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Maybe "hey tile, you are looking so gorgeous today!"


This gave me the good chuckle


Would a laugh be on the table?


Chortle 🤭


A guffaw is appropriate


My faith in humanity was restored when I saw this was the top comment.


Indeed. I was so happy to see it.


This falls right into the shared portion of the Venn diagram of dad jokes and grammarian humor.


So glad I didn't have to be the downer spelling police!


Having a horrible day & this made me snort laugh - thank you!!


Sending you a virtual hug and a wish that you feel better. 💐


Thanks! Back at you 🤗 & this made my heart smile 💙


Oh, the humor of a misspelled word.


Ha!! TIL!


Thank you for the laugh! 😂




First time I’ve smiled today. Thank you, Stranger!!


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I cackled out loud. I’m dead 💀😂💀😂


Im not the tile but you made me smile




I immediately thought to go for a dark and patterned wallpaper but then I saw this photo and I thought it a beautiful option for you as well! https://preview.redd.it/oa19d4njwx8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a125dd967ca877d0e36bada6d87b8913d30e3b5f


This is gorgeous, and I feel it won't date as quickly as the wallpaper. I love the wallpaper look people have posted, but this is more timeless I think.


Yes I was thinking the exact same thing when I saw it!!


I was thinking that too , kind of scandi.


Reminds me of Chip, the little teacup from beauty and the beast.


I love sweet little Chip!


The gold accents it so well


No this is 1000000000% the answer


This is lovely. Although dark busy wallpapers work great for small rooms, they only work if the wallpaper is the only dramatic thing. With tile like that, let it be the star.


This!! The gold accents and the natural, light wood go so well with the pink tile and white porcelain.


My old landlord didn’t do much redecoration since it was built in the 60’s, but they did paint the bathroom walls a light butter cream yellow with the same pink tiles (and tub, and toilet) which was nice. I further modernized it with towels, bath mat, patterned shower curtain, and hand soap container in various aqua tones. Personally, all pink is too overwhelming, so I think a simple cream or white paint/wallpaper with silver or gold hardware would look good and allow for easier introduction of fun colors just by using different towels/small accessories. Could definitely see an orange/apricot, yellow, neon green, forest green, or aqua theme.


Or even a minty green wall paint. More conservative but complementary and fun


I was just about to comment this! Nice thinking


https://preview.redd.it/60c5y85gi29d1.png?width=399&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd571e9db3f18860e0b5f924c60f3883105c6b83 Agree, go for white wall and add some black accent to give your bathroom some modern hit. :)


This is the best option proposed. Gorgeous.


Yes and I like the gold finishes.


Same! I’m a sucker for gold or brass finishes!


I am ALL for this! It feels classy.


I am purchasing a house with pink tile and felt a bit at a loss for how to design it and you have completely inspired me. Thank you!


A great reference photo to see how a white paint can compliment the tile and a good point that it is more timeless and would be cheaper to repaint later if desired. The only other change OP would need to do is to update the fixtures and cabinets.


Yesss, this! Fresh white paint, fresh white grout! I’m so glad you’re keeping the pink tile.


Came here to say this and I, too, had to immediately stop myself upon seeing this photo. Gorgeously simple.


Lol that's what I was going to say. Top half in white and with the pink tile.


This option is perfect. The light wood accents and white walls will complement the floors too! Great find!


I love that!


I’m in love with the tile in that bathroom omfg


I'd do a wallpaper or paint of a different color. It needs some contrast to complement the tile, sink, and toilet color. I'd also swap out the storage over the toilet and the lights.


Wallpaper is a great suggestion. There's a lot of pink going on. Perhaps a wallpaper that's dramatic, complimentary, and tropical. I've attached some examples. https://preview.redd.it/yzivtie1ly8d1.png?width=820&format=png&auto=webp&s=e64fa57d165188eb16f5d3492d0667d22a7bb6bc


Yes! OP's tiles scream "give me busy, pink, jungle, dimension, dark green, slightly moody wallpaper."


The great thing about tropical wallpapers like this is that the lush greens complement soft pink so beautifully. BUT they're also so era-appropriate for updating a bathroom from the 50s-60s.


I agree!


This is beautiful but the scale needs to be 50 % for that half wall. I would also put a huge framed mirror on the far wall and change the hardware .


