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Lmao I kinda love that you’re so mad about this you’re basically dropping tea on destinys subReddit


Wait how did you see this post? Isn't it removed?


Internet is FOREVER baby


Nope. Definitely not removed.


Nope, its actually hot in this community


I guess I got lucky


Up for me


FYI: nothing is wrong with being a Zionist aka believing Israel has the right to exist. And 90-99% of Jewish Israelis (and even Israelis as a whole) believe that and will consider themselves Zionists. Fuck off with the framing that being a Zionist is bad.


Being a Zionist is fine..being this hairy is a bit much..


When you use the term "Biological woman" on Debate Finasteride's sub and you get banned and sent here where you can actually ask questions.


"'I want to be charitable and assume that whoever wrote that ban message was being thoughtless rather than malicious" Why do you want to be charitable to these horrible hypocritical racist tankies is the real question though ? These are genuinely not good people, they only care about "popular current tankie agenda" and shut their brain off. Maybe this will be your exist out of that tankie echo chamber if u were in it


You’ve gotten your first glimpse of Hasans true colors I wish you luck on your journey OP


As a former Hasan viewer: it only takes one break in the fascade


It's the slow blade that penetrates the shield




did you just coin a term fascade it's brilliant


Lmao no I misspelled but now that you mentioned it that is pretty good


New from the makers of Fanta: Fascade! It'll make you say "Nein, it can't be zis good!"


As a \[European\] former Hasan viewer, it was Ukraine for me.


Europoor here aswell and can confirm hasans ukraine takes were so poor it put many red flags up


/u/Top_Device9484 I hope in another 6 months you end up fully in this community and you learn to respect yourself, your own intelligence and your value systems. You don't need Hasan and his army of brainwashed tankies telling you what to think, and even if you disagree with Destiny on most of his views you'll still get so much more respect from Destiny and the community here than you ever would from any space that follows Hasan. As you can see, you stepped one toe out of line by posting a vaguely Israeli-looking person and this is what happens. Critical thinking and personal discovery are anathema to Hasan's values and the content he puts out.


>even if you disagree with Destiny on most his views you'll still get so much more respect from Destiny and the community here than you ever would from any space that follows Hasan. This is just facts. Every community has some POS people but those people will be called out by other dggers very quickly.


lol they are so mad that Israelis are hot.


stupid, sexy idf. 🥵


The attractiveness of female camp guards did not spare them the noose dude.


Is that a deep cut Simpsons reference?


They really are though, it's kinda ridiculous.


I remember a couple months ago there was a twitter thread where someone was saying that no Israelis are attractive and the person would reply to every picture of an Israeli person including people like Gal Gadot that they're actually mid. Someone then posted a picture of a black Israeli person which caused them to have a brain breakdown, as they cannot call a black person unattractive but also cannot call an Israeli attractive so they ended up saying something like black people cannot be Israelis. Shit was funny to watch.


It’s really telling that they say shit like this. Pure projection from Arabs, reminds me of how they’ll make fun of Jewish noses even though those noses are more prevalent in their populations LMAO


https://preview.redd.it/tlszn2lbwbxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f1242e6ba9f224d92306d63f5213d4cfcdda12e "Jewish noses" Meanwhile the very founder of Hamas Actually now that I think about it this would support the conspiracy that Israel created Hamas by portraying Ahmad Yassine as a Jewish agent who created Hamas as part of his mission


lol don't mind us just a series of up voted, outright racist comments like it's the most normal thing in the world


It’s only racist to say that aquiline noses are ugly. It’s not racist to point out that it’s more common in Arab populations. I’m simply pointing out their projection


you saw a thread regarding a post from one of Hasans moderators- a community largely composed of white, college-aged LGBT progressives- as an opportunity to express your gripes about Arabs. No one was talking about aquiline noses and Arabs until you did, seemingly to vent your frustrations about Arabs. You're fighting shadows, just chill. Also, dude is handsome and fit not gonna lie


I was referencing another instance of their projection related to looks/attractiveness. You are trying to find bigotry where it doesn’t exist. I don’t have gripes with Arabs, only with Islamic fundamentalists and all forms of extremism.


The society which routinely practices inbreeding is less attractive than the one which doesn't. I'm shocked, absolutely shocked.


