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No one is more happier than Pool this will increase his ad sense for the next 2 weeks. 🤑


Right? The dude gets to talk about how literally everyone from the top to bottom of government is corrupt. You know, except Trump, DeSantis and other far right nutjobs.


Everyone in the Trump alt universe is corrupt except the guy found guilty of corruption. To these people, every accusation is a confession.


I mean isn't Desantis one of those Rinos that the trumptards call?


more happier


just a disaffected liberal btw tee hee


So disaffected that he wants to kill his fellow countrymen? God i hate those un-American mfkers so much.


I’d rather find a way around a civil war that kills 85 million American Tim


plucky dam wrong middle rich sparkle toothbrush impossible angle payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*Wind changes directions Tim Pool: Civil war!




Classic liberal.


69 state landslide btw


34 count landslide lmao


I mean trump is a liberal.


Good one.


But he is one. Stricter on guns ie bump stock ban Strong on immigration just like biden and Obama. Supports ukraine like biden.


he tried to blackmail Ukraine out of Javelins right before the war but I guess no bump stock = lib lmfao


>he tried to blackmail Ukraine out of Javelins right before the war The war happened in 2022 the trump zelensky call was in 2017-18.


The war happened in 2014.... why did they want javelins? Could it be the russian backed breakaway regions?


>The war happened in 2014 The war officially started in 2022. [dod](https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3686148/two-years-in-russias-war-on-ukraine-continues-to-pose-threat-to-global-security/) >why did they want javelins? Could it be the russian backed breakaway regions? You answered the question. Also biden did something similar with Israel so yeah.


The idea of the "war" beginning in 2022 is using a western lense to analyse the war. Most ukrainians agree the war began in 2014 with the invasion of chrimea. Ukraine itself has been fighting LPR and DPR since 2014. Russia entered the war on their side. Which brings me to my point. saying the war began in 2022 is like saying "ww2" began on nov 8th 1942. When America had its first firefight against germany. No, the war began well before that. America just started giving man power support at that time.


Also, your own source references biden stating that putin invaded chrimea and started the war. - "Biden said in a statement released yesterday. "Ten years ago, Putin occupied Crimea and created puppet regimes in Ukraine's Luhansk and Donetsk regions. Two years ago, he tried to wipe Ukraine off the map. If Putin does not pay the price for his death and destruction, he will keep going"


I don't see Ukraine war starting in 2014 in that >Two years ago, he tried to wipe Ukraine off the map. This literally confirms what I'm saying.


Really? Trump called Zelenskyy before Zelenskyy even announced he was running for president?


My bad it's 2019


Wants to "open up the libel laws" so he can sue publishers easier. Wants to remove citizenship from people for burning the US flag. Tried to overthrow the Democratic process. Wants to suspend the constitution. Goes back and forth on banning abortion at a federal level. Massively damaged US alliances around the world with other democracies. Tried to blackmail allied nations for dirt on political opponents. Buddies up to and praises dictators while admonishing democratic leaders. Claims all institutions are rigged against him and tries to foment animosity towards those institutions. Do you really need me to keep going? The dude is a borderline fascist.


>Wants to "open up the libel laws" so he can sue publishers easier. Seems more like free speech >Wants to remove citizenship from people for burning the US flag. He seems pretty pro usa >Tried to overthrow the Democratic process. Well the us does that alot in foreign countries >Massively damaged US alliances around the world with other democracies. So saying russia is a threat and Europe needs spend more on their militaries is a bad thing? >Claims all institutions are rigged against him and tries to foment animosity towards those institutions. Hillary Clinton did that Can you give examples of policies for example his bump stock ban?


Damn, you could have just told me that you had Trump's entire cock in your mouth and we would have all understood. > Seems more like free speech Free speech is when I get to sue you for publishing what I said! > He seems pretty pro usa So why did his actions hurt the US economically in the long run? > Well the us does that alot in foreign countries Not really, but nice deflection bud. > So saying russia is a threat and Europe needs spend more on their militaries is a bad thing? Cause that's totally all he did. Like are you actually just this much of a cock sleeve for him? > Hillary Clinton did that No, she didn't. > Can you give examples of policies for example his bump stock ban? Isn't it weird how you didn't even come close to addressing what I said?


>So why did his actions hurt the US economically in the long run? Sorry china sucks at keep their biolabs secured. >Cause that's totally all he did. Like are you actually just this much of a cock sleeve for him? He warned merkel not rely on nordstream 2 (russian gas) [here](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-50875935) [here2](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-06-12/trump-says-he-s-considering-sanctions-to-stop-nord-stream-2) [here3](https://fortune.com/2020/09/08/trump-pipeline-russia-germany-natural-gas-merkel-navalny-poisoned-nord-stream-2/)


Oh damn, we got a covid conspirator too lol.


