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I fear that the episodic release nature will injure the overall game experience in retrospect once its fully released. Releasing in chapter bundles incentivizes Toby to make each bundle of chapters "End Well" (as well as have their own central villain, climax, etc.) in a way that it satisfies the dedicated playerbase that is being dripfed content chapter-by-chapter but may not necessarily be right for the game as a whole. I hope Toby is intentionally leveraging this episodic feel towards a greater purpose but if he's not im worried it will cheapen the game as a final product.


It's propably why he choses not to release the game one chapter at a time. Maybe they'll all vary in their story like how it is in Mother 3 so it's not gonna be repetitive but having it go one at a time will make people go mad after being left alone with a cliff hanger (kinda how it was already with the first two chapters, especially the second one). Well, that's my prediction for how the game's gonna go, i can be wrong.


Yeah, you don't typically play each chapter of a narrative driven game entire YEARS apart. I feel like having to accommodate that is going to affect the overall flow of the story (even already in Chapter 2 they made a bunch of jokes about how yesterday felt like years ago... which once the entire game is released will have zero context behind it and make less sense retroactively)


Each chapter is focused on one character like chapter 1 had susie and chapter 2 had noelle so I dont see a problem. Undertale also did the same thing. Ruins had Toriels story, Snowdin Papyrus, Waterfall Undyne, Hotland Mettaton and New home asgore and flowey


The difference is that the emotional beats of snowdin didn't feel like a complete game. Papyrus is clearly not that. It's an early game region with early game stakes. But queen and king both felt extremely high stakes in a way that if you added more content either of their regions could have easily been an entire game. The same wouldn't work for snowdin or waterfall or hotlsnd. They feel fundamentally like places. You're moving through. You. Experience and. Learn about alphys in a jokey way. There ARE murder bot stakes at hand but it's revealed they were fake too (until the end). Saying snowdin or waterfall feel the same as ch2 feels insane to me. Ch2 feels like a tiny whole game. Complete with secret boss and all. Does each region in UT have its own sans battle? No. But each chapter bundle in DR will, I promise you, because the fans are hungry for it.


Yeah but still the characters are still being used, the bosses feel like final bosses yeah, but Queen and King for example are still present and can still be used in future chapters, it is kind of the same as in undertale but in a grander scale, look at the Mario & Luigi games for example, not every area of the game had final bosses material, but they did had multiple bosses and some of them were REALLY good, I think it's good to have every area to be this dense and full of high stakes towards a higher stake towards the end, at the end of the day we are just closing fountains, the plot is there and each chapter gives a small insight of what the end is gonna be


I know deltarune is bigger and better than undertale. And these are small stories each chapter but they clearly arent our story they are our party members story that is slowly building up our big story. Also Undertale does have like 3 secret bosses (Mad mew mew, the whale thing and Im sorry) And sans and papyrus dont feel like full characters since they ae meant to be mysterious as stated by the shop lady. But deltarune is building a bigger story with mentions of asriel, the knight, dess and the roaring.


Yeah, I fear the game will end up feeling like 7 Undertales glued together, rather than a single longer RPG


My biggest fear is that it gets cancelled before it's finished, although I think that's highly unlikely. My biggest fear that I worry might actually happen is that none of the burning questions we have get answered. We never get concrete answers as to what's going on with Kris, who the Knight is, who Ralsei really is, what role Gaster's playing, how this all connects to Undertale, and so on. The reason I think this could happen is that by the time Deltarune is finished, there will be over a decades worth of fan theories and hype as to what those answers could be, so it'll be difficult for an actual answer to stack up to all that and not disappoint anyone. That being said, Toby does seem to have a plan, so hopefully it doesn't just amount to 'let everyone believe what they want'.


Well their were a lot of fan theories for chapter 2 and speculation characters and then once the next chapter started boom all the ones that didn’t make sicne or weren’t accurate were cut and or forgotten(after like a week or two but still)


Downvote me if you want but I have a huge fear that Toby may accidentally kick the bucket before completing the full game


Also, what about US kicking the bucket before the game gets finished. Hell, that WILL happen to somebody...


