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That kind of racist insult isn't new. With affirmative action racists called any skilled minority a diversity hire or AA hire (even though the program most benefitted white women). DEI is just the new AA for racists to insult the capability of minorities. Implying that a minority only got the job because AA or DEI is definitely an insult of intelligence that evokes race as part of the insult.


Do you think Destiny is racist when he calls caroline kwan or emma vigeland "white woman behaviour"?


Can people of the same race be racist towards each other? Kwan isn't white so implying she's part of the banality of the majority seems like the opposite of racist. It's potentially sexist, classist, and meant to be insulting but no I don't think in that context it's racist.


If a black person says they think most black people are lazy criminals with low IQs, would you say they’re being racist? Isn’t a “pick me” a woman who is sexist towards other women? Why would have a certain imputable characteristic make you immune from being discriminatory towards others with that trait?


>If a black person says they think most black people are lazy criminals with low IQs, would you say they’re being racist? More classist than racist. Like a white person referring to poor whites as white trash. If that black person understands that blackness is not the reason for poor work ethic and IQ then that's not inherently racist. >Isn’t a “pick me” a woman who is sexist towards other women? Maybe, there is the inherent dual consciousness that is required for that. Its not really the same. I suppose you're trying to get at a type of Uncle Ruckus character that is self hating? It's not impossible for a minority to parrot discriminatory language but the belief behind it matters. >Why would have a certain imputable characteristic make you immune from being discriminatory towards others with that trait? You can still be discriminatory. Nothing I said disputes that. It's just not necessarily racist unless that person is also invoking a type of self hatred too which normally requires a dual consciousness in which the person thinks their group is inferior but somehow they defy the racial nature they castigate.


What if a black person believes that black people have lower IQs on average, due to their race? Like they think it’s genetic. Maybe we have different definitions of racist. Mine is pretty simple.. just basically prejudice or discriminatory beliefs on the basis of race.


>What if a black person believes that black people have lower IQs on average, due to their race? Like they think it’s genetic. Then that person is probably a cartoon character. But in a more serious light, black people are told by society they are inferior. Many do internalize that feeling. That's more a reflection of the wider culture than black people actually embracing their inferiority as a truth. Also classism can look similar to internalized racism but it's not the same, with white trash being an easy example. >Mine is pretty simple.. just basically prejudice or discriminatory beliefs on the basis of race. A little simplistic for my taste. By that definition programs meant to amend past racial injustice are racist. I don't believe they are, at the very least not in the same moral weight that we usually judge and dismiss racist ideas.


[Here](https://x.com/usinglyft?s=21&t=NKTiz0FBQLZB952ssIMSFA) is an example of a black guy who thinks this. As far as I can tell, he earnestly thinks it. I mean, I think we can just have nuance about specific cases, where the basis for providing monetary compensation or some other form of compensation is based on the fact a group was targeted or victimized based on their identity. In this case those not in that group aren’t being discriminated against, but rather just not being compensated for something they didn’t experience. Although I don’t like affirmative action, so I definitely think we should be cautious when instituting programs like that, and in some cases they can become discriminatory. It just depends.


>Here is an example of a black guy who thinks this. I'm not gonna waste much time going over his posts but it doesn't seem like he's saying black people are inherently genetically inferior. He is definitely repeating conservative talking points about black culture and the poverty of Africa. There are criticisms of the black community that are valid, black people themselves are aware of those problems and make those criticisms. It's not inherently racist to point out crime, education and poverty stats with a desire to improve them - the real racism comes from people trying to use those stats to justify reducing access to resources or an excuse to over police them. >based on the fact a group was targeted or victimized based on their identity. In this case those not in that group aren’t being discriminated against, but rather just not being compensated for something they didn’t experience. I would generally agree with this take. Conservatives on the other hand would call such programs racist and sexist against white men.


My rule of thumb tends to be; if race isn't relevant to the point your making, and you bring it up anyway, then it's probably racist. This of course only applies for when people are trying to skirt around being racist and not just outright doing it. That said there are levels to it, making a white women fucking dogs joke IS racist, but also who really gives a fuck. Calling someone a cracker just because they disagree with you is racist, and problematic.


