• By -


You’ve already gotten a bunch of good suggestions, so can I just say, that we enjoy a great picture post, so be sure to come back and tell us how your trip was.


Will do!


When going between Aalborg and hobro, you may find yourself in a small town named Vebbestrup. If this is the case, you are obligated to stop by Vebbestrup Flødeis, the best place for softice in the whole nation. It's also incredibly affordable, like four bucks for a huge softice.


Vebbestrup is a must! 🍦


Are you trying to kill him? Buying the huge Vebbestrup softice is way too much for anyone not accustomed to the size of their vaffels. Had a colleague, that bought the large one, as he always forgot how huge it was, and ended not eating half of it :3


OP is American, I believe. They'll be fine.


As an American who lived in Denmark and absolutely loved a giant softice I enjoyed this comment. They *are* bigger than anything you’d typically get at an ice cream shop here in the US.


How is Aalborg as a place and for education


In my opinion, one of the best. It has that feeling of a small cosy city, even in the busiest areas. Doesn't feel cold at all like some larger cities tend to do. As for education, it's also great. No matter what specific education you're looking for, it's almost guaranteed available in Aalborg. The city is also geared towards students, with public transport close by most institutions. There's also some pretty good deals for students, whether it's cheap coffee or discounted entry price at events, it's a very nice gesture. All in all, it's my favourite larger city. It's also beautiful in nature and architecture, and people there are super nice and chill 👌


And that leaves the amble opportunity to stop by Rebild Bakker as well, one of the most unique nature areas in Denmark :)


☝🏼☝🏼 this


Much better to visit Ryå Is/Aabybro Mejeri in Aabybro, thats the best quality factory ice cream in the nation. Especially their "kærnemælks softice" and Chocolate/Orange ice cream.


Why not both?


Good point.


100% worth a detour




Det gamle røgeri - Hanstholm And get; Stjerneskud with everything! 🤩 (Alternative, Thisted. But best in Hanstholm!)


This, you are REALLY hungry if yo go with the big one, as the regular one is already huge! But truly a legendary stjerneskud!


Hanstholm Madbar is also a hyggelig place to get some good food






Absolutely this! And see to it that you're proper hungry, so you can get the large Stjerneskud.


Was about to say the same Best Stjerneskud I ever had




Not a recommendation of where to eat. But if you want a free place to sleep in Frederiksværk (northern part of Zealand, before you take the ferry from Hundested). I got a shelter in my garden, with a proper matress, fireplace, electricity and ofc. access to a bathroom and shower, all on the house. And I'll hope you enjoy your trip through our little nation.


Sortebro Kro when you come to Fyn. Best smørbrød on Fyn


Vouch. Excellent place.


I love a good Kro 🇩🇰🇩🇰


Kudos to you for behaving like a true Dane and getting through Fyn (Funen) as fast as possible. On a more serious note, I would spend more time by the Wadden Sea.


As a Fynbo, my reaction to this post was "Jesus that's a very busy trip to get through in 10 days" immediately followed by "Wait wtf why is this dickhead not stopping on Fyn?????" lmao


Fyn is just a big bridge with some towns on it. 😉




But in Faaborg you get double the ice-cream scoops; but their ice cream scoops is a third of the size!


I think you will be heard pressed to find a longer way to cross Fyn. and beyond that, Fyn is probably one of the most beautiful and coziest places in Denmark..


And avoiding Horsens and Randers!


Dear OP, I can highly recommend the restaurant "Restaurant Villa Vest" in Lønstrup (North of Løkken). The food, view and service at this 1 Michelin star restaurant was great. They both have lunch and dinner but you most likely need to reserve a table in advance. Lunch menu is around €55-€75 Website in English: https://villavest.dk/en/


Spend as much time as you can afford on the northern west coast. The beaches and areas around Løkken and Blokhus are amazing. Great fish restaurants at a reasonable pricepoint. Also, i would suggest traveling through Hobro between Aalborg and Viborg. Not only is it probably faster due to the highway, but theres some great nature and Viking heritage points in Hobro also - if you're schedule isnt already packed! 😂 Have a great trip! Hope to hear more.