Is this a bad time to mention Etika?


man i miss him


Rest in Power, Etika. Absolute GOAT. I will never forget you.




What, why would I downvote you? Its quite reasonable to fear that


God I hope not. He’s pretty young too.


Many famous people died young. Ofc many of them died from unhealthy lifestyle (drinking, drug abuse, etc), but we don't know much about Toby's health. Maybe he also has some unpleasant secrets(I hope he doesn't)


I mean he did absorb the legendary artefact so-


Bro I thought the same thing yesterday, probably if this really awful and terrible scenario happens, somebody other would take the project in their own hands probably temmie


Yeah I’ve legit talked to one of my friends about how I was genuinely worried something could happen to Toby and the idea honestly horrifies me lol


There is at least the chance when he has talked about the script with other team members, it was enough for them to at least know where the main story beats were intended to go.


I think of this occasionally. Or the flip side, its possible me myself will die before hes done. Like its sad to think there may very well be huge Deltarune fans out there who died before even seeing Chapter 3 and 4.


Some probably even died before seeing chapter 2 :(




I have worried about this for a while now.


THIS. Also me freaking out on how to get toby fox to tell me everything if i ever get terminally ill...


Tbh same 😅 


I sure he has the game planned out so people could continue his legacy and dreams if he does pass


You have 168 upvotes; what are you worrying about?


I once said the same thing in a Deltarune community on Facebook and got massively obliterated lol


It's actually true that your choices don't matter. I really hope that collecting dark crystals gives us something important


Nah I’m pretty sure the your choices dont matter is like the kill or be killed you overcome it as you progress


I hope too


This, I keep seeing people just take this line said by one character at the beginning of the game for granted and acting like nothing you do matters in Deltarune. They even point out the fact that dialogue options don't affect anything, completely ignoring the fact that they don't matter in Undertale either.


That's already not true though. Chapter 2 goes out of its way to repeatedly show us how our choices DO matter, and they do impact the story and how it plays out, even if they don't affect the ending. The game only having one ending doesn't mean our choices don't matter.


It really felt like the choices dont matter thing was a kick Chapter 1 was on, that Toby basically abandoned after he worked out the rest of the script.


The game's whole idea will likely be "even if you can't change your fate, your choices do still matter".


I have several, to be honest - The Knight's motivations will be extremely dumb - Dess' disappearance is never fully explained, it's just "here, have Dess back" - Weird Route will get too edgy for its own good - People will be unhappy with Asriel


i have hopes with the weird route, namely it'll live into its name more than just being genocide again. Like ch 3 is probably going to have a bunch of minigames like hotland in Undertale. What if it's weird route gets kicked off by you just not playing along causing things to go off the rail with the antagonist getting more and more pissed at you. Another good thought is that Rudy is probably gonna die in the plot. But what if on the weird route we can heal his mystery fatal coughing disease.


>Another good thought is that Rudy is probably gonna die in the plot. But what if on the weird route we can heal his mystery fatal coughing disease. It'd be very interesting to see something like this happen in the weird route.


I had a theory where the "Weird route" will actually be just "weird" yet relating to the character of the focus of the chapter, Noelle kinda has some relations to creepypasta's so of course the chapter where she is the focus has the weird route be a creepypasta.


Dess' disappearance will definitely be explained at some point. It's being set up as one of the game's biggest mysteries.


the first three won't happen because toby is a good writer


Every writer is a good writer until they aren't


this guy wrote undertale undertale was pretty good i think it'll be OK


thats a weird sentence. toby IS a good writer, what makes you think he's just gonna be stop being good when this is his passion project?


I have a leaked script of the game. It ends with Gaster becoming purple and saying "DO YOU SEE THIS BURNING, BLOODY UNIVERSE? DO YOU SEE THIS ULTIMATE, UNLIMITED POWER? Kris, I'VE FUCKING HAD IT WITH YOUR SHIT! You little fuckers, your bodies will be torn apart! I'll shove your asses so far down your fucking throats that when you crap you'll be singing fucking beethoven! tl;dr eat shit, fuckers" and then he ends the world.


