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Old Montreal? Where there's tourists from all over the world? THAT Old Montreal?




They are commandeering the museum.


To be fair, half the shit in there probably came from their countries anyways.


At first I was going to correct you saying you probably meant the British museum but, thinking about it, that would be more like 97%.


If your nation had an empire you can’t complain when people from those countries want to come there. Your current wealth was built on the oppression of their ancestors. They are fleeing the Middle East and Africa and Asia to your countries because *your ancestors literally ruined their countries*


Okay but the Middle East and Asia had plenty of empires too, they just lost the war.


Yes and what followed?


Honestly, it wouldn’t be a Met experience for me without a Chinese tourist taking a selfie with Starry Night.


I'm pretty sure the Mona Lisa was just a joke by DaVinci to see the lengths tourists will go to snap a picture that they'll never look at again. It's like the size of moleskin notebook page and the rope is so far back lol.


I actually think its quite nice, tons of people who don't know any better coming to see something thats been hyped up only to realize there is endlessly more impressive artworks in the same building that never get talked about. As long as your're not an idiot thats a powerful realization.


damn Asians spending all their money in our city and propping up a huge part of our economy, where do they get the nerve


I remember when they took over the US in the 80s. Fun times. Have a blast Quebec!


To be fair, I was at the Louvre 2 weeks ago, and the majority of tourists queuing to get in seems to be Americans. The Asians seems stuck taking pictures of Courbet's l'origine du monde :) (Google it, worth it)


Maybe he’s just talking about the American tourists invading


There was a uk politician (unelected - in a new political party called reform) who said a similar thing about airports in London 😂


London Airports falling down Falling down, falling down London Airports falling down Right-wing panic


Smh I was at Disney World yesterday and would you believe it? There were people speaking all sorts of languages all over. Whatever happened to this central Florida I grew up in?!


As someone that grew up near Orlando and was a passholder at WDW and UOR, it’s sad that many locals unironically act like this.


I’ve got like 6 generations in Orange County, I definitely know what you mean.


I love Montreal. Been there several times and it might be my favorite city in the Western hemisphere. Old Montreal is beautiful and right next to the water, but it is the most touristy part of the whole city. Gad needs to walk up to the village and he'll be saying "The gay's have taken over Montreal!"


Montreal is the best city in Canada and it isn’t close


The most cosmopolitan spot of the most cosmopolitan city in Canada and this middle east immigrant is acting like he expects to see monsignors and habitants and voyageurs in toques wandering around.


Imagine how this guy would feel if a professor who is a white frenc-canadian said the same thing looking at him and his family lol.


Yeah and Imagine how a unicorn would feel if somebody said there were too many unicorns in the village


no hes clearly talking about Hochelaga no longer being inhabited by the Haudonasaunee


Literally this. It’s like going to Times Square and complaining about “New Yorkers” around you


Having lived in Old Montreal I can tell you that almost nobody lives there hahaha. If you actually see people it's almost completely tourists between April and December. Even if you buy his whole point about immigration (with a great undertone of discrimination) most of the immigrant population do not live in Old Montreal. Also, why is he not tweeting French?


That would be assimilation!


Je me suis dit exactement la meme chose. Un imbécile ce gars la


Il est un canard.


Montrealer here. I came here just to say that lol


Light skinned immigrant worried about other dark skinned immigrants.


Gotta pull that ladder up.


He looks Arab. He is an arab jew. He is literally worried about people who look like him and who also have conservative anti-lgbt views as him. They just worship the god of Abraham differently. Edit: I didn't realize he was an Atheist.


He’s a mossad shill


He’s an atheist and culturally Jewish. So explain the god he worships to me?


Oh. Sorry, I thought he was religious. My bad. Everything else holds up.


It never ceases to amaze me how Israelis who are for the most part culturally Jewish think that a god they don’t believe in promised them an empty land full of people.


Because that’s not what they believe. The right wing religious part of Israeli society does, but Zionism is not really a religious movement


Most don’t believe god promised them the land. Most believe a Jewish nation state is necessary, and this location happens to be the location of the largest Jewish state in history. The Muslims were very well aware of this cultural significance to the Jews, which is why they built their 3rd (?) most important holy structure on top of the ruins. Beyond this anthropological justification, these people have lived their entire lives in Israel. Everyone they know lives in Israel. So when you say something like, “Those Israelis must be stupid to be non-religious yet believe they are chosen by god”. You are intentionally simplifying the argument to make them look stupid.


the god he worships is the Lord Fucktard


Never heard of Lord Fucktard? Say more!


