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One leaker who may have been bullshitting said that Frontiers will be actually Age of Triumph DLC that will bridge D2 and D3 and we will go beyond Sol during it. The reason why it might be bullshit is the fact people pointed out he added "Codename:Frontiers" to his post AFTER the reveal.


The fact that guy edited it right after is what makes it 100% bullshit to me


He was bullshitting imo the dude edited his post after the reveal honestly for now the only people that i trust for info on codename frontiers is bungie themselves which they'll be giving info about it at the end of this year so I'd assume its going to be something really big and it's probably tied to the 3rd episode since the 3rd episode is us going to the dreadnought


I agree. I also assume though that Sony will rush Bungie now that Marathon was a huge failure.


Marathon hasn't even released yet how can it be a failure already


Every single playtester said they would never play that game again. Said it was terrible. Edit: Game developers tend to listen when that many people say they don’t like it to that degree since a failure big enough can tank a company.


That's the point of play testing pre alpha bro, getting that feedback is literally what they were looking for lmfao


There is no arguing what you are saying whatsoever. They needed feedback completely. You are 100% correct. To have to change development is a terrible thing.


No? That’s how development works. Especially when the game isn’t even in beta.


Changing development is literally the norm lmfao, you'd have a fucking aneurysm if you knew how many superb games released that way because of a sudden change in direction a year or two before release


Again, how is a failure if they’re still working on it?


You looking for someone to argue with? You obviously have a different opinion. Keep it and move on. No point trying to shame me into thinking I’m wrong.


Lol nah you ARE wrong, and also a bit toxic. Move on


I’m literally reporting on what occurred with factual information. I am not being toxic. You can never be successful without failure. I’ll never understand why so many people with a negative and adverse reaction to the word “failure”. Now I’m forced to defend myself based on so many downvotes. This platform man… They replaced the game Director. These are all good things.


It was a *very* small group of players whose main game is Escape from Tarkov. They weren't going to enjoy anything that wasn't tacti-cool edgelord bullshit to begin with. We also don't actually know if it was legit or not.


Tarkov players aren't exactly known for having good taste. They play Tarkov after all :)


This right here 100%. Destiny players would have been a better audience to target first.


Absolutely. They already like Bungie's gunplay and game design. Out of every single extraction shooter that's currently coming out, Marathon is probably the only one that can actually succeed.


Game's DOA, I agree.


In Destiny 1 age of Triumph was like solstice, not like a dlc and was about 4 months, so year 11 solstice sounds too long


I mean, D1 AoT was just something to save time before D2. The current AoT could be a huge celebration of 10 years of Destiny + a huge celebration of the end of the saga. Or it could be just an anniversary pack like they did with 30 years of Bungie.


Bungie 30th anniversary was filler content because witch queen was delayed.


Solstice is nothing like AoT so I’m guessing you mean Moments of Triumph but even then, no MoT has been close to AoT since we get stuff more consistently throughout the year. There is a lot of content that is either missing from the game, or just isn’t updated to today’s standards so they could very much stretch it to a year, especially if they take a break also to work on what’s after. That being said, adding Codename: Frontiers to the doc after it is announced just smells fishy.


It was just one example, what I meant was that it had a limited duration (Destiny 2 came out not many months later), and there was a refresh of the raid armor and something else I don't remember since it's been years since I played it


AoT was a massive revamp of the endgame to include all legacy content


It’s complete bull. He added information after the reveal to seem legit.


I still maintain that D3 is extremely unlikely.


They have said several times that destiny 2 is far from over after the final shape. The only thing they have confirmed to be over is the first saga and these 3 episodes are going to set up the next. Even IF they are making D3, we won’t see it until 2026 at the soonest.


I do think it's possible. Not extremely possible, but definetly possible. Would it be a huge gamble with the sentiment of the veterans? Yes. But at the same it could possibly be a great boost for the start of a new saga. It could onboard a lot of new players, introduce some refreshment due to it being a new game, which is always a big deal, even if it builds upon everything in D2, and it could cut off older consoles without it being forced upon an already moving train with D2. New game also means infinite space for completly new locations tied strictly to D3 saga while D2 would be this entire Destiny Content Vault with most of the D1-D2 saga stored in it for players to enjoy. I am talking in superlatives but you know what I mean by that. From the bussiness standpoint I think it just makes sense. A big number change just sells on its own, just look how much were people hyped for D2 initially even tho there was that big restart aspect that they hated. And the next Destiny saga will just need a lot of new players since there won't much reasons to stick around for D2 after TFS. Especially if Episodes turn out as poorly as the Act I of this one.


