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You might as well ask him if he likes One Piece, Tim. đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°


He is talking to a random american senior after all


I think The Don likes Boku No Pico


Well, you know, One Piece, it's a tremendous show. Really, it's a fantastic show. Many people, and I mean many, have come up to me and said, 'Mr. Trump, have you seen One Piece?' And I tell them, I've seen bits and pieces, believe me, I've seen the best parts. It's about pirates, right? Pirates, incredible. You know, they used to say we couldn't have pirates anymore, but here they are, in a big, beautiful anime, with lots of adventures. Tremendous adventures. Luffy, he's the main guy, right? Great character. A real leader, very strong, very determined. People like that, they love that. And he's got this crew, amazing crew. Each one of them has their own unique abilities, and they work together, it's really something. It's what you want to see. You want to see teamwork, and you want to see people who are the best at what they do. It's a wonderful show, it brings a lot of joy to a lot of people. And that's what we need, more joy. More adventures. More winning. Thank you.


One Piece, Two Piece, Three Piece even, I like all the Pieces Tim Cast. Many don't know this, but when you're President, they will make you a Fifty Piece.


> how will you end the wars? > well first of all, im the only one who can stop the wars, and i think wars are terrible aintnoway


Wars are... le bad!


Trump: "I think bad things are bad" Tim Pool: *Swoons*


All presidential requirements should removed. I don't want to hear shit about education and ability 


It's sad to see tim turn to porn... Given how much cock he's sucking.


Shoot he doing tricks on it


since i dont want to watch did he say what wars he ended?


the war on christmas


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I think people may think this is your unironic view.


I gave my man an upvote because his response is hilarious whether he's being serious or not. Pretty sure he's not though. Let's bring him back from that negative!


I don’t know why they did it was clearly a joke lol so weird.


Pedophile-grooming as in he grooms pedophiles?


S tier bait


Do yourself and everyone you love a favour and DO NOT read the comments.


Let me guess, glazing Trump relentlessly?


That would be fine, they've metaphorically climbed up inside his asshole and made a home.


An argument could be made the Afghan pullout would not have happened if not for Trump given he was the one who negotiated with the Taliban to set up the conditions for a full US withdrawal but it's impossible to know if he would have actually followed through with that plan if he had won reelection in 2020


Trump ordered more drone strikes in just two years than Obama did in his entire eight-year term. He did sign that deal with the Taliban to pull US forces out of Afghanistan, but conservatives are still giving Biden shit for that. So, how did Trump end wars? Source on drone strikes: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47480207


Drone strikes are fine for most conservatives. They will take the position of drone striking US citizens as wrong. The conservatives who think all drone strikes are bad on the surface cheer when terrorist cell leaders are turned into piles of flesh by hellfire missiles.


Drone strikes are one of Tims big bug bears though, he brings them up all the time when criticizing Oboma.


Because Tim is a regard. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


"They will take the position of drone striking US citizens as wrong. ,"  I almost never hear conservatives bring this up when talking about drone strikes especially to shit on Obama. They usually just talk about him doing a lot of drone strikes.


really? I hear it quite often. Biggest criticism of Obama for a lot of that crowd is authorizing that. Well, that and drone striking civilians.


Drone strikes I hear about the civilians part is rarely brought up I guess cause people don't also know trump did a lot. 


The defence is Biden pulled out in bad way leaving the weapons behind. Second drones strikes are worth the cost if it’s taking out the bad guys who do us harm here at home.


Sure, we can debate the ethics of drone strikes (I'd likely agree with you), but Tim Pool is likely one of those all drone strikes are bad type of dudes. I just don't get this "Trump was such a peaceful president" when his foreign policy was him consistently rattling at anyone that didn't suck him off all the time and drone-striking the ME like crazy.


Which is the most regarded defence possible. They're complaining that Biden didn't steal the weapons belonging to the Afghan government. Even if we discount the stealing, imagine what happens next: "Wow, the Afghan government collapsed almost immediately! See, this is all Biden's fault for stealing their weapons. If he didn't do this then they wouldn't have collapsed so easily!"


