• By -


Raft name drop. Looks like it’s still operational after Cap broke his team out.


Unless this takes place before that. She did say that nobody whos been put in has come out.


You think the government would allow something like that to get out to the public?


I mean, when super powered people are arrested the general public and media are going to know they’re not in a normal prison. So they’ll ask where they’re being kept.


I think he meant the government wouldnt let it slip to the public that caps people were broken out of the raft. Gotta maintain the story of it being inescapable.


>Gotta maintain the story of it being inescapable. And Captain America's image.


I hate Trish for giving Malcolm that inhaler. His reaction was weird though, maybe he just realized that it wasn’t just an enhancer, or maybe it’s just a bad reaction. The Hogarth storyline needs to be reeled in a little, it all feels so separate right now and I’m hoping the storylines will start to have some overlapping affect. I’m thinking this cop she became friends with is dead by the end of the season


I think he could feel the "high" and knew he fucked up


Malcolm used to run in S1 for his addiction


When Malcolm started running it reminded me of Reqiem for a dream.


Drugs also affect people differently. Maybe his was fear.




She lied. She knows it's addictive because she saw what happened to Simpson. She just wants someone else along for the ride.


Denial is a hell of a drug


no, it's a river


It may or may not be chemically addictive, but it is 100% psychologically addictive, and it's got Trish hook, line, and sinker. She basically hates herself when she's off of it, and has been clinging on to it ever since she got it.


Almost anything can be addictive. I'm sitting here at six in the morning watching Netflix for example. Whatever's in that inhaler makes Trish feel powerful, safe, and good. Even if there were no withdrawal effects or anything it'd be tough not to get used to it.


Seriously, every hogarth scene feels so long and boring


hell of alot better then the creepy siblings in season 1


At least the siblings had some character, we got some snarky remarks frim Jess about them, and the brother died in episode 6 (?) So there was alittle bit of range. This Hogarth story is so fucking boring who cares. I was hanging on for a dew episodes, hoping once the stories divergw there'll be something interesting there. But there's fuckin nothing.


I personally really enjoy her scenes. The subplot isn't very exciting but she's currently the best actor on the show and watching her is just fun.


He probably realized she was a full of shit junkie already and it was full of shit he never wanted to touch again.


Trish scraping that guys face like Hellcat.


in front of a bar called Whiskers too


There was so many nods, SPOILERS the feline stuff, and the nine lives and all.


I don't think I caught the 9 lives reference


Dr told Trish "you used 2 of your 9 lives"


I was waiting for hellcat since I first heared the name Patsy


Is it even possible for two characters in this show to interact without having sex?


So far, they have all been pretty well foreshadowed and earned. When Jessica and Oscar first saw each other, there was a look exchanged and then right into constant arguing and bickering. Classic adolescent bullshit until they bonded over the kid. Malcolm had been all over Trish all season and Jess explicitly stated that he was into her. Then she had a vulnerable moment thanks to being high AF and boom. Right place, right time, and it didn't last past that. Hogarth basically ate Inez up with her eyes when she first saw her and every time she passes by, there's been a look. When Inez changed in front of her, it was unmissable. Then Inez' help gives Jeri some serious hope and boom, celebration. It's all earned.


Just waiting for that inevitable Jessica/Alisa scene




If Alisha's genes have been spliced out, it's almost like they aren't related.


oh good so it wont be weird then


I'd rather have the long-awaited Jessica/Trish scene ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


More like an Alisa/Trish's Mom scene


Like seriously it’s starting to get old this season it feels like there has been a sex scene every episode.


It's gone full CW/Freeform at this point


The mother/daughter back-and-forth was amazing. The combination of embarrassment and fear of her raging out and killing everything around her was great. Loved the chat about how Jessica's personality wasn't created by the accident, she's always been a shit disturber and it's who she is.


>The combination of embarrassment and fear of her raging out and killing everything around her was great. A little too relatable for my family haha


I love her mom when she gets pissed. All I can think of is nobody wants to fuck with her when she's angry.


I keep waiting for "you won't like me when I'm angry"


So Hogarth can just turn any woman into a lesbian? Interesting super powers for certain.


Her and Sara Lance would get along


Jerilance isn't as catchy as Avalance.


Now that's a crossover I'd like to see. Sara, Hogarth and Oliver: who can get the most women with a list of tools provided.


I swear there is a Legends reference in every episode discussion so far. Praise be to Bebo.


It's Beebo you heathen.


Had that vibes since the introduction but well, I'd turn lesbian for trinity if I was a woman tbh


Holy shit, Hogarth is Trinity


Wait, really? She looks and sounds exactly the same, her hair hasn't even changed!


