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I'm wondering this myself. How could I let people know I disagree without starting a huge discussion or making people think I hate them?


Sometimes it helps to play dumb by asking for simple explanations that you know they don't have. It exposes the inconsistencies of their views but they can never get aggro about it as long as you are posing as someone who just doesn't understand a given issue. When you want an out, you can always say something like "Really? Hmm ok then..." - but use a tone that makes it clear you haven't been convinced by them.


This is actually such a good tactic for irl situations where it’s not worth it to have a huge potential conflict. It gets around the urge to defend your views aggressively because you’re never really confronting them and if it’s done well, it can start a process of them doubting their own views.


Exactly. I'd at least like to imagine that you plant the seed in their brain that they sounded completely unhinged, not to some woke leftard but to a normal, ambivalent peer.


>How could I let people know I disagree without starting a huge discussion or making people think I hate them? For most people you just need to moderate your tone (much easier IRL) and make sure to respect their opinion by identifying things about it that you agree with, understand, admire or w/e. People like it when you actually listen to what they are saying. When disagreeing, it helps to preface your statements with "I think" or "I feel that" since it invites a lot less argument. For some people there is nothing you can do. Any disagreement, no matter how slight, is a direct attack on their ego/identity and they will either rage at you or block you. People can be of either type depending on the context, topic or how their day went etc. A smaller group just like arguing and you are actively ruining their fun by not fighting. These are DGGers and they should be avoided at all costs.


You kinda just say it. "We don't need to debate this or something, but I can't second that opinion. We still cool though." If they press you then be sure to give them another out. "Just wanted to let everyone know where I stood just like you did. Do you really wanna argue this or can we just be chill?


Dont, burn bridges like D


If people don’t talk about politics I don’t bring it up. If people say idiotic things about culture war issues I will disagree with them. I’m not toxic if they’re not toxic. I just challenge their viewpoints. If they feel like idiots afterwards it’s because they are idiots. If I end up alienated from that community because of it then they’re _massive_ idiots. I don’t care what idiots think about me or my behavior.


You don't value your own time much if you're continuing to hang out in spaces with cookie-cutter morons, so yeah sure, argue with them. Go nuts. Life is long after all.


I know what you mean, but these are the main people that I have hang with out my entire life (online friends) all in this server. We all get along great, it's just all the other people that join discord to play with one of of my friends, tends to be pretty much the same cookie cutter magatard.


Have you talked to your friend about this? My advice is to tell them how you feel and explain that if you don't hang out as much it's not personal, it's that they keep drawing dipshits in and it stresses you out. I think that's the best option. Second best option is to try and tune them out. Worst option is to engage with them, something you have nothing to gain from.


Reddit-tier advice. Hanging out with people who have politics opposite to yours isn't wasting your time. Seething about it so much that you avoid your friend group because of mild anti-woke shit is pathetic af. The world, and especially gaming discords, are going to have a shit ton of people with politics different than yours, if you can't politely say you disagree with that and continue to enjoy yourself you're a miserable person living a miserable existence.


That's a separate issue. Hanging out with cookie-cutter morons who share your politics is a waste of time too.


Tell them to keep politics out of your gaming


Disguise any arguments as innocent questions. "I'm not caught up, why is this game woke?" "This other game X did something similar but it didn't suck, do you think it could be Y causing the issue?"


best response imo


Unless an issue is very personal to and I feel some kind of obligation to speak up, I would just let it go. Usually better to maintain relationships than blow them up over politics, imo.


I second this, it really isn't worth it especially if it's nothing personal to you.


Best take here. No reason to sperg out unless they're talking directly at you.


There is a fine art to letting someone know that you think they are wrong/fucking stupid and not having to debate about it. I find a good joke that makes there wrong opinions look ridiculous is the best way.


I have a group chat that leans way more right socially than I do. I usually don't try to actually debate or argue anyone out of their positions, but sometimes if the chats are being a little bit too echo chambery then I will speak up and just be like, "Hey I actually think this isn't that big a deal because of blah blah blah." And usually the bastards will just respond like, "yeah that's fair, I disagree but I get what you're saying." But on a few occasions it's caused more heated back and forths. This is a group of real life friends I made in college though, so we usually can go back to status quo pretty easy even if we do argue for a couple days about something dumb.


just make snide comments to the opposite. they either laugh it off or get offended themselves, at which point you can point out their hypocrisy


I tolerate political disagreement (I grew up and live in the south), but I don't tolerate tactless expression of said disagreements. You shouldn't push a community into becoming a political space, and that's what you're doing when you harp on those strings. It's tactless and disrespectful. If you're compelled to discuss something political, don't use buzzwords or politically charged phrases. Unfortunately, the people who behave this way are too stupid to exercise the tact required to navigate that territory responsibly, and so it should be principally avoided knowing these people exist. The only solutions to this are to leave or tell them to shut the fuck up. You could argue back, but that can potentially worsen things by exacerbating political associations and further inciting members. It can make them more socially cognizant and mind their manners, but if it doesn't, then things will get weird.


Sometimes you gotta hop in and pretend they aren’t delusional.


If you just go back and forth and don’t explicitly insult them then I don’t know how you can be toxic. Since it’s Discord you can easily pull up with images and links for anything factual.


Yeah I don't ad hominem anyone, but i feel like im killing the vibe even if i have a back and forth. Could be in my head


When a discord/reddit/etc has gone high off smelling their own farts and then opening the door of that echo chamber so it can ventilate properly is a vibe that can die off. Trust me, if they get upset by pushback then don’t feel bad about it.


What's the discord