He enjoys big macs and pornography because evolution


No such thing as an “Arab Jew” unless an Arab converts to Judaism. They’re two distinctly different ethnicities. Jews from arabic speaking countries are referred to as Mizrahi (eastern) Jews. (A weird exception are sefardim, Spanish or Iberian Jews, many of whom were expelled from a previously Arabic speaking Spain and fled to Amsterdam, Italy, the Balkans, Greece, Turkey, and the Levant).


Just a clarification, Sefardíes were spelled from a unified catholic kingdom of Spain, it didn’t happen under Islamic rule though they had restrictions as other non Muslims


Thank you for the clarification. I will be mindful of this going forward.


just fyi what the person above you said is complete bullshit


He/she is wrong. Some donuts the expression Arab Jew Avi schlaim write an auto biographical book with that in the title. https://www.amazon.com/Three-Worlds-Arab-Jew-Avi-Shlaim/dp/0861548108


This times 1000. Also, look up Orthodox Rabbi Yakkov Shapiro. He's written extensively on this very topic in a book called The Empty Wagon. He asserts that, being a jew simply means that you follow the 613 commandments. He says that before there were 613 commandments, there were no jews, and after people stop following the 613 commandments, there will be no jews. He calls being jewish 'a lifestyle' and not a race or ethnicity. https://youtu.be/in8fn_G9hL4?si=HYBmiV-Vjmx13Ppy Interestingly, David Ben-Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel, said 'there is no definition of a jew'. Ben Gurion and Ben Zvi (the 2nd president of Israel) wrote a book in 1918 wherein they acknowledged that the peasant villagers of Palestine were the direct descendants of the ancient judahites, and planned a judaization project with the objective of subsuming the Palestinian gene pool into their gene pool. In 1929, after the Arab rebellion, they decided to give up on this plan. Just recently, Israeli news outlet, Haaretz, published results from genetic sequencing done on DNA from a rich, elite Canaanite-Judaite family from 2,750 years ago. Turns out that they are genetically most closely related to modern day Tunisian Arabs, Iraqis, Northern Saudi Arabians, Jordanians, and Turks. So the Ashkenazis, who constantly bad mouth 'arabs' are literally bad mouthing the originators and earliest adopters of the Jewish religion. Canaanite Judaites we're originally polytheists, then became monolatrous, then became monotheistic starting, at scale, with judaism during the 1st century BC Hasmonean dynasty, turning to Christian monotheism in the 1st century AD, and later to Muslim monotheism in the 7th and later centuries. Yonatan Adler, Israeli anthropologist, asserts that until the Hasmonean dynasty of the 1st century, Judaism was not practiced at scale in the Levant. It was primarily adopted by the rich elites (the 1%). The 99% were polytheistic, worshipping Greek gods and goddesses like Athena and eating pork. The Hasmoneans decided to scale up their religion, which resulted in forced mass conversions of the peasant villagers to Judaism. The Hasmoneans were even adamant that neighboring Levantine tribes be forced to convert to Judaism.


They’re wrong. Judaism is both a religious and an ethnic classification. There are and have most definitely been Arab Jews, and I can’t imagine that any of the reasons for denying their existence is good.




Not strictly speaking true, the term is contested but there are certainly people who identify as Arab Jews.


Wouldn't that make "jew" not an ethnicity though and just a religion? Like does the Arab stop being Arab if he converts to Judaism? Like you have Ethiopian jews and Ashkenazi jews and Mizrahi jews and Sephardic jews, they can't all be the same ethnicity can they?


>No such thing as an “Arab Jew” unless an Arab converts to Judaism. They’re two distinctly different ethnicities. >Jews from arabic speaking countries are referred to as Not true . Some do usee the expression Arab jew. One of the most famous is Avi Schlaim. Who wrote an auto biographical book with that name... https://www.amazon.com/Three-Worlds-Arab-Jew-Avi-Shlaim/dp/0861548108 Hope this helps.


What is this nonsense. Perhaps you should read Three Worlds: Memoirs of an Arab-Jew by Avi Shlaim or one of many historical books on the topic.


Exactly. This is just BS that this person wants to push.


You don't know anything about him lol. His family fled Lebanon because of Muslim antisemitism.