Agreed. The amount of stuff they’ve added to D2 will make a lot of long term players upset to be reset. But besides that, it’s a LOT of work. To revamp every single subclass, and now having to revamp not 3 like D1 to D2, but 6 subclasses is a lot, not to mention more supers too. It’s an insane amount of work to ensure proper player retention, and i see it more likely they revamp D2 engines or stylization in some manner instead


Frontiers is us finding home planets for mithrax and everyone who helped us defeat witness n d3 in 2026 save this comment if u want






lol ok. Ur definitely the leaker/prophet god here


Caiatl mentions that she plans to retake Torobatl during the end of Overthrow. Zavala says there are places in the Solar system but she still wants to reclaim the Canal homeworld. Zavala offers his support regardless. It would be cool if we got to see the homeworld of both friend and foe.


If they ever did a D3 it'd be a rebrand to just Destiny (combining D2 + whatever on a new engine or whatever) No way they would start from scratch especially with how D2 launch went.


That was fake. They edited frontiers right after it was announced. That person didn't realize others can see edit messages.


Still doesn't mean he's BS just because he didn't know the name of it.


I would say so were he not editing it in retroactively as to look more credible.


I just hope they've been working on D3 in the background just adjusting and updating different things and perfecting gameplay, and taking D2 feedback into consideration. They could pull off a crazy transition between games, they just have to do it right and respect D2 not just throw it away and say look at this shiny new thing. With 10 years of developing and iterating the same game you'd think they could do it.


If there was gonna be a D3 any time soon we’d probably already know. Frontiers still had the 2 on it.


Yes but he said that frontiers was supposed to bridge the gap between D2 and D3, we're talking about D3 being after Frontiers.


Bro. They’re not gonna drop frontiers and then be like oh yeah and D3 is right around the corner. Pretty sure they had even stated a while back saying that D2 is the platform going forward. Unless there’s some horrific limitations or something, we really honestly don’t need a D3.


I don't think they are either, but frontiers and things going forward probably are going to be setting it up as alot of things they've been introducing seem to point to them overhauling alot of systems or at least wanting to with mixing all the subclasses and story developments and what not. I personally think D3 is going to be more like Destiny 3.0 instead of a full on new game. Like maybe we get a new game engine that can handle more content without vaulting, we get some graphical enhancement, every location we ever had comes back in some way, along with whatever new areas we may go to in the coming years. Maybe our current character dies and we have to make a new one but with more races to pick from but our new character inherits our old ones vault so we don't lose gear and weapons if gear would matter at that point. Like with 10 years of iterating on this one game there's so much they could do and I'm not even a game developer, they probably have way more and better ideas than I have just based on shit they've been teasing for years. TL;DR Destiny 3 ain't comin soon, but it's gonna come, just in what form and at what time, who tf knows.


As far as any separate game goes, I sincerely doubt that’s ever going to happen. If anything it would just be another engine upgrade like Beyond Light or whichever expansion it was. There’s no reason to do anything else considering the monstrous cash cow this game still is. Final Shape was proof that Destiny 2 is still a hugely popular game. We’re also never playing as anything other than human shaped fuckers as long as PvP exists too.


Yeah honestly with how the past few years have been (excluding this year and witch queen), I don’t think Bungie has enough good standing with the community to immediately jump to a D3 Like sure final shape was a banger, but would you want to buy a game when the game you’re playing now still has so many issues that need to be ironed out? Imagine the backlash. “Oh hey guys! New game, so we won’t be updating D2 every again; Eververse stays open, but if you were expecting us to fix some of this stuff… just buy the new game!” Age of triumph was just them going back and updating the Y1 raids and adding new cosmetics to all 4 and bringing them all to 400 light (not saying I would give Steel slayers other left nut for that VOG ornament set) I honestly don’t care for a D3. I don’t care for another D2 Expansion. I care if whatever they do next…__keeps being good__. I don’t want this to be another Destiny vanilla launch. I don’t want another dark below or shadowkeep. I want more witch queens and final shapes. I want those moments that make me say “HELL YEAH!”


We’re in too deep for another clean slate tbh


We're deep enough that a clean slate is the best option for destiny. Games too big, time to make a third.


>Like maybe we get a new game engine that can handle more content without vaulting Not gonna happen. A large part of the reason for vaulting is because *players* can't handle the size requirements. You don't remember the uproar when the game was pushing 200GB on console, do you? Or the uproar when Warzone hit 220GB? Nobody wants their entire hard drive to be monopolized by 1-2 games.