Peak writing


so true


If everything about Deltarune is building towards the ending Toby envisioned, then maybe the ending not being as good when put into paper, or it being something like: Kris VS Us Which don't get me wrong, would be cool, but I would've expected something bigger, especially with the legend, titans, and the constant reference to angels.


I hope that Kris will be the secret boss of chapter 7 and "victory" will give us the opportunity to get something like the true ending


The producer toby hired 2 or 3 newsletters ago is clearly having a large or even enormous influence in Deltarune production judging by how this "mini-newsletter" was more substantive than nearly all the supposedly "full" newsletters since chapter 2 and has a consistent pattern of flower shop imagery (basically telling us where chapter 4 will be seemingly????) and toby said his M.O was "let's get this done already before we get old", which is awesome, but also please don't rush the game whose story has seemingly infinite attention to detail put in it toby.


I am not too worried about this. The huge vibe I got before the producer and what seemed to have a huge impact on Chapter 3 development was a lot of mind changing and second guessing of development decisions. It is super easy to get caught up in both your ideas and perfection and keep looking at something as its being developed, and thinking "but what if I did X that would be better". Especially someone like Toby who seems to have this underlying fear of disappointing fans. The producer mostly would be the guy to say "nah, don't change that its fine, we have a deadline we want to meet remember?". Hopefully just enough to snap things back into reality.


THIS The good producer will speed the development up without losing quality. I don't want Toby to be new Ken Levin who can't finish the development of the game for eleven freaking years


Its not a knock against Toby either. Its pretty much the same issue every single person making a game runs into without help. Its REALLY easy to accidentally end up down the path of just wanting to keep "fixing" things and thinking its polish when its either feature creep or just second guessing all decisions.


If you have more people to work on newsletters, then they can be bigger.


That the game won't have a happy ending.


I have a strong feeling that one of the main characters will have to make a sacrifice 😭


The theories that Kris will always die at the end already hurt me lmao


If that does happen, i'm guessing either Ralsei or Susie will do it


it's also likely Berdly or Noelle as well, or even Lancer and Toriel, basically anyone can do it


Honestly, i feel like Kris will do it, so it parallels Asriel in Undertale


you cant tell me mr. toby "hopes and dreams will save the world determination conquers all" fox is gonna give deltarune a bad ending. bittersweet? sure. but just straight up a sad, gloomy ending? no way.


keep in mind, this story was based on essentially an ending he had in a dream. I think if that is a goal he is strictly adhering to, its entirely possible it could be very bad.


The story isn't as amazing as we all believe it'd be or that the first 5 chapters will be repetitive with same premise as before. I _want_ the fun gang to acctually start looking deeper into the identity of the Knight and get into weird antics because of it, especially if we do stuff in the light world and explore new areas we haven't really seen/explored before.


I will admit I got a little worried when Toby said Chapter 3 won't have as much main plot relevant stuff. It felt like the chapter was intentionally set up to have huge main story points in it with Toriel being in the dark world.


I fear that both Toriel’s overbearing treatment of Kris and the effect her relationship with Asgore has on Kris will not be given any critical attention by the narrative.


I was completely convinced this was going to be addressed with Chapter 3, and it was the whole point of Kris specifically dragging Toriel into the dark world. But then Toby made a single comment about how Chapter 3 wasn't going to have as much about the main plot as the other 2 did, and I get worried almost nothing is going to happen involving Toriel, and more importantly addressing her divorce with Asgore like I hoped.


I had a similar feeling when I read that. Unfortunately, Toby has a tendency to gloss over heavy subject matter without comment, such as when Alphys makes a joke about the Amalgamates “getting like that when they’re hungry” when she arrives at the True Lab.


Thinking in a objective way maybe Kris's problems isn't the main plot. I mean, the main goal so far is stop the roaring and the Knight so technically a chapter about the fountain that the knight didn't made wouldn't bring us useful information so don't count as plot heavy? Idk


I really hope Gaster isn’t the one who wrote the mystery valentine letter. I really hope Gaster is an actual intimidating threat then just another goofy character to add to the cast.