Do you think konstantin was racist? Do you think destiny was racist?


White woman behavior comments would probably fall under my racist but who gives a fuck column, because it's essentially shorthand for "privileged person talking about something they have no actual insight into". So yeah technically the statement is racist but you wouldn't really accuse the person who made it of being actually racist. Konstantin is harder to parse because people use DEI as a way to mask what they actually want to say. In a vacuum the statement could just be calling her a moron who doesn't deserve her platform, but given what admittedly little I know about him I would put money on it having actual racist undertones to it.


>DEI as a way to mask what they actually want to say. Like you mean black people being stupid dogwhistle?


Yes, but I read it more akin to someone using the word "colored". It's essentially saying not-white, which obviously very quickly ends up being the way the new way they can say words that would otherwise immediately be outed as problematic. On it's own talking about DEI isn't racist, which is why racist people hide behind it.


If you’re insulting a person in a way that only makes sense if they’re nonwhite, it’s likely at least a bit of a racist comment. I’m sure plenty of other online lefties would’ve have acted just as badly in person, but calling her “DEI” just seemed to bring her race into it for no real reason. There are 100s of better more tangible reasons to disagree with BJG on


So is calling a gay person a DEI hire homophobic?


Is destiny's comment toward emma vigeland and caroline kwan calling them "white woman behaviour" racist? Also is it racist in any meaningful way? Also what do you mean by racist here? Does your definition of racist is just that "separated by race" or does it necessitates something bad in a way that they are putting down other race?


It's a tough call, but I think the answer hinges on whether you consider subconscious biases to be "racist" or whether "racism" requires conscious intent. I think on a conscious level this was just meant as a dig against her competency, but it's likely that a subconscious bias against minorities is what would lead someone to assume that a particular minority must have benefitted from some kind of preferential treatment in order to be successful. In any case, it's a stupid insult. You can disagree with BGJ but you're delusional if you don't think she is talented as a talking-head.


Would you say destiny has unconscious bias against white women then when he uses white woman behaviour as an insult?


Yeah, definitely.


Ok seems logically consistent


Calling a random black person a DEI hire is racist. Calling a black person a DEI hire that shows time and time again she is regarded is not. But I can understand why some might take it that way as any talk around race really changes a convo for many.


It’s like seeing a Jew do something bad and comparing them to a nazi, you’re not explicitly being antisemitic but it’s clear you see them less as an individual person and more as a Jew.


Cant you make the same argument for any of the terms like incel, karen, bitch or when destiny calls emma vigeland or caroline kwan "white woman behavior"? Would you say all of these fall under same category?


You don’t understand, insulting white women due to their imputable characteristics is acceptable and funny. Doing it to a black woman is racism. /s In all seriousness, I do think there are racial undertones to the joke because DEI is definitely associated with POC. But it could also be about her gender. But yeah I’m fine if people don’t like these sorts of insults, I just hope we are consistent about it.


>In all seriousness, I do think there are racial undertones to the joke because DEI is definitely associated with POC. But it could also be about her gender. I mean it could be both. Question is would you consider it as racist and where do you draw the line?


Personally, I think I have a high tolerance for edgy jokes and insults, I’m a Destiny fan after all. But of course they can go too far. The fact that this joke isn’t even *directly* racist or sexist makes me feel ok with it. Like there is a more substantive element of the insult that it is about her receiving attention and opportunities she doesn’t deserve on her merits. But I also can understand if people don’t like it, and as long as they’re consistent about that with jokes/insults against *all* groups, then I think that is totally fair.


i read it as a girl who wears a lot of makeup and advocates for bad DEI policies. if anything i thought it was a bit sexist i didn’t even consider the DEI part was about her position specifically


Why do you think that is sexist? Do you think "karen" or "incel" is sexist? Do you think destiny is sexist in the example i gave in my post?


why is the phrase “DEI barbie” to describe a woman arguably a little sexist? i don’t even care that someone uses the term, but really — that’s your question?


