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It's a good start, but we need to get these people to the polls.


I think P25 speaks for itself in many cases. That said, you are correct. I feel like this needs to be connected to voting more closely.


I would quit using p25. If you google it, it means nothing. Project 2025 points anyone who cares to learn in the right direction.


I only call it p25 here because I assume we all know what it is.


Fine on this site but if used elsewhere would refer to project 2025. Not a biggy.


This site is what a ton of people use to search things. It definitely gets picked up by Google, so it's worth to use it here too.


I do this. The aim is to educate. I’m just lazy here. LOL!


yes defend against defeatist sentiment which will not only creep in but also be weaponized- stay strong, vote in every election at every level and rally others Tom do the same


I wonder when it will dawn on them that all non-aryans will be prohibited from participation in sports.


It will dawn on them too late... Way after they could have done something about it. Of course I think in the realm of sports, non-aryans will play, but they will be more like slaves ment to be played. Owned and used without a choice in the matter.


The gladiator paradigm, certainly a possibility, especially for private amusement, but In this project 2025 thing I see more of the 1936 nazi Olympic model, where only the master race is qualified to represent the party publicly and officially.


Right before they realize that they ain't aryans


It’s going to surprise a lot of people who think they fit the bill yet in fact do not. Long time ago (20 years ish) I worked with a guy who bragged about his Cherokee heritage. He looked more Hispanic but he was also full of shit most of the time. I can’t recall what happened but something sparked race riots and white supremacy groups were in the news and trying to recruit. Dumbass thought he was going to be get in. He in fact did not.


All the people that don't have blonde hair and blue eyes What happens to the people that had blonde hair as a kid but its now brown? The "aryans" that marry someone with brown eyes and don't produce a blue kid since blue eyes and blonde hair I'm pretty sure are recessive Or hell not just the Jewish people but everyone who isn't...what was it...whatever Christian group- there's many branches of Christianity so would they ba those people too? Catholics say they're the true Church, what happens to all the branches? Pretty sure they could make it so the 1% is just some oddly specific mix if genes and religion, what happens when they make the definition of "Aryan" so specific that it excludes the majority, would they even habe enough man power to enforce that? That's a lot of brown eyed people to fight against pff Bet they'd ban the song brown eyes girl too- The whole concept of the "Aryan race" is absolutely stupid as is all of this


My dad has dark skin and blue eyes, what about him? Or my brother with light skin, but dark hair and blue eyes. Granted being mixed would probably be considered its own abomination. Funny how only a handful of cousins would pass as aryan (blonde hair and blue eyes) and they're just as mixed as the rest of us


I haven't finished reading it in its totality yet, is this really a thing? I wouldn't be surprised


I’m maddened by the number of leftists I know who refuse to vote blue


Perhaps you will be un-maddened by the non-partisan abundance of people who refuse to vote red. Especially once this info starts to proliferate. I’m sure that many will reverse course once it is legitimated by the wider electorate. Trumpykins and Co. haven’t been playing their cards right. They keep showing their intent and saying the quiet parts out loud. I feel like they are going to destroy all of the HF’s hard work because they bet on all of the wrong horses when they were ahead. The Truth is currently re-asserting herself, and they’re about to lose. It’s serving “winning big at the Casino, over betting and losing it all” to me.


What’s their problem? Israel? Tell them to google Kushner’s relationship to Netanyahu.


