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This entire segment of the incessantly whining "masculine" right wing is deeply pathologic. I know accusing them of projection is a bit of a meme, but genuinely no one thinks about 'domination' and gender as much as these people.


It's such blatant projection it's comical, they are the ones with obvious hard-ons for strong hard leaders.


He literally wrote in one of his books about a dream where his grandmother forced him to eat her pubes…


Didn't he choose to talk about that with his daughter, for a segment? Or was that one of my malaria dreams? I'm rooting for tropical illness on this one. 🤞


Idk, but I remember he cried when he read the passage on camera so maybe his daughter was there




I don't care if that is supposed to be metaphorical - that's incredibly vile 🤢🤮


“I dreamed I saw my maternal grandmother sitting by the bank of a swimming pool, that was also a river. In real life, she had been a victim of Alzheimer’s disease, and had regressed, before her death, to a semi-conscious state. In the dream, as well, she had lost her capacity for self-control. Her genital region was exposed, dimly; it had the appearance of a thick mat of hair. She was stroking herself, absent-mindedly. She walked over to me, with a handful of pubic hair, compacted into something resembling a large artist’s paint-brush. She pushed this at my face. I raised my arm, several times, to deflect her hand; finally, unwilling to hurt her, or interfere with her any farther, I let her have her way. She stroked my face with the brush, gently, and said, like a child, “isn’t it soft?” I looked at her ruined face and said, “yes, Grandma, it’s soft.”


Yeah Alfred Adler would tell JP that's a really cool story bro truly but how about you remind yourself it's just a dream. I feel sympathy for the guy in the first half and then it just becomes so bizarre. I don't understand JP I thought being dominated was bad? It sounds like your dream grammy topped you and you folded like origami. I sincerely wonder if he would even go as far to admit: Yeah I have some narcissistic or psychopathic features. I remember reading about how JP had some actual friends and that friend realized something messed up is happening with this guy. I think the guy is sophisticated enough to be considered on the psychopathic spectrum; if he were dumber, I would just call him a brute like Tate. Yammering.




He's talked so much about this one thing... women being dominated by 'masculine' brown men, that its clearly a personal obsession of his. Its weird that a psychologist wouldn't think about how that comes across to most people.


You can't be as far-right as Jordan without being sexually/gender insecure. It's impossible


Bet every cent I own JP has a paid subscription to blacked.com


he is definitely into bbc cuck porn


The interracial-cuckold-porn-watcher to political-commentator pipeline.


That’s absolutely true. With all that gender obsession, You’d think the Petersons of the world would recognize that women tend to be a little more empathetic to unnecessary and violent deaths… but no, they just want to be BDSM’d by Hamas. That sounds better.


JP is constantly harping about how women have higher agreeableness and negative emotion...but no, it couldn't possibly be empathy. Fuck Occam's razor.




JP is so loud about it (“a good man is a very, very dangerous man”, etc.), while being the most nebbishy, pencil-necked, soft-handed intellectual dude (not that there’s anything wrong with that) - I wonder what his internal monologue is like. I wonder how he sees himself.


Totally! In my armchair analysis there's some deep seated self hatred and loathing buried deep inside this dude's psyche. The absolutely seething anger he talks with when he does these hypothetical conversations with his enemies... "its like gawd, you're going to re-educate me are you? You and what army, bucko?" Nothing more dangerous than a weasely little man with psychotic anger issues.


What comes out of someone is what is going on in their brains. This whole alpha male tough guy bollox is entirely born from insecurity.


Genuinely no one thinks about children's genitals as much as these psychos.


Omg, I just figured it out...He's the reincarnation of Sigmund Freud!


Nah, Freud could handle his drugs.




Peterson is such an embarrassment. The most obvious projector of Mommy Issues that has ever existed in human history.


Its a competition between him and Freud


Supporting him in the past is one of the greatest shames i can think of


oh no, the 18 year old college girls are childless, whatever shall we do?? What’s up with the far-right’s teen breeding fetish?


highly misogynistic people tend to assume a woman's self-worth is based, almost entirely, about the productivity of their uterus. Thus, they assume that "chidless" is the nastiest thing to call a woman in a "classy" way. It's also something that people, who haven't achieved much in life other than basic biological functions, tend to harp in order to feel superior to others. JP is a bit of both.


White babies to save the "culture" or something.


They can’t learn if they breed them young. Easier to control and manipulate when they are young and stuck at home raising kids. Textbook groomer mentality. Same reason they want to dismantle the education system.


It's so funny how JP used to pretend to not be sexist when he'd be like "We just don't know what happens when men and women interact!" Glad the mask is fully off and he's just straight-up calling women childless harpies.


JP’s existence drips with resentment. That he accuses others is funny.


He is a sick sick sick man


Jeez Jordan is gone eh? Not a single peep during the massacres, but this gets him in a twist.


reminder that this dudes daughter cheated on her SO with Andrew Tate, so uhh, maybe Jordan isn't the expert on women or parenting or anything in general Peterson is 1:1 as sensitive and gutless as the liberals/leftists he's triggered by edit: She seemed to have divorced Andrey the demon-possessed before meeting Andrew the sex trafficker, so I stand corrected on the infidelity part.


I hadn't heard this. Any links with more info?


don't have the original tea because it happened years ago, but a quick google search brings up dozens of videos of them talking about their relationship


They were saying something like they met but never had sex. Which one is the truth ?


Whichever side helps you validate your bias is what it looks like.


I could care less. I don’t watch these people anymore. Just grifters milking and indoctrinating single lonely men


I agree with ya. They are just like predatory MLM for women.


she left her Russian baby daddy Andrey to go fuck Andrew in Romania, they underplay this in hindsight the addendum here being she apparently did divorce first, so good on her for there I guess. Will correct first post


Well, Andrew Tate says having sex with women is gay, so…


Met for dinner. [https://x.com/MikhailaFuller/status/1294314790421237761](https://x.com/MikhailaFuller/status/1294314790421237761)


I think that someone should post this to Peterson every time he posts something about women.. He sounds like someone who has serious problems communicating with women. As for his daughter - she looks like a great deal of wrong choices. Everything about her screams ''daddy's confussed girl''. Going out with someone who had a business with cam girls? That's some serious trash there.


1:1 as sensitive as he portrays them maybe, but in reality he is the one coming off as way more sensitive than the ones he talks about


Right, because we’re all a reflection of our kids actions.. makes sense. Maybe critically think about what’s said, instead of hiding behind your keyboard looking to tear people down.. talk about sensitive and gutless.


Maybe seeing babies and children being murdered and brutalised strikes a particular chord with women..oh no how silly of me they clearly wish to worship and be dominated by Hamas..makes much more sense.


Remember that time the US gained overwhelming support for a war based on the false suggestions of *babies being ripped out of incubators* and the like? I’m sure it’s different this time…


I don't think you need babies dying to justify a response to OCT 7th. Even though some babies were actually killed.


No but the point of atrocity propaganda is that you just keep adding evil things the enemy does. It all supports the response.


Ok, what's wrong with that if they actually did evil stuff?


There was a lot of atrocity propaganda post Oct 7 that never happened or was never confirmed by third parties. Israel lied about Hamas burning a baby in an oven for example. This story was based off of a famous case of Lehi/Irgun burning a Palestinian baby in front of their mother during Deir Yassin.


So a bunch of Israeli officials were brainstorming around a table and someone said “let’s model a false news story about Israeli babies being burned in an oven” and everyone applauded and he said “thanks I got the idea from that very well known story about what we did in Deir Yassin” and everyone nodded or…how’d that work?