My whole post is figuring out what those words mean. Some people use word "sexist" as just divided by gender, on other hand some people use the word sexist which necessitates that one gender is being put down. So now when he calls her a DEI barbie is he insulting her for her gender or is he insulting her intelligence and her gender is just a part of the insult. Thats why i asked you is karen, incel and white woman behaviour which destiny said is that sexist?


Karen and incel can both be used in a sexist manner, but are both fundamentally criticisms of personality flaws and not necessarily just a misogynist/misandrist insult. Calling someone DEI is a bit different, as you're saying that their achievements/station/job are entirely unearned and were only given to them because of the color of their skin. BJG is a moron, but there are plenty of white dudes in the same business that are just as stupid and just as 'famous', so attempting to discredit her based on 'DEI' comes across as pretty sus at best. If it were the case that she were in fact only in the position she's in because of the color of her skin, calling her DEI could be warranted, but without that the insult just reads as "I think you are stupid and also you are a minority" at best.


Just like karen and incel, DEI can also be used as a personality flaw though? There are definitely people who get benefits because of DEI. Calling someone DEI doesn't necessarily mean that their achievements are entirely unearned. It can also be that their opinions are taken more seriously because they are of a particular race because of identity politics and are given more opportunities. In this case the insult is used by Konstantin because of how BJG behaved during the debate. The same logic can be used for word Karen though? There are other races and men who show same behavior but are not called the same word? It is basically you are unhinged and you are a woman. How is it any different? Am i missing something?


>DEI can also be used as a personality flaw though? There are definitely people who get benefits because of DEI. That's not a personality flaw. That's like saying being born into wealth is a personality flaw. >Calling someone DEI doesn't necessarily mean that their achievements are entirely unearned. It can also be that their opinions are taken more seriously because they are of a particular race because of identity politics and are given more opportunities. If you aren't saying it to mean that their achievements/opinions are without merit then it becomes a completely meaningless statement, so I doubt it. "You only got the opportunity to be where you are because you're a minority but also you deserved that opportunity and deserve the success you have", "Your opinions are only taken seriously because of your race but also your opinions deserve to be taken seriously"? Seems unlikely. In this case they're the same thing anyway, since BJG's opinions *are* her job, effectively. >In this case the insult is used by Konstantin because of how BJG behaved during the debate. Then just call her a childish idiot who can't take even the mildest pushback without throwing a tantrum instead of using a term that only makes sense because she's a minority. >The same logic can be used for word Karen though? There are other races and men who show same behavior but are not called the same word? It is basically you are unhinged and you are a woman. How is it any different? This might be a difference in the sorts of people we each engage with, but I absolutely see Karen used on men as well, and it doesn't just broadly apply to women acting unhinged, but to people being overly entitled and demanding, usually over pretty minor things (or at least minor compared to the amount of a fuss they're making). I will grant that I don't think Konstantin meant anything terribly malicious behind it. It reads more like he's been hanging around too many rightoids that meme about 'hehe any time black person is involved with a mistake it's DEI he he he', had an issue with his mouth being faster than his brain because of how unpleasant BJG is to deal with and is now trying to weasel his way out of it like it wasn't an out of pocket thing to say.


>That's not a personality flaw. That's like saying being born into wealth is a personality flaw. They are not making fun of them for being poor but being unqualified. By this logic incel isnt a personality flaw either because incels are just men who are involuntary celibate and have life circumstances and mental illness which prevents them from getting laid. >If you aren't saying it to mean that their achievements/opinions are without merit then it becomes a completely meaningless statement, so I doubt it No it can be just that their opinions are given more value than what they deserve. >Your opinions are only taken seriously because of your race but also your opinions deserve to be taken seriously?Seems unlikely. No it can be just that her opinions are taken " more" seriously because of race and not that their opinion are "only" taken seriously because of their race. Huge difference >doesn't just broadly apply to women acting unhinged, Nah its mostly used towards white women although can be used broadly. Also what about destiny using white woman behavior as a insult then towards emma vigeland? Is that racist then?


