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No. This has been suggested many times and shot down by the devs. Allowing utility customization would result in not being able to reliably know what your teammates are capable of doing. It would also risk creating a meta utility loadout that players would expect others to use and create hostility if not followed. This doesn't happen (as much) with weapon OCs because every class's weapons do the same thing no matter what - kill bugs. Even if one player's build isn't up to par, the rest of the team can cover the weakness with no issue. If a Driller were to bring a build that's not good at drilling, there's no one else to pick up the slack. Basically it's impossible to design and balance enough options to make it a worthwhile system but not ruin the synergy of the classes.


Fair enough


all the classes with their utility, mobility, etc. are all really well balanced as they are. it's actually quite impressive that the devs managed to make it that way.


It would be a sisyphean task to balance OC’s for them


apart from scout, whos movement ability is far stronger than everyone elese


The thing is, it’s not. Scout is the only one that can utilise the grappling hook, whereas ziplines, platforms and drills affect the cave, and so all dwarves get to use them. Plus, he can’t take large minerals with him or shoot whilst grappling, whereas the others can. Yeah it’s faster and reaches the most places, but there’s other factors that affect a tool’s balance.


> but there’s other factors that affect a tool’s balance. Moist of these factores aren't a thing when playing solo though. I feel like Scout really is the go to class when it comes to mobility in solo play, because everyone else is limited by ammo (especially the Gunner). Even as a Driller you have to think about ammo and overheating


Yeah, Scout has better mobility in solo, but most people play multiplayer, and Scout typically has to rely on their teammates for swarm clear on high hazards outside of a few builds, so it doesn’t make them the de facto pick for solo either.


You can carry heavy objects, if you throw them in the air, grapple towoards them and pick them up mid air, but you have to let go of the grapple before you pick up the object.


it just feels like it makes scout a non-team player in this team based game. the combos with other classes are mostly parasitic, EG engie platforms


I wouldn't call them parasitic since both sides get some value. You gave an example of Engie platforms, but how's engie gonna reach the nitra on the ceiling, for example? He'll have to spend a few minutes and ALL of his platforms, meanwhile Scout not only requires only 1-3 platforms, he'll also only spends a few seconds to thet there and mine the nitra, which would later be used by the whole team.


I mainly play engie or driller, and scout gets those hard to reach ceiling areas so I don't have to. Trying to get an aquark stuck in the ceiling without a scout is just depressing, lol.


TRUE, I had a team stuck on this point extraction mission because of an aquarq basically in the ceiling, (glacial strata moment) until this scout appears like an actual miracle and reaches it with ease. Shout out to all those scout mains out there, i love you, thanks for making my missions just go so much faster


A good scout saves the rest of the team time by prioritizing the hard-to-reach minerals so that the others can focus on the easy-to-reach minerals. That is teamplay. And then there are flares, which actively benefit everyone.


thats symbiotic not parasitic. 


only in the long run


Woe, swarmageddon be upon ye


I've been playing the game on like Haz 4 and above for more than a year now with all classes so I feel like I'm somewhat qualified to talk about this. **<--Engineer and Gunner-->** Engineer's platforms and Gunner's ziplines are really good for creating openings to run to. Like the official Dev's poll, most of the downs are from fall damage and you would see why having the ability to reduce if not fully negate fall damage altogether is really good on high hazard level. The bugs can't chase you if you're in the air. **<--Driller-->** Speaking for Driller, as a Driller main, if you're good enough at drilling into walls during fallings and know how to make shortcuts, you basically opened an infinite ways to avoid getting hit entirely. Contrary to popular beliefs, Tier 1 - B upgrade on Driller's drills do have a very good upside. They dig faster, which allows you to move faster. Most people say it drills faster than your walk speed so it negates the upside. That is true if you're talking about drilling while walking speed, not walking while not drilling. You can massively increase your tunnel making speed by ***drilling for a bit until it is outside your drilling range, stop drilling, walk up to the wall then start drilling again.*** This is really good if you have to kite enemies in enclosed spaces. I experimented this by creaing 2 parallel tunnels (tunnel A and tunnel B) and drill 2 tunnels perpendicular to each other (tunnel C and tunnel D) from one of the parallel tunnel to the other (A -> B)using the drilling technique I mentioned above. Tunnel C have Tier 1 - B while tunnel D doesn't have Tier 1 - B. The result is that the tunnel C took less time to dig than tunnel D (C: 15 seconds - D: 20 seconds, a roughly 25% faster digging rate) **NOTE:** I feel like a lot of people think Tier 1 - B for the drills is useless because of the youtuber Drilling In The Name Of's experiment. What he forgot to factor in his video is *the time to make the tunnels*. Think of it as increasing a gun's fire rate. The faster drilling speed isn't destroying environment with less fuel, it is increasing the drill's fire rate. This explains why it overheats and consume fuel faster than not using Tier 1 - B.