This is STUNNING! I love that it includes just a touch of pink. Please OP for the people !!


Agreed! I was thinking of the interior designer Jungalow on IG which would have some great inspo pics for this style


Sage green, or Louisburg green, maybe


Agree…I personally would go with paint versus wallpaper cause you want the vintage tile to really be the feature


plus wallpaper in a bathroom... def keep the tile it's gorge but take everything off the walls and do some cool pictures, I know you may want to stay period but that sink should go imho and be replaced with a simple sink with a cabinet underneath for storage.


Yes. Sage green would be lovely with this pink.




Yep, this. I'd pick a wallpaper with a non-pink background color and just pink accents. If you want to stick to the 1920s theme, I'd go with something [abstract](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1343571802/bats-and-flowers-wallpaper-elegant-art?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=art+deco+wallpaper+with+pink&ref=sc_gallery-1-2&frs=1&bes=1&search_preloaded_img=1&plkey=2dd2d7484e26a0eeca8adf24c2259c8cd15e1869%3A1343571802) in a [deco](https://www.etsy.com/listing/993064832/mystical-nile-wallpaper-art-deco-style?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=art+deco+wallpaper+with+pink&ref=sr_gallery-1-36&frs=1&content_source=5a637d2f9f573c52305264b97b6d543ca8080aff%253A993064832&search_preloaded_img=1&organic_search_click=1) [or](https://www.etsy.com/listing/919582151/pink-heron-wallpaper-luxury-wallpaper?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=art+deco+wallpaper+with+pink&ref=sc_gallery-1-8&frs=1&plkey=d3c268419384f7d8ceeb709e5b7ac7f520c0f2ad%3A919582151) [chinoiserie](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1535873518/wallpaper-removable-peel-and-stick-or?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=art+deco+wallpaper+with+pink&ref=sr_gallery-1-47&pro=1&frs=1&etp=1&sts=1&content_source=cec55209ef798b82a7a47f2b084111bd75290287%253A1535873518&search_preloaded_img=1&organic_search_click=1) pattern. Or [even](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1136154882/art-deco-mural-wallpaper-teal-pink-wall?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=art+deco+wallpaper+with+pink&ref=sr_gallery-1-8&frs=1&etp=1&sts=1&content_source=a7f93724273516d17631b8a4ca7dae2f32082e7d%253A1136154882&search_preloaded_img=1&organic_search_click=1) a [mural](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1424158132/art-deco-wall-mural-vintage-style?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=art+deco+wallpaper&ref=sc_gallery-1-7&pro=1&frs=1&sts=1&search_preloaded_img=1&plkey=60ed93bb1ba1c595adf456a39b766a45721b0189%3A1424158132). ETA: and since you have that wonderful period sink, you might consider getting [period](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Fe6%2F62%2Fc9%2Fe662c920e4fb13b9df630223fd865695.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=35919909797d484c7935689422c7fae814381c4ef8539c50ca82d5c38d5c9178&ipo=images)-style [furniture](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F94%2Fe0%2F88%2F94e0883fdb2cd813b1ad4b72ce7587f6.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=cc0da60bb35f991d95bd5d74cf1141bfc3b8485eb1c1bfff9a3bacefdb20f422&ipo=images).


That’s what I was thinking. If you’re not into pink/peach, then this bathroom is a lot of that. A complementary color palette would freshen it up and add some contrast. Pinterest/the internet/paint stores usually have sample palettes, and OP could find one that includes the color of the tile to get an idea of what would look good.


Yes, this is what I was also thinking


I love it as is. Its so cute! Maybe some gold of copper ehh, forgot the word… for the thing that water comes out of…??? Gold detailing anyway.




Thank you! Yes :)


Absolutely agreed with this! I’d paint the drywall potentially too. A soft white so that the pink tile really pops.


Yeah, the swirls do take away from it a little. I think a shade matching the white between the tiles would be ideal. Gold detailing and faucet, and furniture and shelves either natural light wood/stained white.


I agree, the tiles are stunning


The word is "hardware" I think lol


I'm always a fan of dramatic [wallpaper for these vintage tiles:](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1745182099/dark-gothic-wallpaper-peel-and-stickowls?ga\_order=most\_relevant&ga\_search\_type=all&ga\_view\_type=gallery&ga\_search\_query=pink+and+black+wallpaper&ref=sr\_gallery-1-28&pro=1&frs=1&content\_source=e40a746784cd91ddf48f078e8ba4e142a192adff%253A1745182099&organic\_search\_click=1)


I was thinking wallpaper also but I’d lean a different direction: https://www.etsy.com/listing/970548408/ https://www.etsy.com/listing/1479430534/ https://www.etsy.com/listing/1242352114/ https://www.etsy.com/listing/633232590/ https://www.etsy.com/listing/1729302215/ Or my personal fave: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1009178120/


Pink and green are such a great combo!


That flamingo paper is to die for. Looks like it would be too tall for the OPs walls above the tiles.


Depending on the company, they can scale the wallpaper to fit (bigger or smaller flamingo).


That first one, Avignon Chinoiserie is so smart for their space. You have a good eye, it’d be neat if they went in that direction with it.


Ok can you do my space too? You have a great eye.


Love the first two and think they would be perfect! The swirls are boring. Love the last one, but I don't think it would fit the walls.


The smaller flamingo paper is on point. The dramatic one is to die for, but it feels risky. Nice eye !


Yessss. Embrace the darkness, it’ll bring out the light (pink). But forreal, the darker wallpaper will make this space pop off.


Ooo. Deep navy!


Oooo…that’s gorgeous!


Right? I'm kind of sad I don't have vintage bathroom tiles. lol.


They really knew how to install and grout tile decades ago, unlike the people who tiled my ca 1989 bathroom.


You aren't kidding. My house is 1990, and yeah. They were not building things to last at that time.


Man...I regret redoing our green bathroom a decade ago now. So many good ideas like this one to keep retro tiles alive


Oh yeah I love that! With a mix of black and gold fixtures would be so elegant and moody


Was definitely gonna comment something like this! I think it's a great way to accentuate the tiles but make the bathroom feel a little more modern, too


I love it! I also like [this one](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1501982516/crane-chinoiserie-wallpaper-japanese)


Yes! Man, now I want wallpaper. My house is circa 1990, and I just don't know if it would work at all. Gonna have to ponder this!


I love wallpaper! https://preview.redd.it/970zukfy4y8d1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a470d82269be146083222ea89fb1b30cdb3a9b4e Then accessories! Maybe a ceramic garden stool with towels




Agreed! https://www.jungalowshop.com/jungalow-peel-stick-phoenix-wallpaper-in-vino-by-justina-blakeney/ This artist makes some amazing wallpaper.


Oh fuck ya! With the owls!!! Saving this post!


Nothing with eyes while I’m in the bathroom. I can do my business with creatures watching.


:P My daughter just visited Japan and was super impressed with the airport bathroom: When you sit down, nature sounds/music start playing. I feel like if you used this wallpaper, you'd almost have to go that route. Course, you would never be able to *use* the room...lol


Ooooooh yessss! I was thinking something similar, black with peacocks or something but this is PERFECT. Swoon 😍


Yes, and gold metal accents would be nice with the pink. 


Yes. A wallpaper that has hints of pink to balance all that tile.


That with copper fixtures and green accents would be stunning. 




Omg that is majestic af. I’m legit in the process of doing a witchy pink bathroom but I already had ruled out peel and stick paper due to concerns with the humidity. Oh man….but I want it. 🤩 thank you for bringing this to my attention, I think. 😅


I love this bathroom! I would probably lean into it. I kinda just like it the way it is! Some cool vintage curtains maybe a vintage mirror. Done.


Maybe one of these? The pink would compliment the green to balance it all out. https://preview.redd.it/6qqdzkmzhy8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54022c2e0ff4a946b74bebef03c6269f8f9be8df


something calmer likes these if OP goes worth wallpaper totally has my vote


Can you provide the link to these? I have similar bathroom but with light blue and white tiles. https://preview.redd.it/gdyu7p8tm39d1.png?width=2448&format=png&auto=webp&s=3acdb0ae35abac35a15b5ee0736c0f006cbc7471


My thoughts exactly


I visited a bar not too long ago that had similar tile in the restroom. It had wallpaper with pink alligators on it and I think of it often. Go pink and go whimsical!