No suggestions, but that looks like am amazing trip! Have fun and enjoy our country!


i hate my self for bein a dane and not even been half way around the map


Just a notice! Be aware of the ferry at Thyboroen - Agger, it happens to have difficulties, especially if it is a windy day.


Thanks for the heads up!


When at the tip of Lolland, stop by Frederiksdal, get a tour of the ancient cherry orchards and taste some of the most unique wine you'll ever encounter.


When in Århus, go for 'Restaurant Skovmøllen'. The settings are amazing and so is the food. Classic danish dishes with a touch of new nordic, smørrebrød, æggekage and tarteletter. It's located in Moesgaard Skov, close to the beach and a nice museum which is dedicated to archaeology.


An addition, when in Århus, if you want to try a nice kitchen, go to Bardok. You have to book a table, since it is a small place. Not typical danish, but great!


Also look into Møf in Aarhus.


Looks like you are visiting Ribe. I learned that if you visit on a summer Tuesday, and the weather is nice, towards 100 old and special cars gather near the city center. Regarding food, ehhhh. I had a good meal at Weiss Stue and Sælhunden. Both are in the city center. Oh and you should probably go see Ribe Vikingecenter.


I would absolutely also pay the 25,- fee for going up the cathedral tower and viewing the cathedral exhibition, at least if the weather is decent. The best view of the Wadden Sea to be had by mortals. Also, attend a guided tour of the town with the night watchmen! The tours vary, depending on the individual guide, but you are guaranteed to have a great and interesting tour.


Even though I live in Ribe I’ve never actually are at Sælhunden, but my friend who has lived in Ribe his whole life says it’s one of the best.


On Fyn you should try Falsled Kro Its almost on your route


Falsled Kro is stunning. The service is perfect, the food is marvellous and the Kro looks like a fairytale.


Not budget friendly though hehe, but worth it i heard. Its on my list :)


In Svendborg, I can recommend the restaurant of [Hotel Ærø](https://hotelaeroe.dk/). Their food is very well made, tasty, plentyful,, and easy on your wallet.


Ya, don't sleep on Svendborg; it's one of my favs in Denmark. Christiansminde is fun in the summer.




What is the budget? Are we talking Michelin, or more budget friendly? 😊


a bit more budget friendly, ha


In Løkken theres all you can eat smørrebrød at café Mellma for lunch. I haven’t been there myself but intend to try it. My colleagues speak warmly of it. Its not too expensive either


Hvide Sande Røgeri - Troldbjergvej 4 6960 Hvide Sande. Vælg røgeriets stjerneskud med ekstra skaldyrsdressing eller dampede muslinger i æblefløde☺️😋😋😋 God tur rundt i DK!


Everything from there is a hit!! And really cheap compared to the quality.


Jeps det er rigtigt! Gode jyske priser🤩


Upvoted! Hvide Sande Røgeri is definitely worth a visit😋


Danes can fight till the cows come home about where to get the best "smørrebrød," but last I was back home I had delicious smørrebrød and snaps at Norrlyst in Copenhagen -- it's gourmet, so not your old hole in the wall kind of place, but so good (not the cheapest, but not crazy). Go for lunch. [https://norrlyst.dk/restaurant-norrlyst-2/?lang=en](https://norrlyst.dk/restaurant-norrlyst-2/?lang=en)


You should get beers at Ølluminati in Viborg and then walk 20 meters and get irish coffee in Mathias Kælderen


Try restaurant ene. In Fredericia, both their smørrebrød for lunch and their dinner menu is fantastic! In Middelfart there's Hindsgavl Castle and the restaurant The White Lady. The whole area around the castle is great for walking and looking at the deer in the park.