Having taken a whopping one (1) course in social psychology over the course of my life, I can safely say that I know the psychological source of this breed of leftism: *cognitive dissonance.* Leftists have arrived at anti-Democratic posturing in much the same way that MAGA people wound up plunging past the event horizon of Donald Trump's arsehole. 1. They are wrong about something. 2. They are called out for being wrong about something. 3. They realize, on some level, that they are wrong about the something in question. 4. The punishment (in this case, online shaming) they nevertheless feel is unjust. 5. A choice presents itself to their mind: they can either admit error and work to change their beliefs or behavior (but this takes time and effort and also deals a blow to one's self-esteem) or they can double down. 1. (As with anything cognitive dissonance-related, the key thing is feeling good about oneself, self-esteem, etc.) In the past, doubling down wasn't always an option because the social consequences could prove too severe to bear on the long-term. But online, anything is possible: you can double down on the absolute worst positions imaginable and a whole world of likeminded assholes will have your back. And so: 6. They double down. For MAGA people, the whole process usually begins with getting called out for saying something racist or sexist or homophobic or otherwise intolerant -- hence MAGA rabbitholers continue to plumb new depths of bigoted thought. For leftists, this tends to involve some degree of shame or blame for Trump's victory in 2016 and/or Bernie's defeat in 2016 and in 2020. They double down on refusing to vote because that's how the whole saga got started, the original point they refused to cede any ground on. If anything, the fact that Biden successfully implemented so many Bernie Sanders wet-dream policies makes them *less* likely to vote for Biden because the pressure to admit error increases in direct proportion to the quality of Biden's presidency. The Palestine issue was like a release valve for online leftists: finally something to gripe about (albeit not for very good reasons, imho).


I gotta remember “event horizon of Trump’s asshole.”


Yeah, the last time conservatives were this coordinated in a plan 9/11 happened, then another group of conservatives took advantage of that to implement their equally evil and conservative "Plan For A New American Century".


They are truly the evil cabal. It’s insane how many strings they have to pull to be so damn evil all the time. And may they watch it crumble at the zero hour. Because Evil sucks as a matter of natural law. There is no such thing as a force of Evil. Evil is a condition. Good is the only true force.


Knowing they eat their own, eventually, gets me through the dark nights. 🕯


They can’t sustain their roll as it is. I feel more and more like they will undo themselves more than we ever could. They’re their own worst enemy.


Do you mean Al Qaeda or the negligence that Bush champaign on? (I think the exact phrase was we will no longer police the world)


Well there was Al Qaeda planning stuff out and then there is the guy that Bush ***ran with*** that literally wrote the Project For a New American Century - the Dick guy that shot his friend in the face and got them to apologize.


People are https://preview.redd.it/1w0h4mba4h5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d3ca75dfd80402807e4f48c42ffb3d9d291b9d0


LOVE it!




Including your guns. I mean, that’s the only way they get away with this shit. Straight out of 1930’s Germany.


I was thinking about that today. We need to highlight this point to reach across the aisle. Though not explicitly stated in project 2025, its implied. Quelling uprisings with military is like .5 steps away already. There's no way this happens and everyone keeps there guns.


One thing that always infuriates me with this is when 2A people bring this up as if it only impacted the Jewish population in Germany at the time. “If the Jews didn’t give up their guns so willingly, they may avoided…..” I’m going to stop you right there on this one. A 1930s hunting rifle isn’t going to stop a Panzer.


Ofc it was just a matter of time till Elon gets it taken down from trending list


I have no reason to believe that that would stop the conversation. If people keep posting about it (and once they get the scent, they will) it will just be encountered in the wild. And then when Musk gets up and says “Project 2025 is not to be talked about”… Streisand Effect. It will blow up even further.


WaPo is even starting to write articles about it, and the people who created it: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/06/08/russ-vought-trump-second-term-radical-constitutional/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/06/08/russ-vought-trump-second-term-radical-constitutional/)


Love to see it. Each and every mention reached someone new. Whether they take it seriously or not doesn’t matter. Even if they go talk shit about it, it’s possible that the person they’re talking to will be like “what the hell is that?” and look it up to their horror. P25 is against literally most of America and our base will be gigantic.


There were over 12k comments on the wapo site about it too. What id like to see is a strong call to action to this. Most news agencies are run by Scipps which is pretty right wing. Now gotta get past that.


I feel like it’s a matter of time. 12 million views on the subject is a pretty damn good start.