meanwhile the fatboy haters: also, people who dont equip the fall damage protection on platforms


well there's a difference between being expected to have a certain upgrade and having something else, vs deliberately not having the fall damage upgrade because your trolling or your new and haven't gotten it yet


imo, much like the power pickaxe attack, the platform reduction only really exists to teach players its a mechanic that exists


Isn't fall damage reduction the only upgrade in that slot?




I don't agree with your last point. Overclocks for specialised equipment should just leave the vanilla abilities intact and add utility, no unstable overclocks (at least not in the traditional sense) and you can have overclocks for them. For example: If your driller takes an upgrade to quickly drill a short distance on a cooldown, leave the ability to drill normally intact and nothing is affected.


They're already utility tools, adding utility to them does *exactly* what what he said, makes it so you can't reliably know what your teammates are capable of, because now you're expecting your driller to dash-drill, the engi to long-platform (or whatever the most meta hypothetical OCs would be) etc. This is already somewhat of a problem with just the different upgrades, OCs would just turn that to the max no matter how you create them.


Maybe I am just not good at understanding people (scratch that, I definitely am not) but I feel like expecting more than the base is silly. Then again, I am terrible at understanding people, so take it with a grain of salt.


Really depends on whether your lobby is playing seriously or casually. Casual lobbies just play for fun, effectiveness is not a priority so be as gimmicky as you want. Serious lobbies need you to play effectively so bringing less than great overclocks, even if it's fun, is a really good way to get people frustrated


I love how they thought about that with no problem


Those are some really good points.


I was gonna say this was bull, then I read it full, really good explanations cannot complain


That is a very good explanation.


I would rather they do cosmetics first tbh.


I wanna have dice on my drills, on the spinny part so they spin around :)


Nah, turn the drills into assorted cone shaped items, I want some traffic cone drills


Ice cream cone drills


I don't even need frameworks, just paint jobs so I can match my color schemes


Nah, but GSG mike said it would be cool to add some for armours


Making oc's for armor sounds like a great idea.


Damn I just got an idea of an engie armor that periodically spawns shredders (one per minute, for example) which instead of a time limit, break after a few hits (like 5-10 hits before they're destroyed)


What if the meta perks like dash and IW were armor upgrades/ OC'S


Oooh imagine if you could wear a power armor suit that lets you jump higher or sprint faster 😇 the special powder applications are endless! Rock and Stone! DRG INVEST IN SOME BETTER EQUIPMENT


I would like cosmetics for equipent


they won't add it, but i hope they would add cosmetics


They would all have to be like stable overclocks or change it as little as possible, but even then it would just be like having an extra upgrade tier


I don't think the traversal tools need them.


I have a mod for it, but it would be nice to use frameworks and skins on our other equipment.


I feel like this more or less happened with the perks. Though I guess anyone who keeps running the same 3 active perks can still play a load of different weapons and throwables.


Or skins


For me, the only other thing I want to be able to mod is flares: brightness, duration, throwing distance, recharge time, quantity... ECT Also, I understand that the color is class based but the ability for me to change my scout color to something lighter it darker would keep me from chasing my own flares down while looking for arquarq.