>They are not making fun of them for being poor but being unqualified. Unqualified also isn't a personality flaw. >By this logic incel isnt a personality flaw either because incels are just men who are involuntary celibate and have life circumstances and mental illness which prevents them from getting laid. If this is the way the term was actually used for the most part, sure, but it isn't. >No it can be just that their opinions are given more value than what they deserve. >No it can be just that her opinions are taken "more" seriously because of race and not that their opinion are "only" taken seriously because of their race. Huge difference. Not really? If they were only taken *more* seriously, but still would have been taken seriously even without DEI then it becomes an equally meaningless insult, particularly in the context of her presence at this debate and her job. "People give your opinions undue weight (but not to a degree that matters because you'd still have your job anyway)"? What does calling her DEI even mean at that point? There's a bit of a logical pitfall here since DEI is being used as an insult, as ultimately there are only two possibilities: One, that DEI meant that their opinions were taken more seriously in a way that made a substantive difference, which means they are in fact saying "you wouldn't be where you are today if not for your minority status", so it's just delegitimizing them based on being a minority unless you have actual evidence for the claim. Or two, that DEI meant that their opinions were taken more seriously but not to the degree that it made a substantive difference, in which case it becomes an entirely meaningless insult (as well as an immeasurable claim). >Also what about destiny using white woman behavior as a insult then towards emma vigeland? Is that racist then? Maybe a little? Could just be racial stereotyping humor. I'm not parasocial enough to be aware of every interaction tiny has had so I dunno.


>Unqualified also isn't a personality flaw. Huh? By that logic nothing is a personality flaw because everything has explanations. Most people think being unqualified on something in which you are speaking authoritatively is a personality flaw. >If this is the way the term was actually used for the most part, sure, but it isn't. Yes which my was point- that DEI doesnt necessarily is insulting her for her race but for her being unqualified on things she is talking about. >Not really? If they were only taken more seriously, but still would have been taken seriously even without DEI then it becomes an equally meaningless insult, particularly in the context of her presence at this debate and her job. "People give your opinions undue weight (but not to a degree that matters because you'd still have your job anyway)"? What does calling her DEI even mean at that point? How is it meaningless when someone thinks people take someone way more seriously than they should have because of DEI. Taking someone seriously can have levels. Argument that "not to a degree that matters" was never made. >DEI meant that their opinions were taken more seriously in a way that made a substantive difference, which means they are in fact saying "you wouldn't be where you are today if not for your minority status", so it's just delegitimizing them based on being a minority unless you have actual evidence for the claim. Its a insult based on her performance in the debate. The insult is that she is so stupid that there is no way she reached this position without DEI. The insult isnt that she has gotten DEI in unfair way but that she is stupid enough that it seems like it. So more like a insult at her intelligence than her being a minority or her race Again i dont know how this is any different from calling someone any other gendered insult like incel, karen,etc where


>Most people think being unqualified on something in which you are speaking authoritatively is a personality flaw. True. It's a good thing I wasn't talking about "on something in which you are speaking authoritatively" then, and never said as such. >Yes which my was point- that DEI doesnt necessarily is insulting her for her race but for her being unqualified on things she is talking about. By way of her being a minority, yes. Instead of just saying that she doesn't know what she's talking about in any of the other myriad ways that don't invoke her minority status. >Its a insult based on her performance in the debate. The insult is that she is so stupid that there is no way she reached this position without DEI. The insult isnt that she has gotten DEI in unfair way but that she is stupid enough that it seems like it. So more like a insult at her intelligence than her being a minority or her race ... So the insult isn't "you only got where you are because you're a minority", it's "you're as stupid as one of those dumbfuck blacks that only got a job because of DEI"? That is definitely an improvement. Yep. >Again i dont know how this is any different from calling someone any other gendered insult like incel, karen Because those can be and *are* used outside being gendered. DEI, at least at present, has the minority aspect as an integral part of it. If you call a female an incel people are going to know you're calling her a sexless (and probably sexist) loser, if you call a male a Karen people are going to know that you're calling them entitled and bitchy, if you call a white dude DEI people are probably going to think you're trying to insinuate that he's gay or something; it's something you'd only use towards a minority.