Wtf is wrong with you? How are you so lacking in self awareness, that you're doing the same shit that's being criticized here? Go touch some grass.


you know you guys are the exact same right lol? where do you think your population originates from, hint: its the same countries you're mocking literally same tier as a pakistani and an indian arguing whos superior lol


Ach sheli, google tay-sachs Jews are not on a higher ground here lol




Bar Rafaeli, Gal Gadot, Neta Alchimister and more.


I love how zionist just became a slur when to israelis(and tbh any fucking person that read the definition) its like "It means i want israel to exist" It just boggles the mind


I've asked a few acquaintances who relate to being an 'anti-zionist', what they think a zionist is, and most of them said essentially "when someone supports the actions of the IDF" or "when someone supports what's happening in Gaza / WB". The online types seem to take it 100 steps further and think the country should be entirely Palestine, but I don't think a lot of the normies following cultural trends have thought as far as "I don't want Israel to exist". There's an alarming number of people online that do though.


I mean doesn't that make the online types more honest then? If they don't want Isreal to exist then they actually are anti-zionist. Doesn't make them less refarted but least it means their words line up lmao


Yeah it’s cuz to these people wanting Israel to exist is slur worthy lol


Go on a certain celebrity related subreddit talking about the White House Correspondents dinner, they use Zionist to describe a lot of people that happen to be the same religion. But Anti-Zionism totally isn't Anti-Semitism.


Yeah my only takeaway from this post is that OP has no idea what Zionism is.


Have you read the definition? Because that's not it. It's specifically a person who wants Israel to exist *as a Jewish state*.


A Jewish state does not mean a Jewish only state. It just means a state of primarily Jewish character and a Jewish majority in population so they don’t have to worry about another rise in antisemitism. Assimilation was never possible in Europe or the Middle East in the 19th century, the Jews needed a place to live where they weren’t going to be persecuted. Also Israel is a “Jewish state” so technically you can say Zionism means “wanting Israel to exist” or “wanting a Jewish state to exist”


I didn't say "Jewish only".


Oh I must have misunderstood the point of your comment my bad. I understood your comment as meaning that israel existing as a Jewish state is a bad thing and that’s why it’s alright to use “Zionist” as a slur. A lot of people imply “Israel existing as a Jewish state” to mean that Zionists want a Jewish ethnostate without any Arab population.


>Oh I must have misunderstood the point of your comment my bad. I understood your comment as meaning that israel existing as a Jewish state is a bad thing and that’s why it’s alright to use “Zionist” as a slur I didn't say that, but i do believe that and have said so elsewhere. "Jewish only" and "Jewish nationalist state" are not the same thing. Both are bad, but the absence of the first does not prove the absence of the second.


Can you explain why a “Jewish nationalist state” is a bad thing?


Just out of interest are you opposed to the idea of nation states in general? Because most states are centered around an ethnic identity... Turkey, Greece, Germany, China etc. it doesn't seem out of line to have one centered around Jewish ethnic identity And how do you see movements that want to establish nation states centered around ethnic identity like kurds, palestinians, basques


how dare Israel exist as a religious state in the sea of secularism that is.... the Middle East


Who said anything about the rest of the middle east? Do immoral things become moral because other countries around you are doing them? "Gee, how dare Iran throw gays off rooftops in the sea of LGBTQ acceptance that is... the middle east"


Except Israel has freedom of religion and is literally a secular democracy. If you focus on Israel before focusing on the literal Islamic dictatorships that surround it, it's because you hate Jews. What other possible rational reason could you have to focus on criticizing Israel the most.


>Except Israel has freedom of religion and is literally a secular democracy. If you add "civic nationalist" to that, then great! Israel is not a zionist nation, and so I don't oppose it. >If you focus on Israel before focusing on the literal Islamic dictatorships that surround it, it's because you hate Jews. What other possible rational reason could you have to focus on criticizing Israel the most. Where is this "before" coming from? I oppose both. I'm currently talking about Israel because that is what is being discussed. If there were a movement called Yionism that advocated an Islamic Arab ethnostate I'd call myself an anti-Yionist too.


You're using words in ways that tell me you don't understand them. They make no sense in context. You wouldn't oppose Israel if it wasn't a Zionist nation? So you only support the nations that don't want themselves to exist? That's literally what you are saying. It's completely insane and embarrassingly nonsensical.


I'll repeat myself. "Zionism" is defined as "support for the existence of *a Jewish state* in israel". Not "support for the existence of israel". Israel can exist, it can advocate for itself to exist, that's fine. It just has to do so as a secular, civic nationalist nation.


🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I'm running out of ways to explain this to you. I don't understand why you are so confused. Jews are not just a religion, we are an ethnicity. We are native to the region of Israel, and it is why we are called Jews. Saying it's a Jewish state means that it's the homeland of Jewish people, which is no different than Chinese people being native to China. This does not mean that Israel is exclusive to Jews. That's nonsensical. This has NEVER been true. Israel, since its founding, has had a large population of non jews with full equal rights. These are indisputable facts. Antizionism by it's definition does not want Israel to exist. Additionally, this idea that you say it has to do so as a secular civic nationalist nation is infuriating. It's literally the only secular democracy in the region with growing minority populations. It doesn't have to do anything, and it's already doing the thing you unfairly are demanding of it. If you don't think the Jews should have a country, but think all other countries are fine. You hate Jews and are an antisemite.


>Jews are not just a religion, we are an ethnicity. i am fully aware! that's why i mention ethnic/civic nationalism and don't just talk about secularism! >We are native to the region of Israel, and it is why we are called Jews. Saying... chinese people are by definition from china, because the word "chinese" means "from china". the world "jew" does not mean "from israel". jews predate israel. but once again, *if it is the case that israel is not a jewish state*, but is instead a *sceular civic nationalist state where jews just happen to live* but where they are *not ethnically or religiously advantaged in any way, including in immigration*, then i do not oppose israel! >This does not mean that Israel is exclusive to Jews... i never claimed otherwise! >Antizionism by it's definition does not want Israel to exist. no it doesn't! since you seemingly don't have access to google, i'll show you myself! google: "a movement for (originally) the [re-establishment](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=7cb9e191fb351bcb&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1ONGR_enAU1031AU1031&sxsrf=ACQVn0-yF3qxsWiUBIQ8XzuzjxLp32sahw:1714353528554&q=re-establishment&si=AKbGX_qaDi25_6vOA1QR9ui56rIBGY5CLV27aTKtmtsvCFeY_JMQemx3l2Kc9LSwLy9idrEwdenP31ELKK7QhC-Gv_9tQAmaaliiCnBtCseOPu0DaZQfT23lMfzChynuYA9hFUGgV-d7&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj449rIoOaFAxU5SmwGHYZGDnQQyecJegQIEhAO) and (now) the development and protection of **a Jewish nation** in what is now Israel." britannica: "Zionism, **Jewish** [**nationalist movement**](https://www.britannica.com/topic/nationalism) that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in [Palestine](https://www.britannica.com/place/Palestine), the ancient homeland of the [Jews](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Jew-people) (Hebrew: Eretz Yisraʾel, “the Land of Israel”)." ADL: "Zionism is the movement for the self-determination and **statehood for the Jewish people** in their ancestral homeland, the land of Israel." Oxford Reference: "A movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of **a Jewish nation** in what is now Israel." (hey, this is where google got its definition i guess) dictionary.com: "a worldwide Jewish movement that resulted in the establishment and development of the state of Israel and that now supports the state of Israel **as a Jewish homeland.**" >Additionally, this idea that you say it has to do so as a secular civic nationalist nation is infuriating... countries do in fact have an obligation to be secular civic nationalist states, actually. unless you'd be okay with your country disadvantaging you for your ethnicity or religion? if israel is doing that, then for the fifteenth time, that's awesome and i support it! >If you don't think the Jews should have a country, but think all other... i don't think that any ethnic or religious group should have a country! how many fucking times do i have to tell you this? ***i oppose all countries that are not secular civic nationalist states.*** ***no country should be "for" any group but its own citizens. to the extent that israel, germany, china, the US, etc are not secular civic nationalist states, i oppose them. to the extent to which they are, i do not.***


Do you then support spreading secular democracy to every other country in the Middle East? If so, I can get on board, let's get back to the good ol' neocon days


>Do you then support spreading secular democracy to every other country in the Middle East? Yes >If so, I can get on board, let's get back to the good ol' neocon days Doesn't necessarily mean American military intervention is always the most effective way to do that, but ok


Right, that's what Israel is


But it doesn't have to be. Israel could become a secular civic nationalist state and still exist.


Israels relationship with religion is wierd,it can eb argued it kind of already is.


If it is, then anti-zionists do not oppose it.


You have a *really* charitable view of anti zionists


There is no such thing as "charitable" or "uncharitable" views of antizionists. Antizionists are, *by definition*, those who oppose a Jewish nationalist state in Israel. If Israel is not a Jewish nationalist state, then *by definition* antizionism does not oppose it. This has nothing to do with the fact that the majority of people *calling* themselves "antizionists" currently oppose Israel, and use the word to literally just mean that.


