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i’ve waited several days before, sometimes it lags


Definitely wait a couple days. Whenever i ship things out it usually takes anywhere from 12-48 business hours (:


Did the item have free shipping? I've noticed that this happens sometimes with sellers who don't go through depop for shipping , I think you manually supposed to enter the tracking if you don't use depop but it seems like some sellers won't or don't know how to. Either way this has happened to me a couple of times and the item usually shows up. Hopefully she can at least give you a tracking number even if it's just in your DMs.


No free shipping just checked. How long should I give it?


i bought the same pair of pants last week! anyways, it can take a while to show when it ships cause when the label is actually scanned, that's when the updated shipping will show. sometimes it can take a few hours to maybe two days (really depends on the shipping method, what the item is, etc) so far, it's nothing to be too worried about forgot to mention, but if the carrier is busy, that can be another reason for delay. ask the seller again after two days for any updates or concerns!


You can get the tracking number with the resolution centre. Just click the order then “it hasn’t arrived” and you’ll see the tracking number


Oh wow! Okay thanks I didn’t know that I’ll try it!


No problem. That way if there isn’t any movement on the tracking just open a dispute.


I tried googling the number and nothing came up :(


Just open the dispute they are scamming


Like i typed it in and this website for hospital equipment came up Graham something and a couple other random things.. so dispute?


You didn’t copy it and paste it into usps?


Sorry my bad usually it comes up with google. I put it in usps tracking and it says “pre shipment may 14th awaiting item” 😞


Yeah open a dispute they already lied about it being shipped


Gaaaaah alright. Thank you for helping me!


you have a month to dispute for a refund so try waiting a few more days for it to update


Concurring to wait a day or two. I often do USPS home pickups. Often takes 48 hours or more for the shipping to update.


Yes exact same thing happen to me and they never shipped it . I bitched like hell and got a refund


Post office takes a while to update if she is honest about shipping today


I’ve had stuff delivered that never had tracking update. Wait a few, you’re probably fine


I’d wait a couple days but honestly she should be able to provide you the tracking. I always save a pic of the label on the package when I ship and it’s right on there or it’s on the receipt. I know a lot of people just dump their packages off but taking the 10 minutes to stand in line to get a receipt has helped me more than a couple times.


How can I get a pic of the receipt? Are you allowed to exchange instagram or should she post the receipt on the post? :/


You don’t need a pic of the receipt, you can ask them to send you the tracking info if they have the receipt though.


I did get the tracking and it says only a label was made and they are waiting on it since May 14th. I guess I figured if she had a receipt it would be proof she dropped it off like she said she did. It’s been over 48hrs since she “dropped it off” and she just says “my usps is just slow”


Like others said then, give it a couple days bc usps really does take forever to update sometimes, especially if she didn’t wait in line in usps to check it in and just put it in the drop off area or did a home pickup. If nothing updates within another couple days then I’d open a claim.


Will do thank you (: