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Edie having to go out and request the news articles about Dave’s car accident & waiting 3 days for the fax to go thru


Could you imagine Susan on social media... Ugh...


Her daughter would have to keep scrubbing the computer of viruses and cancelling bank cards Susan sent to that poor Nigerian prince.


She'd be on etsy trying to sell her "jewelry" too


Lol, those were all things back then!


Haha yeah I guess they were! Ok here’s another scenario: Susan joins an MLM and keeps spamming her neighbors with posts about products, trying to use Julie as a model, but Julie is so over it.


That's great! I do think Susan would post on Nextdoor *a lot* And I do see Lynette tweeting something innocuous, and getting twitter hate, and then doubling down Or Bree going full anti-mask




IRL Eva Longoria has been making masks! I love how actually Eva is way more domesticated than Marcia, total role reversal from the show


That's so wholesome lol.


Bree would probably be disinfecting the entire lane as well. She would also be dropping off quarantine baskets on her neighbors’ curbs. Someone would *have* to move in with her (kind of like when Gaby moved in with Bob and Lee because her girls got the chickenpox).


She might even tell the neighbors they are welcome to keep the baskets.


She definitely would. Otherwise she would spray them down with every disinfectant known to man. She also has her old test kitchen which she could convert to a nice space to enjoy staying at home. Honestly I wouldn’t worry about Bree in a pandemic. Susan would be such a mess. Gaby’s house would be a war zone with kids and Carlos. I don’t even want to *think* about Lynette.


Naw, Bree is a.) Hardcore republican (not saying this is the defining characteristic, just pointing this out from the creator), and b.) spends a whole season in a seedy motel - so her germaphobia is only surface level and not really based on science. It's totally in character to go anti-mask! EDIT: Also, she's a devout church goer in a fake Midwestern state - and I can't even get my parents in a coastal state to stop going to mass during a pandemic. Additionally, the show is great because the characters do things that are antithetical to how they say they are! Bree being super prim and proper but being super pro-gun, having an affair in motels, dating someone who is actively killing her then-husband is the point! The whole wysteria lane is a facade, and we grow to love these characters, but 9 times out of 10 they do the wrong thing (and are more interesting for it) Bree would most likely be anti-mask, \*especially\* for the reasons listed above (giving out quarantine baskets, making nice masks) because those are what she should do based on her words Her and Mcklusky ("I'M too old already, you think a little cough is gonna take me out?") are for sure anti-mask


She does mention facebook a couple times in season 7


She would be such an MLM hun.


Security cameras that could be monitored on smart phones. You know most of them would have some set up. Would expose any of the gazillion snoopings going around all the time.


Due to how many fans have a dislike of Tom, I can just see him complain about Lynette, and people just going 'The fuck is wrong with you?'


how all the women were mostly skinny, especially susan. in 2020 i think the criticism will be much higher . it is indeed unrealistic for housewives living in a suburb to all be size 0 to size -2 for 8 years.


personally to me its highly unrealistic that Lynette could stay in That shape after 4 children!