Didn't Milley testify that all weapons left were the property of the Afghan army?


And? It was clear the Taliban would be talking over.


So not only are we leaving the country but also disarming the military we spent well over a decade building up and arming because we think they'll lose?


Before we left the government fell.


When would you say the government fell? And how many troops would you surge into a war zone to disarm with Afghan National Army before the Taliban took over the whole country? Like walk us through the logistics here.


You would not need to do a surge cause that’s the last thing the taliban wanted.


Interesting. So the 2500 US personnel in Afghanistan in Jan 2021 would be able to disarm the entire Afghan National Army. That’s your argument? And not just disarm them but physically move the thousands of trucks, apcs, and small arms out of the country?


Yes. They are a weak and corrupt org that ran the second the Taliban came.


From my understanding much of the equipment had already been in Taliban hands by the time they reached the outskirts of Kabul. We still took back our fighter jets and I believe some other specialized equipment. The remainder of the equipment was used and would cost more for the military to bring back than to just order new. Why would we want used and abused M4's for our forces when we can just buy new?


The withdrawal was literally put in place by Trump


The claim was that he ended wars, first he didnt say what wars he ended and drone strikes are by default practice of war , second you dont casually move gear from a hostile place that you had build/moved there in decades, in just months. Prio should be given to people and i think thats the main you can levy to Biden but you need to take in mind anyone accusing him for that is operating with close to zero information on what the open options where and what the alternative scenarios could be. "The billions of gear left behind" , to me is coming from pure ignorance and malice and nothing more.


While not a formal war, ISIS went from controlling significant territory in Iraq and Syria to pretty much going extinct during the Trump admin. Those "twice as many drone strikes" were well worthwhile. Especially taking out that POS Soleimani


Again we are not talking about morality, or justification or end results. The claims about trump, "he ended wars" or "he didn't start any wars" is pure retardation the least. Also the result of that assassination was that Iran attacked USA, ofc always there are tones of informations that are not available to the public but I think that move from trump was characterized way too risky from his generals. He wanted a big headline during election year and wanted to have something similar Obama had with Osama. I remember the narrative that he gave kept changing, but I don't care to refresh things now. If you asked people to tell you who trump assassinate and why, no one will know. For Obama the narrative there is clear and simple and in the end trump had to downplay an Iranian attack on USA soil and claim nothing serious happended, just some soldier got a headache.


Odd that you would go to Obama's Presidency to contrast foreign policy, as Obama's tenure was a disaster when it came to that.


I agree on that statement but I made a speculation on why he actually did it. It's the most direct example you can give on why he did it. He compares himself with Obama all the time, still talks about him like he is the president now and wanted to have something similar. I remember Bill Mahr saying that Obama gave us Osama in a panel and the response was "and trump gave us soleimani". Trump was the president of the headlines and zero substance and that action is a perfect application of his modus operandi.


Much of the reason that ISIS was so heavily reduced in capabilities was because of the massive international force that all worked together to crush them all at once. You had everyone from Russia to the US involved. Trump didn't end any wars and wasn't the reason ISIS was defeated. Trump strained our alliances and relationships with friendly nations like no other and if he'd have been successful, would have hampered the attempts at defeating ISIS. The defeat of ISIS happened in spite of Trump, not because of him.




Aww come on, at least say that I have TDS or something. I know reality scares you guys and all.


Reality? You made up complete revisionist bullshit lmao.


What's made up in my statement? Please, Id love for you to try to argue that it wasn't a massive collaboration effort or that Trump didn't strain our relationships with allies. Go on.


Bro, it was literally Trump's plan!?


> The defence is Biden pulled out in bad way leaving the weapons behind. So the better solution would've been taking all the weapons and ammo from the Afghan army and leaving them completely defenseless? Either way conservatives would've whined about Biden's handling of it.


We had troops in their when the Afghan government fell


How is that a response to anything I just said?


Your saying it was bad to take the arms away? Despite the fact the army already fell.