Have some cake at [Bindeballe Købmandsgård](http://www.bindeballekoebmandsgaard.dk/index.html) when close to Billund. Refborg inn in Billund.


Yes! Such a fun little place, and the shop is such a mix of things too. Refborg is also very nice, we've been there a few times.


While you are in Copenhagen, there is a classic place that is easy to overlook by visitors, but highly loved by copenhageners. Try a piece of the layered cakes at La Glace, Skoubogade 3, a tiny sidestreet in the middle of Copenhagen. It is a very old establishment and it is not intended to be a cafe. It's quite famous and on some days there can be a good wait for people who wants to sit and eat in the store. It is a cake *store*. So if you just want to buy the cake there and take it to eat in your hotel for example, you can walk right past the line of people waiting to be the seated. https://laglace.dk/en/sortiment/lagkager/ I suggest the The Golden Tower, the apple cake or the HC. Andersen cake if you like tangy tastes. If Mocca/Chocolate is to your liking, try the Karen Blixen cake! The Georgine cake should come with a warning, because that cake is endless and only for people who enjoy creamy cake. For people who don't mind cake to be a bit creamy, the walnut cake is also a delicious choice. Anyway, it might not sound like something special but in a way it is. It is just really really highly skilled cakery craft and worth it to see where real copenhageners grab a piece of cake for special occasions. If you pick a layered cake that is fitting to your taste, you definitely won't regret trying it out.


My mouth is watering!


https://kohalen.dk/ in Aarhus 🤩


We are going to need to know how this all turns out! 😀 Have the greatest trip! (I never eat out so no suggestions...)


In Aalborg I recommend A giant "tartelet" here (you'll need the ferry to a small island in the fjord) https://kronborg-egholm.dk/forside.aspx# Smørrebrød here (viking museum with a cafe with a view) https://cafelindholm.dk/


I have 2 suggestions for some dishes. Bøfsandwich and stjerneskud. You can google them. I know you get a really great stjerneskud, but also kinda fine dining, at “Fisk og Frokost” in Vejle. “Rådhuscafeen” Aarhus has a great one, more classic. Bøfsandwich is some years I had one. Horsens artmuseums cafe (i think), the best in 2023 (or early 2024). “Havnens perle” in aarhus is also known to have a great one since forever. Althoug They had a couple of years with some bad service (by reputation). But that should be good again. If interested ask in r/Aarhus


Little tip From Helsingør to Hundested (the north trip on Sjælland) drive closer to the sea. always a good idea if you have the time on you trip, Plus many small towns alon the coast have small places to eat, they can be hid or miss.


*Rørvig to Hundested.


Anywhere that sells flæskestegssandwich 😊


A great and easy lunch spot in Aarhus is Street Food. By the bus station. Especially if the weather is nice the patio is a nice relaxed atmosphere. Lots of different reasonably priced cuisines. Very central too so you can continue your exploring.


If you have the budget, try MOTA in Nykøbing Sj. It's placed in a very special location and has a Michelin star. It's 850 DKK for a 10 course meal and the food is great!


Bakskuld is a local dish along the western part of Jutland, U should try it on ryebread. if U send a message some days before getting close to Esbjerg, I might be up for it, if U want local representation 😊


Second this. It's culinary world heritage imo. I suppose Sand's and Café Danmark are still the best places to go for bakskuld?


In Ribe "sælhunden" will serve you a classic bakskuld 


Are you traveling with tent or camper? Cause I've got a camperspot near the national park in Thy. And I'm happy to see you go through Thy. It's a lot of times forgotten when people make a trip through Denmark but it's beautiful up here. And if you wanna eat somewhere, vesterhavscafeen in vorupør has delicious burgers and is located at the beach with a view on the surfers and small fishing boats.


You are up around Hanstholm. If you enjoy fish you should go to “Det gamle røgeri” og få et “Stjerneskud”. The portion size is gigantic so a half size is more than enough. The fish is fresh right from the nearby docks.