And she still wears all-black clothes


She aged really well too, just like Keanu.


Everyone filmed in that movie has been blessed with immortality for accurately portraying the world outside and yet leaving none the wiser. Wait-


I know!I just realized this about a day ago and am now beating myself up for missing it through the entire first season.


Hell, she's also Aria T'Loak. Another woman I'd be a lesbian for if I was a woman. I think I have a thing for Carrie Anne Moss...


Yeah but she needs to raise her standards. First it's a bunch of street-hookers, now it's a hobo.


Hey, she's only a hobo because of PTSD and circumstance. She could be a functional member of society again with some help.


>She could be a functional member of society again with some help that's a good percentage of homeless people though


*Sexual healing.*


That's no standard, but her fetish.


That power would really suck if they hadn't gender-swapped her character.


They did? Didn't know that.


yeh, was a dude in the comics


What's her comic counterpart?




I love how Hogarth Chao & Benowitz is listed under team affiliation


**Jeryn Hogarth** Jeryn Hogarth is a fictional supporting character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is a friend of Iron Fist's father Wendell, and an attorney for the Heroes for Hire, a team of heroes of which Iron Fist is a member. Carrie-Anne Moss plays a female version of the character in several TV series of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, first appearing in Jessica Jones and making cameos in Daredevil, Iron Fist, and The Defenders. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defenders/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^| [^Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/donate) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28


some dude who was a friend of Iron Fists father, he appears in one hero for hire comic I read as a child


Didn't binge my way through yet, but I wanted to point out that Jeri certainly seems to prefer being in the powerful position (compared to her partners). Lesbian or not, the homeless lady really wants a place to stay, I bet she would do a lot to not go back to the streets, boom, Jeri's on the case.


A lot of TV/movie lesbians seem to have that power to be fair...


Strange how that works.


Jessica, she killed people, don't listen to her shit


She's an uncontrollable rage demon who chose a mad doctor who kept her prisoner over her own daughter. How can you even *consider* listening to her?


To be fair, she kept choosing her daughter until she tried to visit her daughter. Then she realized she's better off without her due to current mental issues.


I think she actually did pretty well, if you excuse her rage moments as not her fault.


She didn't choose him over her daughter. Did you miss the part on the last episode where she went to see Jessica and ended up snapping and murdering her boyfriend? She knew she had to stay away after that


Stockholm syndrome hit her pretty hard


Plus she isn't exactly mentally stable herself. She is an alcoholic with anger issues and intimacy issues as well.


Keeping her chained up at night as protection is not the same thing as keeping her prisoner. She clearly wasn't being held captive during the day, when she could have easily harmed that mother and her baby. And don't try that "stockholm syndrome" bull, it could be just as easily argued that the doctor was the one suffering from that.


People are being slaughtered and neither one of them wants to take responsibility for that. They both believe that the other has "suffered enough" because of their relationship with each other.


I'm sorry, this may be unpopular...but I'm not liking Trish at all. Malcolm is great and giving him that inhaler was so scumbaggy...I'm just not feeling her as a character. It feels like they're trying *too* hard to have her fit in. I'm cool with the lesbian scenes but...can no-one resist Hogarth? Probably not, but damn, she can turn anyone to the other side. -Edit: It seems that my comment about Hogart is being taken the wrong way but whatever...smh.


Holy shit, you people need to stop with this "turning lesbian" crap. There was no indication of Inez' orientation one way or the other. And you can't use the look on her face as proof she's straight because she could just very well have been surprised by Jeri's advances. Remember, she said earlier in the episode she had trouble being around people. That most likely includes sexual contact.


Agreed, I think most people react like that because there's almost no lesbian representation in TV shows. So when it happens, they automatically think "wait, I've never seen that before, she must have turned her gay!" Well guess what, some women are bi/lesbian and it's not written on their face


More like every other women on this show is a lesbian which is noway representative of normal demographics.


> Well guess what, some women are bi/lesbian and it's not written on their face THIS. SO MUCH THISSSS. Source: Living the invisible femme struggle.


I'd do that too if someone gave me a glass of champagne that tastes like joy.


I dont think anyone is supposed to like Trish this season. She's going off The walls due to her addiction to the combat inhaler. They're having her face demons again along her path to being Hellcat


jeri is hot with a lot of power. what woman can resist that?


How so *no-one*? Isn't this the only character she seduces? From a somewhat questionable position of power.


i think the writers intentionally wanted to make her a kid star train wreak so i dont think we are supposed to like her this season. or at least thats my in head cannon.


I love the doctors dedication to wearing Doors shirts.