Hope this info helps anyone dig deeper. Been exRepublican & exEvangelical since 2010 and will hit 78 this summer. I’ve never seen anything like what’s been going on. Scary stuff. For any who’d like to dig into the religion part of Project 2025, YouTube is a good source of blogs and pods because it’s being covered by lots of pods, blogs, etc. I’ve noticed if someone wasn’t brought up strict evangelical, or otherwise trying to deconstruct from being brought up strict evangelical, this part might not be on their radar. You might check out White Christian Nationalism, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) also “evangelicals”, “the new evangelicals”, Politics Girl’s recent pod with Tim Whitaker (The New Evangelicals”). Also search for America Fest, sponsored by Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point, which was a very large (10,000) convention last year … was interesting to learn about the already existing counter culture that’s ready to plug in if the GOP takes over. It’s not only the presidency we need to take, but Congress as well. It’s really serious.


Of course it's Vought. A fictional evil corporation based on an evil person? Don't mind if I do


What do you know about it?


Dude that guys 48, I thought he was like 62


This is pretty shocking considering who owns it but I'm more than happy to see it being talked about on there


Oh I agree. I saw 1 post with over 100k likes and another with over 40k so the word is definitely spreading. You make a good point about the Streisand Effect


Thank goodness.


President Biden mention P25 at the debate challenge


I have no doubt that he will.


Email him, I email probably once a month.


That’s a good idea! I’ll start doing that.


Just emailed White House.gov and suggested that his team start using the terminology of Project 2025 so that ore people are aware of it and we can stop it. Also commented on his leadership during his son’s trial and told him he is setting a positive example! Unlike TFG


Our enemies have publicly published a plan to replace American Democracy with a Nazi dictatorship. It’s about time people started to pay attention. I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but it does leave you wondering. If this horrific doc is the public version, what kind of monstrous talks go on behind closed doors.


I can’t imagine. And I don’t want to. And hopefully we won’t find out.


I’ve been talking with my husband about this very same concern. In watching YouTube videos of Trump supporters, I’m seeing a lot of similar wording regarding taking action the moment they call the vote in Trump’s favor, abolishing the constitution and setting up “Marshall Law”… a few saying the exact same words about stripping anyone that isn’t an ally of Trump of voting rights. I hate to sound alarmist, but I agree that if this is what they are willing to put to paper, who’s to say this isn’t what he’s planning behind closed doors? I think we should be prepared for ANYTHING, including an outright attempt at civil war. But this time with no clear battle lines. I fully expect at minimum a repeat of Jan 6th if he isn’t elected.


I agree. A Civil War would be horrific. I don’t want to think long on the human cost of one. His supporters are so eager and ready to shed blood. It’s like they’ve been waiting for the green light as an outlet for all of their hatred for anyone that is “other”. They seem to relish the opportunity. There’s a new documentary on Hitler on Netflix. There are so many similarities it’s terrifying.


https://preview.redd.it/ftz7bt7lzi5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91af4610c169aa2baf20e84a3dfe936cbaa4dbf5 Not sure if people are aware of the America First line that Trump and his thugs are using. This is beyond disgusting.


19 million views on that tweet now.


fucking👏get👏the 👏word 👏out👏 vote blue!! 💙


When the Republican candidates start their campaigning, we should put Project 2025 front and center at every stop.


trump (n.1) trump (v.2) "fabricate, devise," 1690s, from earlier trump "deceive, cheat" (1510s), from Middle English trumpen (late 14c.), from Old French tromper "to deceive," a word of uncertain origin. Apparently from se tromper de "to mock," from Old French tromper "to blow a trumpet." Brachet explains this as "to play the horn, alluding to quacks and mountebanks, who attracted the public by blowing a horn, and then cheated them into buying ...." The Hindley Old French dictionary has baillier la trompe "blow the trumpet" as "act the fool," and Donkin connects it rather to trombe "waterspout," on the notion of turning (someone) around. Connection with triumph also has been proposed. Related: Trumped; trumping. Trumped up "false, concocted" is recorded by 1728. also from 1690s


Interesting... I’ll definitely have to look into that. I wonder how that factors into the biblical prophecies of the Antichrist, 31 of 33 already fulfilled. The text calls the Antichrist “The Liar”. I wonder if it wasn’t just a straight-up callout. Would you happen to have a link to your source? I can’t seem to find this information online readily.