According to Japanese players, the Japanese version of the letter makes it painfully obvious it’s NOT Gaster. Im on the side that the letter is confirmation that egg man is their own character.


But also that's not entirely true https://suzyundertale.tumblr.com/post/742311558944784384/people-have-been-saying-the-mystery-valentine It is a good piece of evidence that makes it likely it's not Gaster but it definitely is not "painfully obvious" in Japanese either. The person speaking uses the same pronoun as Gaster in E17. I don't think it's Gaster but it is definitely a possibility.


king has the hamster wheel, asgore has eggs-husband, chara has chocolate, there are no 100% serious toby characters and the sooner you accept that the less it'll hurt when gaster inevitably isn't one. even if he isn't the letter author, he's gonna be at least a little silly.


That, but Chara and chocolate is entirely a fan thing.


I wouldn't say "entirely a fan thing," more like a fan exaggeration.


Don't they say "no chocolate" in New Home?


Just like they notice everything else in the house? It's mentioned that Dreemurrs used to always keep chocolate in their home, Chara just makes an observation that there is no chocolate anymore. Just like they make an observation that there is their drawing still there. Doesn't mean they are comically obsessed with drawing either


Yeah, that's true


I think if anything, the fact that every character is silly in some way is more reason for Gaster not to be silly.


I hope Gaster is neither.


There is a possibility, he could be both. The fact he was very likely a scrapped third Skeleton character that might have been more of a goofy character, but ended up being a serious mystery character, could make room for two personalities. I always thought the "mystery man" sprite looked like 2 different people split in half.


I really think the person who wrote it was the man behind the tree, especially with how the beginning of the letter is worded and the way that it disappeared after being found.


Rudy is going to die. I'm almost certain of it and also terrified about how it'll go down


I also fear whatever the hell is going on with Ralsei. Clearly he's not what he claims in one way or another, but we don't have any proof of his actual identity or intent beyond knowing he talks to Kris when we aren't present. Is he actually good, and trying to help Kris get rid of the soul? Or will he end up the main villain? Are those the same thing since the game takes place from our perspective?


Honestly, he may be hiding something, but I highly doubt it's with any sort of malicious intentions.


Low key I think there is a non zero chance Ralsei is a representation of Gaster and his control over this whole thing. What better way to make this experiment go well than to have a self insert. The way Ralsei acts after Spamton dies is the main reason I think this could be a possibility.


> The way Ralsei acts after Spamton dies is the main reason I think this could be a possibility. Care to elaborate on that? I don’t think that Ralsei talking about Spamton being a corrupt program nor helping Kris calm down back this claim


* Kris is actually the knight. * Our choices really don’t matter and there is just one single ending we can get. In that case, I hope the ending is at least a happy ending. * We don’t get to see more living humans. * The vessel not being important. * It gets so popular that people like Lankybox make brainrot shit of Deltarune on YT and TikTok. * Rouxls frowning.


>* Kris is actually the knight Not sure why is that really bad >* Our choices really don’t matter and there is just one single ending we can get. In that case, I hope the ending is at least a happy ending. There's only one ending we can get, but our choices matter and there's something more important than reaching the end.


\*Because the "Kris is the knight" theory is so overrated, it would be too predictable...


It's so annoying how Kris Knight theorists only have "We saw Kris create a fountain" as their evidence and claim that's enough.


Also "tHeY lItErAlLy aRe dReSsEd lIkE a kNiGhT" SO ARE SUSIE AND BERDLY!


Everyone forgot that Queen also established at the end of the chapter that any Lightner can open one. Even in the Snowgrave route that dialogue doesn't change at all, almost as if that specific moment is important to understanding the end of the chapter


i mean, personally my theory hinges off the fact that they had the chapter 3 fountain planned since chapter 1 (since they plugged in the very notably long unused tv during their midnight pie excursion + the narration when you first check the sink in chapter 2 alludes to the chapter's ending) which is definitely very suspicious. maybe it's just that i don't really know how to explain that kind of behavior without them being the knight, i guess?