When his first talked to Alisa, he was wearing a Grateful Dead shirt


*"You'd lock yourself in your room playing depressing rock."* *"Nirvana isn't depressing."* *"Oh, really? Didn't that guy commit suicide?"* Ok, that was dark but I'd be lying if I didn't laugh out loud for that.


I was also a depressed moody teen who shut myself in my bedroom listening to nirvana... And pissed myself laughing at that line.




No, but it’s not an opiate though. That means you can’t be addicted to it. /s


sounds kinda like my ex with every new drug she got addicted to. Sadly she wasn't as hot.


thing is, Trish actually believes she's doing the right thing


Only cause she's all hopped up on ~~goofballs~~ experimental combat enhancers herself.




I think she half knows she's addicted. By which I mean she does on some level, but is in super denial about it, and is trying to convince both herself and Malcolm of this.




this sinks the ship




When did they mention this?


Her mom mentioned it takes about three times as much as it should to get drunk. I think it might have been in the last scene? I'm pretty sure it was in Jessica's office and involved those bottles of whiskey, but then that describes half the show.


I think it might be similar to how Cap can't get drunk.


Superpowered bodies are harder to inebriate. That's why sedatives have to be in such higher doses for Alisa, just natural immunity. Same for alcohol.


> just natural immunity. unnatural, really


inhuman, even


no, we're a good TV show (referring to the cancelled Inhumans dumpsterfire, not inhumans-heavy AoS!)




Malcolm doesn’t want your cray cray, Trish :(


Jesus Trish, you do know that Mal is a recovering junkie. Poor dude...


Umm, you do know that she is too, right?


I wouldn't call her "recovering" at this point.


That's debatable. Some would say they're *always* recovering, much the same way they still call themselves addicts even after 20 years clean and sober. And hell, she fell off the wagon harder than he did, he was able to keep himself clean after his dose wore off.


... is Trish going to be the "big bad" this season?


Don't you dare...! Trish - JJ sisterly moments always bring happy tears for me


Anyone else burst out laughing when the homophobe thug immediately started whining that Trish ripped his jacket?


all their dialogue was cringe-worthy so, so bad


Horrible ADR, right there.


"They broke my watch!"


The raft mentioned! Either the healer is actually legit, or it's a really clever ploy to trick Hogarth into freeing him. Crikey, Trish is really developing a temper! Makes me wonder how far she's going to go. Aaaaand Trish gave the recovering addict an addictive substance. With friends like these, who needs enemies. Hogarth's toast "To Hope" has a double meaning I guess, if anyone still cares about that girl.


I'd be laughing my ass off if the healer was faking it, that would be clever af


Placebo Man!


"I help those who help themselves!"


Thank you for the laugh


Well I just wasn't sure - Hogarth had already told the girl that she had ALS, so the girl already knew. Then the girl suddenly reveals this magical healer guy, when everyone else who was experimented on got the same powers, then Hogarth basically tells the guy she can get him out of prison...seems like a dream come true for the guy, and I just thought it'd be smart if it was a con.


Naw the powers are based on your genetics. Thus why Jessica and her mom have the same powers, the wizzer was fast and the prisoner can heal


Ah of course! Too busy trying to call everyone's bluff, forgot about the Whizzer!


Forgot about that girl!


Apparently so did everyone in the show too!


I swear aside from a few references its like S1 never existed


What do you mean? I mean they're focused on IGH so I don't know why they would name drop other things unless it was relevant to the plot. They mentioned killgrave because that's important to the plot/character development/JJs mental state/etc.


Yeah, I get that, but...no mention of Luke Cage? That whole building blowing up thing? What about Robyn, did she just up and leave? Just a shame they didn't mention some of it


It's been over two years to be fair. People move on.


Somehow I think Shane is a sham. Only Danny can heal by touch.


You mean Danny Rand, The Immortal Iron Fist?


No I meant Danny Rand, the Immortal Iron Fist, Protector of Kun-Lun, Sworn Enemy of The Hand.


I figured since he said "it started with a cramp in your wrist" maybe Hogarth felt the pain go away and assumed she was cured. I think I recall her moving her wrist and hand and smiling. But if I were her I'd still go to the doctor and do whatever scans you need to check the diseases progress.


No Malcolm :( bad trish. Of all the people in the series, Malcolm needs to survive.


Patsy's claws are out. Please set it up so she can be Hellcat next season


Really appreciated the nod to the Raft, though Evil Mother Jones sitting beside Abomindation at the Raft cafeteria is a funny one.


Netflix please make an Orange is the New Black but about Marvel super villains


The closest we've got so far Is the "Hail to the King" short which is pretty good https://vimeo.com/129341896


My question is, I thought the Raft was a black site, so how did Alisa know about it, let alone Jessica?