**You said**, > The defence is Biden pulled out in bad way **leaving the weapons behind**. So, since you think it was bad that Biden left weapons behind -- the alternative must be that you think it would've been *better* to take all the weapons and ammo from the afghan army.


There was no Afghan gov when we left.


Who were the last people the US left the weapons with...


How does that disprove my point? The Afghan gov fell and was under Taliban control when we left.


"Perhaps I'm a little biased" \~Tim Pool, after fellating Donald Trump and his administration at any opportunity for the past three years against any and all criticism.


its really been the past 8, hes just not pretending to be unbiased anymore


Him, Benny Johnsson and Jake Shields are the biggest 3 regards on the platform.


I hate Tim Pool. He's the ultimate in grifter technology and I hate the modern era has lifted him up


Without watching this I'm gonna go ahead and say the entire interview was a glazing session without a single challenging question asked


To be fair, that statement was made specifically in the context of Trump's foreign policy. But it's still bizarre to see someone who calls himself a journalist showering their interviewee with such adulation.




Comments, is this real dud?


Never doubt Tim again: [https://x.com/Timcast/status/1660059266643017728](https://x.com/Timcast/status/1660059266643017728)


He's not a journalist


"Ending the wars we shouldn't have been involved in." Um....like Afghanistan? Oh wait...




Do you think the beanie stays on during sex?


It's extremely out of character for me to defend Tim Pool, but he said: "In terms of foreign policy, perhaps this is a bit of a biased interview, but I think you're probably the greatest president of my lifetime. Ending the wars..." https://preview.redd.it/vd44x426b63d1.png?width=1787&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0b14af80ca85fe47d08b7873cf13d32aceb2854


Even in that context he's just dead wrong lmfao


I've not watched the whole interview, but I have no doubt that Tim substantiated his assessment by referring to no fewer than 3 tweets, 2 anecdotes and 1 radio segment he heard while waiting at the dentist. He is, after all, the greatest journalist to ever live.


>He is, after all, the greatest journalist to ever live. Better than Emma Vigeland?


Emma is a political animal. For her, journalism and political commentary are merely small facets of her overall political strategy. Her specialism truly lies in leadership. She brings a level of presidential grace and aplomb that no living politician can hope to match. Just wait until she is done laying the foundations of her campaign and you'll see. You will all see.


And how!


I love you please marry me


Marry a software engineer? My father is very traditional, he would never allow it.


Funny comment considering Emma appeared on Tim’s show and made him look like a complete fucking moron. She does have completely brain dead takes on her own show, but she definitely exposed Tim.


Yea but the lack of context made so much worse


Pim Tool - Trump is a hero for ending the war in Afghanistan Also Pim Tool (probably, not dumb enough to subject myself to his content) - Biden is the devil for how he went about pulling out of Afghanistan (negotiated by Trump, lol)


I think I remember him saying something like. "he could have done it a better way but I give him credit for leaving". of course he said it in his own rambling round about way


He says to the guy that didn't get us out of Afghanistan.


His withdrawal proposal was rejected by top generals: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/12/world/asia/trump-milley-afghanistan.html They probably knew that withdrawing would be a mess. Biden proved them right. But none of this negates that Trump is the first president in awhile to be involved in no new wars.


I wasn't aware that the president of the united states needs the permission of the top generals to pull troops out. Also the way he divided our country and caused the insurrection when the dumb fuck didn't get elected again really screams no new wars to me. He just brought the wars home to our own country.


>I wasn't aware that the president of the united states needs the permission of the top generals to pull troops out. He doesn't, and nobody here is saying that. >Also the way he divided our country While yes Trump had some wild rhetoric, it's all outpaced by MSM lies about the things Trump said, making him out to be racist and more hateful than he really is. Not saying that Trump isn't in part responsible for that fracture, but the media sure did pour a whole lot of gasoline over the fire that Trump had already lit. >caused the insurrection LOL...wait are you one of those "January 6th was an insurrection orchestrated by Trump" conspiracy theorists? I'm really curious on this point actually, Destiny touched on this theory during his HodgeTwins interview, but he didn't explain his position. Why do people think Trump caused the "insurrection"? What was his exact plan, where did he outline it, and how did he orchestrate it?