Why does everything have to have an unpredictable theory to be good? Plenty of things in undertale were. Clearly choreographed and then ended up being true. Like flowey having villainous intent. This community become so content starved that it's perceiving the entire game as a what-if scenario and need to be shocked and wow-ed at every turn. Imagine if people were saying "I know the game is setting flowey up to be bad given the tutorial fight but id be so disappointed if they end up as the lurking villain who is malicious. That would be too predictable." Or "I know the game is advertised as being the game where you can spare everyone but it would be so predictable if the game just let us do that and become friends with everyone.". Like, these are such silly criticisms. What if I just hope its written well and is fun and has great music and pacing just like Undertale?


> What if I just hope its written well and is fun and has great music and pacing just like Undertale? I should hope so.


Kris being the Knight is equivalent to people thinking Kris would go on a killing spree in chapter 2, they look at the ending and think that the happening of that ending will be the main focus on the next chapter, so Kris with the knife out, chapter 2 must be them killing Hometown folks, Kris makes dark fountain, that means they're the Knight, it's such a popular safe theory that people belive and if it ends up being true, it would be very anti climatic.


Rlasie bad :(


Only fear I have is the game coming out when I'm in my mid 20s seeing this rate. First chapter came our when I was 11 and 2nd one when I was 14. I'm 17 now and no idea when the next chapter is releasing


Don’t sweat it. Your interests won’t vanish with age, so keep the game in the back of your mind and focus on other things. We’ve received consistent updates for over a year and that’s unusual for any unreleased media.


Exactly, I went through at least 4 hyperfixations since Deltarune Chapter 2 came out and I'm still excited for the next chapter.


Its not a bad fear persay, but that the ending will be a hard reality to accept. Similar to how we couldn't save Asriel in undertale. There will be some aspect of the world, whether it be a person, situation, event, etc, that we won't be able to fix.


The ‘Freedom motif’ isn't a thing and it was only for Spamton and Jevil






​ https://preview.redd.it/h4i50n70c22d1.png?width=100&format=png&auto=webp&s=f68a90fa3a21e88aa1a83c2d2a284c99a257744e


That the plot will actually put a considerable amount of focus on something resembling a love triangle plot involving Susie, Berdly, and Noelle. I don’t like these kinds of plots. I’ve never liked these kinds of plots. Relationship drama just isn’t interesting, funny, or entertaining to me. I don’t very much care about Berdly or Noelle as characters right now, although that could change. Noelle has some interesting things going for her, but in my opinion she’s just not as interesting as an individual or as part of the group as the core trio established in chapter 1 was… to say nothing of the fact that she’s the subject of more eye-rollingly annoying brainrot in this community than any other character ***combined,*** basically making her solely responsible for what can be lovingly called the start of the subreddit’s “Arkham arc” to the point where it’s started spreading to other communities altogether. We were always a little bit crazy, but I’ve never seen this much drama and discourse over any other character since the old Chara debates of Undertale’s early years. You can downvote me now. I’m a lot more invested in the mysteries of this game. How exactly Kris functions independent of the Soul, what the deal with Ralsei is, what’s in the bunker, who finds all of this VERY INTERESTING, how all the shadow crystals will fit together. Relationship drama of any sort feels like it’ll just bog the story down, and I won’t really enjoy having to go through it just to get to the parts I enjoy.


glad to see i'm not the only one that isn't particularly phased by Noelle and is extremely tired with how she's treated by the fandom.


