarily there. We've had a few close calls in recent years in the US making help here even more rare due to lawsuit happy culture.


>Westerners would keep trying lots of different ideas until all hope was lost. No. It depends on the circumstances and the people involved. There are videos from every society where people rush in to help and videos where no one does anything. But it's easy for reddit to only focus on negatives for any other race or culture, disguising racism as expert opinion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKJOy0M4Cp8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9Szl8UT7Ow


Yea cos u would run and fight the bear and save the man from your powerful basement fortress


It looks like a small black bear. These people could have helped by shouting and throwing stuff at it


This appears to be in India so it’s likely a sloth* bear. They’re about the same size as black bears but not nearly as cowardly.


That is an understatement.


How bad could bear called "sloth" be? They move at 4 meters per minute? *Googling noises* "...named the sloth bear for its long, thick claws.." Oh shit. A bear with sloth type claws is fucking terrifying.


If memory serves me correctly most bear attacks and fatalities are from sloth bears because a) they frequent populated areas and b) they’re just always ready to throw down. Post mortem pictures of sloth bear victims are fucking gruesome. Edit: they so cute tho [look at his fluffy ears](https://imgur.com/different-kind-of-aww-this-is-sloth-bear-Ozw5YdB)


Why can’t they ever keep the subject in frame?!


There's a bear eating that guy, too.


Practical effects like that are EXPENSIVE.


You could say they cost an *arm and a leg*


Something poorly filmed: "omfg this idiot cant even film straight Something properly filmed: "omfg you idiot put down the phone and help" Internet.


It can be both. Those are not mutually exclusive.


Easy. You position your camera carefully on the ground so the shot is perfect and then go help


looks like hes zoomed in really far so its hard to keep stable


Most maulings and deaths are done by black bears, though usually it's grizzlies that get the most attention. I think people think that because they're comparitively small they're safe and cuddly or something. They're not. Edit: I've come across different stats over time. Grizzlies lead in deaths, black bears in general attacks, but they have higher numbers. I'm just saying, don't underestimate any bear.


I think they correctly know that Black Bears aren’t out trying to attack people. They mainly stay clear of people and anyone who has spent time in wilderness has had tons of encounters with black bears that go totally fine. The problem is that just because we aren’t natural prey to a black bear doesn’t mean it won’t attack if it feels threatened. Getting close to any wild animal is risky.


I remember a "new" behavior was discovered about them after a pair of campers years back were attacked: the bear exhibited stalking behavior, observing the peoples' habits and paths, and seemed to plan an ambush. There may not be enough known about them yet. I live in an area where they frequent - even come onto my patio and I enjoy seeing them. But I feel leery when I'm outside sometimes, especially if it's raining. (The ones around here seem to come out mostly when it's raining for some reason.) One of my neighbors was just going to his car one day and a bear in the brush nearby approached and was acting aggressively, though this was a parking spot with people regularly around. They're very unpredictable at times.


That is so terrifying…


Yeah, I spent 16 summers at a camp in the mountains in Colorado. Saw black bears stroll through the camp a lot, not once did it go after a human. They always just wanted to rummage for food in the dumpsters. We always kept our distance, and they otherwise didn't seem to give a shit about us.


I think also part of the problem is that black bears really aren't all that big, and a grown man might actually be a little bigger, which gives people a false sense of security. What people don't realize is that a bear's muscles outclass ours a million to one. A small black bear could easily tear your arms off if it felt like it needed to.


It's hard to tell from the video, but I thought this was a sloth bear initially. Could be wrong


Yeah that looks and sounds like India.


It definitely is. Same size as a black bear, but they are way more aggressive and have really big claws.


I've come across them a few times hiking and luckily it's always gone the same way. We cross paths, scare the shit out of eachother and go back the ways we came. They are afraid of people and usually tear off in the opposite direction. BUT just because they don't want to kill us on sight doesn't mean they can't absolutely fuck our shit up. Leave the bears be y'all.


There's a male and female that live near me (at least those are the two I know of). The female is kind of sweet and a little goofy. She had a cub this spring and I've seen him exploring the yard, which has been really cool! The male, on the other hand, seems more surly and he's kind of a jerk. He kept tearing down a gate trellis thing I worked hard to set up. I figured out if I leave the little gate open so he can come and go as he pleases (which includes up to the back door) then he'll spare the fencing. But he's much too comfortable being right near the place , despite people being around, and there's a dog, and nobody leaves food out. The trash is kept in a locked shed away from us. I have a security cam and he doesn't seem to know what he even wants when he comes. Just wants to know he can, I guess. 😏


They climb up onto my grandma's deck to try to get bird food out of the feeder. If you bang on the glass they always panic and goofily run away and kinda fall off the deck. They'd be very funny and silly to hang out with if it wasn't for the danger so I get why some people want to lol


lol, not really poetry in motion are they? Yeah, I get it, too. It sucks when you want to be friends and can't be friends. *sigh*


I read the report in another thread. It states that in Alaska, 68 injuries in 66 distinct attacks. 96% were brown bears (grizzlies) and only 4% involved black bears. That’s Alaska, the most bear attacks in the United States occur there. I can’t speak for world wide populations.