>True. It's a good thing I wasn't talking about "on something in which you are speaking authoritatively" then, and never said as such. when i mentioned unqualified it was clearly in context of speaking authoritatively because the topic is the tweet. >By way of her being a minority, yes. Instead of just saying that she doesn't know what she's talking about in any of the other myriad ways that don't invoke her minority status. by that logic you can call someone misogynistic without calling them incel or call someone annoying instead of calling them karen. My point of contention was that how is it any different from the word incel or karen. You claimed they are different. All the terms have either gender or race as a factor. >... So the insult isn't "you only got where you are because you're a minority", it's "you're as stupid as one of those dumbfuck blacks that only got a job because of DEI"? That is definitely an improvement. Yep. if you want to twist my words in most bad faith possible you can do that but that just means you dont have an actual argument. You also keep repeating the ''only taken seriously/got a job" part of the argument even though i already rejected that argument that it doesnt have to be "only taken seriously" but "taken seriously more". The insult is that there is no way she reached this position without some help because she sounds stupid and it just happens that she is minority so DEI is invoked as the "help". That does not mean someone is comparing their stupidity to the "dumbfuck blacks". Its more like " you are a stupid person who is taken more seriously than required because you happen to be black by these people who like identity politics (DEI)"


The point of DEI-based insult is to imply you are nothing without your minority status. DEI is very versatile. You can use it for a whole host of minorities: white/gay/trans men, gay men with disabilities, gay women, black gay women, black-hispanic women (e.g. **Destiny** was an DEI streamer). There is no racial insult that works that way. Racial insults target on the basis of race. You cannot use “white trash” to insult gay guys. It makes no sense. Briahna is a woman’s name. The fact that everyone here just jumps right into the race aspect of it hints that, *there might be some obsession with race going on here*.


I’m a bit confused. You think DEI is an insult to her as a minority, but not as a black person?


Yes. It sounds like that to me. There is gap between “minority” and “race”. Racism is a strong claim. It’s possible that his insult aimed at her race. But whoever claims that needs to do the work to justify that.


What makes BJG a minority?


Her minority status rests on her being black, and her being a woman.


Agreed. And I don’t think one can disentangle her minority status from her status as a black woman as the latter is the key determinant of the former. So if he’s making fun of her because she’s a minority, and she’s a minority because she’s a black woman… he’s making fun of her because she’s a black woman.


You can. Here is how: DEI insult aims at her minority status. Her minority status is based on 1/ she’s a woman; 2/ she is black. *However, being a woman largely is not perceived as minority in our society anymore.* Ergo, his insult mainly aimed at the racial basis of her minority status. Nobody has done that. The whole argument has been, “DEI, ergo racist”. As a ranking member of the racist council, it annoys the fuck out of me.


I don’t understand how you say that it’s not racist in the same breath as you say his insult was mainly aimed at the racial basis of her minority status. If he’s aiming an insult toward someone based on their race, it’s completely fair to call him racist.


You misread: I’m saying you can call him racist *but* you need to do the work to show that his insult was aimed at her race, or the racial is the main component of the insult. The comment was above just an example of “the work”.


Not that it wasn’t obvious but here’s him explaining a racialized reason he used the term. https://x.com/KonstantinKisin/status/1797646954085957756


As a woman, it does kind of irritate me that if the insult was only about her gender it would more acceptable lol. Like people can shit on white women all day long and no one cares, but cuz the insult has racial undertones (strong association b/w race and DEI) it’s a huge problem. Although tbf this community is better about this than most I think. The insult probably wasn’t in good taste, but I just wish people would be consistent. Also Destiny is quite edgy himself..


right wingers have used minority as a dog whistle specifically because it excludes everyone other then white people. Racism and the slurs used to express it are not inherently formed against one group.


What you said was true for 10 years ago when minority status was perceived as mostly benefiting black people. Minorities have expanded in the recent years: now diversity isn’t just race-based, but also gender-based. You may have to do the work to justify the leap from “minority” to “racial” now. Can you give me an example of slur or insult that can be against more than one group? Edit: added a few things.


It's a wonderful duel consciousness. Despite the fact programs like affirmative action most benefitted white women, people think it's racial minorities that are being given an unfair advantage. So white people benefit from AA while also maintaining their racism!