[it's not a conspiracy ](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/26/politics/covid-lab-leak-wuhan-china-intelligence/index.html We both should know china is fucking bad when it comes to regulations.


You're such a pathetic little weasel at least acknowledge that the other points are valid before you cherry pick the shit you have a problem with.


Accidentally pressed post but didn't feel like editing it.


Muslim ban is not liberal, tax cuts for the wealthy is not liberal


>Muslim ban is not liberal, He mostly renewed already banned countries and those countries don't really like the usa ether. Also you are forgetting Islamic terrorism was really bad in europe during this time period. >tax cuts for the wealthy is not liberal Trump reduce taxes for everyone.


I don’t care about your dumb reasoning. Muslim ban isn’t liberal, and Trump tax cuts expired for the common citizen, which is the scummy thing I expect from a conservative. Meanwhile, Bidens policy of actually spending on and investing in America aligns with my values. Not the guy who attacks special needs people.


>Muslim ban isn’t liberal, Ah yes let's bring people who want destroy this country great idea. >Trump tax cuts expired for the common citizen Biden could renew it but i doubt he would >Bidens policy of actually spending on and investing in America aligns with my values. Trump built the foundations for the chips act [here](https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/05/19/1001902/tsmc-chip-plant-and-huawei-export-ban-not-trump-win/) [here](https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-and-chip-makers-including-intel-seek-semiconductor-self-sufficiency-11589103002) >Not the guy who attacks special needs people Dude this is destiny sub reddit people on here would happily do that shit. [here](https://youtu.be/We6Qr9-dDn8?si=HKOgepRiHAidaWtR)


He appointed 3 conservative justices to the Supreme Court


You mean progressive judges.


Bro, there's no way you believe any of this shit lmao


> he seems pro usa bro you’re so far gone from what “free speech” means and how donald trump will never be as pro free speech that biden is -Trump suing the media for talking bad about him. anti free-speech -trump essentially saying “if you’re jewish and don’t vote for me, you ain’t jewish”. Anti-freedom. -saying putin is a smart leader and said putin should take all of ukraine. Putin, the one that supports jailing peaceful protesters protesting against the russian invasion, and jailing political opponents. Anti-free speech.


>bro you’re so far gone from what “free speech” means and how donald trump will never be as pro free speech that biden is Bruh biden earlier in his term made the ministry of truth . [here](https://www.wsj.com/articles/biden-establishes-a-ministry-of-truth-disinformation-governance-board-partisan-11651432312) >trump essentially saying “if you’re jewish and don’t vote for me, you ain’t jewish”. Anti-freedom. [here](https://youtu.be/jhcgmwj3NAc?si=GSoQ_9jjXiPz4NPE) Yeah you are clearly a partisan hack >saying putin is a smart leader [here](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/obama-putin-is-smart-tough-unsentimental/) Starting to hit cult level. >putin should take all of ukraine Don't remember so not going to answer >the one that supports jailing peaceful protesters protesting against the russian invasion Dude trump let the chaz happen lmao and we both know that was a absolute shit show. > jailing political opponents. Hmmm 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔😯


"Wow Trump isnt TurboHitler on every issue therefore he is a liberal".


Mussolini praised fdr when he got elected so yeah.


??? Are you saying that Mussolini wasnt a fascist or what?.


Me when I don't know what Liberal means


Then what does it mean?


This pussy would never leave his compound. And his fans wouldn’t leave their trailers.


He's just a grifter catering to all the fat rednecks in his audience who think they're some badass revolutionary because they own an AR.


worse. they think they're all big brain intellectuals who see through all the lies


This dude can't even take his beanie off his balding head lol


*mom's basement


have you seen the pics from the canvassing events


muddle late scale future punch relieved ghost smart reminiscent puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


dam simplistic smile voiceless employ offend distinct hobbies consider sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And your gamer virgin ass would? 😂


Nah. Thats why i dont LARP like i would 😀


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.




It's a sign of how broken our world has become when the most liberal, centrist, fence-sitting bastion of objective and neutral journalism is forced to reach such terrifying conclusions by the incontrovertible weight of enormous evidence. I will be wearing my beanie to bed tonight to protect myself from nightmares.


Make sure to attach your trustworthy nonpartisan Trump certified NFTs to protect you from the demofascists.


I also never remove my Air Donald's. Run faster, jump higher (in the prison yard).


The last sentence sent me 😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/qfr1n4wgen3d1.jpeg?width=1331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5a67f7c2e7cad21daf9bffd1ff57b5fb4a782ad (stolen from twitter)


Don't mind me *yoink*


The tapestry on the wall is what did it for me lmao


https://preview.redd.it/m7787ti74n3d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2dede046806ca0ccecec9a77520266c9d3007f6 🚨BREAKING🚨 its begun. Tim Poolstradamus


Imagine Trump running, rofl.


I believe it would be a “Tactical Speed Walk”


I picture "Hasty waddling"


I'd love for Trump to make a shitty, Steven Seagal-esque movie where he just sits for most of the movie and never runs.


has AI gotten good enough to stitch trump's face onto Sniper Special Forces?


This is clearly ai, the real Trump proudly wears his diapers, like a real man!


Im pretty sure he’s way more shredded in real life. Its like how Baki wore baggy clothes to conceal his olympian physique


Diapers give you the physique of a god. Look at the golden diapers that Trump supporters wear. Why else would they wear them?


Shitting your pants to own the libs brother


Atleast trump has good trigger discipline




I’m ready to send Tim Pool back in time to live out his civil war fantasy with Pickett charge in Gettysburg.


what side do you think he'd be on in the civil war? i think i know the answer tho lmao


Sure as hell ain’t the Union


Are you kidding? The woke unionists?


Yes the same woke unionists that just burn your house down by Sherman's march to the sea. (Edit to be clear am going a long with the bit when I say this)


Those damn wokees, trying to stop us from expanding our influence to make a grand slave empire. I tell you, those northern boys are the real slave masters. Demanding we be equal to a black? I could not think of a greater act of subjegation than that! (Just in case this is needed, this is a joke.)


Both sides were racist as fuck, one just wanted to get rid of slavery and the other didn't. There's a reason why there was a massive Civil Rights movement a whole fucking century after the Civil War ended lol. I could see Tim being on the Union side saying slavery didn't belong in the US while also not wanting black people to be equal citizens.


2020 49 state trump victory predictor, now also predicting war. Looking into this.


Tim’s prediction was correct but not in the way he thought it would be. It wasn’t a 49 landslide, but landslide in getting convicted on all 34 counts of falsifying business records


34 count landslide




What is the steel-man for trump being charged unreasonably? I keep hearing them say he shouldn’t have been charged but haven’t heard a single reasoning on why.


lower case with the period is crazy


Please go to war guys I need content 😢


Do you think he acts out the civil war with paintball guns in his skateboard compound?


Man's been predicting civil war for 5 years


He's hoping that if he says it enough he might eventually be right.


Imagine if he wasn't a centrist




“A civil war is upon us” https://preview.redd.it/dlhvtpe3on3d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=396a1cb75a26374076bd5742defba94f6f6fe33e


very centrist of him




That song is a banger


bro thinks he's gonna be on the winning side lol


It would be great to see his detailed breakdown of why the charges are bogus, how he was in fact innocent of everything, and the proof that it is in fact being fabricated by the deep state. But, I imagine that will never exist.


Conservatives fantasize about a civil war, but they never fantasize about the 5-10 years that it will last or the 20-30 years of unrest after. The don't think about crying in a foxhole wet,cold, tired and then having to go out on patrol with no sleep hoping the FPV drone above piloted by an 18 year old that played cod the last 10 years doesn't see you because your kitted out AR15 you have a 100 pictures of on social media to own the libs doesn't really mean shit on the battlefield.


Yeah. I'm pretty sure an insurrection would be put down quickly. The gravy seals wouldn't last long.


It’s frustrating, isn’t it? He’d throw a tantrum if you disabled his internet access for a day, but somehow he’d be happy to have to fight for his life in the midst of a war zone? What a load of shite.


Tim Pool is a loser. Take off the hat Tim.




Still a liberal tho. If this man wants a civil war so bad, why doesn't he start doing some shit instead of tweeting and podcasting from his compound. I suggest he pick up a gun and try storming and army base or police station or something.


What will be YOUR role in the upcoming civil war? I'll probably be a news program host and spread the good word to other comrades, while also knitting beanies for the community to help cover up THEIR testosterone-spots, too. I can also teach skateboard tricks to the underprivileged white kids.


Someone should follow up with Huh? then Good God Yall! then What is it good for?


This dude knows like three words.


What a combination: too much of a coward for direct action himself but also too much of a coward to own it when people inspired by him do the violence he wants.


I have 99% confidence Tim is just a fed/~~honey~~beaniepot


Such an escalation, he doesn't even want the war to be civil anymore.




I wish he'd stop being a pussy and just come out as conservative. He meat rides Trump harder than Akademiks rides Drake


Just pull of his beanie and he'll deflate.


Lmao Tim pool stays being a sore loser I guess


Ah yes a jury of twelve fellow Americans is a corrupt institution


Great, now my twitter TL is full of america haters now, from the left to the right.