I’d lean into a Palm Springs aesthetic and do a bold palm or banana leaf wallpaper with gold accents in the decor/cabinet hardware. https://preview.redd.it/qx63flxuqx8d1.jpeg?width=505&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac7524eb83d354e2c8bacc7b2e2e7bc51ec2e01f


You nailed it. Needs the green.


Now that’s awesome


This reminds me of Blanche's bedroom on the Golden Girls


I agree with this, lean in


This is amazing! I love the wall paper too but it does feel like a bit much. I’d go with a really funky wall paper with deep greens and blues. I would get a longer framed mirror. Keep the lights. Change out the shelving above the toilet. Remove the shelf above the towel rack and hang a picture instead.


https://preview.redd.it/avs4uuvw119d1.png?width=995&format=png&auto=webp&s=b281a9bb9e2bd3e76870b3f5758c7db134131092 I’d go with a really dark color for the top part. I’d also paint all the shelves on top this color. Like this very dark shade of grey. And try to incorporate more wooden accents wherever possible. Also a nicely framed mirror would look nice.


There's a reason they did all those bathrooms in pink. The reflected light is flattering for makeup and grooming. Paint the walls dove gray. Pick up the gray in the tiles. I don't like the wood shelve. And consider a sink shirt. Art. Curtains.


I think you meant sink skirt. But I had one of those sinks. Hated it. The legs were always getting kicked and you constantly had to polish all that chrome. Eventually the faucet gave out and we put in an actual small gray vanity with storage. So much nicer, and it still complements the vintage bathroom.


Bottle green. Like this but reversed https://preview.redd.it/bpvqcubs3z8d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=debfbdbe7770792507c2e9922c4c826341cccfd3


yes i super agree! i think if you're open to going bold, something darker to contrast the light pink!! dark olive green with balcn and gold would look sooooo cool'


I would paint it a color that matches the grout - off white. Bring in a guided mirror. Perhaps a skirt for under the sink. A piece of furniture to provide storage. Art that compliments the space. Nice rug and towels. Love that you are keeping the tile it’s gorgeous


And change that gross vent cover, they're like $10. I'm useless and I changed them all myself in my house.


If you’re not afraid of something a little wild, I think tropical wallpaper would look really fun in your bathroom. https://www.etsy.com/listing/803004055/ Other ideas: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1090523780/ https://www.etsy.com/listing/709824996/ https://www.etsy.com/listing/1037137577/ https://www.etsy.com/listing/1529648409/


The jungle with pink flowers is exactly what I’m doing with my coral tile bathroom.


These give me such Blanche Devereaux / Golden Girls vibes and I’m here for it 😍


Yes to moody tropical wallpaper!!!! https://preview.redd.it/mityxg1a109d1.jpeg?width=871&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd02274f0ba286a63ec128d3a22de53ba0672e8a


Keep the tile. Keep the tile.


By making the wall paper complimentary: https://preview.redd.it/jysnzt09py8d1.jpeg?width=1722&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04511a14ff9ca30020ad971c349f75b9055d4321






Not sure why this isn’t getting more attention. The mix of black & gold w the pink tile & the black & white floor brings it all together & pedestal sink is a must. Don’t need to do exact but would do something similar to this. I had same pink tile when I bought my 1920’s home, but sadly too many of the actual tiles were damaged & replaced with plastic & it wasn’t worth saving.


This is great!


https://preview.redd.it/ymjfvpeoa39d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=894801e5f10de2a51f887e6078d8c82e9fca9a4c Green plants and teal paint go good with these tiles IMO


Minimalist black and white looks really good with that pink - if you go that route I'd paint the walls white so the room isn't too dark, but use black accents and hardware. (If you can't do black hardware then gold would look nice with pink, black and white). Like this: https://preview.redd.it/px4227sv059d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33b6cb063d638e4a1b47e47283c6c8f864af81dd


As someone who would never pick out this wallpaper, I kind of like it! It’s funky and plays into the pink vibe perfectly. I’d update the mirror, lighting, medicine cabinet, and blinds. Get a fun piece of art for where the bamboo shelf is and for the big wall. I would make sure the art has some white space to rest the eye. And I’d go with white mats.


I agree with a darker vintage looking wallpaper. I think a statement vanity in a green or dark blue may also look nice. Find a ornate looking gold mirror and gold hardware to match and I think it would be fantastic.


Keep the tile for sure!!




