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There's not much in Clifton heights for people in their 20's. Media has more fun things to do, easier to make new friends, definitely very safe


I live in Clifton heights, it’s pretty boring there’s a few decent coffee shops and my crackhead neighbor is gone.


would you say it’s safe ? for someone living alone


Yes it’s definitely safe


I mean...lets just say there was a guy who decapitated his girlfriend in the apartment complex, the guy who gave his kid fentanyl, the one that was cooking meth on his stove and killed his toddler and the whole house was on fire. Two major fires that cause four houses to be totally demolished within the last year, the police station has a jail, they spend more money on cops and cameras all around the town, but not so much on the town itself. The local government is all republican and cronyism runs rampant, more than half the town is economically depressed, lots of drugs, if you couldn't tell. Uhmmm outside of that, it's pretty quiet, except around the holidays with fireworks, theres the fire siren that goes off 6 times a day, the train is loud. But in short, welcome to Clifton!


What coffee shops


Camellia coffee in landsdowne, yo! Coffee drive thru in media


Thought you meant in Clifton (?)


Landsdowne is like five minutes away and media a ten minute drive.


Nice to have somewhere you can walk to tho


There's a good amount of drugs in Clifton heights


There’s a good amount of drugs in most of Delco. It’s not an issue if you don’t associate with those people.


Idk why you were downvoted it’s true


Most of Delco is. To be honest not surprising at all.


Is there cool stuff there? Not really pretty boring. Is there cool stuff nearby (under an hour driving) absolutely.


Decent middle class town. Kinda boring low crime. Great dog park nearby.


Where is the dog park?


Kent dog park. You need to be a Delco resident, dog has to have current shots, with records to prove it. You have to have a dog license which you can get at the upper Darby township building or in media at the courthouse or in rose tree park, where Delco parks is headquartered. You can get a lifetime license if your dog is neutered and has a chip. Once you have the aforementioned things you can get a key fob to the park from the same places, you can apply for both the dog license and the park membership at the same time. It’s $20 to join them $10 a year to renew. It’s a great dog park cause you have to be a good proactive dog person to join, this keeps most irresponsible owner out. There’s a large dog and small dog areas, water fountain for the dogs and a baby pool for the dogs when it gets ahot. Both sides have a Facebook group.


Clifton is safe overall but there are some trash people who live there. As long as you don’t involve yourself with them, you’ll be fine


It’s ok, just don’t walk around much after 11. upper Darby is much worse in parts than Clifton.


I would agree that it’s safe! It has good transit options to get to center city as well


Fairly safe. Not much to do in Clifton in walking distance but there’s easy public transportation either towards the city or towards more happening areas like Springfield or media. Clifton is much cheaper for housing than those areas and driving towards Springfield/ media isn’t too bad time wise


Yes it’s safe! Crime happens but it’s almost entirely domestic, not random. Depending on the block, neighbors tend to be friendly and look out for each other. There’s the Darby Creek trail nearby, the town occasionally holds little fairs, and a few bars and restaurants in town. There’s plenty to do within a five mile radius if you drive or take public transportation. There are basic stores in walking distance for your day to day stuff. Just don’t go to the Acme because the prices are atrocious and the employees are weird. If you’re looking for a safe, affordable place to live with a working class vibe I recommend it. edit: all the people saying “just go to media instead!” are so funny to me. typically the venn diagram of people who can afford to live in media and the people looking to live in clifton does not overlap.


It's cheaper than Media, and Media is only a few minutes away. Pretty safe, amenities galore, great police who are actually more interested in keeping you safe than writing tickets.


A couple years ago a dude beheaded his lady friend in Clifton, other than that it’s one of the lower middle class towns of delco. Safe but dull for a 23 year old. [oh yeahhhh](https://www.fox29.com/news/man-arrested-after-attempting-to-decapitate-girlfriend-in-clifton-heights-apartment-police-say.amp)


And last year a teenager got stabbed in the neck a few houses away from his while walking home. A random stabbing - did not know the kid.


Wasn’t that Drexel hill?


It was, just a few blocks from Lansdowne


Yes but right around Clifton


Used to see the guy who did that skateboarding around town when I was growing up. Can’t believe that is how he ended up


i would say it’s safe but i wouldn’t say it’s the best spot in delco…. media is super fun and safe for your age or even havertown (im 24)


Clifton is what you make it but it’s definitely gotten much worse over the last few years couple shootings and tons of crackheads and good amount of homeless on the east side. There is a putt putt tho so that’s worth the move in it of itself. God speed and go rams


It is semi safe but getting worse by the day. Not a great neighborhood anymore for sure. If possible I would choose somewhere else.


Clinton heights for a female living alone is a no from me. Not a gray area


Have family out there. Never heard of anything happening. Pretty unremarkable (and kinda boring) suburb. Has a train station so that's cool. They've been complaining about the cop pulling people over every morning lately, so I guess be mindful of those rolling stops. Safe? Yeah, seemingly, fun? Nah. There's one bar that I think has a reputation for being problematic but I don't know much about it.


Plenty of white trash and racists


What street are the racists on? Maybe it's time to send the crisis intervention team there, to prevent a conflict. I'm willing to help.


I would say they’re evenly distributed throughout the neighborhood.


Oh ok, because our team will gladly assist in any conflict resolution. Contact me or the borough. I am on Oak Ave.


Thanks for the offer, David Duke. I’m aware of the teams and their work.


Who's David Dukes?


BTW, my name is Richard Fedalen, I am a resident of Clifton Heights, and I do live on Oak Ave. I am not hiding behind a silly nickname, kid. You are making blanket assumptions about our town, and if you WERE familiar with our association, you would know who I was.


I’m sorry - I thought you were being insincere.


I live on walnut, thanks.


Most police departs should be able to point you to a crime data map. When I worked in LE, you could request a call for service report for a specific location


It’s a decent enough area. Regional rail runs through it, buses the trolley etc..in case you wanted or needed to get to the city or wherever.


all 5 blocks of Clifton heights


If you want to wash your car, this is the town for you


Having grown up in Clifton and returning to visit family a couple times a year over decades until 2020, I would walk all over town every visit just to reminisce and see how the town was coming along. Never had any issues over my personal safety ever on my walks (though I am male). However, I was shocked reading about the brutal murder of the 15 year old boy last year in Drexel Hill as he walked on a street less than a mile from Clifton and the accused perpetrator living in Clifton a few blocks from where I grew up. And others in responses to you as the OP referring to areas to avoid in this tiny town due to drugs, etc. All to say I would not recommend moving to Clifton as a single woman these days. Better and safer choices to live just a few miles away like Secane, Springfield and parts of Ridley.


Delco cool place just minutes from Philly


You'll fit right in with all the single mothers in Clifton




At your age I think you should look into media. Young people love it there. Or Ridley not far from media and getting on 95 to go anywhere is very easy