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I assume that by saying "arresting" you meant "charging", but I think it's clear charging innocents is worse. There are ways to counter the negatives of that choice, but it's a shame that mass public serveillance is frowned upon in western society because that would be an incredible tool for investigating crimes and ensuring the guilt of people you want to charge.


Arresting/sentencing an innocent person. It's the only reason why I am against the death penalty and why that belief is only stronger now with how AI is working.


The main purpose of the justice system should be to protect the innocent from the guilty. Not punish the guilty at the expense of the innocent.


I think this awnser would depend what your personal living conditions are right? It's like reading The ones who walk away from Omalas right? You as the reader are put in a position to sympathis with the person being tortured in the cell. When you understand this you fell uncomfortable and want to leave Omalas, but those who stay stay becuase they ignore the existance of the person. But if the city you go to is much worse then what Omalas is because they do not torture a random person, the maybe staying in Omalas wouldn't be too bad. Sure it is uncomforable to live while you know that some person is torture not for a crime or any reason but because they were simply unlucky enough to be chosen. Maybe they have the potential to be great and their contributions to society would be more then the gains of them suffering Perphas the awnser is how worse life if without this person suffering on average. (edited: added the on average) I think that most people in third world countries would feel that they would want to live in Omalas. Their lives are much better there then it was before they became Omalas, but in more advance civilizations like the USA or Canada we would obviously saw that we would want to leave Omalas because if that person was not tortured life won't sink that much Eh I think I'm on the gay side


I'm assuming you mean "charging" or "convicting" an innocent person.


People voting "Letting a guilty person free" until they're the innocent one being arrested.


A and B are the same.. arresting an innocent means you stop looking for the guilty person, who is now free to continue committing crimes.


A friend of mine was in pretrial detention for 3 months for a crime he didnt commit, and let's just say he wasn't the same Guy anymore when he came out


I think it changes based on the severity of the crime, for lesser crimes it's far worse *for society* to arrest an innocent but for violent crimes it may actually be worse *for society* for the guilty to be free.


>for violent crimes it may actually be worse for society for the guilty to be free Why? How can it be worse than locking up an innocent man for a believed violent crime? You’re making a distinction I don’t think can be justified inb4 outrage porn


it **can** be, e.g. if you get the wrong terrorism suspect locked up, that might result in another 50+ death toll mass killing event. in that edge case society might prefer locking up one additional innocent person over letting the guilty person go free.


if you are locking up someone innocent you also automatically let someone who is guilty free.


IRL sure but the question juxtaposes them so the implication within the hypothetical is: innocent person and guilty person jailed vs innocent person and guilty person both free.


Yes, this is how I read the prompt. If you read it the other way it’s not even a real question.


That would be worse. More violent/worse crime would logically lead to more harsh punishment. So a hypothetical situation where an innocent is arrested and sentenced for a violent crime they didn’t commit could end up on Death Row. You can’t consistently hold the position that punishing innocents for lesser crimes is worse than for worse crimes.


So it’s worse for the individual, but it may still be better for society to have, for example, a guilty serial rapist off the streets even if an innocent person is also wrongly convicted in the process.


I compared both extremes. A society where every criminal is freed vs one where only the innocent is imprisoned. The society with criminals being free is one with the highest likelihood of being a good society; vs the society where all innocents people are imprisoned (almost guaranteed to be the worst).


Your punishment is that you have to live with what you did Even if you "get away free", you will still be mentally devastated and punished unless you are a sociopath. In that case, chances are quite high that you'll end up in prison regardless of getting away with several things Harming an innocent should generally be considered evil, but one would think that a decent person would state their case and be done with it. Anyone can be dealt a shit hand. How do you deal with it when it happens to you? That's the real test of character


Arrest not a big deal. What's important is sentencing


Dumb take. People can spend months or even years in prison while a trial is ongoing.


being arrested is not the same as being charged. You can be out in public doing something innocent and then be arrested because you match a description from a crime that occurred nearby. Due to the imperfect nature of catching criminals, it's almost inevitable that innocent people are arrested.


>it's almost inevitable that innocent people are arrested. And that's a big deal if those people have to spend time in prison for no good reason. Your take is dumb.


Obviously it's for a good reason. Have you ever heard of a police line up? Most people in those are innocent but it's a good way to catch a criminal. Would you prefer that the police don't do lineups and just lets suspicious people go so they can commit more crimes?


>Obviously it's for a good reason. No, you are dumb and don't get it. We are talking about the arrest and detainment of people that we know to be innocent *after the fact.* Obviously, at the time, we would understand that the procedure has to work the way it does, but it's still a failure of the criminal justice system. >Have you ever heard of a police line up? You've watched too many TV shows. Police use photo arrays nowadays to try and get a positive identification for a suspect.


That's not what the poll says. You're just inserting your own narrative into the thread now. Basic reading comprehension aint your strong point honey


>You're just inserting your own narrative into the thread now. What 'narrative'? I'm responding to the things you're posting. Feel free to respond in kind, or don't, but deflecting like this is dumb as fuck.


No one said anything about knowing someone is innocent AFTER THE FACT. You inserted that logic into the thread.


I meant to say sentenced and thats how 99% of people interpreted the question.


It's close, but i'd say infringing on a right by Arresting an innocent is greater than the damage of letting the guy free. i see it as a kind of long-term | short-term as well as a take/give problem * Bad guy out, can do bad things, immediate, short term - give * Good guy in, erodes trust in systems society needs to function, infringes right of freedom, long term - take There is probably a better explanation of this or at least a better worded one than mine


I mean it probably depends on what the guilty person did.