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Uh, get off your high horse lol; I'm a lesbian as well, you should know that literally nothing about the sexuality of any character in deltarune is confirmed. Susie could be lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, demiromantic it doesn't fucking matter, the point is nothing is confirmed. Don't use a headcanon you made up to justify calling other people names And if you're a troll, which wouldn't surprise me at all, wow this was a low effort post do better mate


It's the way tivy does queer charecters, patterns I've picked up On, that he dosent do with susie


Elaborate! Im interested in this pov


how is that a fetish?


it was a metaphor.


ur weird asf for saying that's a fetish, when has it been stated that susie is bi? or even hinted that she likes a man??? stfu no one's biphobic here


It's the way toby creates queers charecters, susie is romantically paired with men, while other lesbians are NEVER paired with men, it disent matter if she likes them back, toby wouldn't pair a lesbian or gay person with somebody of the opposite gender, that's how he conveys a charecter as gay


My pal in what part of the game is she paired romantically with men and and who lmfao


When is she paired romantically with a man? No berdly doesnt count, thats a one sided joke at best


when has she been paired with a man????


>Susie is romantically paired with men Berdly falling in love with her doesn't mean she also likes men lmao


I hate bi erasure too but uh... this ain't it. Susie hasn't canonically expressed interest in dating *anyone* yet - not even even Noelle, who seems to be the love interest going forward. The game is at 2/7 chapters. That means it's about 28% finished at best. Will she be revealed to be a lesbian? Bi? Straight? Ace? Who knows! Not us, because we have exactly 0 confirmation on her orientation so far. (Headcanons are fine but you can't claim erasure with headcanons.)


We don't even know what type of people Susie is into yet.


I swear to god im going to have a brain aneurysm from browsing this sub.


If "Human, I remember your snowBings at antlers city" is so "Kris, where's the purple are we killing some monsters" can he rizz up the 7 human souls


Jessie, there is no instance of Susie liking any male character


She is still romantically paired with men in the cannon, unlike the actual lesbians


what the fuck are you on about


No she isn’t? There’s not a single at all romantic scene with her and a male character in any part of the game, unless you mean her swerving berdly.


jesse what the fuck are you talking about?


Elaborate, when has Susie showed any explicit interest in men?




Source: it came to me in a delusion.


The game??? Even aa a joke. She was paired with birsky in the cannon, making it a cannon ship, something toby dosent do with lesbians


The game??? Even aa a joke. She was paired with birsky in the cannon, making it a cannon ship, something toby dosent do with lesbians


??? Fuck you mean? She hasnt dated anyone in canom


Susie didn’t kiss Burghley in that scene, she just asked him to speak up.


what the fuck are you smoking


There is no canonical evidence that Susie is bi, you’re getting mad over head canons right now. If it were someone like Luz from the owl house, then you can get mad.


We can call you lesbianphobic for saying Susie is Bi then


I'm litterally lesbian moron, susie clearly has pairs woth male, unlike other lesbian charecters, noelle and undyne, she's bi


So where's this information from?


Toby has made a clear pattern of never romantically pair a gay or lesbian person with somebody with the opposite gender, like undyne, noelle and the royal guards, they never have any romantic moments with somebody of tge opposite gender, where susie does, with berdly and ralsei kind of.


??? when? berdly was played off as a joke and if you're referring to that one hidden scene in chapter 1 where you equip the white ribbon to ralsei. ralsei was the one initiating. theres no reason to believe that she's into him.


Wooah buddy those are a lot of claims without that much evidence, when does Susie have romantic moments with berdly and Ralsei?


In those other characters THEY were the ones showing interest, not the other way


Dude. Toby Fox hasn't confirmed anything yet. Suck it up, buttercup, as until Toby Fox directly confirms anything, people are allowed to have headcanons.


This is the worst Reddit post my eyes have ever had the misfortune of seeing. Susie hasn't shown any romantic interest in anyone you half-witted nincompoop.


This is a reference to the long bacon thing not biphobia (fear of the number 2)


Bi erasure is a real problem… when it’s actually **erasing bi characters**. Which is not happening here.


how’s 7th grade, OP?


I think the 7th grade is too high (or not, I have 9-11 grade system)




What? What does that have to do with anything? And what's an op?


OP = Original Poster


susie doesn't have a canon sexuality! hope this helps!


my source is that i made it the fuck up


Bait used to be believable


At this point she has no confirmed sexual/romantic orientation wtf you on


How is this Bi Erasure . . ?


No...? besides lord forbid those to have head canons and well, hey guess what? i respect your head canon that she's bi despite there being zero evidence IN CANON that she likes men and woman (only that she's thinking about Noelle at random points but not in a romantic way.) The problem here is the fact that you're shitting on others people's head canons to the point of calling them a "fetish for erasure of bi people." We genuinely don't know what she likes... there's NO erasure going on *at all BECAUSE IT'S NOT even the intent of these pieces of fanart, no fetishes, no suggestions of erasing ACTUAL BI PEOPLE, IT'S A HEAD CANON based on in-game events.* If we're going by your argument that "Susie clearly has pairs with males" the only main interactions with the two males of the game are: * Berdly, but his crush on Susie is onesided, Susie doesn't reciprocate back, hell Susie rips into him quite often because he's annoying due to BARELY anybody being nice to him, that's why Berdly is confused and thinks that Noelle and Susie are interested in him because Susie knocked some sense into him at the Queen's Castle puzzle. Berdly is just a dumbass teen with self esteem problems and probably a shitty homelife. * Ralsei doesn't even show romantic love towards Susie, it's just friendship / platonic love an gestures of kindness because Ralsei thinks that to be a friend he has to be nice, as he says in the acid tunnel. Seriously, why do you think this? who told you this? did you even play the game?


you people are genuine fucking morons. shit like this is why I barely use reddit. her sexuality is UNKNOWN. WE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT IT. GOD FORBID YOU PEOPLE JUST LET OTHERS HAVE HEADCANONS, OR EVEN JUST FUN. i hate all of you


legit susie has not shown romantic interest to anyone, she could be bi, pan, lesbian, aro, or even straight.


There is no confirmed sexuality in the game dumbass


deltarune fans when their headcanon isn't supported by everyone


https://preview.redd.it/gx2r728z6cwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8824c9abdcc042e8b99e6f388d50283f93fd0ae6 This ain't bi erasure chief it's just headcannon. If anything it's just cute art.


... th if you ship two characters in a lesbian or gay relationship, they're.. a lesbian or gay couple.. objectively. yes, one or both could be bisexual, but the relationship itself is lesbian or gay. that's what the post itself is about. get basic literacy before complaining sincerely, pansexual demigirl dating a fucking girl


it is called a headcanon. her sexuality is not confirmed. she can be either lesbian or bi or whatever else if you want to. also calling it a fetish is very weird, dont do that.


This is the most twitter-like drama i saw on this subreddit.


what the fuck were you smoking before making this post


you keep saying she gets "paired with male characters" tf do you mean? berdly who has a one sided "crush on her"? ralsei? until there's proof or any confirmation it's not erasure lol


As far as I am aware, there are no cannon genders for any of the characters in the game. If you think Susie is bi, good for you! But please remember that, like what I said previously, there are no cannon genders. So please don't call out people as being anti-bi, or anything similar to that because, like you, they are interpreting the characters' sexuality from how they act in the game. So, please be more respectfull in the future, even if you didn't mean any disrespect in the first place.


Canon genders? Don't you mean sexuality

