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Most of the issue for me is the sudden inability to recognize the icon for a shader I'm looking for. Say, if I'm doing a look with a certain color palette, I might know of a few shaders that could work, I know what the old icons look like, but now the icons are completely different in certain cases. Yes, I understand the new icons are more clear in what colors are shown, but it doesn't make it easier when you know what it used to look like. That and there's a lot more info on screen at a time, which, for some people (such as myself) can make it harder to process which shader is which.


We need a search bar


This is the only solution that is long term and effective. Every redesign we get doesn't impact the core issue of having to flip through 16+ pages of shaders looking at random yet somehow incredibly similar colour swatches to the one you're trying to find. Sure, marking shaders as favourite fixes the issue for ones you have already found, but it doesn't help you with experimentation or branching out of your comfort zone.


Honestly just a simple “sort and search” would be amazing. Want a shader with “red” in it? Here are all the shaders with some amount of “red”! “Blue, yellow, green, grey? Here is what you got:” Would make fashion so much easier.


There are so many things they can do to the UI and UX that can save so much time that they refuse to do/overhaul for some reason. A search bar. Clicking and dragging the map. Manually entering value input when trading with vendors or deleting items. It's like they like us having as much wasted time in menus as possible


Also, just being able to select any random spot on a map and be able to use navigation to get there.




I'm on console. A search bar is no issue


How is a search bar an issue on console?




Yes, typing a word into a search bar. Like typing "Gambit Jadestone" and finding it, or typing "Gambit" just to find all shaders with Gambit in the name. Consoles can type, so the ability to type is not an issue on console.


This. I also hate how alot of the shaders would obviously never get used. I'd prefer if we could rotate the colour positions or something so you could which shades etc go where.


That’s what I thought they were gonna do with this update. Just a really confusing “revamp”


Why the fuck is your pfp a sexy Toad


Oh man I'd love that, agonizing how how close groovadelic is to perfect but just applies in the wrong places


You will adapt. This happens ever time they update the shader icons.


I have no doubt I will. It's just a little friction in transitioning to the new system. I have been able to find an appropriate shader easier with the new icons in some cases. It's just shaking the old stuff is gonna take people time


The new system is perfect for finding shaders you can use, but you just can’t do it from memory now. I just scroll looking for a color I want and test out every icon that has it. I’ve been using a lot of shaders I hardly recognize the name of lately.


At this point I’m going off the seasonal icons lol


yeah im so used to the old ones that i just… i have no clue what ones i’m looking for now


That’s my issue as well, but DIM actually lets you search by name so that fixes some of that.


To add to this. As I do like the more detail like OP, but with my bad eyesight it is way too difficult to see each color segment now. As another reply stated a search bar would be nice. Or the option to increase square size would probably be nice along with making it feel less busy. That’s coming from a family of artists/printers/designers.


I've definitely had that, and being able to favorite shaders has definitely helped with learning the new ones, but once you've relearned where they are it makes it much easier


I personally don't find the favorite system to be all that useful to me. I feel like I tend to make samey looks with the same shader. So I force myself to try some variety. What I'd rather have is the ability to search by shader name. Or filter by colors


That'd be awesome but the most we'd probably get wound be a name search bar which with how things have been could be possible


I find myself scrolling right a lot these days. I’ve got to try to use something besides Rustberry or rivalry blacksand. 😂




Yeah especially when the old icon didnt show the correct colors so now that the icon shows the correct it looks wrong.


I'd love a list view with the shaders actual name next to it same for armour pieces.


It’s just one of those things where it is ultimately a better design but it’s so different from what it was that it’s just gonna take time to remember what/where specific shaders are




I just want to be able to search for shaders ffs lol


Im just annoyed that they ruined 7 years of muscle memory. I cant tell which shader is which anymore. I dont care that the old system had inaccurate icons, I at least knew where everything was.


My only gripe with the shader system is how they’re ordered/organized like why can’t we at least set them to alphabetical


The problem isn't the shader system because like you said the new display is Much easier to follow. Look at the triangles and which matches what you're trying to change, then click on shader with the correct triangle. The problem now is that not all armor plays nice with that. Nothings more annoying than having a clear system on most armor then some armor piece barely follow the color scheme of shaders at all.


Yall really gotta start learning how to favorite certain shaders, ive had zero issues with this update


I've favorited my shaders and still have the same problems as everyone else, how is that supposed to help?


Well they usually follow the 3 color color scheme that they always have, and the center is the texture, so id say you’re just incompetent as most destiny players are at anything that isn’t spoonfed to you, maybe try flash cards


Great so because it 3 of the same colors as before and you got insults people are supposed to just automatically know what is what Nice...