These are fine, but what about flare oc! An improved head lamp but loses 2 flares A special flare that causes minerals to shine brighter A flare you can shoot to cause a burst of fire Id love to see better flares. But not over powered or a replacement to scouts flaregun


Those would be awesome


I think if ANY developer could get away with doing something like this, it would be GSG. They've earned the admiration of the community and they have our respect. If a AAA company did this, it would be deemed as sneaky and money hungry. For GSG, I think it'd be received as "WOOO HOO LETS DO IT BOYS ROCK & STONE!" just because we could


No but it would be cool. I have some ideas. Balanced overclock for the shield generator, the hut of hell: burns bugs inside the shield when placed, ups, inflicts burn on enemies. downsides, shorter duration. Unstable overclock for the shield generator, time to go A-wall! (Amplified-wall) When firing out of the shield generator amplifies out going bullet damage (1.5 or 2 times, idk) ups, amplifies damage, downs, decreases charge time. Balanced overclock for the zip line, harpoon: press R to fire your zip line as a makeshiftharpoon at the enemy to real then in for your team mates to take them out, but watch out if the enemy is too large (bulk detonator and dreadnaught’s) you might get pulled instead of them. Ups, press R to fire a harpoon, more ammo. Downs, shorter range on the zip line. Unstable overclock for the grapple hook, inabled inertia: by firing your grapple hook you can swing and slingshot with it instead of reeling your self forward. UPs, you can swing like spider man with the grapple hook, downs, longer recharge. Unstable overclock for the flare gun, magnetic attraction: adds a magnetic device on the flare gun so when the flare hit’s an enemy all bullets will magically the enemy, there will be a sphere outlining where to shoot. Ups, attracts bullets and projectiles to the enemy. Downs, less ammo. Unstable overclock for the sentry guns flamethrowers but turrets! (Based in deep rock galactic survivor) replaces the sentry gun with fire spewing turrets, gemi gives it two and mk 2 upgrades the turret. Ups, flamethrower turret(s) downs, less set up time and less recall time. Balanced overclock for the platform gun, We need to build a WALL: press R on the platform gun and it will deploy a vertical soil wall for make shift cover. Ups, press R for wall. Downs, the projectile travels slower. Unstable overclock for the satchel charge, Black hole: after detonating the satchel charge any bugs in the radius will be sucked into a black hole before exploding into a violent BOOM, ‘WARNING, DWARVES WILL GET SUCKED’. Ups, black hole function, increase radius. Downs, less ammo. Unstable overclock for the drill arms, plasma drills: press R on these wacky drills as they’ll unfold out and it will extends the drill range 2x making it easier to kill bugs and drill through terrain! But your drills overhead faster like 2.5x. Ups, plasma drill increases range and damage. Downs, faster overheat. Phew, that’s a long ass list. If your curious about the plasma drills [here’s](https://steamcommunity.com/games/387990/announcements/detail/2943630880659070163) my inspiration, scroll down the many random shit and you’ll find the plasma drills.


>Unstable overclock for the sentry guns flamethrowers but turrets! (Based in deep rock galactic survivor) replaces the sentry gun with fire spewing turrets, gemi gives it two and mk 2 upgrades the turret. Ups, flamethrower turret(s) downs, less set up time and less recall time. **LMG Gun Platform Balanced OC: Electric Sentries** + Sentries now deal electric damage + Electricity could spread from one target to others - Reduced sentry ammo capacity - Slightly reduced sentry damage **LMG Gun Platform Unstable OC: Tank Tracks** + Sentries now follow you around - Reduced sentry accuracy while moving - Significatly reduced ammo capacity


ngl i want a turret that shoots a constant laser and its powered by a heartstone chunk :3 like have 3 turrets like you have guns


keep having ideas of overclocks for the movement items


I wish. The idea of having more ways to diversify your class is really fun. Imagine one for the Grapple hook where you can impale enemies and grapple to them. Or maybe your Zipline gun can fire completely upwards, as a sort of mountaineering rope to go up and down. The possibilities are awesome and I hope they consider extra ways to use the Traversal tools.


No overclocks for utility is a good thing. Would love to have paintjobs for my turrets and platform gun though.




Not overclocks but the existing upgrades might worth a revision and couple minor tweaks.


I just want cosmetics on them


I want cosmetic customization for equipment. Skins, paint jobs, even the flares could have a makeover


Can I get some dice on my drills?