The kill shaking is insane. I'm surprised he was still alive after that. The thing about bears is that, they don't kill you all the way before they start eating you.


I could hear atleast 4 people behind the camera and not one of them were able to stop him from essentially a suicide.


I betcha if they all ran at the bear together he'd get scared and run off. Up to the discretion of the rescuers though, it's a dangerous situation to be in for all them


While I also bet that'd work, I'm not a gambler. I'd deck any of my mates in the face for suggesting that posing with a bear is worth it. In this gamble, I won't even be in the casino.


Thats completely fair, especially since this assumed stranger really brought it on themselves.


You first, I'll be right behind you




cameraman sucks, 1 star , would not recommend


He watch too many pixar movies.


*Brother Bear* and *Jungle Book* were Disney Animation, not Pixar.


They have bears in Pixar film?


brave is pixar


That bear was clearly not his mother


whew the dog got away


Is there proof that he died? He's still (weakly) kicking at the end.


Well that shaking around the guy is doing is the bear using its teeth and powerful jaws. Which looks like are clamped around his head/neck area. So it’s certainly not out of the realms of possibility that he died.


In the last seconds of the video while the bear is eating(?) there is a moment where he lifts his leg, bends his knee, and pushes off. That is not an involuntary movement or shaking from the bear but the final attempt at escape. It is clear it didn't work.


Bears instinctively go for necks. Hes not going to survive.


After listening to many episodes of Tooth and Claw, I am fairly certain this is not true.


Where is the insta-livestream?


I don't think that is a black bear it's kind of hard to tell I'm watching this on my phone. Black bears are not usually that aggressive. If that is a Sun bear which I think it is judging by the language being spoken then I wouldn't try to scare the bear off like I would a black bear. Sun bears are very aggressive and will attack without provication. These bears will attack full grown tigers if they feel threatened. You won't scare it off you'd only get yourself killed they are really bad ass bears to fuck with. This guy should have known better.


This is being filmed with the level of concern of someone who knows 100% for sure that the car keys are in their pocket.


Well??? How’d the selfie turn out?


Some people are born without a survival instinct.


I think one of the more terrifying facts is that bears don't just attack you. They actively eat you.


India taking it to a whole new level. Trains, electricity, tractors. Now water and wild animals!


you undertsand the language ?


News Article: A man was mauled to death by a wounded bear this week when he foolishly tried to take a photograph alongside the apex predator — the third wild animal-related selfie fatality in this region of India in less than a year, according to reports. The victim, identified by local media as Prabhu Bhatara, was driving a group of people home from a wedding in an SUV when he stopped to relieve himself in a forest area in the eastern Indian state of Odisha on Wednesday evening, the Hindustan Times reported. Bhatara then spotted an injured bear and for some reason, decided to take a selfie with the creature, according to the report. When the man approached, the bear’s fight instinct immediately kicked in. “Bhatara died on the spot,” forest ranger Dhanurjaya Mohapatra told the news outlet. Horrific video of the incident filmed by a bystander shows the bear attacking Bhatara, as terrified witnesses scream. A stray dog even attempted to go after the bear by barking at it, but Bhatara could not be saved. Bhatara’s death is Odisha’s third selfie-related fatality since December. A 50-year-old man was crushed to death by a wild elephant while trying to take a selfie with the animal in December, according to local media. Also that month, a youth was crushed to death while taking a selfie, also with an elephant, reports said.


What a beautiful language!


You really think ours sounds any better screamed by panicked people watching a dude get attacked by a bear? lol


I thought they were trying to convert the bear wololo wololo


I have some family members that get this angry when you try to take their picture too.


The bear was having a bad fur day, clearly communicated it didn't want a selfie but the man just said 'You look fine! Don't be a killing machine little pussy.'


Thank fuck I am not this stupid.


I was worried about the dog getting hurt


I hope the bear was able to go on with it's life free from idiots


Life isn't a Disney film. Even the animals that you wouldn't associate with being murder machines will absolutely fuck you up if you go near them.


Gosh don’t these wild animals have any manners? 🙃 /s


Bears of the previous generations had much more manners, but the youth bears of today are out of control.


Filmed on a potato by a potato




Yeah, India. for a moment i thought that it might be Siberia, somewhere in Buryatia, but its India [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qf5G928jqJI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qf5G928jqJI)


That’s most likely a sloth bear (can hear the Hindi screams on the audio) the thing about sloth bears is that even tigers are weary of them, don’t fuck with the sloth bears in India.