You're crossing right through Spodsbjerg on Langeland. There's a really nice fish restaurant at the harbour called *Spodsbjerg Kutterfisk*. You should try their *stjerneskud*. It's a traditional Danish dish.


Great fish and chips by the beach in Løkken, and lots of great cafés in Lønstrup also.


Hanstholm: Madbaren 😍


Consider taking a daytrip to Sejerø and eating at Sejerøhuset


In Odense you should eat at https://restaurantcarlslund.dk/


You should go visit Fanø. You can travel there from Esbjerg. It's a very pretty small island with good places to eat 😊


You have to travel there with ferry from Esbjerg


Niels Bugges Kro, Viborg. High standards when it comes to the food experience, the surrounding nature, the historical site and the very dedicated staff.


In Silkeborg I would recommend Café Evald, or Orangeriet if you're feeling fancy. There are also plenty of idyllic rural restaurants in the area, such as Svostrup Kro


I haven't actually been to Svostrup Kro that much, but I live very close to it, and it is beautiful. Should you find yourself fed up with all the smørrebrød, stjerneskud and bøfsandwiches, there is an excellent Mexican restaurant i Silkeborg called La Casita.


If you stop in Frederikshavn, then Cafe Feen is a great place to get some Danish food.


Frederikshavn: Cafe Feen - Moby dick. Both Affordable, Good and within 50 meters of the road you're traveling.


On Jutland if you go a bit more south you can travel by the old Danish -german border. And Christiansfeld is UNESCO city


Restaurant Kronborg in Copenhagen for top tier traditional “smørrebrød” - it’s a very classic experience and the food is very good. There’s a ton of good places in Copenhagen but if you want a very traditional experience, then this is it. Juno Bakery in Copenhagen. It’s the best bakery and the cardemom buns are World class.  Since you’re stopping in Vejle, you should consider a stop by “kokkens pølsevogn” for a danish classic; flæskestegssandwich. It’s a sandwich with pork and crispy pork rinds - it’s amazing if you ask me. There’s so many good spots but I think these three offer something unique and would be good memories.


Good job avoiding both Sweden and Randers. Have you considered Bornholm?


This trip looks amazing. In Skagen i can recommend Ruths Hotel - a very old and famous place


Definitely get some fish when you get to lynæs!


I was gonna say the same. If there's a wait for the ferry in Hundested, there are a couple of really good fish restaurants in the harbour. Alternatively - Vaffelhjørnet in Hundested for an icecream cone!


OP is sailing Odden -> Hundested so there's no excuse to skip it. I'd recommend a Lynæsskud at Lynæs Fisk og Steakhouse, but maybe someone more local has a better recommendation. Then again if there's a wait in Aarhus they should definitely get a Bøfsandwich at Havnens Perle.


IMO you are cutting off the best part! North coast from Helsingør to Tisvilde..


And the ride from tisvildeleje through the forest is great also


Rather go via Hillerød and see Frederiksborg Slot. The north coast get a bit samey after a while. Also, sommerhuse.


You MUST go to Det Blå Ishus in Tversted, the very best ice cream shop, and it is located on an amazing beach.


Grab brunch at Kongedybet in Husum, Copenhagen.


From Vadehavet to Skagen u should eat fish 😀 Also go for some "smørrebrød" hvis du får chancen. Preferably "højt belagt". Good trip.


When you get to Hundested, stop and eat at one of the places at the harbor. Knud is excellent, but pricey.


Looks awesome! Hope its ok i save a picture of it. I want to do something similar as well ! :) I might be biased but seriously do consider to go from Hundested to Helsingør as well. It’s very beautiful around there.


I love Lee's Kitchen in Copenhagen.


If you're in the mood for pizza while you're in Aalborg, I'd highly recommend Elika Pizza, it's just a few steps away from Limfjordsbroen!


StrandCaféen at Skiveren camping. Has fresh fish every day and also other things on the menu. Plus it’s cheap.


