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“No other weapon has that much ammo conservation for that much crowd control” Laughs in NTP.


What is NTP


neurotoxin payload for gunner thunderhead


NTP turns off half the fun of the game. Especially in groups.


It’s good that all the driller weapons have their diehard fans like this.    Personally every time I swap away from the cryo cannon I regret it. You just can’t mess up with the cryo, no other weapon saves you from infinite enemies when they’re already in attack range just by holding left click for 0.2 seconds Plus somehow I still have ammo problems with the flamer and sludge pump. With cryo I can forgo a couple of resupplies for ammo hungrier allies


I run out of ammo SO quick with the sludge pump. It could be because I panic when folks don’t die instantly and I waste two fully charged shots to kill a grunt


Same boat here. I've gone Cryo + Cooker for a long, *long* time. I always hear stuff like "TCF better, high skill high reward" or "Cooker honestly better with Stick Flames" or some other comment that insists that there are better combos than Cryo + Cooker. And every time I switch something, I end up regretting it. I need the Cryo, I need the Cooker. No, I don't give a hoot about TCF, I don't like the thing. Yes, I'm "skilled enough to use it" (c'mon, it's not that hard), Cooker just executes frozen targets faster, and every time Shockers show up I wish I had my Cooker back. Cryo. Cooker. I am simple dwarf, this is all I want. Freeze bugs, cook bugs. It's simple, straightforwards, quick, operates at range, good for both small and large groups. Not much more I could ask for.


I have been a Crisper driller for most of my promotions even on legendary + simply cuz I couldn’t see a reason to run anything else on driller it just felt so damn good! I have cryo builds and slugde builds but they are always, meh, yesterday I started playing around with Crystal Nucleation on Cryo and have been able to do solo 2-2-2-2 without a big hassle using it. I uses to feel like you do for the sludge but honestly Cryo is the build for me now!


What's your flamer build?


Hi, beginner driller here. I love this weapon, it's so fun to use and I'm looking to get better at this. What build and secondary are you using for Sludge Pump?


I’m by no means a good source for a meta/optimized build for weapons, but my personal build with the overclocks is have is: hydrogen ion additive + 31222 for sludge pump energy rerouting (only oc i have for plasma charger) 21222 i use the thin containment field mod to shoot a big blob then hit it again to proc the shockwave to burst down bigger enemies, and finish them off with the sludge pump while it casually melts the rest of the wave


Bro, if you're doing solo elite deep dives then for me you are a pro xD


I'm gonna be real with you, solo elites aren't THAT hard. I do them solo too and I'm far from people who play the new maxed Haz5++ for fun lol.


I run a lot of solo, so I use Volatile Impact Mixture with a 11212 loadout. It is very effective against praetorians and drednoights, with just enough crowd control that is inherently there with the sludge pump. I want to use the wave cooker, but keep coming back to the Plasma with different configurations, but making sure to keep “plasma burn” to light the goo on fire. Side note, I run the vampire perk so impact axes and barbed drills are a must. Good luck!


Sludge pump has taken the spot for best weapon for me as well. I can use CRISPR as well but the sludge pumps raw ammo efficiency combined with its devestating status effects is simply unmatched compared to the other two. I run a lingering hydrogen ion additive build with gamma contamination wave cooker. Thing makes an enemy proc 5 status effects in nothing flat and drag any enemy into a painfully slow slog, even dnaughts.


The new sludge overclock for explosive sludge is amazing once you get used to it, you can easily keep up with or beat engineers in kills easy. It also can annhilate heavily armored enemies.


What does your loadout look like for this? I've been using it lately, I'm not sure how effective I'm being but I'm sure having fun. Especially if there is someone else on the team proccing fire damage for me...


I feel like I’ve been having mixed results with the new OC. The default gun already one shots weaker enemies and the OC explosion damage doesn’t do that much single target damage to big enemies, so as far as I can tell the optimal use of the OC is to have a big enemy surrounded by a bunch of weak enemies so that the big enemy gets hit with multiple explosions. Or am I missing something?


You want to utilize charged shots as they will all explode upon hitting an enemy on fire, if enemies arent on fire and you say shoot a charged shot into a horde, then follow up with a flying nightmare, they get hit by nightmare plus tons of explosions. You can also do something like if you got a horde of enemies on you, run and drop puddles, turn around and set it on fire and the whole line of ooze you made will destroy all enemies following you. You just gotta play around with it, its meant to be a combo oc. Trust me once you figure it out even engineers will have a hard time keeping up with kills.


I'm with you brother. I love watching faces melt off with the volatile impact mixture oc. I'm running sludge pump 31121 and wave cooker 33113 with the blistering necrosis and biggies are a non issue now! And like a responsible dwarf, I'm running friendly fire reduction. That aoe is murderous, lol.


Bro try sludge blast on dreadnaughts


You could say the same things about the other driller primaries. They are all good. Taking Randoweisser on a driller is like "I hope I don't get the subata." Because everything else is very strong.


Yeah it would be nice to see subata get a buff for me its only kinda usable with cryo


Subata is pretty strong in DRG:Survivor surprisingly, lol


Shotgun blast OC is my go too. Its so fucking good


i couldnt figure out how to use the thing until i looked up a video on how to upgrade it correctly. now i love it.


It's good, i enjoy the clean anti-gravity OC for zippy sludge shots. Sludge will always be second to cryo for me though. Cryo driller is like a beserker melee build and there isnt anything else like it.


I use it with the Microwave Cooker with the Radioactive OC and the Contagion Transmitter modification. 2 extra DOTs on top of the ones the sludge pump has on its own. It's soooo fun.


For me its close between the sludge pump and facemelter flamethrower, the speed that you can apply the fire effect and use it to temp shock with the wave cooker is absolutely nuts, it is really ammo efficient, having such small fuel tanks does get a bit annoying tho


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