The U.S. did not gain support for the war in Ukraine “based on the false suggestion of babies being ripped out of incubators.” What an absurd claim lmfao there was support from the moment Russia invaded a sovereign state


They're referring to the First Gulf War. There were accusations that Iraqi troops were ripping babies out of incubators. Turns out the principal source of these claims, who testified before Congress about them, was actually the daughter of the Kuwait ambassador and had not witnessed any such thing.


Ahhh to be young again


So did the U.S. population not strongly support our aid to Ukraine from the start? Do you actually have anything to say or you just taking the L?


Lmfao this is rich. To understand what I said you would have to have a memory that goes back further than 2 years (or 10 depending on who you ask). Has little to do with Ukraine or Russia so I’m not sure what you’re on about except your own ignorance


And the murder and rape of women and children by Hamas is of no consequence? The fact that Hamas initiated the entire conflict due to their slaughter of 1200 civilians on Oct 7? Where is the sympathy and outcry for them? Where is the condemnation for Hamas integrating their military infrastructure with key civilian institutions like schools and hospitals, ensuring a high number of civilian casualties?


That fucking guy 🤢


Speaking as a mother I have an idea why there seems to so many women upset about Gaza...


If you think that's bad, Sam Harris gladly extends it to all Muslim immigration. If you're for it, you're for white women rape. If you are a woman and for it, you probably want to be raped. Here's the transcript for those who don't believe me because Harris is so reasonable and rational and would never have such laughably bigoted opinions: https://www.pinkerite.com/2019/04/polite-conversations-eiynah-and-her.html


> ...she's right, when you look at what's happened in Europe in the last 12 months, you have a lot of people on the Left who are prepared to let white women get raped by Muslim immigrants. There are people who are prepared to be raped themselves And his "evidence"? > did you hear the story of the woman who got raped by three refugees by three non-German migrants and when she reported this rape she was so afraid to spark racial tension that she claimed she was raped by three German men? One anecdote about one unnamed woman who may not even be left, who knows, proves leftist women want other women to be raped by Muslims and many *want* to be raped themselves. What a vile comment. Shocking. It's xenophobic and *sexist*. I should bookmark that comment next time someone defends Harris from Islamophobia.


This was really the conversation that opened my eyes on what Harris really is. It's just at the level of a Daily Mail or Breitbart commenter. Think of this when you hear his supposedly rational opposition to things like affirmative action, BLM, his defense of Charles Murray and torturing Muslims. Behind all the sophistry, the seemingly calm tone is just a seething racist.


Quick google, she might be taking about these: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015–16_New_Year%27s_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN10Q1GJ/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-53517022.amp


I know. It doesn't change anything about what Harris said.


It's because the men are busy cleaning their rooms. /s


12 rules for how to fold sheets.


Does it include fitted sheets? Because he might get me with that..


conservatives stop displaying their fantasies about teenage girls challenge (impossible)


Goin real mask off with the misogyny, huh Jordy?


his rhetoric is so juvenile and hateful.


Same rhetoric we used for Iraq and Afghanistan war. If you don't support the war then you support terrorists with weapons of mass destruction


Men have stopped going to college. That’s why


turns out women are not weakass crybaby bitches who do this kind of binary worngthink-goodthink shit


Benzo addiction destroyed his brain, if he wants to attack anti genocide crowd I have the right to make fun of his addiction being accountability guru and all.


We’re still going with genocide?


Maybe he should consider what weirdly sexualizing a political demonstration says about himself. You know Peterson just told us about his fetishes.


It's the common and creepy conservative talking point of "feminists love Islam because they secretly want to be dominated".


The psychotic zionist-stans will literally say absolutely anything except acknowledge what the protesters are saying.


Projecting much?


Hamas is comprised almost entirely of men though


i think that helps his point




if the protesters are (according to him anyway) mostly female and are supporting a group of terrorists that are all male then the question is why. JP seems to be saying they unconsciously want to dominated by these men who likely have a very regressive view of western women. Pretty odd argument but that's basically it.