I imagine all supers understand that they wouldn’t be imprisoned at normal jails. Knowing this, you can assume that Jessica and Alisa (being smart people) would have done thorough research. My question is, why wasn’t Luke Cage held at the Raft? Is it simply because he was compliant? I mean, he had even broken out of the prison he went back to lmao.


I think it was because he was compliant. It was pretty clear he wasn't out to hurt people unlike Jessica's mom or Abomination


Compliance will be rewarded.


Alisa still a better mom than Dorothy


Dorothy pimped her daughter out to a child molester for vicarious fame, Alisa killed the petty crook trying to sell her daughter out to a street gang. Checks out.


Eh, it was left up in the air if he was actually going through with the scheme. But its not like Jess mom was in control of her emotions or actions while Trish mom was completely in controll so the point still stand. Jess mom is a criminal but not a bad human being. Trish mom is not a criminal but an awfull human being.


I feel like it stopped being contestable the second Sterling demanded a piece of the action. Whether or not he really loved Jessica is still up for debate, but there's no question that he was using her.


He asked for part of the gains, for me there was no doubt he was going to sell her, and make money from it too. He never had a real intention of opening a club, he spent all the money he borrowed from the gang guy and probably planned to do the same to Trish. I know people like that guy, they are just wannabe con artists.


Dorothy is a child abuser definitely a criminal.


How much is in that inhaler?


5 or so


Holy shit a S1 throwback >argued constantly. >no you didn't Only thing is that lady was lying, and Killgrave proved it.


Kilgrave proved she lied about having a premonition about JJ's family dying in a car crash.


What lady?


In season 1 Ep 8 during the breakfast scene. The neighbor(Who knows Jessica as a kid) comes and talks about Jessica's family.


confused by this, how did Killgrave prove that?


Trish is batshit crazy


Drugs will do that to you


I was screaming at my laptop when Trish offered Malcom the inhaler


I fucking hate that they made Jessica's mom sympathetic. Fucking hell it's gonna break my heart to see her murder and probably die by the season's end. Especially her Spanish, my oh my Alisa why are you a crazy monster woman :(


I know, I just can't hate her. I want Jessica to have her mom


The mother daughter relationship reminds me of Cal and Daisy from Agents of SHIELD


I kind of want Daisy and JJ to show up in Punisher S02 or 3 or whatever gets them in the same show.




So Malcolm gets punched a few times and Trish wants him to take this drug to heal faster? Heal faster from what? A bruise? Damn it Malcom, just put some ice on it man!


he was spitting blood


I think it's because they went and hit his shoulder wound which was still healing.


why is jessicas mom so relateable, I don't even have children


Just can’t get over how hot that nurse is


Thank you! It felt like no one was talking about this.


IDK, maybe it's just the context of her character, but she seems so trashy to me.


Hellcat confirmed after that scratch. Damn looked like it hurt


> To hope 😢


Overly flamboyant extra in the gay bar getting a drink served to him just made my day


Hogarth's lesbian escapades seem completely irrelevant and its so damn boring




Honestly Hogarth could be cut out of the show and I wouldn't even notice. The show would probably be better off actually


It's almost like people are more interested in romance when it's heteronormative or something


Looks like we finally got a red and white striped face from Nuke.


Does nobody check their voicemail box on this show?


nobody uses texts either it seems


Lmao this conversation between her and her mom is awkward af. This is great.


I have to admit this series is losing me a bit. I find myself caring mostly about Hogarth and Trish, the whole mother aspect... it just does not do it for me.




Title of this episode should have been dumb people making dumb decisions.


Not gonna lie. Jessica and her mother's plot is quite boring. I quite enjoy Trish and Malcolm's story though, and Jeri's plot isn't that bad in the end. But yeah after that ending I hope that's Jessica's storyline takes some momentum.


I'm not the only person who felt uncomfortable with Jeri having sex with the Nurse right? I mean it's nowhere near a homophobic reaction being as big a lesbian as I am, just - I feel like the Nurse is in a vulnerable position after what she went through and I'd rather a relationship form in a healthier state of mind long after she's gotten her life completely back on track. Jeri never was a moral character though.


Jess needs to hurry up and find out that Alisa killed Stirling so she can end this. Also, nice to have confirmation that Netflix *does* acknowledge anything from the movies post-Avengers with that Raft mention (and while they're not directly named, I do like the subtle acknowledgement of Inhumans through all the talk of powered people).


I thought it was implied that Alisa *did* tell Jessica that, the way the flashback was framed. Seemed like Alisa told her everything that involved her in the flashback


Yeah, Alisa did tell Jessica.


I imagine that's why Jessica gave her the pimp slap