I suspect a fair number of people don’t very much care for her, or the fandom’s “Is she (insert thing here)” antics, and other “jokes” of a similar uh… quality. They just: 1. Don’t feel the need to mention it (but I’m going to here since it’s relevant to my reasoning). 2. Get downvoted into oblivion for griping about “harmless fun” or whatever they call it, or daring to insinuate that she’s not that good. Which functionally hides any instance of it being said due to the way Reddit’s voting system works. Back in the early days of the Undertale fandom, you’d get a similar reaction for badmouthing Papyrus. Berdly is similarly problematic, to the point where you have to be ***very careful*** about how you say “I do not like him” lest a whole squad pulls up to call you unfair/unreasonable. Or worse, accuse you of *discriminating against autistic people*. Which apparently some people decided he was at a certain point… for some reason? I’ve seen more people complaining about the alleged majority epidemic of “Berdly hate” than I have the actual epidemic in question. Everyone seems to love him now, or at least see him as the tolerable comic relief. Or they love the *idea* of him, where his entire personality has been reduced to “quirky gamer with a crush on Kris.” I will never understand how Fanon gets from Point A to Point B sometimes. If there’s one thing that irritates me the most about this fandom, it’s how it overstates the superior depth and complexity of every character such that if you don’t like a character you just don’t have the media literacy to appreciate them, while simultaneously turning them into flanderised caricatures for seemingly no reason. This was an issue most prevalent with sans back in the day, and it *never* got resolved. It just pivoted to different subjects.


Seems you don't really care much for Toby's character writing. Which is fair.


I agree so much with you with everything! Noelle isn't a bad character by all means, i like her trope of introverted kid and stuff. But yeah, she makes the community go mad in a kinda bad way.


Might suck then that it seems like the story is strongly erring into Dess being a huge factor in the main plot. Which means that also, Noelle as well. Your least favorite and most favorite aspects have a pretty strong intersecting point.


I'm just gonna say: I only like Noelle because of the Sweepstakes. I, too was pretty scared by glitches. And yet, morbid curiosity prevailed and I always ended up digging deeper.


>You can downvote me now. Your comment has 35 upvotes.


Not something I could’ve predicted when I made it over 24 hours ago, and not something I would’ve expected either given that saying “I do not think Noelle is an interesting character” hasn’t gone quite as smoothly here in the past.


Two major things have me worried, first is the inevitability that the fanbase will just go mad at whatever creative decisions deltarune does and how every unanimously agreed upon theory/prediction will be instantly invalidated (looking at the millions of TV head mikes), I really hope there could be more varied and out there takes and interpretations of deltarune The other is that the future chapters will stagnate in size, mainly comes from how chapter two is supposedly the biggest or longest chapter, I feel that since the dark worlds and the story’s antagonists are going to be an increasingly dangerous threat the dark worlds themselves would reflect that, being bigger than the last as it builds up to its finale I don’t think I have too much to worry about on that last one though


my biggest fear is that chapter three and its characters get over shadowed by chapter four or vise versa


Considering that we'll have to wait years for the next chapters after that, I don't think. Every inch of both chapters will be examined from every angle


I am calling it now, I have a strong feeling Chapter 3 is gonna be way more memorable. If not only because we actually knew something about it going in, we have been building up Chapter 3 in our minds and with fan "content" for years. Chapter 4 has at best had a few completley wild guesses.


My fear is that the Knight and the Titans won’t be good villains and antagonists. I’ve seen some headcanons where the Knight is just a misguided person and didn’t know how much danger they were putting the world in when creating the dark fountains. I whole heartedly pray that it doesn’t happen. I want the Knight to be someone truly evil, someone who puts a fork in the Fun Gang’s path every time they meet.


I don't think the Titans will even be antagonists and we will fight them. More like a force of nature or something like that.


Ralsei being a villain and being completely evil.


I've already said this, but I feel like in the end, JaruJaru's timeloop theory will be correct, and the only way to reach an "ending" will be to do snowgrave, which itself will end with Kris or Noelle being the only one still alive.


Link to the theory


https://m.youtube.com/@JaruJaruJ/videos Here’s his channel


Dude. Everyone knows who jaru is if you been here for more than a month. Send me the exact video I’m not sifting through hours of schizo theories


> Everyone knows who jaru is if you been here for more than a month. Even **I** know who he is, and I've never watched any of his videos!


I don't think so. Snowgrave doesn't seem to be something that will lead to a good ending. I don't think the ending Toby dreamed of is the world getting brought back to the beginning like in Jaru timeloop.


toby fox becoming unable to develop or dying


That Asriel will only appear at the final chapter. I personally don't want this to happen and I'd like him to be around and do stuff for the last few chapters.