Oh wow, his argument is so insanely ridiculous that I completely misunderstood it


well it might be true of some to be completely fair


Anything might have some truth to it, doesn't mean it's worth taking seriously, I'd file this statement under: "pretend I never read it"


It might be true if they *were* supporting terrorists.


They’ve tried everything so now they’re on the “they want to cuckold their husband with a muzzie”


I might abhor Hanania even more than JP - a real POS


Jordan is a dangerous gaslighting narcissist sociopath i can't believe he was once a psychiatrist.


These are the dudes who think they're returning Western Civilization to logic and reason.


*proceeds to search for Chinese milking dungeon*


“Unconsciously?” No, that’s the only way Drake and Jordan Peterson can get women. I think he meant “subconsciously.”


I mean how many of them actually Know what they’re protesting, and how Many are there because it’s the done thing amongst their social circle?


They so badly want to make these protests out to be pro-Hamas when all you have to do is talk with anyone there to hear them explain that they are anti-genocide. Is Peterson supposed to be, like, super smart? The smartest? Alter-level intelligence?


I’m not sure I agree with the conclusion that women want to be dominated by Hamas, but it is an interesting observation that a lot of these protests seem to be dominated by young women, at least on the front lines. Perhaps it a purposeful tactic because men are less likely to use violence against women in these contexts, or I guess it could be unconscious because most women have never experienced real violence the way a man would if they acted that way. As a man, if I stood in front of another man blocking his way I would expect to get into a fight, but if a woman were blocking my way I wouldn’t touch her.


I was just at a protest and it was pretty even 50/50.


There is a perception though that comes from somewhere that isn’t just base misogyny. Even if it’s 50/50 I find the ladies more bold and holding up the front lines. As I stated, they think nobody will hurt them and they’re probably right.


Jesus Christ. There's been times when I thought "yeah I don't agree with Peterson, but he can't be that bad. There's gotta be more nuance to this." And then he says shit like this, and I feel 100% justified in dismissing him as a sack of warm, stinky garbage, leaking from multiple holes.


Yes Jordan, they're the ones whose political views are informed by repressed sexual desires...






This sub just popped up for me. When you say 35k deaths, why are your including fighter casulties of war? I still find it strange that, compared to most war, the civilian share of the death toll is surprising low here. In terms of raw percentage. However, I'm assuming there's some grander narrative about how this isn't a real war or, is it we dont believe Israel or the data in general? At least X% of them had to be hamas right? Regardless, idk how anyone sides with hamas here. Plenty of Arab states, one Jewish state. Doesn't look like Jews are allowed anywhere else so what're they supposed to do at this point? But yeah, JPs constant need to allegorise things or draw a grander narrative, especially one based on gender, is more than odd.


Have literally any of you heard some of the chants. They are EXPLICITLY racist and calling for the eradication of israel by violent means in at least 6 videos i saw. If people are just there to call for a ceasefire fair enough but brainrot leftists are just wilfully blind.


disgusting disgrace




How can he write comments like that and still old any pretense at being a professional at what he "does"? The sheer gall of it is wild, but then brazen shamelessness seems to be a common trait amongst that crowd....


Probably all the dead babies, ya fuckin drug addict!!


Does Jordo WANT people to think he's a sex creeper? Does he think it would get him far right street red or something? Oh what am I saying, it totally would.


A trained psychologist really can't fathom any other reason? Why is it mostly female? Because women tend to be more humanitarian focused in their political activism and that's not new at all.


What was being implied by saying they are all female? I did not get it.


Hanania is a misogynist who thinks the “feminization of society” (his words) is responsible for all the things he doesn’t like, including SJW, progressivism, etc. Makes sense he would blame this on women, who are too emotional or irrational or something like that.


When it isn't word salad coming out of Peterson's mouth, it's stupid crap.


Another reason to despise this awful person and his bigoted, harmful opinions.


25 thousand dead women and children is just fine by Jorden Peterson. I don't think it is fine. It is ugly and callous but what do you expect. People absorbed by ideology find callousness an easy thing.


grieving over dead kids makes a woman a 'childless harpy'? news to me.


