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Would be good to have some infos on what units you have on your account,would make giving you specific advice for it easier. Anyways burgeon dehya with burst usage is possible but sadly limited in terms of teammates,mostly premium units. Prime example would be nahida furina kokomi or more recently sigewinne(while her apply aint good she is one of the few units that can teamwide heal,apply hydro during dehya burst and use fav weapons to help with team energy.) Or for cheap barbara but that can be clunky. i gotta say by my own testing the pure burgeon version can work,its more easier to use with cons on nahida,furina and dehya(c2 for each)but can work without if you know what ya doing. Given that you want to use her burst sacc claymore isnt needed for e uptime as with proper usage there is no downtime on it. You can use an em claymore on dehya. If you artifact rolls dont give you much er% using favonius on some of the teammates is adviceable. My own dehya team runs less than 130% er but i run 2 r5 fav users to counter that. If you want to use benny in this you should aim for a more hybrid focused build with less em and some focus on personal dmg something akin to em/pyro/crit but thats harder to pull of in terms of artifacts. Else his atk buff is wasted. I run something similar to this myself but my own team is pretty expensive with c1r1 beacon dehya,c2 furina,c6 r5 fav collei,c6 r5 fav charlotte. Dehya is on 4pc gilded em/pyro/critdmg with very,good rolls. https://youtu.be/oXlyFG-UghE?si=RKJFkBaujziP6UMD a kenki run i did awhile back for testing reasons.what i like about this team is that its irrelevant who gets the reactions between dehya and furina both do really good dmg.but again hell of expensive so very likely not that easy to copy. Still i hope i could provide some helpful infos even with my overly invested teams and builds. I wish much success in your Dehya building/using.


It's possible with Furina. Here's an [example](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dehyamains/s/34ByQ7GKeZ) This is a vapeburgeon variant, you can use Bennett, Kokomi or Sigewinne instead of Mona on this team. You can build her as a normal DPS (emblem set) if you use Nahida, if you use another dendro character (like DMC, Collei, Baizhu or Yaoyao) it's better to build her with ER/EM/EM to prioritize the burgeon dmg.


Your ult doesn't target cores. So it's really a pain in the butt. Burgeon wants full EM and nothing else - meanwhile full EM builds are unusable when you DON'T Burgeon or Hyperbloom. This binary nature of the EM based reactions make it hard to justify a mixed build. Now why do people even do Burgeon Dehya? The answer is: because on field Dehya sucks at lower constellations. Burgeon Dehya is not a build you do because Burgeon Dehya is so good. Burgeon Dehya is a build you du because you like Dehya and want to have SOME use out of her. You assign her to background character burning duty.  You want to combine the worst of both worlds here: you want to use Burgeon, but also on field Dehya. This may work but is really far from good. If you want Dehya on field and you like using her ult, you can just go all in on her ult. Sure she'll never be a Hu Tao or Arle or even Diluc at C0, but with constellations and strong support characters you can get close. For on field ult focused Dehya, use EOSF set with 200 ER or more (as much as you need that you can ult immediately off cooldown - this is crucial for your DPS and by far your most important stat). Then add Bennet to feed her particles and give atk and healing. Now the rest of the ult team depends on how many S tier supports you have. The following constellations work: - C2 Furina and Kazuha (don't bother if your Furina isn't C2!) - C0 or C1 Furina and Jean (Furina needs the healing, Bennet alone isn't enough, only C2 fixes this) - Mona and Kazuha  - Xiangling and Kazuha - Xiangling and Sucrose (F2p friendly) - Chevrouse and Raiden  These teams will all fulfill your dreams of punching things with burning fists of rage, and none of them rely on making tiny green bonbons pop with a skill that uses mihoyo ®️ auto targeting mechanics. 


I use C0 Dehya with Furina, dendro MC and Yaoyao, when her E is not active I use her ult to explode some cores, I am very lazy and this team is pretty easy to use, but I don’t know if it is as strong as you want, also is mostly a quick swap team  


Hybrid EM for an on field Dehya works pretty well. * Bennet, Furina, Nahida - all the stats you need. If Bennet isn’t c6, you’ll want to build your team for a very tight 20s rotation. That means a couple of Favs and generous ER on everyone. * Sucrose, Furina, Yaoyao - Sucrose can use a TTDS/VV build. Yaoyao heals for Furina. Lower dmg ceiling, less premium units. * Mona, Lynette, Yaoyao - This is delicate and lacks buffs, but I wanted to call it out as a possibility. TTDS Mona, Lynette needs to burst and absorb Hydro. The energy situation here is also crazy, but Lynette and Yaoyao can both be on Fav. Mona occasionally on fields to keep hydro up during downtime. * Kokomi, Kazuha, Nahida - better version of the above, but it’s the exact same idea. * Candace, Nahida, Kuki - Hyper burgeon. Furina would be better still, but I wanted to cover at least one team without Furina… Candace really needs cons, but her hydro app may be good enough to get a good amount of blooms. You’ll get a slurry of EM scaling reactions here. Mmm— I think you need C6 Candace for this. Simpler to run Furina or Kokomi. * Dehya, Charlotte, Nahida, Furina - one more Furina team. Charlotte’s little bit of cryo application and Furina’s inconsistent hydro will cause some of the reactions to “wobble” in their order. Because of how dendro and cryo can coexist, it should be possible for Dehya to get some melts in. * Bennet (c6)c, Xq/Yelan, Nahida - Benny C6 can let Dehya vape/burgeon on her normals. Unlike the Furina version of this team, with C6 Bennet you can be sloppier with energy as you don’t need to burst as often (since C6 Benny lets you keep triggering cores). Edit: some of these suck; many of them I have cleared abyss with. Mainly sharing to put the ideas out there.


Burgeon is unworth the effort of deliberately aiming for, regardless of which pyro character you use to set it off.


It’s pretty possible. My go-to burgeon team is Dehya, Furina, Nahida and Baizhu. I like this team cause the units synergise well with each other and Dehya can stay mostly on field. Bursting when possible is actually pretty good cause you can extend the E’s duration. I use her full EM with Flower of Paradise Lost and a R5 sacrificial greatsword. Has been pretty consistent at clearing the abyss ever since I came up with this comp and it’s specially useful when there’s an enemy with an annoying Cryo shield as Dehya can pop it with her Burst quickly for the seed explosions to do damage. Also since it has two Dendro characters it results in a lot of Burning for Furina to forward vape all of her hits. I don’t think Bennett is necessary here as most of his utility is wasted and Pyro infusion isn’t that relevant as you might think. Her E procs are too slow but most of the time it doesn’t matter that much (and you can pop seeds faster when bursting). Basically you’d keep her on field so she can benefit from the reaction damage bonus from both Baizhu and Nahida.


Well just use her burst instead of going off field, as long as you have off field applicators that don’t require normals you should be fine. Don’t expect a revolution though


Probably dehya/furina/Nahida or emilie/jean


Use sacrificial great sword her to proc her burgeon often with her skill plus 100 skill uptime