I can see you're passing Thorsminde now in which case I'll recommend going to the Strandingsmuseum (shipwrecks along the western coast basically, it's very well done). Not to eat of course.


When traveling up along Vesterhavet do yourself a favor and drive on the beach when possible. It's an experience I quite liked as a kid and once as an adult.


If you are hungry when you get to Hundested then eat at their local brewery, but if you can wait till you reach Rørvig, then try their local fish restaurant (preferably the big seafood buffet, but you probably have to make reservations) if you want a cheaper option, then try the Asian food truck at the the street food market a bit outside Rørvig. All of the above options are really decent but of course not top of the line danish culinary experience.


In Aabybro I would go for Cafe Rohde (food) and Ryå is (ice cream. You can also buy their ice cream in stores).


In Viborg, consider WTF - What the fish for a delicious pokebowl or sushi


Syv ni 13, in Aarhus. Best gourmet experience for a reasonable price. If u wanna go full michelin, go to Substans or Domestic.


Try Buillion in Aarhus. It is a cheap restaurant with good food.


Muldiverset near Præstø (between C and D) is a true gem, with excellent Smørrebrød and great dinner, in the Hyggeligste little farmyard. Not Michelin, but great food and fantastic atmosphere. A very strong recommendation from me.


Ene in Fredericia (if it’s more time for cake see if Kacho is open!), Pandekagehuset by Kvie Sø when out by Billund (needs reservation generally). Unico is absolutely excellent for lunch or dinner in Aarhus (and budget friendly for the amount of food you get) Food was good at Det grå fyr in Skagen but don’t know if I’d do a full-on recommendation.


In Aalborg, there is a good opportunity for almost Michelin star worthy restaurant at a reasonable prize with really good service. The restaurant is called Allimentum. Have a nice trip!


In Odense, go to HOS to get some of the best smørrebrød in Denmark


Grab a beer at Æ Karklud in Hvide Sande


When on Fyn(Funen) you should definitely try at Brunsviger! Its a soft delicious cake with butter and brown sugar topping. We, on Funen, often eat it at birthdays, and during the traditional breakfast. You can buy it at almost every bakery typically open until 3 or 4 pm.


When driving through viborg there is an amazing brewery called ølluminati! Cheap craft beer, fun vibes and very chill. You can even bring your own food there if you wanna snack while having a beer. Sadly no restaurant recommendations right now, but I hope you have a blast!!


Thank you for cutting Sweden


In Ribe the baker "pompei" makes decent bread.  "Temper chokolade" makes quite good chocolates, try their ice cream and "flødeboller" if you visit.  Sælhunden will serve the local old classic dish "bakskuld" salted dried and dried dab.


Det glade vanvid in Aalborg is a must its a free drinks buffet with a set menu that everyone gets at the same time. Very special theme with really good food for not too much money. And get yourself drunk here go to jomfru Ane Gade in the evening. Plan it for Friday or Saturday with a layover.


Going from Billund to Ribe, depending on the day, Pinder's Cafe in Vejen is absolutely worth a shot. Super chill jamaican guy freshly preparing tasty as fuck caribbean "slow food" while humming along to Bob Marley tunes.


If you’re looking for danish sea-food, I’d recommend “Brasseriet Gilleleje” in Gilleleje, a fisherman town not far off the route north-west of helsingør. Probably need to book table though. I think there is a lot off good sea food restaurants there, and the town itself is also quite cozy to visit


When you pass through Hirtshals, you must visit the Oceanarium. It was a lovely surprise for us and the cafeteria is actually a great place to eat!


In Hirtshals visit Fishermans House or Lilleheden Restaurant


Around Silkeborg can i recomend Svostrup Kro. A very old beautifull old inn. Lot of history lot of good wines od food.


That is an excellent route! Kudos for having the great wisdom to give the capital of venereal diseases Randers a wide berth. When you find yourself in my neck of the woods (Silkeborg) and if you can find the time for it, I highly recommend half a day in a canoe on the Silkeborg lakes.