All take heed! The incel king has spoken. Praise be to him.


I wonder if JP reads late 19th and early 20th C anti - women’s suffrage writing for inspiration. The vocab seems about right. Mix in a little Freud, et voila!


Please remember this man is a DOCTOR OF PHYCHOLOGY.


you know he's either bought or being blackmailed -- but i wonder who is actually writing his script? think he does? or its handed to him by his handler ?


I read Twelve Rules for Life. Genuinely one of the worst self-help books Ive ever read


Rotten, hateful, repressed little freak


No more like women act on emotion


Jordan Peterson tries way too hard to convince people he's smart.


Guys, I think Jordan Peterson just sexualized Hamas


This guy is a deranged creep


It will never not be funny to me that the right's darling scientist is using psychoanalysis to make baseless claims about feminism while criticizing them for being not objective and unscientific.


You know there's currently US citizens being held captive by Hamas right now? Like I get wanting to end the genocide that's a good thing...but like maybe every now and then also chant to release the hostages. Is that asking for too much?


Why does he have to shit on people not having kids?


Cool keep trashing women. See how well that works out for you. This guy is nuts and I don't mean that in the congratulatory sense.


Wow, Jesus fuck


"Childless" is just a very odd thing to say as an insult as well when you're referring to 18-21ish year olds. I mean it's not okay to use it as an insult at ANY age, but presumably it's probably preferred to not have a kid when you're very young and at university?


Most of your average right wing to hard core right wing male is a closet bottom whether they know it or not.


lol he can’t help but betray any objectivity he pretends so hard to have by calling them harpies


Jordan Peterson is almost as big of a joke as the pro-Hamas, antisemite protesters


The 35k deaths are exactly what Hamas was hoping for.


You aren’t exactly cheering on the side that’s for women’s rights


JBP sure talks about domination a lot.


When will Jordan stop writing horny politically loaded fan fiction?


not worshiping hamas, it merely understands hamas- and because women have empathy and men dont


Can anyone else not understand anything this guy says? It seems that the vast majority of the IDW gurus just obfuscate to make them seem smarter than they are and so they can't be refuted. Edit: Change IDK gurus to IDW gurus


So they can say "how dare you, I didn't mean that" but then never explain what they meant. Peterson was doing that shit all the time.


>IDK gurus Pretty funny typo! 


very true


Word Salads tend to go hand in hand with strong narcissistic tendencies, interestingly enough.


A large portion of the 35k were Hamas


That’s some very harmful and false rhetoric from a disgraced professor.


Bro is having a psychotic episode again?


Peterson wants' to get dominated by his own mother so I don't think he can really speak in this situation.


God damn he is one creepy weirdo


they are always on the wrong side of everything


How’s that social media sensitivity training going Jordan? This guys never going to practice again, and he shouldn’t, the batty fucker.


What a disgusting thing to say about women. 


Did he actually say "childless harpies"?


Hamas has built huge tunnels system under highly concentrated civilian spaces. They literally crawl out of their hideouts and commit random attacks and you expect the Israeli armies to just sit there and take it??? Blame hamas for using civilians as human shields. You all collectively lost your minds that you think JP doesn’t have a point here.


Are you seriously defending JP's words here? And then saying anyone who disagrees with him lost their minds? LMAO


> Hamas has built huge tunnels system under highly concentrated civilian spaces. So did Israel. > you expect the Israeli armies to just sit there and take it??? You are shouting at clouds. > Blame hamas for using civilians as human shields. "What else was I supposed to do, not kill hostages? Jeez, stop with the cancel culture!" Killing hostages is certainly one way to "free" them. I imagine that if a loved family member of yours got taken hostage you would cheer on police to kill them all. Edit: People are downvoting me but no one can explain why I'm wrong. You argue that Israel has no choice but to kill hostages but when I'm asking you to imagine yourself or your loved in a similar situation you get upset. Suddenly, *lives* matter. Suddenly, these hostages are not just a number on a piece of paper. Suddenly, you care who gets killed. How dare I suggest you would be ok to get your children killed! These are your children, that's different, they matter!