It would be a crime to get rid of this tile. My suggestion is to pair it with a rich green.


I have this exact color tile, though only in my bathtub. I complimented with this seafoam green color and floral/botany prints. https://preview.redd.it/ccdcjf9gk09d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90c335290bbb0ba41bfaec5b210f77ab81fe6320


How fun! I actually have a really similar bathroom but my tiles on the walls and floors are all a mint green color. I painted my walls as close to the mint green tile as I could and added a gold round mirror above the sink with a fun retro style gold and glass light fixture over it. Added a retro floor mat rug outside the tub/shower. Basically just played up the very 60's vibes


I would lean in with a more elevated wallpaper and add some brass accents and plants. Also, get a more glam mirror. I’d make everything feel very intentional.


I think you should put up wallpaper on the walls to compliment the tile https://preview.redd.it/ao2a8n97wx8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3f25ef3a21e88b508191416b7de49117c22a850


If the current wallpaper didn’t have the poop 💩 swirls on it, I would say keep it as is. Otherwise, I love the dramatic wallpaper u/2boredtocare found


My exact same thought. Why would anyone put a dark brown swirl on a bathroom wall?


I love everything about this bathroom 💞


What a cute bathroom! I am very envious. I think you could find a period-appropriate wallpaper that still has some modern flair. You could also lean a bit into the space age glam with some small starburst chrome hardware or light fixtures and the like. A couple plants and textiles will add texture too.


I would do the top half either a forest green or a navy blue, and then buy towels that are that colour.




Maybe a cute textured wallpaper that is white or a wall paper that has a similar pink accents? Also cute white floating vanity!


[rifle paper ](https://riflepaperco.com/collections/shop-by-new-wallpaper?page=2) has so many wallpapers that would compliment this tile. That and new shelving, mirror and lighting would be the perfect refresh.


We have a similar bathroom and we painted the walls dark green and changed the hardware to matte black. We added a fun, colorful shower curtain and other decor.


Oh my god please keep this tile


Wallpaper from spoon flower above tile. And gold fixtures


Because you have room, I would suggest you remove the item above the toilet and the rattan shelf and instead find a decorative piece where you could have access to what is usually on a counter in a bathroom, e.g. perfume, etc. as well as other items and perhaps even for toilet paper storage, etc. and a place to store fresh towels. You could also look into a fun wallpaper to spice things up. It's hard to tell if the mirror is also a medicine cabinet but if it's not, IKEA sells a round mirror rimmed in black that is also a medicine cabinet. You could paint the rim white.


The first thing I would do is replace the heating duct grate, then I’d find a wallpaper I love and do it up. Look at Esty, Spoonflower, and Anthropologie (although this store is expensive). I agree that you should replace the lighting with something more appropriate for that era. Glass shelving was also used a lot during the 30s through 60s. Have fun you’ve already got a beautiful bathroom, just tweak it to make it into something you love.


Gray goes good with pink


I just want to say I looooove this tile so much. That’s all.


I would go full art deco glam. A dark, moody wallpaper with art deco elements mixed in. Gold fixtures and vintage look lighting.


I love this and wish I had unique tile in my bathroom! I’d go for a bold wallpaper and accents of gold, green, or turquoise.


Paint the walls the color of that towel. It’ll look gorgeous with the tile.


Paint the upper walls a soft green or a deep jade, depending on your vibe.


Dark/emerald green paint


White wallpaper or paint above. I love Benjamin Moore chantilly lace. Get a white oak vanity with a gold framed medicine cabinet and gold sconce fixture. Replace the teak wood shelving with floating white oak shelves


I’d put so much effort into finding a matching sink, matching bathtub, and matching toilet. And then I’d compliment it with that dyed toilet paper and no one would ever be allowed to use it.


I’d go all girly—soft cream walls, porcelain faucets and handles. Add Some pink flamingos…gorgeous


Blue's Clues looking wallpaper


I would get rid of the swirly wallpaper and I’d also add white towels and accessories to compliment the grout and white trim


Def keep that tile!!


Omg I think our bathrooms are twins!!! I first changed out all the fixtures to chrome so they would match the vintage hardware. I painted mine a deep, dusty taupe and it really really made the tiles pop. I get compliments ALL THE TIME on the color! And then I got some charcoal colored towels. (But I honestly switch out towels all the time with more dusty purples and pinks).