In Silkeborg,across from the føtex shop there is a little pink bus that makes the. Best. Burgers. Super cheap and amazing.


That route looks way better


Rassas skovpølser near Skanderborg is a must in my opinion.


Gatten Golf og spa restort near Aars has great food. It’s nearly on the way from Aalborg to Viborg.


When in Roskilde try Shawarma House no. 1, their falafel and chicken shawarma are out of this world. Not fine dining or anything just good old really tasty food


When you're in Viborg I can recommend Den Kinesiske Mur for Chinese food or Tortilla Flats for Mexican food.


Take a detour to Thailand, we have excellent food here


I'll get back there one day...


Crazy to cut the Swedish side/the bridge while going that route but to each their own 😁


In Ribe you have to eat at Restaurant Sælhunden 👍😀


Restaurant Herthadalen in Lejre. They catered my wedding last week and the food was great.


Enzo & Co. (Italian) at the harbour front if you’re coming to Vejle. Great place to explore Bølgen (the wave) or Fjordenshus (the house of the fjord). Otherwise Munkebjerg, which is a hotel, casino and has both a regular restaurant and a Michelin on site. Placed beautifully in the woods.


You’re really going out of your way to avoid Randers


I would start at Gasolin grill in copenhagen


Near Vejle is Munkebjerg where there is restaurant Tree Top, it’s a Michelin restaurant, and I can’t recommend it enough: https://tree-top.dk/ Alternatively in Fredericia is 10 trin ned, also Michelin: http://www.titrinned.dk/ If that is to pricey, Vejle have an excellent steak restaurant Steakeriet: https://steakeriet.dk/


In Hundested : Knud or Bryghuset. Both are near the ferry to rørvig


Good idea that you’re skipping Randers


Good job avoiding herning and randers.


Rartsted in Løkken is really good 👌🏼 you probably need a reservation though


If your near Præstø I would go to the restaurant Fjordkroen, the food is nice and there is a very nice view of Præstø fjord.


The old brewery([Restaurant Det Gamle Bryghus](https://www.detgamlebryghus.dk/en)). When visiting Møn. Great food and beer. And excellent service.


On the west coast, Vestkystens Gårdbutik is a nice place to get ice cream and cheese.


Dinner at “Restaurant JA” drop in at Holstebro (wonderfull city btw) https://restaurant-ja.dk/ Dinner in Helsingør at “strejf” https://www.restaurant-strejf.dk/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1K-zBhBIEiwAWeCOFwmNCyRzfsxi8jMugx9t_eJCVEQPFm1kLm_LF9-xzWth6agEZmIqzRoCDtcQAvD_BwE Lunch in Helsingør https://kobenhavnerenhelsingor.dk/ Looks dodgy as f… but really good “smørrebrød” and a real Old School pub style place Was a few years ago on “Røgvig kro” that was really good https://www.roedvigkro.dk/restaurant/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1K-zBhBIEiwAWeCOF7mb1CVN6roWSiRDUCwh1Y_jasA2n1CiRBvU1lFn0YbjbBdOp-yw_hoCX6oQAvD_BwE Also a few years ago in Ribe “resturant sælhunden” was very good. https://saelhunden.dk/


Aalborg has the best pizza in Denmark @ [FUMO](https://fumoaalborg.dk/) 😍🍕


In Skagen I highly recommend PAKHUSET, we looove the Steak Tartare, the moules marnieres and the Stjerneskud 😍


I see you completely avoided Vestsjælland 😂


This restaurant on Lolland is the best restaurant I’ve visited in all of Denmark. You can stay the night there as well which is highly recommended so you can drink their fine wine as well: https://www.onsevig.com


When in Viborg make sure to visit Lone oh Clays at Mathias- Kælderen and of course Ølbaronen(ølluminati) very Cody places to spend a few hours- having a much needed beer break. If looking for food, try Nytorv 11. Have a nice trip


I'll wave when you pass me!