The two state solution is inherently zionist,zionism just reffers to israel and jews being apart of it. The whole next year in jerusalem shit. They dont mind sharing they have proven that time and again. Anti zionists have a problem with jews *being there* not just anti jewish national state. Insert every war israel has been apart of.


Go look up the definition of the term. You're just wrong.


Imagine training yourself and making it part of your vernacular to call jews (uhh i mean zionists 🙄) "dogs" and thinking youre totally on the correct side of history


Hey, haven't we seen this antisemitic behavior somewhere in history before? I could've sworn... 


"He hasn't called them Subhuman yet, there's literally nothing we could do." -Twitchs' ethic board


Dude, go on a certain gossip subreddit talking about the White House Correspondents dinner. Lot of whistles.


I think what you’re witnessing is the following: it’s not inherently antisemitic to be an antizionist, but the overlap between them is massive. Rule of thumb is to replace the word “Zionist” with “jew” and see if what they’re saying sounds completely dehumanizing. For example: “you keep posting that Zionist’s OF” -> “you keep posting that Jew’s OF” in that mod’s comment. They appear to be angry simply because that guy is Israeli, if what you’re saying is correct. I think you should probably consider this a wake up call. By the way, what duck is up zoomer and armpits?


That's regarded. I think you're correct that in this case "zionist" probably just means "jew", but that's not a good test for it. Zionism is a belief, Jewishness (at least ethnic jewishness) is an immutable characteristic. Insulting the former is always more acceptable than insulting the latter. For instance: "Zionists are bad people" - true, anyone who supports ethnonationalism is a bad person. "Jews are bad people" - false, there is nothing immoral about being ethnically Jewish. Just because the second one sounds dehumanising doesn't mean the first one is.


I should have specified that the test isn't perfect, that's why I said "rule of thumb." >"Zionists are bad people" - true, anyone who supports ethnonationalism is a bad person. What do you think *Zionism* means?


The position that there ought to be a Jewish state in Israel. That is the definition.


What does it mean today since there already is one?


That it ought to cease being one. That israel ought to be a secular civic nationalist state. What kind of a question is this? "You're anti-rape? Heh. Well, rape exists, so what now?"


Isn't it already a civic nationalist state? Is it still secular when non Jewish religious/not religious citizens have the same rights?


You just said it already was a Jewish state. That is not a secular civil nationalist state by definition. What would be "jewish" about it otherwise? Either it's a secular civic nationalist state or its not. If it is, then it is not a zionist state and so I don't oppose it. If it's not, then it is a zionist state and i oppose it. Pick either one you want.


The majority of people are ethnically or religious Jewish. Every citizen has equal rights even if they aren't Jewish. Now you tell me what you think it is. Zionist state or not?


you haven't given me enough information. the fact that the majority of people are ethnically or religiously jewish is irrelevant to whether or not it is a jewish state. the US is not a 'white state' just because the majority of US citizens are white. is it secular, and is the state run for all citizens or for jews in particular?


There is a star of David on the flag. Citizenship can be granted if you are Jewish. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Law:_Israel_as_the_Nation-State_of_the_Jewish_People > The law (passed in 2018) outlines a number of roles and responsibilities by which Israel is bound in order **to fulfill the purpose of serving as the Jews' nation-state**


you could call america christian state bc its majority christian and they do some god stuff when swearing in court or when elected president etc, but that would be awfully silly to call america that wouldn’t it


to a degree it is, but mostly it's secular. not sure what this has to do with my comment though, which explicitly refrains from judgement on the question of whether israel is in fact secular or not.


I ain't got a dog in the fight but did you just compare Israel existing to Rape?


i did. you must be new to watching destiny. do you want me to explain to you why it's appropriate to make such a comparison? i work with mentally disabled children so i think i could do it.