Someone should make a "Days since Tim Pool declared war on the USA" counter.


If an armed conflict every did happen you know him and all these other agitators would be on the first and fastest planes out of the country


Guys come on he's clearly talking about the card game


Suppose a viewer of his went out and committed some sort of terrorist action, think he’d be willing to own up to the incitement?


I guarantee 1 million percent that if there was a civil war Tim Pool would not do anything except continue to tweet. He wouldn’t even leave his compound out in bumbfuck West Virginia or wherever it is. Like Hasan, two sides of the same coin, he’s happy to sacrifice as many other lives as it takes to pad his pockets and push his agenda.


How many times does that make it now that he’s said this.




Timmy has been coming up a lot and I say it in every thread it happens. I fucking hate that we live in an era where Tim Pool is a famous person and I fucking hate Tim Pool for his regard takes.


Free grift content for months. Gonna be real easy to rile his base up.


He couldn't even muster the balls to capitalize it.


I guess today marks the day Tim stopped being civil. 😞


Meanwhile he would be hiding in a woman’s bathroom at the first shot fired.


50 state landslide. Right Tim?


Is this ToS? How is Tim Pool allowed to continually allowed to call for civil war with no consequences?


i wish a ninja would. tired of these punk bitches talking shit all day every day and radicalizing people. oooooooo i wish a ninja would


When tim pool says "there will be peace" prepare for war. When he says "trump will lose" be worried about trump winning.


bald midget calls for war, no one shows up to help him


He just wants everyone conscripted so nobody has hair.


He's given up on civility


he had typed this out in between his 4th and 5th buckets of cum


Does anyone have a link/summary of the steelman for Trump's defense here? I'm trying to wrap my head around seemingly smart people in my life being what seems to me blindly partisan.


I’ve thought about this… and unless actual civil war breaks out this weekend (which seems unlikely because I’m kinda busy) everything he does for the rest of his career on twitter/x, and etc should be responded to with “war” in the comment section.




One he himself is not going to get involved in. This must have been what it looked like when Hitler started to come into power.




Oh fuck. Tim putting on the war beanie and coming out the compound. Nobody makes daddy pick up trash along the highway. 


Tramp lost? .... nice


I’m just thinking of the trout meme that had paranoid playing in the background


Imagine Tim pool in trumps brand new prison gang starting wars


How's that line from Jack Black in Tropic Thunder go again? "*I will stroke the shaft, fondle the balls, and swallow the gravy*". I imagine that's what Pool thinks of before going to sleep every night.


For a guy who claims to be anti war he certainly likes to every 3 tweets pokes society in hopes for it a lot.


He balded, he malded, and he's still malding.


Yes this is a genuine thought, you can type "war." and start a real war, that's what's really happening here, right now.


A war with his hair follicles


I still don't understand how this regards are not put in jail. After authorities finish with trump they should go after these ones. This is not some random anon or bot saying it, but a guy that many people follow.


Pim Tool crying cuz daddy trump might face consequences for once. what a pussy lol


His obsession with a civil war is weird as fuck lol Like he's the only "mainstream" or popular person i ever see mentioning it lol


Ouch…..dude this is really pushing it. This could definitely be interpreted not as an opinion or prediction….but a fucking CALL to go to war. I despise this Trump case in a major way , but this time tweet is absolutely insane lol


Tim pool has predicted 541,425 of the past 0 civil wars


As if he would be anywhere near the frontlines. Such a grifting armchair Andy. 


huh, yeah! What is it good for?


Could you imagine if US actually civil warred itself over Trump of all people? As a Eurocuck I think it would be soooo funny.


Have fun trying


"Cmon, do a civil war"


https://preview.redd.it/d29risxb0t3d1.jpeg?width=1029&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11ee88ab93c7cba812fd77118048e389cda47910 War


This is such a cop out. Just about every leader in American history should have been in prison at some point. This is cope. GL to you when Trump wins.


It's always the people that are less equiped for war that call for it. His audience should tell him, We're right behind you just lead the way.


He clearly hates America, it’s why he’s constantly wishing for its destruction.


Classic democ(rats), arrest a former president on some trumped up charges and then cry when people don’t calmly accept the treasonous acts. Weaponizing the department of justice against a former president/political opponent is a terrible can of worms and biden just opened it… This sub is so confusing I thought you guys were moderates after the Shapiro debate but lately the posts have made it indistinguishable from any other leftist shithole sub


This has got to be a bait post lmao. Trump isn’t above the law. Stop trying to pretend you’re moderate when you support an anti American former president that tried to unilaterally steal the election from the American people. All Republicans do is weaponize their power and indulgence in anti democratic norms. Like they did with Obamas Supreme Court pick and obstructing good bills to make Biden look bad