What a dogshit comparison


Why? Explain it!


Wow good one.


Okay, I'm not remotely pro Palestinian, but it's a little unhinged to say "Oh you disagree with me on this geopolitical conflict? Maybe you should fight in a war" for either side. As bystanders, our job is to critique the conflict, not participate in violence. How would you feel if someone said "Oh you support Israel? If you support Israel you should go fight in the war right now".


There are definitely Hamas fighters in that made up number of 35000


Decoding decoding the gurus So I take it most here are pro Hamas, and would be all in for another 25 years of lobbing bombs into Israel ? Just trying to take the temp of the crowd, so I can tayler the jokes.


>So I take it most here are pro Hamas, This is most of reddit at the moment Empathy veering into hysterics is the rule of the day


prob not most, and sane decent people tend to keep quiet


Perhaps, but the upvotes/downvotes definitely don't flow that way, even if people aren't leaving comments I think that's just the way these social media platforms are swinging with angry, disillusioned, dissatisfied young contributors It's Marxist intifada or bust Same thing they make fun of the right for for taking advantage of "angry young men" who should know better


Pretend to care about women right but call them "females". Never change Jordan.


Just saying x amount of civilians died is silly. What is the ratio of terrorist to civilians killed and how does that compare to other conflicts ... Hint it's a much better ratio than any war the USA fought against terrorists in civilian areas What is the alternative? Hamas had an independent state in Gaza where Israel unilaterally withdrew except for being monitored for imports so as to prevent attacks and missiles but obviously Israel wasn't harsh enough and shouldn't of allowed any industrial products into gaza as Hamas used water pipes to make rockets.


> Just saying x amount of civilians died is silly. What is the ratio of terrorist to civilians killed and how does that compare to other conflicts ... Hint it's a much better ratio than any war the USA fought against terrorists in civilian areas The only source corroborating this is the IOF themself, because they claim every male above 16 in Gaza is Hamas. Every other analysis proves that israel has been slaughtering civilians at excessive rates, which [dwarf the rates of other conflicts](https://www.oxfam.ca/news/oxfam-daily-death-rate-in-gaza-higher-than-any-other-major-21st-century-conflict/). > Hamas had an independent state in Gaza where Israel unilaterally withdrew except for being monitored for imports so as to prevent attacks and missiles but obviously Israel wasn't harsh enough and shouldn't of allowed any industrial products into gaza as Hamas used water pipes to make rockets. This is such bullshit, lmfao. [According to the UN](https://unctad.org/publication/economic-costs-israeli-occupation-palestinian-people-cost-restrictions-area-c-viewed), israel's blockade has essentially de-industrialized and de-agriculturalized Palestine. 20 years of blockades has cost Palestinians at the very least $50 billion dollars, and restricted them from accessing hundreds of billions of dollars worth of oil on Palestinian land. The violent occupation (which has killed thousands of Palestinians in the past 20 years) and its blockades have robbed Palestinians of their futures. "Withdrawing" (as you say) from Gaza and putting the blockade in place was only ever about implementing new ways to harm, starve, and deprive Palestinians. It was never about peace or opportunity. Why are you lying in defense of such a sadistic and decivilized regime?


My god, Peterson… STFU. The right misses the point of everything by trying to constantly own the libs. It’s so fucking annoying.


Rule 11: No hamas propaganda allowed. Consider this a warning.


The Hamas death count numbers were debunked long ago.


Even one child dead is one too many. I’m a first responder, so this whole mess strikes a chord with me. And I find it particularly disgusting that Jordan cries endlessly for the “crisis of young men in the West” but can’t shed a single fucking tear for unassuming innocent Muslim children.


*"Even one child dead is one too many"* is an unrealistic and meaningless statement