[The Story](https://nypost.com/2018/05/04/man-mauled-to-death-by-bear-while-taking-selfie/)


Deserved. Leave the bears and other WILD animals alone.


![gif](giphy|USnfWeCOHTHB3WX0aY|downsized) That's a shame.


This is Unbearable. Sorry…Sorry. U guys deserved a better joke. Back to the bear necessities I guess


That was bearly funny.


Is that Bear from India?🐻




So he met Darwin in person


Any articles to this story? Are we sure this is just a bear attack?


Worth it? Yes.


I guess he didn’t get the picture




dont forget to like and subscribe


That looks like a sloth bear. Can’t be sure because of the distance, but if it was, he was toast when he started the approach.


I came across a black bear in the wild, and it ran away from me. It was really really fast. Horse full gallop fast. I was shocked and really thankful it was running away.


How does someone think the words selfie and bear go together?


Not a great way to go, would not recommend.


Hold my bear and watch this!


Not the recording guys fault, but if they all ran up in a group at the same time that bear woulda totally ran off


Cameraman:☕️☕️☕️🎥📸📸 The man getting attacked:😢😢😢🥲💀💀☠️☠️⚰️🪦🪦


At 00:30 even the dog was like “fuck it, I’m out “


Plot twist: the bear distracts him, and he's hit by a train which launches him onto an electricity cable. WTF is that dog doing? Joining in the attack or trying to rescue him?


Later...Man filming another man getting killed by a bear is also killed by a bear.


But the real question is who filmed the person filming the person that filmed the man getting killed by the bear.


I don't understand why people fuck with animals


Bears are like SUVs with muscle. They are faster than you, climb trees like they’re running up with zero resistance. They also know Greco-Roman wrestling. They are practically unbeatable unless you shoot them.


That Bear going berserker at that mirror in the woods is all the evidence I’ll ever need to see.


At first I thought this was taking a selfie with a trained bear of some kind which there have already been recorded deaths of. But no this was an actual wild bear this f****** moron actually tried to take a selfie with. The stupidity of people is mind boggling.


When ***The Revenant*** cosplay goes terribly wrong.


Considering the situation, the camera man did a pretty good job.


man i dont want my dog watching me die. much less like this


Well that proves it - a bear IS more dangerous than a man.


I hope the bear killed the cameraman.


That was a DIY problem


The Selfie Bear doesn't work on Sundays, sir.


This guy didn't obviously didn't follow Tourons of Yellowstone on Instagram.


Think there's a book about this. The Selfie Gene?


Turns out you CAN cure stupid.


Whew! I was worried about the dog. Looks like he got out okay.


Can we get a nature documentary narration?


There's a cub....stay far away


He couldn’t bear this situation.


What a dumbass… it’s called an Ussie


He removed himself from the DNA pool willingly, we should thank him for his sacrifice


Bears are the ultimate Karen when it comes to selfies


This looks like a Sloth Bear. Which are reported to be the most dangerous bear when it comes to killing people.


Some classics coming out of India recently, all the preventable drownings and now a bear selfie. Top work.


Another episode of “is it Indian?” /s


Baloo really took his tail for a spin


Park Rangers must hate people. Now they had to go find and destroy this animal because some asshat made it all about themselves


'Oh no, we couldn't find it, anyway...'


It appears, based on the horrible videography, that the person recording this was being attacked by a bear also.


Would she still pick the bear over the man?


News Article: A man was mauled to death by a wounded bear this week when he foolishly tried to take a photograph alongside the apex predator — the third wild animal-related selfie fatality in this region of India in less than a year, according to reports. The victim, identified by local media as Prabhu Bhatara, was driving a group of people home from a wedding in an SUV when he stopped to relieve himself in a forest area in the eastern Indian state of Odisha on Wednesday evening, the Hindustan Times reported. Bhatara then spotted an injured bear and for some reason, decided to take a selfie with the creature, according to the report. When the man approached, the bear’s fight instinct immediately kicked in. “Bhatara died on the spot,” forest ranger Dhanurjaya Mohapatra told the news outlet. Horrific video of the incident filmed by a bystander shows the bear attacking Bhatara, as terrified witnesses scream. A stray dog even attempted to go after the bear by barking at it, but Bhatara could not be saved. Bhatara’s death is Odisha’s third selfie-related fatality since December. A 50-year-old man was crushed to death by a wild elephant while trying to take a selfie with the animal in December, according to local media. Also that month, a youth was crushed to death while taking a selfie, also with an elephant, reports said.


Thank the maker that the dog wasn’t harmed. Please someone tell me the doggo survived unscathed!


Congrats on your award, well deserved!


Social Media has also been a blessing for wild animals in a way. They don't have to hunt, Food comes to them.