When you are in Northjutland you should visit Café Havblik: https://www.facebook.com/cafehavblik or Bounty: https://www.facebook.com/BountyLonstrup - Both in Lønstrup 😄 both places are affordable and the food is really great! 😄 If you are in Hjørring i will recommend - Bastardo: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61553521506454 - Try "Den lille bastardo", where the chef chooses the dishes 😄 - Bryghuset Vendia: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063788160273 - You should try their beer "Bock"! - Hos Magnus: https://www.facebook.com/HosMagnus - amazing pizza!!


Looks like you are going down in jutland following through the "hærvejen"... if so you will pass through a small town called Skelhøje. Just south of Viborg. This town has a small community driven shop which has a little cafe, and that cafe has beer on tap from the danish brewery hancock... now that is good beer and worth a stop.


When going ti Ribe, you should eat at Weiss Stue. It is a very cozy, small tavern like place. The restaurant itself is quite old i believe, i think you would enjoy it. It is at least better than a lot of other places in Ribe.


Good call going in a big circle around Kolding, I wouldn’t wanna go near that place either.


Well done!


I really like Cofoco in Copenhagen: https://cofoco.dk/en/restaurant-cofoco/#menu




When you're in Viborg I would definitely recommend Les Jeunes. They serve some of the best food and coffee in town at affordable prices. https://lesjeunes.dk/


Halsnæs Bryghus(Brewery) on the harbour in Hundested before doing the ferrycrossing, good food and locally brewed beer… In Århus i would suggest Grappa, it’s by the canal and is very good… If you go through Faaborg there’s a really good ‘smokery’ on the harbour called Faaborg Røgeri, locally smoked fish, fish and chips and such…


Restaurant Resumé or Salig Simons Gaard in Svendborg. Outstanding food at a good price


Pronto pizza in Silkeborg makes killer pizza! A good way to end a long mountain bike ride in the woods.


Restaurant ND122 when you are on Møn. It's located in Klintholm Havn not too far from Geocenter Møns Klint. Extremely good food


For Aarhus try Sachi Sushi if Sushi is up your alley


Aarhus: go to Cafe Vesterlauget. They have excellent smørrebrød and also evening dishes that are both affordable and delicious.


When going with the ferry from Thy to Thyborøn. Take a tour around Thyborøn town. Find the restaurant named Mallemukken it’s two old ship taken out of the water and turned with the bottom up where you can eat in it. Very nice place and great food and a nice experience. I’m from Thyboørn my self and know a lot about the western part of Jylland if u have any questions.😊


I see you are passing through Hundested. Make a stop at the brewery before going on the ferry. Buy whatever seafood there is on the menu and also order the beer called Røde Ran. It's a nice red ale.


If you want a great experience for some classic mead i can highly recommend "Tarp Bryggeri". A small family brewing on the west coast whom have won many medals for their brew. It can be bought in many stores and is made with a lot of honey.


When in Ribe, go to Terpager & Co and ask for a table in the backyard. Beautiful place.


When in Faaborg, visit Vesterports Bageri - a tradional danish bakery with a cute café.


https://knudhule.dk/ Between Aarhus and Silkeborg and right next to a swimming lake.


For Møn, Restaurant Klintholm has good traditional Danish food, especially their herring is nice.


You should consider visiting helnæs(and walk around the trip, quite a pretty place) and snave as you are in a car Remember to watch Polle Fiction before the trip


Looks like you're going (pretty close) to Præstø - about 10 km from there is Muldiverset, who makes amazing smørrebrød. Everything made from scratch with ecological/biodynamic and local produce. Big recommendation!


[Svinkløv Badehotel](https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g656486-d1020034-r675638923-Svinklov_Badehotel_Restaurant-Fjerritslev_Jammerbugt_Municipality_North_Jutland_.html)


Right between Silkeborg and Aarhus, there is a small village with a hotel/restaurant called Lyng Dal. Really exquisite food, often made from locally sourced wild herbs or home grown vegetables and located in some of the most beautiful nature in Denmark. It's also right next to "Himmelbjerget", known as the highest point in Denmark.