I'm glad his family could escape and settle in Canada. That doesn't mean he isn't a bigoted grifter shithead like Peterson and the rest of the IDW.




lol, thousands of ppl fled the civil war, including my family. Their source is that he’s Jewish so obviously it’s the anti semetism that drove him out, not a fucking war.




Thank you for being deserning; you’ll notice a lot of this, and it’s an attempt to change online narratives (since they don’t favour Israel or Zionism nearly as much as the occupied state of Palestine.) Usually hired by the IDF for Hasbara purposes… or they’re ultra-evangelical Christians or Zionists and their sympathizers. We’ve been programmed since 9/11 to hate those that don’t hate us.


Truly "one of the good ones", Dave Rubin levels of delusion here lmao


If cognitive distortion could kill, this guy would already be kaput. Montreal is a very touristic city, and the area of the Old Port is literally 99% tourists during the summer. Quebec is a very multicultural province, and it’s part of the province's DNA. We are a welcoming and multicultural province and proud of it. If you're not happy about it, you should travel somewhere else.


And he teaches at Concordia. A university with one of the most diverse student bodies in Canada, if not North America.


Culture war is not welcome here. He should go teach some bro in Florida instead


I love your city with all my heart.


Quebec as a province is very much not multicultural. It is pluralistic, but it has strongly legislated and advocated for protection of it’s distinct North American French heritage. It has probably the biggest restrictions on immigration of any of the Canadian provinces with large international cities.


Yep. I laugh at the people here talking about how multicultural and diverse Quebec is. Of all the provinces in Canada, none have been more vociferous in their rejection of immigration than Quebec. None have actually *passed legislation prohibiting public servants from wearing religious symbols on the job.* No other leaders (Avenir and Bloc) have openly campaigned on a platform of anti-immigration policies (and won). No other province is as selective with their immigration requirements. If not for the Federal Government forcing their hands for years (before they took them to task for it) the number of immigrants in Quebec would be far lower. That's not to say they're not welcoming to those who *do* manage to arrive but man, it's a stretch to say the province is throwing the doors open and celebrating multiculturalism.


I mean be as that may, Montreal is de facto an extremely multicultural city.


Mother fucker is from Lebanon.


I love the “save Europe” Jews acting like the far right doesn’t think they are the conductors of the “great replacement”


His book, the parasitic mind, was so generic and typical of the current right wing talking points that in 2024, it almost reads as parody


He’s an extremely weak thinker and big talker. His publications are embarrassingly low impact - lots of book chapters and abstracts for 3rd tier business conferences. He pays for trolls to attack people with him on social media. He’s an idiot.


Did it read anything like Dennis Prager’s Still the Best Hope? Parents got me that for Christmas years ago when I was still center right, and even back then I could only grown through the first two chapters because of how bland, generic, unoriginal and boring it was.


Haven’t read that, I’m afraid. It reads like if an a.i tried to write a Douglas Murray book and imagining it was in 2012 when these ideas were novel


To be fair these books are meant to be purchased at hobby lobby by brain dead people who like the title and will never to be read. People should talk more about that grift 


He's also a liar


As we say in Québec to people like this: Tayeule mon tabarnak!


Has anybody suggested he return to his land of birth to fix the perceived issue yet? What an odd odd hack.


I bet he's one of those pricks who says, "Refugee status is supposed to be TEMPORARY! Send them back!" I'm pretty sure the Lebanese civil war that he ran away from has been over for several decades.


He's actually right, though. The Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabeg people don't even recognize the Kawenote Teiontiakon island anymore; it all started when the French came and built that port and named it after the Royal Mountain.


What is he talking about? French speaking people are the minority in Canada, so what? Or is he talking about non-white people


That has to be tongue in cheek right? -In the province of Quebec where 80% of the population is white French Canadian. -Is immigrant from Middle East. -Talks about the place with the biggest tourist concentration.


so he was talking about tourists? I just don't understand the comment. What is the "unimaginable price?" Who is making Quebec feel that it is not their country?


He was commenting this as a reply to KFC certifying their food as Halal. He's just part of a push from pro-Israel accounts in Canada trying to steer the anti-immigration sentiment against muslims.


Hi I’m from Montreal, this guy doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about


He is a former Mossad-agent, so there is that. Dude is only trying to stir things up and divide people


Gad Saad was born in Beirut, Lebanon. His family fled to Montreal to escape the Lebanese Civil War when he was 11. (Wikipedia). Yea, those immigrants are destroying Canada! You can't make this shit up.


If gad didn't have fear he'd disappear


Temu Jordan Peterson.




Before 2020 I was actually subscribed to this idiot, some of the anti-woke stuff had some sense. Then COVID came, and this pseudo-intellectual started posting anti-vax stuff on YT, masked as "libertarian" anti-government shit and hinting at a big conspiracy. I posted a comment once on his channel reminding him he is a professor in Math and computer Science, and that it was sad to see him posting anti-scientific disinformation. He actually replied to me basically insulting me and saying that I was just brainwashed.


Yup same here, liked a few of those IDW guys before COVID.


He blocks a bunch of folks who call him out on his bullshit.


I don’t know this guy, but this sounds like a terrorist manifesto.


He's a Mossad agent he said so himself, they do love to deceive


I bet he’s lying about that, or greatly exaggerating. Even those ghouls have standards.


Very well could be lying, like I said they love to deceive.


He’s just worried that there are more Muslims and he’s Jewish


'Old Montreal' belongs to no-one but the natives who were first there, now lets take a look at how they were displaced.. Gad Sad can fuck off, his life is made up of complaining


Technically there was no one living on the island of Montreal when Samuel de Champlain showed up and founded the city. The Iroquois that Cartier had met in the area 70 years earlier had disappeared.


Is this about the completely made up "kfc going halal and banning all pork" press release that's making the rounds in the conservative circlejerk lately?


The funny thing most people who are racist like him would look at him and see just another Arab.


Has he ever been to say Terrebonne? Quebec city? Chicoutimi? Quebec's a big place, small if you stay in the city and you can bet your ass you'd see less ethnic groups the further you go.


Guys when I lived in Southern California I knew that America had fallen. There was all these Latino people everywhere. Like I was in a place that use to be Mexico or something.


montrealer here: old montreal in the summer is the most touristic spot in the whole provice. OF COURSE IT WILL FEEL LIKE YOU'RE IN THE MINORITY, you fucking dull-witted moron. nobody from quebec/montreal would willingly go hang out in that tourist trap. there are better spots.


I'll always remember that Gad Saad, during his testimony to the Canadian Senate on the subject of trans rights, described himself as having "testicular fortitude".


He's actually talking about all the Quebecois in Quebec.


These people are all out of their minds.


Someone a bit of right from Gad, could say the same about him too. He is not a native Canadian.


Never heard of this guy, but I'm willing to bet I could name every one of his talking points. Strange how that is.


That's typical of established immigrants. Pretending to not be immgrants.


I live in Montreal and I work at the Old Port. This dude is full of shit.


“Doctor” Sure, you miserable old fuck.


Theres a special place in hell for minorities who hate other minorities.


Crisse de sans dessein.


Link to tweet - [https://x.com/GadSaad/status/1809803462600732864](https://x.com/GadSaad/status/1809803462600732864)


Ok what's this guy's whole spiel? I see a alot of this Saad guy around here but I don't know much about what he says. Why is he so controversial?


Isn't Gad Saad a Mossad-affilitated immigrant?


I'd love it if one of these fear-mongers could just spell out what they mean when they say shit like "Quebec is going to pay an unimaginable price".


HELLO! Ignorant people! This is planet earth. To be shared amongst all humans. ALL!!! Crawl back in your hole if you can't appreciate diversity.... or get an education! Jeeze!


Gad Saad. I hear Israel is still open!


Did happen to pass by a mirror store?


Meanwhile five minutes in any direction it’s white French speakers everywheee


Gad Saad is a try-way-too-hard grifter clown who is still mad he wasn’t “cool” enough to be included in the original IDW lineup, so he’s been overcompensating with over the top culture war cringe ever since.


That's how you know you made it. When you immigrate to a place and feel comfortable enough to complain about those (other) damn foreigners. Like a guy with a full plate at a buffet bitching about everyone after him eating too much.


I was wrong, some immigrants are worth deporting


Is he trying to perform like... a Jedi Mind Trick with this post? Edit: Man this dude is an Arab Atheist? Talking shit like this in CANADA? He must HATE seeing Turbans. 100% he's just mad about seeing confident dudes wearing Turbans with sick beards.


Siri: Show me false consciousness.