He kinda will tho. Toriel mentioned in chapter 1 that he’s visiting in the end of the week, which is in 7 days soooo


Toriel says that Asriel "visits next week." And idk why so many people assume Chapter 1 is the start of the week. There's dialogue from Alphys (and Rudy I think?) in Chapter 2 saying the day after will have no school, which would mean Ch2 is on a Friday, so Asriel might arrive at Ch4 or 5. Or that's what I'm hoping.


I think chapter 6 makes more sense as that’s where the sorta end game of the story begins


If it's next week, then the earliest he'll appear is Ch5 - Ch3 is during the night, and Ch4 is the next day - assuming Ch5 also doesn't happen during the night.


I always thought it was leading up to the whole Festival being when Asriel returns, and that seems to fit into being chapter 5? It also would make sense as a major climax point where something happens that changes how things go and chapters stop being as systematic as they have been.


It doesn't necessarily have to be the beginning of the week. If you say something will happen next week on a Thursday then people will assume it's happening the next Thursday. If it had been close to happening, she would have said "in a few days," not "next week".


The community continuing with their usual actions, but with even worse brainrot.


I don't exactly see anything wrong with all the chaos right now, people act like these meme trends are a big problem but they're really not, just people having fun with something until they get bored and move on to another thing.


That's the joke


Sorry, I just see people saying stuff like this unironically all the time. Remember baby bones? There were people acting like those jokes were ruining the community.


Yeah, i do


None honestly. I have completely faith in Toby & his team


I'm with you, u/Cydonian___FT14X!


There are a million ways the story could go, like a really depressing ending with no way to avoid it, that I would still be alive ok with. No, my biggest fear is Deltarune not fully releasing within the next decade. I love this game and I honestly can’t wait. As for story decisions, I just really hope the game doesn’t go with the direction of villainizing you for playing the game and ending with some message about how it’s terrible for you to control these characters and you have to banish yourself and forget about this world for the sake of the people in it or something like that.


i totally agree with you on this. i feel like it’s a fair bet that deltarune will be finished within 10 years, if only just. i’m scared that my interest will wane and i just won’t care when chapter 7 comes out lmfao. as for the story part i 1000% agree. i really don’t want the game to go in a direction of villainising the player. while it’s definitely a cool concept, i don’t want to see my favourite characters turn against me just because i played the game 😞 unfortunately i think that’s how it’s gonna go


Not having a scene where ralsei is smoking a blunt


That deltarune ends up being omori 2.0. Especially regarding dess


Deltarune is already plenty different


The game taking forever in releasing.


Already happening


That's not a fear, that's the reality.


Idk if it's a "fear" exactly but I really hope our created avatar we made at the very start comes back and is implemented in some way. I got really attached to mine. I named her Lily... :( Lol


"That's sweet, toady." https://preview.redd.it/y8wed3cze22d1.png?width=92&format=png&auto=webp&s=cbfe3b2637ffafc317fe8fc89e0db8119493c0fe


The ending will be something that \*would\* have been good, but we've all spent the last six-odd years coming up with crazier and crazier theories, so it'll either be A: Something we all figured out years ago, or B: Something that makes no sense, changed at the last minute to avoid landing on any common fan theories.


Deltarune narativelly being literally a game that we downloaded. I hope Toby will give explanation how the worlds got connected somehow like Oneshot did


I'm afraid it takes another 3 years to release the other chapters, I'm kinda desperate for new content 😔


that the ending is normal, predictable or just "good." the ending to deltarune came to toby in a fever dream, its the reason why he made games, and he said that he isnt sure if its good. i want the ending to be weird, and controverstial that has fans argue for years on whether the ending is a masterpiece or horrible, no inbetween.


Susie getting pushed into irrelevance compared to the rest of the cast, I know she most likely won't but the fandoms treatment of her feels that way


I know exactly what you mean. Like, it baffles me how a prominent character who had shown not to be bound by the narrative and has shown to be able to disobey us is not as discussed as every other characters and aspects of the game


I am concerned that Knight in the Closet theory will be true, because in that case Kris is gonna have to prove it by illustrating an entire manga and I can't deal with that level of insanity here.