I think you should make a culinary bucket list and see how that fits your itenerary. Suggestions: Bøfsandwich Flæskestegssandwich Hot dogs (DK style, everything else is not worth it) Stjerneskud Stegt flæsk m persillesovs Romkugler (from Fyn) + Brunsviger just to give Fyn a special mention once more (consider adding rygeost and sommersalat to the list) Wienerbrød (chokoladebolle, rosenbrød, romsnegl, overskåren, onsdagssnegl, tryksnegl + whatever... during the last decade, overpriced kardemmesnurrer/kanelsnurrer have gained widespread recognition, but that is somewhat debatable.... tebirkes (københavnerbirkes in Jylland) and frøsnapper. Smørrebrød as you go See if you can fit in trditional dk christmas food like flæskesteg and roast duck. Gule ærter m flæsk og pølse Plenty of suggestions in the other posts, hope you enjoy the trip


When visiting Esbjerg, take time to visit Fanø as well! The island just 12 minutes away by ferry. Have a nice meal at Fanø Krogaard and maybe visit the brewery “Fanø Bryghus” 🤩 That’s the very short version for a visit though!


In Vejle I would recommend a few (mostly) budget friendly places, that do very good food: - D'angolo - Paladspassagen Social Dining (indoor street food with lots of choice) - Enzo & C (in midtown or on the harbour, both good) - Buddha Bowl - Tika Basa - Vanila (conditory) - Bryg (coffee) While these are not all culinary marvels, I'm a student and can afford these places, if not often, then at least sometimes 😊 Have a fantastic trip! 🤟


You almost pass: * Pomle Nakke and Hesnæs Havn Spisehus * Marsk Restaurant * Falsled Kro (expensive)


I'll recommend Jette's Diner in Svendborg [https://jettesdiner.dk/](https://jettesdiner.dk/) . Also I'll recommend having a quick look around in the city. Both Svendborg and Faaborg have some beautifull old churches. They also have ferries out to the tinest islands, some with a dining place all with the chillest vibe. When driving from Odense to Faaborg I'm pretty sure you'll drive right by Svanninge Bjerge [https://www.bikubenfonden.dk/svanninge-bjerge](https://www.bikubenfonden.dk/svanninge-bjerge), unfortunately the webpage seems to be only in Danish but I believe it's a typcal landscape for Denmark formed by the iceage and is a Unesco global geopark. I found it on [tripadvisor](https://www.tripadvisor.ca/Attraction_Review-g1096218-d3599495-Reviews-Svanninge_Bjerge-Faaborg_Faaborg_MidtFunen_Municipality_Funen_and_Islands.htmltripadvisor) with some images and on this page about places to walk in the area [https://www.visitfyn.com/fyn/experiences/archipelago-trail](https://www.visitfyn.com/fyn/experiences/archipelago-trail) the area works well with hiking but you can get the highlights by just stopping the car. Also when you drive through Vester Skerninge (between Faaborg and Svendborg) you'll go right past the old inn (literally) and I'd recommend stepping out of the car to check out the old timey buildings. Some are privately owned but you can eat at the inn. [looks like this on google](https://www.google.com/maps/@55.0743635,10.4588861,3a,75y,117.03h,89.3t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s6KdBhpbP6ODk66bc62jb3w!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D6KdBhpbP6ODk66bc62jb3w%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D117.02625082793358%26pitch%3D0.6997129428075084%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu) Edit: found a folder in English [https://www.svendborg.dk/sites/default/files/PDF/foldekort\_2\_gb.pdf](https://www.svendborg.dk/sites/default/files/PDF/foldekort_2_gb.pdf)


Fiskehallen Thyborøn.


Good on avoiding Randers - You won't regret that.