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My friends reviving me until he got Nommed by a cave leech


Me and other friends were doing an elite dive, collecting eggs. A horde had spawned as I went to go use the fatboy grenade launcher on a large crowd. However the scout decided to play hero… for the wrong side. Firing the fatboy at a long range, here comes the scout playing “Get down Mr President!”, flying across my screen and in front of it. The scout was suddenly green and instantly downed as I retreated behind the gunner and driller to recover from laughing too hard. We still managed to beat it.


me and 2 others started a haz 4 on a drilldozer mission. I was on the left where you 1st repair her. enter the 1st cavern, I get leeched, enter the refuel cavern, leeched. I'm down to half health when we restart dotty. I get leeched in a nook and cranny I have no idea how small. I down and my friends rescue me. 1 friend: why don't you just stand on the right side for now on? make it to the heartstone... >!Leech!<


during the third mission of my greenbeard friend (haz 2 btw), 2 bulk detonators AND a dreadnought spawned


for me it's always when two (or more!) idiots press "V" at the very same moment. an example from a few days ago: was mining an impossible vein of nitra and suddenly met a fellow scout chugging away at that same vein. didn't see each other until we met in the middle. immediately rock and stoned and laughed our dwarven arses off in text chat for a second. or when scout tries to activate hover boots, presses wrong button and falls to death with a hearty rock and stone. or misses timing and calls for molly instead of activating hover boots. pretty clownesque. but a perfectly synchronised rock and stone makes me giddy beyond belief.


Rockity Rock and Stone!


also greenbeard drillers not finding their way to the drop pod: i usually type something in the vein of: 'hold ctrl, drill to the rocket symbol! driller, drill!!!' which is usually commented by tons of lmfao's and well-meant banter and the like.


Hazard 4, 3x Elimination, Swarmageddon, Rival Presence Hammered by burst and sniper turrets, yoinked around my cave leeches, bombarded with swarmers, a Nemesis, and suddenly two bulk detonators at the same time, all three dwarves (Engineer, Gunner, Scout) using non-main weapons for weapon maintenance progress. Hardly did damage to the detonators because we had poorly modified weapons (because we didn’t expect bulk detonators), choked into one small strip of cave. Managed to kill one bulk, which took out the Nemesis and the other bulk, popped a Hiveguard, and left us with no ammo until the hiveguard beat us all to death. We ended up laughing hysterically because of the absurdity of the dual bulk detonators instead of being upset that we failed.


Tried to use a resupply to kill a bulk detonator but ended up killing both of us