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Your build plans should be specific to what you want and what will work for your house. You make the build plans. If you’ve been watching youtube videos and googling like a mf; you should have an idea already of what is needed. Depending on your specific design, you’ll probably need permits and inspections. (Just assuming that of course). How much experience do you have with carpentry?


Once you finish building it, post a picture of it with a hot tub of course.


Quit watching YouTube for deck advice. I watched a couple and they were very dangerous people and decks. Search for DCA6, ( Design for Code Acceptance, 2015) it lays out how to build a deck. Do not think you know what is not needed. Draw plans, get a permit, get inspections


Try the Simpson Deck Planner Tool: https://www.strongtie.com/products/go/software/deckplanner. I noticed TimberTech also has one but I haven't tried it.


If you are not building a raised deck you should be fine, assuming you are comfortable with the tools needed. If you want a raised structure that is whole other level of difficulty. Don't use nails as they will work their way out of the wood and cut peopoles feet. I used the CAMO deck tool that helps you get he spacing right and hides the screws.