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Fuck thats terrible. Any video where Adum and Scoot interacted was pure gold.


Scoot and Adum had really great comedic chemistry.


Anyone who hasn't or is interested, their lets play of Animal Crossing is fucking gold.


Their commentaries over bad movies and the Oscars was amazing, super sad to hear this


I'm going to miss his "Locks of the Week".


I really liked Scott. It will not be the same without him on the channel. Poor Adam. Call your friends when you get the chance and tell them how much they mean to you.


scoot?? šŸ˜®


https://x.com/2gay2lift/status/1802343011336302737 Scoot was a regular character on his streams. That's where I know him from. He was also a regular guest on The Drunken Peasants if any of you have watched it.


Wait, I watched my first YMSPlays stream last week after Adam was on Bridges, and he was playing Donkey Kong country with this guy I think. He fucking died?


Yes, he was 2nd chair every time Adam streamed games. Basically every Sunday for the last 7-8 years or so. He is on essentially all of Adams game playthroughs.


Scoot is the funniest in those Adum and Pals videos.


We lost a twilight brother. I'm very sad.


What did he die from?


Someone in the yms sub said adum would talk about what happened soon. Sounds like it's not publicly known


Itā€™s so fucking sad man. Iā€™m waiting tooth and nail for it. Iā€™ve been beat up all day over this man, I only watched for a year or so and never really caught a stream with him in it. Really sad shit tbh.




I have no idea. I donā€™t know what Iā€™m hoping for but Jesus, if itā€™s something like that Iā€™d be so mad at whoever. He seemed invincible and now heā€™s gone, shits rough. Canā€™t imagine the feeling Adum, GaĆ«l, Sarian (and everyone else whoā€™s worked with him) feels let alone family. Lost a buddy of mine and I knew him for a year, he had the exact same energy as Scoot. I canā€™t imagine being Sarian, two decades of wrestling just to have it end like this. Hope he bounces back alongside everyone else who knew Scoot. I canā€™t wait til we get to honor him in an event or something man. Scoot deserves the upmost honor for bringing entertainment online and in his wrestling career.


He had nonya


For anyone that hasnā€™t heard of this guy before, go watch YMSā€™ ā€˜Adum and Palsā€™ series. He was such a funny and upbeat guy and he and Adam had such great chemistry. RIPšŸ±


fuck bro thats really sad, rest in peace man, i watched every single adum & pals video, i love their dynamic, he was really funny


Unbelievable. Scoot had a razor sharp wit and I always looked forward to every new Adam and pals. Going back and listening to them isnā€™t going to be the same anymore


Damn. This parasocially really hurts. Been watching for years.


I hear him saying ā€œAndre Grandeā€ in my head at least once a week. Rest in Peace


Holy fuck, that sucks. I always liked him when he was on the Drunken Peasants. Hard to believe Billy the Fridge outlived him.


sad, he was funny


This guy was so funny in the ADUM AND PALS videos. This sucks so much. Fuck.


This is so fucked up and seemingly out of nowhere.


Fuck. I really liked Scoot. He was the only reason I watched DP or yms' gaming channel. The guy was so funny, a bit edgy at times, but always entertaining. I truly feel for the ppl that were in his life or close to him. He seemed like a genuinely kind hearted person, and I can only imagine how big this loss must feel.


Scott was a funny dude I liked him alot it's a shame


Rest in peace Scott


I made a pretty shitty fan video for Scottā€™s channel, and he immediately praised it and asked me if he could post it. We had a couple more interactions, and he was always so kind & generous with interacting with random people online lol. This was so out of nowhere (publicly, anyways) and itā€™s kind of devastating that he died so young. Weā€™re all gonna die, and we donā€™t know when. Itā€™s been a real ā€œtell everyone you love themā€ type of Fatherā€™s Day.


How am I supposed to know who the pick of the week is now? šŸ˜¢ very sad


Itā€™s so sad and unexpected. Dude was hilarious, I loved their chemistry on Adum and Pals when theyā€™d clown on the Oscars.