> Kris is gonna have to prove it by illustrating an entire manga Huh?


December Holiday. The sixteenth student, lying somewhere within the code.


I’m terrified of the day I need to add an “R.I.P” underneath my fluffyboy tattoo. like we know it’s going to happen, but I’m in denial.


I’m a little worried that the ending that came into Toby’s head in a fever dream won’t be to great.


I don't want Lancer to die, with all the things happening to him (chapter 1 he gets threatened, chapter 2 he turns into stone). I named my beloved kitty after him and he's literally his cat version


That the Weird route is becoming more edgy than what we expect. Also the whole episodic nature of the game That Gaster will be a mystery that riddle fans for centuries.


We'll overhype the chapters and by the time Chapter 7 comes out people who played Undertale when it came out (9 years ago currently) won't be bothered.


That we will be burnt out once the game finally releases


My fear is that my friends might actually hate me in fact everyone but my friends do hate me because we used to have a little friend group and the leader had a girlfriend and his girlfriend for some reason hates me so he told me that I'm gonna have to go and now he talks shit about me


Sorry to hear that.


What makes things worse is that he just broke up with her and still won't talk with me


Oh wait this is about deltarune fears? Oh then this doesn't matter here


That the collective brain rot head cannon that the community has built up will cause the story to be shifted to align with that head cannon or that people will shit on the story cause it doesn't align with said head cannon


A lot of things concerning Gaster.


It’s a loop where the end connects to the start


My fear is that Deltarune will be the last game created by Tobi fox, I want Tobi to make MORE games after Deltarune


The Darkness


I don't have any fears about the game itself. Tbh, I love Toby Fox's work so much that I trust whatever direction he takes the story because I believe he'll make anything work. The fears I DO have are that I will have lost all interest in Deltarune by the time the rest of the game comes out. I don't mean this in an impatient way, I fully understand how long game development takes. I mean it in a "I change over time" way. I hope that when the rest of the game comes out, I'm once again filled with that joy and wonder I felt when I played Chapter 1 or Undertale for the first time. When Chapter 2 came out, I had just got out of the hospital and despite still recovering, I did a count down with my cousin as we watched the Deltarune site. Then I bindged the entire chapter in one night, getting a migraine towards the end. I don't want to lose that. I don't want to lose the joy I hope it'll bring. I fear... losing the spark.


That Spamton gets overshadowed by the Chapter 3 secret boss like what happened to Jevil.


I just want Jevil to get more acknowledgement at some point.


Same, Jevil was cool but they honestly just didn't do much with him, especially compared to Spamton and most likely the later secret bosses.


That it’s not finished before like 2027 or 2028, at that point I’d be pretty concerned with the development time given how every chapter is like 1/4th of the length of Undertale without even having to take the many extra choices into account


That Ralsei is evil


I hope chapter 2 isn’t peak even though I know it is because of BIG SHOT


But Chapter 2's been out for YEARS.


Yeah but we will only know to chapter 2 is the best when we get the seventh chaoter


Cats/dogs won’t be In deltarune


Temmie when she exists (her in-game character is a cat/dog hybrid):


The execution of Gaster


I am really, _really_ hesitant on anything that makes Gaster clearly defined. He works so well as this un-person phenomenon in the fanbase specifically because he is simultaneously a character and not a character. The moment you give me an in-game sprite that has dialogue, that thing becomes concrete and all the prior esotericism is lost.  I have faith because Toby Fox has yet to disappoint me in his ability to write “Meta”, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have some reservations the more it becomes clear how relevant Gaster is. 


While I don’t really mind any particular direction for the game or it’s characters as long as it’s handled well, I think the Reddit community would literally implode if it turned out that Kris wasn’t NB. Besides that, I would suppose that any sort of reveal that the original Undertale timeline is vanquished. That would be sad


the start of the dark world in the closet is really spooky


But everyone knows that.


That the ending is that the person playing the game is evil for playing the game


that the other episodes will never be released