I definitely don't think you could make that explanation work but I respect you standing tall on that.


it's very easy. i said "i oppose the existence of X". they countered with "but X already exists today, so what now?". there is nothing about X that requires it to be a jewish ethnostate specifically, it just has to be something i oppose. i oppose rape, so rape is as good a candidate as any other to fit in place of X. the logic is the same. though i will issue a slight correction, i actually compared israel existing *as a jewish ethnostate* to rape. but if it were the case that i opposed the existence of israel proper (i don't), comparing the existence of israel to rape would be perfectly appropriate. the comparison says nothing about the relative levels of morality, all it says is that the logic being applied by my interlocutor applies just as much to rape as it does israel. since the logic doesn't work for rape, it shouldn't work for a jewish ethnostate either. i could also have compared any number of things to which i am opposed to either rape or a jewish ethnostate, including but not limited to: republicans winning elections, natural disasters, religion, sexism, censorship, drug laws, the current speed limit on my street, the course requirements for my university degree, the stiffness currently in my neck, the poor battery life of my phone, the drift in my Nintendo Switch joycons, or the current weather in my city. if you need further help understanding the purpose of a comparison, let me know, i'm happy to help.


You're ignoring that the actual insult in this case is based on their immutable characteristics.


What immutable characteristics? Beliefs are not immutable. E: or did you mean the looks-based comments in the OP?


Yes the looks based comments in the op.


I'm not defending that. I said at the beginning of my comment that the mod in the OP is probably being antisemitic.


“true, anyone who supports ethnonationalism is a bad person.” That’s your own view regarding Israel?


I did not express a view on Israel. I expressed a view on ethnonationalism and those who support it. Whether or not Israel is in reality a Jewish nationalist state I'm not really interested in, happy to grant whatever your answer is on that.


Your hypothetical was “Zionists are bad” followed by “yes”. Even stranger to say that right after claiming that Zionist probably just means Jew


>Your hypothetical was “Zionists are bad” followed by “yes”. Indeed. That has nothing to do with Israel. It has to do with ethnonationalism, which is the subject of the view called 'zionism', as I just explained. >Even stranger to say that right after claiming that Zionist probably just means Jew Now you're just being bad faith. I explicitly said that WHILE the case in the OP was probably just the mod being anti-semitic and using 'zionist' to mean 'jew', the proposed test does NOT work because "zionist" does NOT actually mean "jew", and it actually fully acceptable to insult Zionists (because they are by definition ethnonationalists), just not jews.


How tf does Zionism have nothing to do with Israel? If you believe Jews have the right to their own state, you’re a Zionist. If you believe Jews don’t have the right to their own state, you probably don’t like Jews (and likely never complain about the surrounding no-Jews-allowed Arab countries)


notice how you didn't use the world "israel" in your definition of zionism there? that's because you have correctly figured out that zionism is to do with jewish nationalism, and not necessarily israel. >If you believe Jews don’t have the right to their own state, you probably don’t like Jews no, i just oppose ethnonationalism. white people don't have a right to their own state, arabs don't have a right to their own state, muslims don't have a right to their own state, and jews do not have a right to their own state. >(and likely never complain about the surrounding no-Jews-allowed Arab countries) bitch, go fuck yourself. you don't know me. all ethnonationalism is bad period. whenever the subject of arab ethnostates come up i oppose those too. fuck you.


Ethnostate with 21% Arab population lmao If you can’t understand why Jews need their own space by now then you’re either completely uneducated about their history or you’re aware and just don’t care (likely both)


>Ethnostate with 21% Arab population lmao putting aside the fact that demographics have nothing to do with ethnonationalism: what country's demographics are you referencing here? i hope it's not israel, because as i just told you, israel itself has nothing to do with antizionism. it may well be the case that israel is a multicultural safe haven of tolerance where everyone lives together in harmony. in that case, i am a pro-israel antizionist. >If you can’t understand why Jews need their own space by now then you’re either completely uneducated about their history or you’re aware and just don’t care (likely both). Either way you come off as an insufferable prick so I’m not surprised your views suck do you have an actual argument for why ethnostates are acceptable for jews specifically, or do you just want to keep soying out and making assumptions?


Hasan fans [love pits](https://twitter.com/i/status/1784299287511281913) unless its an Israeli... FR tho these posts I see on twitter annoy thwe FUCK out of me. especially cuz a hasan fangirl is more likely to demonize an asmonggold or a adin ross for sexualizing someone, but of fucking course they feel free to sexualize hasan because he normalizes that shit


Is that an american thing ? I have never seen a young person here in germany not shave their armpits and never met a girl liking it ...


we are a nation dying


It’s very much a thing for us gay men and a lot of Twitter leftists take their cues from whatever queer culture they find


Let me preface by saying I’ve sent Hasan multiple coupons for the rope sale going on in West Hollywood. However, Hasan posts thirst traps and likes to have people look at him for his attractiveness. If Hasan wants to “objectify” or “sexualize” himself and his fans enjoy it, then why not? It’s different when Adin does it because it’s usually random girls who probably don’t want to show their bodies off to 50k 14 year olds/bots. Imho


Dude I hope you’re not saying you’ve sent harassing messages to Hasan. When people do that everyone loses. Just make schizoposts about him like a normal person.