Nevermind, I found the info. This is absolutely fascinating.


Just remember the George Carlin quote "think of how stupid the average person is and realize half of them are stupider than that." I'm sure most people are not aware of P25


Not yet they aren’t.


I believe it was him that also said be afraid of dumb people in large numbers. I think 7 million is large.


Wow, 121k from random guy on Twitter is significant. Keep talking, keep spreading the word. And next time someone complains about Biden & Israel, tell them to google Kushner’s relationship to Netanyahu.


Will do! I’m honestly overjoyed that this is seeing so much spread. The way it’s written piques interest and many people will start looking into it. All it takes is a “have you seen this shit!?” Social media runs off of anger. This is going to work in our favor.


i hope so, i wish more people would talk about this


I heard about this a little bit after I woke up yesterday, and it's THE best thing I could of woken up to 💙 Hopefully it'll continue to go MUCH more viral than this. People absolutely need to know about it


That’s my hope.


Same here. But this does at least show the impact we have spreading the word about it




Yeah they problem is that a lot of republicans only watch fox.


I agree, but the cult can’t get Trump elected on their own. They really don’t have much electoral power. That’s why high turnout generally favors Dems.


It’s a good majority of his followers.


Amber Rose went on social media to say it had nothing to do with Trump. Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon both endorsed it. This is what we're up against.


It is not designed specifically for Trump but they are trying to get him in the Oval Office to implement.


It has to be. He's he front runner and chosen republican candidate. I mean, putting his name on it would've been political suicide but it's meant for him because he wants to do some of it already.


I know the Mandate for Leadership (the policy proposal book behind Project 2025) has been historically written for any incoming GOP president but this time around Kevin Roberts has stated that their goal now is "Institutionalizing Trumpism". https://web.archive.org/web/20240611012417/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/21/magazine/heritage-foundation-kevin-roberts.html >Roberts told me that he views Heritage’s role today as “institutionalizing Trumpism.” This includes leading Project 2025, a transition blueprint that outlines a plan to consolidate power in the executive branch, dismantle federal agencies and recruit and vet government employees to free the next Republican president from a system that Roberts views as stacked against conservative power. The lesson of Trump’s first year in office, Roberts told me, is that “the Trump administration, with the best of intentions, simply got a slow start. And Heritage and our allies in Project 2025 believe that must never be repeated.”


It’s literally the whole circle.


Right but this woman doesn't understand his cabinet often drafts policy.


Welcome to the party, pal.


I’m ready to watch this spread about!


People are in denial and will be until day two when it’s 200 years too late.


By your assertion, the end is already here. I suppose then, that how I talk about it would make no difference now. In light of that, I prefer to hold on to the positivity I currently have. No need to suffer twice. I say stay positive, discuss and vote. Who knows? We might just win this out.


I agree. I do talk about it — a lot — but no one seems to think it’s a real worry. I think they’ll see it only when it’s in the rear view .


It just needs to be legitimated in other ways beyond ourselves. If someone only hears it from a friend, they’re like “you’re nuts”. If they hear it from everywhere, they might think differently. A lot can change in the next few months.


My fear as well, not the time for apathy!




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where is a bullet point list of the unfortunate effects for the masses or certain groups


It’s literally not there. Disappointing, but it’s a start.


Here's one in pdf form: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6547d46ce0be13435001c0ad/t/663d101970106d75bbfce2c0/1715277849753/REVISED+12.16+_For+Release_%7B10+pgs%7D_Key+Proposals+of+Project+2025+by+Stop+the+Coup+2025.pdf A web version: https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration