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What got fixed


Gonna guess that it was the double rewards exotic mission thing.


Nothing yet, it's a prediction post


I think the PDR is more of a priority then something nobody wants removed, bungo sometimes leaves that stuff in for a while


3 reasons why I disagree: 1- Not a fan of exploits, you should earn it. 2- First your gonna use exploits to skip the grind, and then you will complain that there's nothing to do and where is new content. 3- Wouldn't exploits also count as bugs and glitches?


As someone who has been grinding since destiny 1 grinding that much is not fun it turns the game basically into a second job so excuse people if they would like to play a game for fun instead of a second job


Congrats, you just described what destiny is and has always been: a second job


You did that to yourself. That's not a rebuttal to their point. You literally made the game not fun on your own. Excuse people who find grinding fun or meditative? It only feels like a job because you're treating like one.


Man I want to move on from trying to do a 30 minute mission for a single exotic. My RNG is quite ass, so the exploit really cut my game time in half so that I could go to FFXIV and finish post Endwalker and be ready for their expansion launch. Not everyone only plays this game and/or gets things first try. I do believe on earning loot, but man does it feel like a chore after 10+ runs. Anyways, it's not some Menagerie level glitch where you could get like 5 weapons per run, or the old AFK Umbral Engram Forge farm (takes me back man) in Arrivals where you got an engram per minute by doing literally nothing; it's just another go at the class item that only works with the same class. In the end, I don't even have the funny Apotheosis + Star Eater bond.


"Earn it" lol.. some missions, quests and activities are structured like shit, and some people just want rewards for the sake of having said rewards, not for *eXpErIeNcE*.


Do you remember the time from D1 when bungie forked up the lootdrops and to excuse their mistake they let a mission drop a green engram with a guaranteed exotic? I really saw it as if bungie respected the time players put into their game. But for several years now D2 recicles content and expect players to just dig it over and over to pander playtime. If you see bungie then "patch" said "exploits" above all else you realise the quality of the time spent in D2 is not important for bungie anymore. So tell me why should someone spend time with D2?


Yikes to both you and OP. 1. Legendary shards. I earned it and they got nuked. 2. The seasonal vendors or the exotic class item grind is not new. So skipping this is entirely fine. No one is complaining about new content here... 3. Yes they do indeed. But its a fact that bungie fixes things faster when it benefits player progression, way way faster than things that have an overall negative effect on the players, which is probably OP's issue.


You had plenty of time to turn your legendary shards into other resources which could later be converted into glimmer. They announced the change MONTHS in advance. That's on you.


That conversion is garbage. Dont even try with that🤣🤣🤣


Still, it would've allowed you to have a glimmer stockpile big enough for probably the rest of your life. There were ways to spend those shards.


Not really. That conversion was criminal.


And what else did you wanna use it on? Not much is still better than nothing.


Clown bait response spotted. The door is over there --->[]


Please elaborate on how *nothing* is better than a bit of glimmer.


Who said that 🤣


what got fixed?


As far as I'm concerned if you're doing the exotic mission, you deserve the double class item drops and you did earn it. and skipping the grind is perfectly fine if the content isn't actually fun


1. they are literally earning, just faster. (doing the same 20min activity over and over and over and over for shit RNG is *not* fun) 2. no 3. also no


I know its not exactly a solution but the chests in the pale heart are a decent way to go, just turn off brain kill adds test builds and open chests. Ive gotten 11 in the last couple days doing it as well as both the ergo sum rolls I wanted.


They literally fixed bugs and mistakes wtf do you want from them OP. Headass


OP: Bungie never fixes any bugs or glitches fast enough Bungie: *Fixes a bug relatively quickly* OP: no not like that


Im confused... What got fixed? If it's the dual destiny thing, idc much tbh. The mission takes like 20 odd mins, 30 odd if physics and mantle arent working


Did they patch the Duel Destiny exploit??


Exploit is an exploit