Dude. Ofc I don’t send hate mail to streamers. That’s fucking deranged. I was just informing everyone that I hope Hasan turns himself into a Christmas ornament. Not that deep. I’ve got one account on every platform and Hasan banned my twitch account before I started watching Tiny so 🤷‍♂️


Stop doing shit like that, people like yourself just give Hasan ammunition to call all of Destiny's community unhinged and violent. It's incredibly childish and immature and no one here thinks you're cool for doing it.


This is so fucking cringe my guy


Lol why is this subreddit always so soy? You're in the community of a man who does shit like this constantly.


Bc we can be better than our Dear Leader


I'd have way higher respect for Hasan if he just stayed as a thirst trap, and stfu about his garbage tankie political takes.


I agree they are different, but my argument could extend to adin ross showing off a only fans model and then sexualizing the OF girl. If he made the same argument, it'd be "well they sexualize themselves already so it's ok if I sexualize them too". the same way hasan sexualizes himself and then his fans objectify him on twitter. I just thought as a general rule, you shouldn't objectify/sexualize people


If Hasans discord's reaction to Ethan didn't make you already revolt in disgust, then you're already too far gone imo. Or you only care when it's directed at a hot israeli that you Masterbate to?


Classic gooner brain.


>I am a Hasan viewer and will probably remain so stopped reading


I don’t understand the mental gymnastics to be so disgusted by this and still be okay with watching Hamas piker.


When people first get out of the cult they usually still believe in the teachings or the leader, they just believe the problem lied in the handful of individuals they had the altercations. I am not using the comparison lightly, Hasan's community is very cultish in nature, especially the discord. Hasan will occasionally call it out (like the screenshots from few weeks ago) but his inability to handle any sort of criticism passively encourages certain type of people to his mod team and people who stick around.


abusive relationship status


Give them some time. They will go through their journey. Probably gonna watch some other progressive youtubers and then become fully disillusioned with them.


one can only hope


Op is so much into hairy muscular dudes I kinda get why he can't switch to Tiny.


Why dafuq is zionist a slur even, am I to be blamed for wanting my country to exist? Would you blame my grandpa who survived the holocaust and lost almost his entire family for moving to Israel/ZION in 1948? There is a massive difference between Zionists just like there are massive differences between people in America. I swear to god that for my entire life in Israel I have never met a Jew here who wouldn't consider himself a Zionist, and i assure you most of them are peaceful and loving people.


> let me preface this by saying that I have never watched Destiny’s stream and don’t think I ever will. I am a Hasan viewer and will probably remain so. Fair enough. I obviously disagree with a decent amount of his (and I imagine your) views politically but that doesn’t mean I don’t have respect for you posting on this sub. This (the mods banning and reasoning) to me seems like flat out hatred and is obviously disgusting. If I were you I would try one more Hail Mary and put something in Hasan’s chat about a mod banning you for simply posting a gif or photo of an Israeli and using dehumanising language that seems mainly based on them being Israeli. If you can get a response I’d recommend updating this post if nothing but to see what the explanation is or if that mod has been removed. I commend you for posting this here for “the enemies” (some of the people in both fanbases get really cringe and overly serious about each other) to see. And I hope your situation gets resolved.


Seems completely inline with hasan's worldview nowadays, so I'm not sure why you would be surprised. Btw you can assume with 90%+ certainty that this guy is a zionist (which means the desire for israel to exist as a jewish state).


Man the mods sound just like Hasan. What a bunch of nutjobs So happy I am no longer part of that community lol


Take it as a lesson on who the people you are associating with are. I’m sure it hurts or whatever but life goes on. These people are losers and unhinged. Put your head down and keep it moving.


Welp womp womp that’s what you get for associating (and continuing to associate) yourself with that fucked up community. Have fun in his chat, (and try not to get banned there either)


...Lastly they came for the beefcakes, and there was no one left to speak for me. (btw they'll just use a BDS twist to say that anyone who does business in Israel is effectively a zionist and anyone who gives them money is therefore also a subhuman dog)


Who cares? That’s the crowd your boy Hasan surrounds himself with. You lost nothing, why are you so salty about this.