I maintain that the gunner need a better mobility option, all the other classes have the opportunity to be self sufficient with their movement while gunner has to rely on other because his mobility option is lacklustre For example Scout just goes directly where he wants Driller can dig directly to where he wants and creates new paths Engineer can you platforms to go where he wants While gunner is stuck using a very limited supply of ziplines which have severe limitations on how far they can go, the angle they can be used at and the speed at which traversal is possible which is only fast one direction. All the other classes trump the gunner in mobility soundly and the other classes can be just as effective if not more at killing bugs leaving gunner in a kind of limbo where the class is not really good at anything.


Gunner is definitely not in a limbo where he’s not good at anything, but I do feel that his position gets more defined the more dangerous it gets, and he actually holds the closest we have to a support role. His primaries have very high ammo counts, letting many of his builds have very good sustained damage over a very long period of time, whereas someone like engie or scout can burn through it very fast, and while driller has good sustain in cases, Gunner’s is even better. The ziplines are actually amazing utility if you learn how to use them, since you can completely avoid bugs with them, they’re actually great for connecting long distances where there’s pits and cliffs, especially since it allows for easy transport of heavy minerals, it allows you to make safety nets at the bottom of big cliffs as people can jump off and catch onto them, and they’re amazing at connecting a cave together such that you have direct and safe paths to anywhere if you need to go help someone. I usually find my ziplines to be used alot and rather important in most missions I play on. Gunner’s shields are mission saving if used well, and become extremely important on high hazards. A good gunner can absolutely make or break a tough mission.


If you consider traversal tools in a vacuum, then sure, I also feel like Gunner's is the weakest. But I feel Gunner in general is well balanced by having it's movement tool (zipline) "just fine", and also having, what is in my opinion the most powerful tool in the entire game - shield generator. Greenbeards (I'm not impying you are one) ofter think that Gunner is the weakest while they play lower hazard missions. The thing is, Gunner scales the hardest into higher diffs as with more enemies the ability to sustain firepower for longer is getting much more important and also the shield simply doesn't care if you throw 5 enemies at it or 200, it's always going to give you breathing room when you need it making clutch saves that much easier


im half sure the gunner role is only meant to exist for dakka. it doesnt appear to have much utility


Another upgrade tier as well as more upgrade options in each tier would be nice, but OCs would be too big of a problem, can't have unstable or balanced OCs because for instance right now we know what the tools do, we know the Drills are designed to drill tunnels and whatnot, now imagine an unstable OC that boosted its damage greatly you'd balance that out with a heavy ammo nerf, now this tool designed for tunnels is going to be used to kill only, completely ruins what this tool was supposed to be, same with Scouts flare for instance, wondering why there's no flares in the cave until you realise Scout took an OC that makes it so the flares aren't really used as flares. Clean OCs might work, but why not just add more upgrade tiers and add more upgrade options to each tier? More or less the same thing. So yeah I'd be down for more upgrade tiers and more upgrade options, but an OC probably not I'm afraid.


Another upgrade tier as well as more upgrade options in each tier would be nice, but OCs would be too big of a problem, can't have unstable or balanced OCs because for instance right now we know what the tools do, we know the Drills are designed to drill tunnels and whatnot, now imagine an unstable OC that boosted its damage greatly you'd balance that out with a heavy ammo nerf, now this tool designed for tunnels is going to be used to kill only, completely ruins what this tool was supposed to be, same with Scouts flare for instance, wondering why there's no flares in the cave until you realise Scout took an OC that makes it so the flares aren't really used as flares. Clean OCs might work, but why not just add more upgrade tiers and add more upgrade options to each tier? More or less the same thing. So yeah I'd be down for more upgrade tiers and more upgrade options, but an OC probably not I'm afraid.


I dont think so, as they want the special equipment to remain consistent


Nah, there will be some try hards that insists on the team members follow the meta and always use the "best in slot" set up. If you allow for things that will affect gameplay then players will move towards using the "perfect" build, which defeats the purpose of allowing more customisation. Maybe skins would be fine, only aesthetics and doesn't affect gameplay. Being able to customise the look of sentry gun would be nice, when there are multiple Engineer, i find it difficult to find my own sentry.


The thought of a scout grappling hook OC that doesn't retract, buy lets you swing from loose ropes like spider-man has been a dream since I first started playing, but not happening.


No overclocks, but definitely an upgrade overhaul. I'd bet good money that 90% of experienced players run functionally identical loadouts for armor/tools.


Would be cool.