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Uhhhhh what’s called fisting??


When a fist goes up your ass




Pretty sure its a melee


when a face goes up your ass?!




prolly a fist melee


A fisting melee, yes


Good thing there is no actually alive pvp in Warframe. Le Monarque is love though.


May I ask why Warframe PvP is as dead as it is?


The player can move VERY fast and turn on the point of a needle, making hitting targets or catching up to melee attack them basically impossible.


That and player-based hosting, so if a guy hosting a pvp match is extremely laggy, then everyone in that lobby will be as well


Warframe movement is completely cracked so it's impossible to hit a player flying by at mach 5 The rewards were not very good and at the time they couldn't be used outside of pvp Completely unbalanced to the point that everyone is running the same setups Has new player onboarding matchmaking where you can only get matched up with other new players, but after 2-3 hours you're put into the normal pool to get stomped by sweats who actually can hit mach 5 person Edit: Forgot to mention that the whole game is player hosted so if the host lags then 7 other players suffer. I think at the time we had less connection limiting options as well, so there was almost no way to guarantee a good host


Mach 5 And then there's some frames that can hit Mach Jesus with a bit of prep.


I do love me a Mach Fuck Excal.


And God save you if their using gauss


warframe movement is still basically the same, so it makes hitting your enemies very hard when they're moving at mach 5, also the sandbox for PvE is vastly different to PvP, so you can't take your favourite weapons/builds and just wreck shit or be a nuisance. so the only people playing are either the people who got cracked at wf pvp or are newbies/casuals and if you enter a match with one of the sweats you'll get your ass handed to you which also won't be much fun also hosting is peer-to-peer so if the host of the game has issues then so will everyone else basically.


Warframe is designed to be unbalanced some of the frames are literally immortal and while they try it’s basically impossible to balance everything for pvp


Everyone is being very specific, but in the broad view the reason pvp is dead is because DE never invested into it. New maps? No. New game modes? No. Pvp only balance patches to make sure the pve power creep stays in pve? No. It’s a chicken or the egg type thing, where we’ll never know if DE didn’t invest in it because it wasn’t popular or if it wasn’t popular because DE didn’t invest in it. -The movement could be balanced around with cooldowns on parkour abilities like bullet jump, roll/dash, and reduction of max player velocity. -Abilities could be balanced either by completely disabling them in pvp or with cooldowns and specific effects being greatly weakened or outright changed. -weapons could be balanced by having separate sandboxes between pvp and pve, or by disallowing mods completely and just accepting that some guns are going to be better. Fundamentally, people don’t play conclave because it has next to no rewards worth getting. This game isn’t like CoD, players expect to be rewarded for their time with weapons, frames, resources, consumables, mods, and even cosmetics, but most of the rewards from conclave are conclave only mods. It feels like a waste of time, even if you enjoy it in its current state. Personally, I think conclave could be “fixed” by transitioning to a duviri pvp arena type thing, where players fight in bracketed duel tournaments for the enjoyment of dominos thrax. After each duel, depending on your updated tournament seed each player selects a decree so the fights get more interesting as they progress. That way you only have to balance like six melee weapons, one gun, and the drifter movement. Realistically, pvp is dead and gone and DE probably only keeps it in because it would be more work than it’s worth to remove it (and somehow the playerbase would still complain anyways). At this stage updating it from where it is to match the general quality of the game would take a monumental effort and would likely delay pve content releases, so since the status quo ain’t broke, they ain’t fixing it.


Because there are so many new mechanics, mods and weapons that Conclave simply hasn't caught up. On top of that, much like Gambit, a severe lack of new mode exclusive maps/content


I got flash banged seeing telesto on Saturn


gotta love that cernos prime


I thought it was prime at first, but I actually think it’s the mutalist one


ah my bad


Yeah, its the fart bow


Incredibly strong fart bow*


Reminds me of my panzer, named it Taniks the Immortal, lol


*Taniks the Immortal is downed!* And this repeats every 2 minutes


My Panzer is also named after a fallen: Aksis, Archon Priest. I was approached by a fellow countryman last week when he saw my pet. There was also an english Destiny player in the chat.


How you got 2 energy weapons?


Back in the first Destiny, it was primary/secondary slots. With raid weapons, you could have an elemental primary alongside your secondary.


Yeah but they're both elemental primaries tho which you couldn't do in d1


Kinda? D1 didn't have SMGs afaikm so you could argue it's a special weapon like sidearms.


Good point completely forgot sidearms used specials back then. Huge memories of wormwood now, also knows as trials the gun


Good question


When did you start playing? I started mid February and I'm MR13, got Dante, and got a handful of prime weapons, you saying "Decided to try Warframe" tells me you have always have played Warframe...right? Because I don't have a prime frame yet


Its someone elses account, not mine


Holy fucking shit. What? Mid February of this year? How much time have you put into the game in one and a half months? Did you like pay for stuff a lot or?


Nah, it's totally possible with like 2 hours max each day if you're being smart about it


No, the only thing I paid for was getting a neceomech and some slots to keep weapons in the "Arsenal"


Damn. Good job on that grind my friend. Jeez. I dunno maybe my POV is skewed on this, because I've been playing so incredibly casually since 2018, that I'm only MR 14 and a half, after 600 hours. For many years I did just run the same stuff and didn't bother grinding for many weapons. Still though, I would've thought it would take like 200 hours at least to reach MR 13-14. How much playtime you got?


I think he mean Destiny player plays Warframe -> meet PTSD, so not he in particular


How to u got Entrati Lanthorns for Dante? I only had a few and have been playing the game for significantly longer.


You can get kills in the Deimos Laboratory missions but they are very rare drop and you can go to the Zeriman and complete bounties for quill to get them, they are the best source


Try???? i played for 200h and havent gotten a single outbreak prime


What an outbreak prime 😭, no srsly


It was a joke, prime Warframes are late game content. Which you have and outbreak prime was a d1 weapon


Ohhh ok, i get it now


"ITS Called Fisting" Yep thats knightmare


Ahh the fabled poison subclass


NOOOO ! Oh fck I had a heart attack by just reading it.


Did they just copy and paste the whole name of a weapon? Also I never saw anything good to this game the style to me is just oversaturated Chinese phantasy rpg game almost generic to look at.


Ong, played for a while and went right back to toxic old destiny 🥰


I really hope the new warframe game mode that comes this week will actually be a great end game mode because destiny always had much better end game content compared to warframe


New game mode??


deep arcimedea


Oh yeah that... Kinda forgot about it since it was delayed


I wonder what the secondary is.... Would love to see the design similarities if that's what the user intended.


U can upgrade the weapon again and get an even more poisonous bow.




Once I got titania prime and got all the mods I needed for her to be fully upgraded, the game became a cake walk, unless I'm doing steel path. Even that though isn't too bad. For people who haven't tried warframe, I call it a sort of hack-n-slash version of destiny. The story and writing is dogshit and everything looks weird and alien just for the sake of looking weird and alien... but it can be fun at times. edit: i will like to add, there's a lot to do and a lot of ways to do it. there's a lot of weapons. they do a lot of things right that destiny does wrong. the biggest one is being able to earn platinum (like destiny silver) through activities or selling items to other users. i stand by the other points, i didn't care for the writing one bit. the VA is also ... not good most of the time.


Destiny but with *MORE* GENOCIDE


Personally on the story I'd disagree and say that the later stuff is actually pretty good. Everything up to the second dream is add, and a lot of the quests for specific warframes can suck, but the actual main story and cinematic events are pretty well written and incredibly enjoyable.


imma be honest with you, Warframe's story in the last 2-3 years has been much better than anything after Witch Queen