He's a racist but he's also just lying. Montreal has always been a city of immigrants, including him obviously.


You see this a lot in the US too. Drives me nuts. All I do is smh. Immigrants hating on other immigrants. Bc now they have paper/citizenship, and feel they are better than others who don’t. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Middle Eastern are Racist!? What an unbelievable concept!


Reminds me of Josef from GTA 5


I was just there a few weeks ago. It’s a fucking tourist center. What the literal fuck does this guy expect? Locals?


Nobody even speaks English there!


Gad Saad is a sad lad.


> This town is going through demographic change Reddit: but you're an immigrant too, so it doesn't matter


This is just so bizzare to me. Does he think he's a native white Canadian or something? Lmao


The immigration is out of hand, none of you will be laughing in a few years, when reality hits everyone, IMO. The numbers on mass immigration in Canada are staggering.


Is that a Beer like Old Milwaukee?


He has lived in Canada for 50 years. He arrived when he was 10.


Gad Saad is a Zionist with an agenda.


He’s giving off some serious Clayton Bigsby vibes here


A fuckin clown 🤡


What a Saad fuck


Please tell me they’re eating his ass up in the comments 😂


Yep and France too


He also didn’t try to make it like where he came from. Which is what’s happening.


what an idiot


“I was infuriated that I was allowed in, just look at me!”


Boomer energy




The level of delusion with this one is off the charts, I don’t think he’ll ever be self aware enough to realize what an idiot he is.


Bro just visited a large city for the first time😂


This one neighborhood of this one city has too many brown people. This entire country is doomed


“Unimaginable” as in…. Imaginary?


This absolutely can not be real lmfao


He is also a confirmed mossad agent


You are correct. So is Gad.


This could hardly be worded any worse.


It’s about culture not nationality


The one constant in the history of humanity is every year the earth is more assimilated and we are more and more living together. The only nations that this does not occur are the communists and sickos. Good luck trying to turn the clock back


Why is Gad sad?


[Just wait until he googles Toronto Canada's Most Wanted list.](https://www.tps.ca/organizational-chart/specialized-operations-command/detective-operations/investigative-services/homicide/most-wanted/)


Was Canada complicit in bombing the middle east? Then its what it gets.


“….by having me live there with an internet connection.”


People here pretending Canada doesn't have an immigration problem.


Gad that's a Saad take on Old Montreal


He is jew zionist who insult québec accent in jre podcast,fvkc this dimwit


These social media grifters just say anything to stay relevant. It's wild how people get paid for this.


People still judging others over how close their ancestors lived to the equator…


He should be more worried about the French government there closing in on Montreal now and trying to wreck it by making it as French as the rest of the province. That will leave Canadians with 4 cities to move to instead of 5.


Come to Florida, we’ll show you what being overrun looks like. We’re overrun by other states and other countries. It is no longer the state I grew up in


The irony is that the people who agree with this sentiment would say the same thing if they saw a bunch of Gad Saads walking around.


Dude looks jolly  Is named saad  And made a career of being butthurt


That’s what the Kanien’kehà:ka said.


.....Who embodies what Canada is supposed to be about.


I mean, we historically shelter victims of war, or people trying to escape situations not conducive to human life. Canada started as an off-shoot of a bunch of white European colonists or some shit, but that's not who we are. We were white dudes for like 5 minutes in the grand scheme of things. Being bigoted in Canada is fucking wild to me. Like how does anyone LIVE like that here.


I’m not saying he is correct, but him being an immigrant himself doesn’t mean much. He could have immigrated to Canada for the way it used to be. He didn’t like his old country, and he fell in love with his new country for what it was in the past. Now he laments the fact it’s changing. Again, not saying he’s correct, and I have no idea when he immigrated.


Who the hell is this guy? Who cares.


As a white dude in his 40s Ive had no problem with blacks, asians, middle easterners, etc in Montreal theyrevery friendly and welcoming especially if you can play football ⚽️. Montreal is a great diverse city and culture. Love it.


I cant wait until it comes full circle when the africans and middle easterners are complaining theres too many whites in canada


Gad, that’s saad.


Honestly it’s a pretty good litmus test that anyone that pals around with Joe Rogan has taken this level of bottom feeder ideology heel turn since 2016


I live in Montreal and it's been years I went to Old Montreal. It's a tourist spot.


Is in globalization such a beautiful thing ?


So what


It's a tourist trap??