Well I'm glad you asked. He repeats that the election was stolen even though the people around him keep telling him otherwise. Then does a speech about how we need to take back our country and shocker what do you know people break into the capital to "take back our country" directly after the speech. On top of that Trump sent fake electors to screw with the election as well. When a god damn American hero Mike Pence told him he follows the constitution not a baby bitch Trump. He cried on social media that he didn't get his way. Now we got the regard king himself now saying that the FBI was sent by Biden to kill him. I can't imagine where this will go next.


But...none of this has to do with the violence that took place on the capitol though. >He repeats that the election was stolen even though the people around him keep telling him otherwise. What does that have to do with the violence of January 6th? >Then does a speech about how we need to take back our country and shocker what do you know people break into the capital to "take back our country" directly after the speech. Considering that many people across the political spectrum have said "take our country back" over and over again in the history of America, why would Trump saying "take back our country" mean for his supporters to be violent? Especially when he told them to be peaceful that day, ahead of any violence occurring? >On top of that Trump sent fake electors to screw with the election as well. When a god damn American hero Mike Pence told him he follows the constitution not a baby bitch Trump. What do fake electors have to do with the violence of January 6th?


If you thought the country was being stolen and it was against the constitution would you use violence to stop it?


I wouldn't, personally. But isn't this a bit off-topic? Presuming the point that you're making is that if you tell people that the election was stolen then they'll be violent, why say that and also say to be peaceful? And is mere incitement (which I don't entirely agree with but admit there is a reasonable case for) the same thing as an orchestrated plot? See I've seen people argue that Trump incited the people, ticked them off and made them angry so they rioted, and that's a reasonable take. But once people start saying that Trump intentionally tried to start violence, or that he or anyone else had orchestrated January 6th to overthrow the government or sow chaos or something (this includes Nancy Pelosi), we're getting into conspiracy theory territory here. There's no evidence that Trump specifically wanted violence to occur that day, nor is there evidence of any concrete plot for an "insurrection" to occur.


He orchestrated a way for him to try to steal the election. Fake electors was the way to do it Mike just didn't play along so it went nowhere. The rioting was a happy little accident for him. He told a group of people (regards) to trust nobody but him because the media lies, the government lies, everyone lies. Then on repeat says the election is stolen and everyone is out to get him. He may not be held liable in a legal sense but he 100% created the environment for that to happen. Also he never sent the national guard someone else had to call them. If he didn't exist it would have never happened. Trump didn't give a shit what happened that day he just wanted to be president again no matter the cost. He will create an even more dangerous situation than that if he keeps going with the Biden sent the FBI to kill him shit.


There's plenty of evidence he was down for violence committed on his behalf. Example - >“I don’t effing care that they have weapons. They are not here to hurt *me*. Take the effing mags away. Let my people in. They can march to the Capitol from here," Trump said... https://www.courthousenews.com/jan-6-committee-convenes-surprise-hearing-to-tackle-new-evidence/