For me this style is less clear than the last one... nothing looks right... I'm looking at a Diamond, inside another diamond that's inside a square that's subdivided into 4 triangles each has it's own color... that's unnecessary added complexity and even less clarity than just having the square with 4 colors.


I Mainly see it with the black shader


It’s just about getting used to them, most people still aren’t


New shaders are so much better than before, had no idea people disagreed on this!


It’s because we’ve already gotten used to how the shaders looked so to have them change like that screws us over when it comes to looking for specific shaders


The colors in the icon are incredibly dark now compared to before, like a filter was thrown on that muddied the saturation and clarity. The rest I could get used to. Is it black, dark blue, dark green, or actually just grey? Can't know without previewing *every* shader


> I keep seeing posts of people with specific shaders with specific cases of not matching colors shown in the palettes >honestly I love it being able to look at a shader and know which triangle to look at when I'm looking for a specific color. >I can look at the shader and see what color my glows will be Dude what? You realize how contradicting this is right? How are you seeing what "triangle to look at" (whatever that means) or glow it might be if you can't see the specific color it can be, it makes no sense People are annoyed because the new shader icon did literally nothing with people still having random unexpected colors popping up when they use their shader, this is obvious I could honestly be convinced this post itself is the karma farming


Dude, my point is that there are fewer inaccuracies between the shader icons if I'm trying to shade my pants and the top triangle is black, and that's what I need my pants main color to be I can look for other shader icons with black at the top and that's been extremely consistent. 90% of the posts I'm talking about are people posting 1 of the very few inaccurate shaders on some random gun and talking about how the shader change was bad. I'm saying I like it because I can look at it and know what to expect. Each shader shows the glows and the main colors really well, so I know what I'm getting into.


What kind of shaders do you got? They almost never are accurate to the top triangle thing and are usually seemingly random


It will vary from armor piece to armor price do to material and the way that works but on my hunter my legs had a mainly cloth and that color was always the top triangle so when I swapped shaders the top triangle was always the main cloth on my legs


I hated it at first just for the fact that I memorized the shaders on the old icons. But now that I’m re-teaching my brain on the new icons and locations, it’s pretty handy seeing the shaders RGB in the icon that was previously hidden.


I think the change is 100 time better. But it’s a lot to adjust to


We get it, you like Superblack


I don't? I was just using black as an example for a main color.


Relearning the colors has been ungodly difficult, I personally just go off icons rather than colors now but some like the different Halloween ones are spread out. I don’t like it but I also don’t care enough to complain, as if I don’t go through all my 400+ shaders on one thing to find the perfect one every time


I do agree that we need a way to sort and search for shaders the favorite system has definitely helped but I do like the new style for seeing what I'm getting


A search bar would be great especially if you could just keyword the seasons, then you’d only have to remember when a shader came out to find it like “Red War” to go to those all the way at the back or like “Haunted” so you don’t have to track them down by year sense those are spread out instead of grouped together. Ultimately though if Bungie did anything it’d be a vault situation where you can swap to from like normal to recent etc


Thank you like they have a similar sorting system for quests with seasonal dlc ect I feel like they could shrink it down then expand the kind of options we'd have


I think both designs are fairly unhelpful when looking for something in particular but now I find it harder to identify previous ones I recognized as the frame takes up so much of the image now


I do agree we need a sort and search system but the favorite system has helped me with that for now I just like being able to know what I'm getting from shaders a bit easier


Same I really like to be able to specifically search for a blue armor with red cloth by looking at the icons, not guessing which one itll be


It’s because they took so long to implement a new shader design that a lot of people had simply just memorized what certain shaders did and what they looked like, now they all look different so people can’t immediately find the shaders they are looking for. It’s just too little too late essentially.


I definitely agree. I've definitely seen more newer ayers liking the system more and the older players, most if them disliking it, but now that I've started getting used to it I'm able to understand what I'm getting from a shader a but better


just give us a search bar


please 🙏


People are dumb.... different armor pieces, among the different classes will be different and not reflect what the shader image shows because the image is just saying these are the colors this shader has.... Not that all of them will be present on any and all armor pieces or weapons. My issue is that there isn't a search feature.


Exactly, I've seen people complain that the main color for a shader isn't the same on their hunter than what it is in their titan when it's based on the materials of the armor hunter have more leather/cloth than titans which are more metal based gear


I didn't really get it until I was looking for a new shader for the crystocrene helmet on warlock. Being able to look at the top right color and know what color the bandana will be or look at the middle diamond for the face color is super useful.


Exactly, thank you. I feel like alot of people don't understand how armor material works, thinking the main color of a chest piece will be the same as another, but to be fair, they don't explain it in game


It went from "these aren't always intuitive but I at least remember what and where everything is" to "what the hell am I looking at"


One shader Andys rise up