I feel like it’s more of an issue with optimization. Warframe was having a similar issue. They then went through the process of cutting out things that were not being used because they were so old. Along with actually optimizing it. It went from around 150 ish Gb to around 72. Not saying Destiny could have that level of reduction but definite optimization and more streamlining is definitely necessary moving forward. Digital even spent a year specifically doing just that. I think Bungie definitely needs to do similar if they wish to keep Destiny going. Other reason I use Warframe is because they released within the same year and both are live service and been going on for a decade.


It's not really optimization. Destiny did the same thing with Vaulting and people lost their minds despite just having bitched that the game was too big. Warframe's textures are notably lower resolution than Destiny's. >I think Bungie definitely needs to do similar if they wish to keep Destiny going. That's what the new engine for Beyond Light was for, and what Vaulting was for.


They still need to do some streamlining and consolidate code. If they still have similar practices to when they were in charge of Halo they definitely have a lot of wasted code that could be removed. The consolidation in mention also means that the should rework things that function practically the same but are completely different. Basically create the base then tweak what’s necessary to make it unique instead of making a completely unique object when it comes to weapons and the like. Or the anti-barrier problem where some things that have it don’t work if they have another debuff/handle. Granted they tried to fix it but it still seems a bit inconsistent. Work to undo the spaghetti code they have so it’s easier to manage and potentially eliminate even more unnecessary code. It would help along with removing support for older consoles/hardware but I don’t see that happening any time soon. Maybe in 2-3 years at the earliest. Granted Warframe has lower quality textures but I think it looks as good as Destiny at times. I also gave the examples I did as that is literally what they did. Removed unnecessary textures and code. They even said with the next gen update that all of the original Warframe was no longer in the code and that we are now officially playing the “same” but completely different game. That’s more of what I was getting at. Vaulting is different in my opinion because they may bring that content back if/when they can or when it narratively makes sense.


The funny thing is people lost their minds and still lose their minds over the content that has moved on from the game. As if more than 3 people actually care about some patrol zones and arguably a collection of probably the least popular raids Destiny has ever seen.


For the most part. Leviathan was fun. Never beat it but would like to play it again.


Their track record honestly doesn’t let me believe what you are envisioning. D2Y1 was such a baffling step back in all aspects.


I'm definitely heavily skeptical but I'm hoping.


50% of PlayStation users are on PS4. and as a Sony owned studio the strategy will be around that number. Do you stay on PS4 because half your users are there, or do you use destiny 3/frontiers as an encouragement for people to upgrade


Good point, but If I remember correctly forbidden west was cross gen and burning shores was ps5 only, same with miles morales and gow ragnarok


Pretty sure Miles Morales was on PS4 (I may be wrong), GoW R was PS5 exclusive though


GoW Ragnarok and the DLC are on PS4. Source: I own it on PS4


Googled it. Correct, Miles is on PS4.  https://youtu.be/oZXyrAfuHOo?si=aRuOCSHlUdk7mZsO


50% of PlayStation users may be on PS4. But what's the number for Destiny players? If it's 10% or less on PS4, drop them. They'll either upgrade to the PS5 or just stop. Which is fine honestly


They’ll have to drop old gen with the next big release. At this point the engine is keeping us back but if they upgrade then it’s just old gen, so definitely makes sense to do both in one go


It’s 50% now but that number will continue to go down. Also what matters is % of destiny players and potential destiny players.


August/September will probably be the earliest Bungie start showing things for Frontiers, Will probably end up having a stream for it like they have in the past.


Assuming Bungie is smart about this, they’ll target a September 2025 launch (1.25 year dev cycle). So September stream sounds about right


Also the month Destiny 1 was launched. So perfect for the 10th Anniversary celebration. 


Imagine if frontiers launched September 9th 2025. Bungie could have another banger on their hands if do what they did well in TFS but improve on the weak points (seasonal model, pathfinder)


The 9th is on a Monday so probably not


I feel like prismatic can’t be replicated. They’ll never have a grand slam like it again. But I think they could keep story beats great and the instanced patrol is a win for sure


i think a new dark subclass could be abt the same. strand got close to being as hype, it was just overshadowed by how bad the rest of that expansion was


I mean didn’t people say the exact same thing about Forsaken for the past 6 years? There’s not point in being cynical about something we have no information on, it could be great or awful but there’s literally only one way to find out.


I think my point is more prismatic was them bridging gaps between well established things. They took a bunch of content and smashed it together— they can’t do that again without another several years or development. I am not saying a new ‘nightmare’ subclass would be bad. I’m saying it wouldn’t be like prismatic or have the same hype. It may have equal hype— but it would be a different hype. TFS was going to be largely well received if it wasn’t fucking trash. Both by contrast to lightfall and the “big finish”. Whatever comes next needs to be better than we have right now with Echoes: 1 Hoping the live stream in a few weeks gives us a lot more


I doubt an actually good D3 can come out in 1.25 years. At min, 3-5 years. That's a lot of time for Destiny standards, but not gaming industry standards.