I feel like this shoulda been a wakeup call for you tbh there's no way you can remain a fan of someone who fosters this type of openly hateful community but nothing surprises me anymore


Don't worry. Now you've seen what his community really is, you'll slowly start to see how Hasan has fostered it and naturally drift away to someone with a brain and a less toxic community. Might not be this one, but it'll be someone's. Maybe Lonerbox, maybe Vaush. But you've begun the process of ourgrowing Hasan. You will feel better once you have.


Its basically downstream from Hasan and his rhetoric. He might be nice If he talks to an Israeli that agrees with him, but its pretty clear what his overall view are about Israelis and his mods reflect that


You'll notice that nobody outside Hasan's bubble is surprised at this type of behavior coming from within it. Hopefully that's an enlightening observation.


actual leopards ate my face story


Sucks you got banned but I think your going to realise this wasn't an accident or overzealous moderation. They do think all Jews are Zionist they just know it would look insane to say out loud.


That man looks so fine. And I bet you that mod looks like a horse lol. What is it with ugly mod fans calling sexy israeilis ugly? inferiority complex؟


Yes, he is 99.9% likely to be a Zionist BUT, Zionist literally just means a person that thinks that a country of 9 million jews shouldn't be destroyed and means absolutely nothing about their positions on the Palestinian people or the Israeli government. No sane person would like their homes destroyed and family killed so 99.9% of all Israelis are Zionists. **Hasan's discord is a radicalization cell that's actively trying to change people towards anti-semitism! You should question every single belief you got from there in the last 6 months and in general!** Sorry you got banned! Honestly though, the way you deny Destiny for no seeming logical reason and the way you talk about Zionism (which is echoing Hasan's anti-semitism without you realizing it), you're still radicalized so I really ask that you consider opening yourself to different opinions.


tbh he kinda looks like Hasan


Almost all israelis would call themselves zionists. To most people it means just that they want israel to exist, its not really loaded the same way as e.g. hasans community does. The way hasan and co define zionist is like defining being american as primarily the urge to wipe out the native population


Israelis are ridiculously hot. They can stay mad!


This is a psyop right? A test to see how immediately credulous we are when it's someone we don't like?


> I am a Hasan viewer and will probably remain Why tho. idgaf about who you watch, but Hasan endorses his mods like it or not. They're a reflection of him. If you are so disgusted with the mods you'd think that will reflect on your opinion of him


You mofos are jumping the gun. Perhaps they apply similar standards to all OF/coomer shit. Also keep in mind that the first comment and post in this account is less than 30 days old, seems sus as fuck.


I'm not sure if this is some kind of troll post, but... Being a Zionist after 1948 simply means you believe Israel has the right to exist. So yes, nearly all Israeli Jews are Zionist (although it's pretty anachronistic to refer to them as such, and is often a dog whistle for antisemitism).


https://preview.redd.it/twvw380wqaxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e7e906b2cff3c78058682b14c1e751c7a813650 They’re lying to themselves


I am a fucking animal


Kinda makes you think, i was told ‘Zionist’ does not mean ‘jew’.


You’re part of a community of scumbags, and you’re using Zionist exactly how they do (a pejorative to justify hating a person based on them purportedly holding a belief YOU defined for them). You got blasted by them because they’re scumbags, and you have so little self awareness that you want to give them the benefit of the doubt. Enjoy your ratshit community eating itself from the inside, you all deserve it.


Off topic: does anyone else find it weird that Muslims are so up in arms against Israel being a state due to it supposedly being "stolen land" but when they steal religious buildings, such as Soloman's temple (I think that is the name) or Hagia Sophia, they do not give a shit? Also when Muslims do the same thing (Azerbaijan to Armenia) none of them consequently give a shit? Is this a red pill or a black pill? My point is; why are Muslims allowed to steal religious places and steal the land of others, but no other group is allowed to do anything to stop this from happening?


Because 9/11 broke everybody’s brains. It gave Republicans an excuse ti use Islam to be racist to brown people and lefties in their utter dumbfuckery think protecting Islam is the same thing as protecting the rights of brown people from racism.


Wasn't Hasan complaining a few weeks ago that his entire discord is fucked because everything is so over politicized and then we see this? Hmmm 


Saying that Israelis aren't attractive is massive cope. [It's the tenth most fit country in the world](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/healthiest-countries) and everyone is close to a beach.


You are welcome to watch! We don’t bite. ❤️


Welcome to the Jewlummi association, brother.