Depends on your vibe! Personally, I’d go wild with one of these wallpaper options from Flavor Paper. The bottom two are murals that would be custom sized to your space. https://preview.redd.it/gzuq9wltoy8d1.jpeg?width=1423&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5c19bc46dfa1bd09290772163e8065f83a61a53


I think contrasted the pink tile with a darker wallpaper would be cool. :) Maybe something black with pink floral accents?


That tile is great!


Popping in to say I love pink! Good for you for keeping it. Practically speaking, I would recommend more under-sink storage as well. Perhaps a natural light wood, like a birch?


I'd do a black botanical wallpaper with green leaves and flowers that have the pink color in them.


Please for the love of god do not ruin this perfectly funky bathroom!!! Go all in, full maximalism and do pink monochromatic!!


I would consider swapping out the sink/getting an enclosed cabinet to hide the plumbing. I feel like exposed pipes always date a bathroom.


I think a pale green paint on the upper wall with the pink is very trendy at the moment


Keep the tile, paint the wall above white


I love you tile. You are amazing


With the pink tile (which I LOVE!), I would go Art Deco with gold and black accents!


PLEASE PLEASE keep the tile so many people are ripping gorgeous colored bathroom tiles out and it’s infuriating!!


No paper in bathroom due to condensation. You can create pattern and texture with art, framing, lighting, shelving, etc


I would do a softer option of BM Bone White paint up top. Round mirror. Frameless to give the piece the cohesion of the era look you are going for. I would also suggest an off white rug to provide contrast to the floor. Since there is usually black bullnose tile at the top of tile I would do some accents in black to pay homage to that era. If you are looking to do a wallpaper for the same vibe please frame the wallpaper as wall decor. There are ways to keep the vintage vibe without adding all the extras. Keep the sink!


Incorporate something in forest green: consider plants, wallpaper, a painting, or cabinets. Also, Wall tiles are beautiful, but I would modify the floor tiles.


Some really nice wallpaper. Something that compliments the pink.


Banana leaf wallpaper




I love the tile it's beautiful


Swap out the fixtures on the wall with something that seems more period-correct. This bathroom is so killer


White paint, modern fixtures, pattern towel/textiles No wallpaper. It will take away from the tile unless it’s v subtle.


I’m sure this comment will get buried OP, but I just wanted to say that I had this exact pink tile in my bathroom in my apartment that I had while I was in college in the 90s. Even though it was “old fashioned” or dated, it was gorgeous to me. I adored my pink bathroom. I love that you are trying to keep it & compliment it. I don’t have any suggestions, but best of luck in however you decide to dress it up. Would love to see photos when you’re done.


So jealous of your tile!!!


some pretty mossy green and plants? thats a very pretty color so cheerful ☺️


Everyone’s posting green botanical wallpaper, but I’d add a bunch of real greenery instead, some hanging type plants and a monstera, keep the walls lighter otherwise it can get cartoonish easily imo.


[Banana leaf print wallpaper ](https://www.spoonflower.com/en/wallpaper/10350876-tropical-banana-leaves-white-by-nadinewestcott?fabric=wallpaper_peel_and_stick)with hints of pink would be lovely! Add a new vanity and sink in a green from the wallpaper and you are all set.


Any lighter green would look great, from lime to light sage if you want it to look retro. Buy different shades to paint on the wall, pick the one(s) you like best & go from there. You can also put a curtain over the blinds in yellows, greens, blues & a little bit of pink, but a pattern of some sort with multiple colors would look best. I would also paint the vent & pipes with rustoleum then paint them with white spray paint. I had to do that in my house in a tropical climate on all the air conditioning vents & it looked beautiful.


This is what I did in my pink tile bathroom. Painted things white and added gold hardware. Just need to change out the silver sink faucet for gold. My towels are that blueish color and I interchange with a yellow/gold. https://preview.redd.it/oo5t0gf8079d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93b298b5ffbd89044444fb0a32e461bd43b883cd


Wallpaper!! Floral or geometric with the same pink somewhere in it.


Get s black grout pen.


With black and white towels and rugs.


Not that anyone asked. The history behind pink bathrooms is interesting. They were popularized by the 1st Lady Mamie Eisenhower and widely adopted across the US.