I posted in that thread saying it was racist. I also posted that I originally thought Kissin was referring to her support for DEI because my brain couldn't fathom him saying something so racist. I think your analysis is off on the intelligence thing. He didn't say DEI Harvard Business School graduate (or wherever she went), he said DEI Barbie. This to me is worse because he's insulting her physical appearance as well. He's saying that she couldn't be a Barbie unless she was included for diversity reasons. If you want to be ultra charitable and ultra steel man, which to be honest, Konstantin absolutely does not deserve, you could maybe say that he was equating Barbie to "bimbo" and then maybe make the intelligence point. But it still hits ultra weird when you're trying to call someone stupid and you invoke their race. As far as Destiny goes, you linked a five and a half hour stream with no timestamps. You should really link timestamped videos or actual clips (I know that's harder) so we can see exactly what was said and in what context. From what I remember, Destiny was using their whiteness to invoke *privilege* more than anything else. He's talking anout two women who are at the peak of privilege and are ridiculously out of touch. But he's not saying that they're out of touch *because* they're white. But I could be wrong. I would have to see the clip and the context to be sure.


>I think your analysis is off on the intelligence thing. He didn't say DEI Harvard Business School graduate (or wherever she went), he said DEI Barbie. This to me is worse because he's insulting her physical appearance as well. He's saying that she couldn't be a Barbie unless she was included for diversity reasons. The implication for calling her that was that she is so stupid that she is selected for other reasons other than intelligence. > it still hits ultra weird when you're trying to call someone stupid and you invoke their race. How is it any weird than invoking gender? Do you think destiny is racist when he calls emma vigeland or caroline kwan "white woman behavior"? >As far as Destiny goes, you linked a five and a half hour stream with no timestamps. You should really link timestamped videos or actual clips (I know that's harder) so we can see exactly what was said and in what context. I have linked the timestamp. Its at 2.58.30 . Is it not visible? Bcoz it is at my end. >Destiny was using their whiteness to invoke privilege more than anything else. He's talking anout two women who are at the peak of privilege and are ridiculously out of touch. But he's not saying that they're out of touch because they're white. You can say the same thing for konstantin that he is invoking dei to call out her stupidity too. I mean bgj is pretty stupid too.


>The implication for calling her that was that she is so stupid that she is selected for other reasons other than intelligence. Wait, how do you know your analysis is correct and not mine? Did he explicitly say this? You also just ignored what I said which is strange. >How is it any weird than invoking gender? Do you think destiny is racist when he calls emma vigeland or caroline kwan "white woman behavior"? OK, I saw the clip, I was on mobile before, and it wasn't coming up or I missed the text timestamp. He is clearly responding to people calling him racist for the "camp" comment and then making fun of the fact that Hasan and crew has greenlight attacks against white people. He even says in the clip, "Can I use racial slurs against her? Cause Cracker, we greenlit that one, right?" Do you think Destiny is saying it's OK to use racial slurs against people here? Or is he pointing out their hypocrisy?


>Wait, how do you know your analysis is correct and not mine? Did he explicitly say this? You also just ignored what I said which is strange. I honestly cant tell the difference between your interpretation and mine. Also what did i ignore? >He is clearly responding to people calling him racist for the "camp" comment and then making fun of the fact that Hasan and crew has greenlight attacks against white people. He even says in the clip, "Can I use racial slurs against her? Cause Cracker, we greenlit that one, right?" That was for cracker and not for white woman behavior. That wasnt sarcastic but an actual insult. He has also previously called emma vigeland the same thing.