You will always be welcome here, we take all lefty refugees


\***You**\* are an animal because you keep posting a man's only fans into a non-porn discord. Him calling all Israelis dogs is uncalled for and discriminatory. But you, individually, deserved to get banned


> I am a Hasan viewer and will probably remain so give it time.


Quality post and quality taste in hairy pitted daddies


Just a question, what do you make of the whole "Israelis should go back to Europe where they came from" thing? Seeing as how you like hunky olive skined hairy Israelis, where do you suppose he hails from? Siberia?


If he is Israeli he is most likely is a zionist, and believes in Jewish self determination. With that being said these moderators sound obnoxious.


I stopped reading after your first two sentences, honestly. Even if you’re here to badmouth Hasan, I can’t trust your ability to critically analyze your own thoughts.


Is this a troll?


Why? Lol


Why would u just not read the entire thing then accuse them of not being able to critically think


The answer to that question is the crux of my first comment you replied to


Listen, maybe this is a good thing. I'm not saying stop viewing Hasan, but definitely learn that, and this is just how it is, his views are too young, too ideological, and too ready to let others dictate what to think and feel to the point where you can have healthy conversations with them. They eat their own. They are a snake biting its own tail. And learn not to identify yourself by what you like. No one should. It sucks that you got insulted and maybe that hurt your feelings, don't deserve that, but recognize a wake up call when it rings. Also, and this part is JUST extrapolation on my part, but do you watch Hasan mostly because you find him attractive? He looks very Hasidic and is probably up your alley. Just wondering


"delectable pits" can we ban this person for these words alone? They should never be used in the same sentence. Like ever. 


I don't watch Destiny or Hasan, but I've been reading a lot of contradictory comments on both sides. Is there any proof that Hasan or Destiny have bots/shills to astroturf for them? Just off the top of my head, there was a post on a subreddit recently where people were saying Hasan does not support Russia and supports Ukraine and has fundraised a lot of money for Ukraine and that Destiny fans were spreading lies about him.


I dislike Hasan, but I would be genuinely floored if he was botting his platforms. He’s extremely popular among Gen Z. Destiny doesn’t bot; that’s usually why we get accused of brigading, there’s usually at least one Dgger in a community. Hasan does donation streams and he’s not pro-Russia, but you can bet your ass if we send a gun to Ukraine so they can defend their home then we just engaged in some of Americas finest ✨imperialism✨


Hasan [did raise some money](https://events.softgiving.com/donate/HasanAbi-CARE-For-Ukraine) for Ukraine.


Hasan was quick to jump to a side and russia shilled for a sec before flipping but he did raise cash for Ukraine


This has to be a dgg secret agent I thought all hasan viewers were just fooled by ignoring their cognitive dissonance


Ok I take this back, but did u not see how the kids were talking about H3H3 during that whole podcast thing


I mean the definitions Hasan/etc use for "zionist" are probably such that >98% of Israeli jews and >80% of non Israeli jews are zionists, I'm guessing "benefit of the doubt" might still be warranted but it's a bit pushing it. And yes my source is I made it up, but I'm fairly sure it's true anyway.


If you call any people who borders the Mediterranean as ugly What are you doing with your life?


Hasan supports colonization and the killing of natives (he lives in America and speaks English)


May you one day see the light.


Dude the fact that he's Israeli and speaks Hebrew means he's probably Jewish which means he's probably a Zionist. This might be a shock to you as a commie fanboy but most normal people don't want to see their entire country which they've lived in their whole life destroyed. If you want to invent a definition of Zionism in your head that horrible be my guest but then you're going to meet a lot of normal people who call themselves Zionists.


What is the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent idf meal?


So you see them for the crazy dumb raging lunatics that they are but you still want to continue watching Hasan? How does that work? do you only turn your brain on selectively?




Israeli people are hot. This anti-Zionist propaganda means there's less competition. Go grab yourself an Israeli partner before the political bias glasses come off and everyone realizes they're just hot again.


Post this on the Hasan Sub as a social experiment to see their reaction


well damn woof woof then


Congratulations! You've taken your first step into a larger (and saner, and nicer, and smarter) world.


Yeah just a silly mod nothing to see here, couldn't possibly be a sign of the deep rot in Hasan and his community...


You're just assmad you got banned. You don't even seem to realise that you are implicitly saying that the ban would be justified if that dude holds the belief Israel has a right to exist. Basically for a thought crime.


It's bc all isrealies are considered colonizers and zionist for living there at all.


Ewww stinky hamasanite go back to where you came from foreigner