>'[Ornato told](https://archive.ph/Fz9Fo) the President that the onlookers “don’t want to come in right now. They have weapons that they don’t want confiscated by the Secret Service.” When he arrived at the Ellipse that morning, President Trump angrily said: “I don’t \[fucking\] care that they have weapons. They’re not here to hurt me. They can march to the Capitol from here.” [Interior Watchdog](https://ghostarchive.org/archive/FJ13J) Confirms J6 Organizers Lied About Planned March On Capitol: “This stays only between us, we are having a second stage at the Supreme Court again after the ellipse. POTUS is going to have us march there/the Capitol,” Kremer wrote to Lindell on Jan. 4. “It cannot get out about the second stage because people will try and set up another and Sabotage it. It can also not get out about the march because I will be in trouble with the national park service and all the agencies but the POTUS is going to just call for it ‘unexpectedly.’” The purpose of Trump's orchestrated[ "wild protest"](https://archive.vn/gXCV1) (at the exact time and date Congress was set to ratify the election) was, as Trump explicitly stated, for [them to fight to take](https://archive.ph/lXdbr) their country back from people actively stealing from and betraying them, by providing "encouragement" for Congress/Pence to do the[ "right thing"](https://archive.ph/N7QQh), and[ overturn the election](https://archive.ph/uIf2g),[ during](https://archive.ph/JelCp) which[ he called](https://archive.ph/p6S6j) Pence a[ coward](https://archive.ph/Yj9eZ), while arguing[ against confiscating](https://archive.ph/Y69wF) the mob's weapons,[ expressed elation](https://archive.ph/ya97P), who[ they cite as motivating](https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-reports/trump-incited-january-6-defendants/) \- surging into the[ Capitol 4 minutes](https://archive.ph/p6S6j) after Trump tweeted Pence was betraying them,[ ignored a call](https://archive.ph/fMpbr) from the Pentagon, refused to call in the Guard, refused to call them off for [hours despite pleas](https://archive.ph/2DyuA) from[ Republican Congressmen](https://archive.vn/T3izh),[ senior advisors](https://archive.ph/qYfSC),[ Fox News personalities](https://archive.ph/wnxLA), and even[ his own children](https://archive.ph/U0iKs), all the while Trump’s employees were using the delay to secure further objectors, with[ several of Trump's](https://archive.ph/2IG8U) lawyers[ attempting](https://archive.ph/3TAb9) to argue that the delay caused by the mob legally [violated the ECA,](https://archive.ph/8dfHq) thus necessitating the outcome be decided by the state legislatures, and who now[ promises them pardons](https://archive.ph/zd6SJ). Hence why he[ gestured](https://archive.ph/OGZP5) at some of his supporters already gathered and shouting outside the White House on January 5th, and asked, "Well,[ what if these people say you do](https://archive.ph/Yj9eZ)?" to his own VP, when he informed Trump he didn't have the constitutional power to simply re-appoint his own running mate. * [Trump claims](https://archive.ph/l5qpt) violence he inspired on Jan. 6 was Pence’s fault. The former president suggested the riot could have been avoided if his vice president had cooperated in overturning the results. [Admits rioters were](https://archive.ph/yb7jF) reacting to what Pence didn’t do, which necessarily depends on what Trump said Pence could do. * [Trump defends](https://archive.ph/Yj9eZ) the anger that led to “Hang Mike Pence” chants as “common sense”; confirms he called [Pence a “pussy”](https://archive.ph/sBKH6) for making the “tragic mistake” of not unilaterally reappointing his own running mate * [Meadows responded](https://archive.ph/86DmY) by telling Cipollone that Trump “doesn’t want to do anything” and that he even agreed with the rioters who were seen chanting about hanging Vice President Mike Pence. * [Donald Trump Repeated](https://archive.ph/YPpEb) 'Hang' Mike Pence Chant * [Trump complained](https://archive.ph/ztJ6f) that Pence was being taken to safety when the mob stormed the building, [said of the](https://archive.ph/c7RcW) chants: "Maybe our supporters [have the right idea](https://archive.ph/HfSSS). Mike Pence deserves it." * On the 6th, as the riot began to escalate, a colleague texted Hicks and wrote, “Hey, I know you’re seeing this. But he really should tweet something [about Being NON-violent](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-J6-REPORT/html-submitted/ch7.html).” “I’m not there,” Hicks replied. “I suggested it several times Monday and Tuesday and he refused.”  * [Scavino told Smith's](https://archive.ph/I3N45) investigators [that as the violence](https://archive.ph/ld6Al) began to escalate that day, [Trump "was just not interested](https://archive.ph/SqLJh)" in doing more to stop it. Sources also said former Trump aide Nick Luna told federal investigators that when Trump was informed that then-Vice President Mike Pence had to be rushed to a secure location, Trump responded, "So what?" -- which sources said Luna saw as an unexpected willingness by Trump to let potential harm come to a longtime loyalist. * [Trump didn't even](https://archive.ph/MxMNk) write his tweet urging January 6 protesters to remain 'peaceful' * [When asked whether](https://archive.ph/JvpYz) Trump was among those who didn’t want to call off the attack, Cipollone said: “I can’t reveal communications, but obviously, I think, you know, yeah.” * The witness described an exchange between Eric Herschmann, a lawyer working in the White House, and the White House counsel, Pat A. Cipollone, about the call from the Pentagon. “Mr. Herschmann turned to Mr. Cipollone and said, ‘[The president didn’t ](https://archive.ph/97wUz)want anything done,’” the witness testified. “Mr. Cipollone had to take the call himself.” Pence: ["He endangered my](https://archive.ph/3VzYG) family and everyone at the Capitol. The American people deserve to know that on that day President Trump also demanded that I choose [between him and the Constitution](https://archive.ph/sBKH6)." ["POTUS is](https://archive.ph/dDzXG) not ignorant of what his words would do." — "Stop the Steal" leader, Ali Alexander, on Jan. 6 at 2:38 p.m