Frontiers is not D3


I know. Misread apologies.


Probably we are gonna have a frontiers reveal at the same time that episode 2 releases. Like seasom of the lost and witch queen reveal


Hopefully we get something soon, cuz echoes is kinda garbage NGL, maybe it'll get better in 12 weeks once all the time gating is over but who knows


I prefer the 3 weeks between acts so I can actually catch up with the content. Besides, waiting 3-4 months for a new season always sucked.


I’m with you but this isn’t the popular opinion for most of the fan base. More players prefer playing as much stuff as possible up front and then waiting through the last few weeks of “dead time” Bungie is obviously doing this to keep “recurring interest “ going which might improve revenue from the store etc. it’s a test to see vs the older seasonal model


There will never be an engine upgrade to d2


There already has been many. Beyond Light was the biggest (which was why planets were vaulted and we had to reinstall the full game) A new engine is definitely off the table for D2 and highly unlikely for D3 unless they’re willing to have everyone wait 4 years minimum.


D3 in and of itself is questionable. But if it does come, an engine upgrade is 100% coming. Literally 0% chance that they don't upgrade the engine.


I’m sold that D3 is happening. It’s the most logical starting point for the next saga. It’ll be significantly easier persuading new players to join with a new game rather than another DLC. Also continually adding onto D2 forever runs the risk of needing to bring back the DCV again which would be significantly more controversial than a loot reset in a new game.


The next saga is seemingly already starting with Destiny 2: Codename Frontiers. It would be easier to attract new players, but a Destiny sequel will require minimum 3-5 years of development time. I have no clue how they could have 2 full AAA game in production and also keep making seasons/expansions. It's simply not feasible. Imo eventually the DCV is coming back sooner or later, I can't WAIT to see the absolute CHAOS that would cause. I do think most people are overreacting about a loot reset and are being extra dramatic.


We have no confirmation that Frontiers is the next saga, it’s just as likely that it serves as a bridge between the L&D saga and the next one. You’re right about D3 needing 3-5 years of dev time but some leaks point towards bungie starting background work on it during Witch Queen. Depending on how much was accomplished D3 could come sooner than expected. (Although I still think it’ll need a minimum of two more years and in all likelihood three years) The big wild card here is Marathon. If the game is successful and provides Bungie a new source of revenue it’ll allow them to ease up on D2 and take their time with D3.


Come on. Codename Frontiers (imo) is very obviously hinting at the start of a new frontier. Most likely out of the sol system. The lore and story so far seems to be heading towards that direction. All the leaks about Destiny 3 from what I've read are flimsy. There's no evidence or anything. They are not by reputable leakers. I really think Destiny's expansions/seasons + multiple others games (a few of which have now been cancelled or put on hold) was just hogging up all their time and resources. If D3 is a thing, it's in the pre-production stage. Marathon remains to be seen, but if that flops then a Destiny 3 is probably happening. Personally, I have high hopes for Marathon. I think if that game succeeds, they really have no reason to make Destiny 3 instead of just focusing on Marathon. It's a AAA live service, it will also require tons of resources, time and manpower.


If anything they will probably take a year off of content and make some major engine upgrades in the future


People tend to make "engine upgrade" mean "new engine", so that's what I assumed.


Upgrade yes, change no. I mean Tiger 2.0 or Tiger marathon, it depends on what you want to call it


Oh yeah, that makes more sense. I doubt there will be much of an announcement on an engine upgrade if one does happen.


There have been plenty of meaningful engine updates. Clearly your definition of engine update is flawed


i believe they said somewhere that this year will be the last for last gen consoles as every other major game company is moving past them this year


Thank god




Any information at this point regarding Frontiers that doesn't come directly from Bungie is so far beyond even "grain of salt" territory that it's not even worth considering. At this point it's very likely that even Bungie don't know what form Frontiers will take and that they only have the broadest outline of what the want it to include. It was pretty clear from the reveals that at least at the time of recording they still weren't even into actual active development of Episode 3 let alone whatever comes next.


who knows, wouldn't take it serious at the moment though whoever decided to leak.


They upgrade the engine all the time. It's not even a bad one. Also they won't ever make a whole new one for destiny. Even if a d3 released it will be on the tiger engine just like marathon is. There's is no way they would simultaneously run 2 engines at once.