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In Boston the band was asked their favorite cryptid and Colin did not have an answer so he FaceTimed Hank, who was maybe in school and is definitely a fan of cryptids, to ask him his. His favorite is MothMan.




That Henry has a good head on his shoulders. Thanks for sharing!


That’s awesome


We got to wave to Hank. That made me so happy!


I love mothman! Lmao.


In Durham, he confirmed he had written new original songs for the Wildwood movie. I thought that was a cool thing.


god I cannot wait for this movie


OMG, same. I meant to ask him at the Boston Q&A what the release date was because I haven't seen anything. Have you heard any news?


I wish. I know as much as anyone else. I know the intended release date is sometime next year but these movies take a long time so I'm not sure how set in stone that is


This isn’t from a VIP Q&A but a funny moment from a solo show at a small festival in ‘22. Colin briefly messed something up and chuckled to himself and restarted. Not thinking he’d actually hear me, I shouted “YOU’RE DOING GREAT!” and he laughed and said thanks lol


I had the flipside of that. During Ben Franklin's Song, most people gave up on the clapping part pretty quick but I was sticking it out. I think if a band asks you to clap along it's the least you can do. But when the vocals come in strong on the downbeat, I screwed up and clapped on the downbeat. I shook it off and gave up the clapping since everyone else had stopped too. Then I heard Colin say, "I saw that". And when I looked up he was staring me down and shaking his head. So I hid my face in shame and he laughed and said, "it's okay".


From a Q&A no, but i have 2 of my fav stories from seeing them. 1. In Montreal several years ago, they opened with the sporting life and for the finale Collin came right up toes on the edge of the stage in front of me. He then put one of his feet up on my shoulder while he continue to jam on the guitar. As soon as the song ended he dropped down to brush the foot print off my shoulder and apologized profusely, I told him it was no worry and an honour, he then patted my beanie and complimented it. 2. During the thank yous to the crew at an outdoor show in Vermont he got onto a side tangent about playing settlers of catan, later when they ended the show with Mariners revenge, the cue to scream and cry out in agony of being eaten by a whale was not the usual jaw smashing motion they would normally do instead it was "playing longest road" which required someone to sit on a bucket and act out, playing out the resource cards, picking their road piece and placing it and then raising their fists up in victory


He approved of my son's name, which is very Decemberists inspired.