Also Tim isn't a libertarian. He's somewhere between liberal and conservative. He fights with libertarians whenever they're on his show lol


tim is just strictly a conservative now, he only argues with libertarians when they say something left wing or if they fail to blow trump hard enough


Maybe. He does disagree with conservatives on some things, but they're niche issues. On the big stuff, he's functionally indistinguishable from a reasonable conservative.


he really only disagrees with conservatives when they arent crazy far right or when they oppose populism


He's not "crazy far right", he actually is more likely to push back when they are far right, like when he interviewed Elijah Schaffer or Kanye West.


ink seed adjoining ossified puzzled cats bright historical dependent hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How they are not embarrassed to be like that? It would super embarrass me to lick someone ass so much


Ask him if he knows the anime One Piece.


This happened? I am surprised it did not make a big splash. I suppose Trump is sorta boring to watch now compared to 8 years ago for people.




naahh the glazing is outta control with this one


If Tim blew him any harder, I'd think he was working to get $130K out of it.


Lick them balls till they sparkle Timmy.




Tim Pool is a *40 yr old f****t* (He's a 40 yr old f****t)


Tim pool is up there with Dave Rubin and cucker tarlson as three people I legit think are faking everything for money. I don't know how you live with yourself without being a total misanthrope.


Centrist libertarian who predicted Trump would win at least 49 states in 2020.


Grapefruit Tim


Tim Pool is right there with Dave Rubin in terms of obvious grifting


I much prefer laughing at Dave Rubin, he has someone redeeming qualities like he's an attractive, well-kept man that even his own side laughs at. Tim is a fucking ghoul of a human with absolutely zero likable traits.




He is not centrist.


I do feel like at some point someone should just cut together a list of times Pool criticised "establishment media", followed by his own actions. If you do this kind of subservient attitude, what is the point of calling yourself independent?




Do you guys think Tim knows he’s grifting? Is he being conscious? Or is he so mindlessly audience captured that he says this bullshit. Not that theres a huge difference at the end of the day.


He has to know at this point. The guy isn't that fucking stupid.


I skimmed through one of Timcast IRL vids, the one about the “woke” liberterian candidate. He was presemting why libertarians wouldn’t vote for Trump (increasing drone strikes, eliminating drone strike transparency) so he IS aware of Trump’s criticisms, he just doesn’t give a fuck when its Trump


Wait. . . Trump went on Tim Pools show? How the hell did he pull that off?


Grifted his was to the top of the grifter pile.


he's totally a centrist, he supports free healthcare!


It's the mainstream media that is supposed to be bias btw guys!


"perhaps its bias of me" Trump is fucked if he has to talk to this tool \^\^


Tim should have brought trump some McDonald's first if he was going to do that much dick riding.


THIS is who the glazing meme was made for.


You think secret service got to look under the beanie?


the glazing HAS to stop




Hes also mentally deteriorating, he was way snappier and more coherent a few years ago.


There are no "centrist" Libertarians, just Fascists