>I honestly cant tell the difference between your interpretation and mine. Also what did i ignore? I don't know how DEI Barbie correlates with intelligence. If he said DEI Bimbo, I would get it. We're analyzing whether it's racist or not and one of the features of race is how people look distinctly. For instance, That lady who called Michele Obama an "ape" wasn't referring to her intelligence, she was referring to, and I'm trying to be careful here, how the lady perceived Michele looked due to racist tropes. I said in my previous post there's a world where Kissin is using "Barbie" to mean blonde bimbo, that is possible. I just reread the original tweet. His commentary after calling her DEI Barbie is on her behavior, not her knowledge. So even from the context of the tweet I don't understand what he's trying to say with the insult. Maybe it's because he grew up in another country, I guess. For what it's worth, I'm not the only one confused by this insult. I looked at more responses to the tweet and some people don't seem to understand what he's trying to say as well. As he's a standup comedian and has the benefit of time in composing a tweet, I'm not willing to give him much charity with how he's riding this line. I think it was a mistake, but one he continues to repeat because his audience is eating up for the most part. Here's a link and image to what I'm talking about: https://preview.redd.it/pugxtq5dof4d1.png?width=748&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc646ba46cd9d696e80b8200d82de88bda788729 [Robin Atkins on X: "@HPluckrose @KonstantinKisin For whatever it is worth, I didn't read "DEI Barbie" as a "diversity hire." I read it as applying stereotypical traits for Barbie "vapid, lacking depth, present for the sake of appearance" and the lens/outcomes of DEI theories "race focused, emotions-based." I have no idea if" / X](https://x.com/TruthAgape/status/1797673894557475119) Also, and I replied to this, I can totally go with the vapid, lacking depth description I guess. But if we're talking about "present for the sake of appearance" and he invokes race, then I think it's just racist at this point. Also, just as an aside, if you look at the top three replies, they ALL interpret it completely differently. If your job is all about making people understand you and your own audience isn't, that's a big yikes from me. >That was for cracker and not for white woman behavior. That wasnt sarcastic but an actual insult. He has also previously called emma vigeland the same thing. I think it was for the whole thing to be honest. He's pointing out the absurdity of it all. Again, he's spoken about Emma's immense privilege in the past so my guess is that's where he's going with it. But that doesn't mean that you can't criticize it if you like. There is definitely things Destiny has said that I don't like or don't agree with, but I've seen enough of his content to know he's not racist or that he's hiding it so well and advocating against it so well that it doesn't matter.


>I don't know how DEI Barbie correlates with intelligence. If he said DEI Bimbo, I would get it. We're analyzing whether it's racist or not and one of the features of race is how people look distinctly. When i read Konstantin's tweet first i thought it was a petty insult towards her which was more like "you are so stupid there is no way you reached this position without DEI" so more of a insult at her intelligence/ behavior than race. Just another insult like how people use the term "Karen" where the focus is on behavior more and not the race. Also the context of the whole thing is her poor performance in the debate where she left in the middle and called everyone racist. >"present for the sake of appearance" and he invokes race, then I think it's just racist at this point. why do you think so? Doesnt this just mean she is just there to show her face for clout and not actually debate in good faith. >Also, just as an aside, if you look at the top three replies, they ALL interpret it completely differently. If your job is all about making people understand you and your own audience isn't, that's a big yikes from me. i agree >Again, he's spoken about Emma's immense privilege in the past so my guess is that's where he's going with it. i mean you can just call out the privilege part then by your own logic without actually mentioning gender or race. How is this any different than konstantin insulting her as dei barbie for her intelligence/ behavior primarily with her race being a factor in the insult?


he clarified what he meant so we're going to have to take him at his word. https://x.com/KonstantinKisin/status/1797593190096081386 or at the very least, briahnna and her leftists crowd should be after the way they decided words only ever mean what whoever says them and intends them to mean, i.e. in regards to "from the river to the sea" only meaning flowers and peace just like the student crowd intends


The entire point of the conservative narrative of DEI is people of minority backgrounds are getting opportunities they don’t deserve because of their background. It’s not just the latter, the former is essential otherwise you would just say unqualified dumbfuck


The better defense would have been that he called her "DEI Barbie" because she defends DEI. To say that she was handed her success because of DEI rather than her talent is just confirming the reason why people are mad.


That doesn't make it better, that's just literally repeating the myth that racists described affirmative action as. It's inherent to the idea no minority can be qualified.


"DEI is when you give people who aren't qualified opportunities they don't deserve" ...based on what? If anything this clarification is convincing me it's more on the racist side where before I was neutral.