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You could’ve had Sagira’s Shell if you had played the absolute shit out of Curse of Osiris. Other than that, I doubt they’ll re-release it.


They *should* re-release it, but instead of letting people buy it they should also re-release Curse of Osiris and make it so the shell doesn't unlock until you've finished it. I *would* add, on top of that, needing to "forge" all of the Osiris weapons, collecting 50 tokens from the heroic version of the Mercury public event, and spending 2 hours AFK listening to Brother Vance drone on about Osiris but Vance is dead and I'm not *that* evil!


I don't care, I will pick that man up from the grave if it's necessary.


Guide a ghost to his body and bring him back


We could just kidnap one, lot of ghosts in the traveler rn


the Guardian has done more for less loot tbh


Now I'm just imagining he gets rezzed and becomes obsessed with saint this time.


We don't talk about brother Vance's personal sketchbook.


I was honestly surprised we didn't get a quest having to do with her memorial where the shell was the quest reward.


Hey you can complain about vances long winded talks but that man went out a Hadassah. Marched into the infinite forest leaving a trail of dead minotaur behind him


I am! As Lord Shaxx says, "Make them pay!"


That's just torture


I want my favorite shell to stay rare ;(


Kinda Like the Calus Shell. One of those things besides the wine cup throne emote that they better not re-release


me thinking about why they dont have Sagira and then remebering new lights are real


I played CoS and didn't ever get sagiras shell unfortunately


Am I crazy? I thought they had a pretty easy triumph to get it before they sunset all the old content so everyone could get it just like with the calus chair emote?


I never didcurse of osiris and i got the shell, of course i did the side stuff


I did exactly this and its one of the rarest items I have. Please Bungie DON’T make this available again!


This thing is not rare at all 😭 like half the playerbase has it…


I highly doubt that.


look it up then lmao, Braytech.org says 420 000 players have it and that doesn’t seem very rare to me


I'd wager to say most of those people don't play the game anymore. It's rare among people who still play.


Well I grinded the hell out of that to get it in Arrivals. At least make it like a Trials of Osiris 2% drop chance reward for wins and I'm ok with it


I started playing in Forsaken and have Sagira's shell, I genuinely have no idea what I did to get it


I have it so there’s that


It was available for nearly 3 years so I guarantee more people have it than had the old iron banner ornaments and they brought those back.


Charlemagne puts it at 2.6% of the user base 


That shell was the only reason I played Curse of Osiris as much as I did.




Ah the fact that I have it is wonderful


I'm more and more disappointed in myself every day, I found out a while ago CoO was my most played season, now I hear my favorite shell was from that season


I won't lie i have no clue how i got it. I know you had to do the puzzle but i never intentionally done it, i was just playing around and got it randomly at some point.


It's the reward for living through CoO


attempting stolen valor from those who braved the mercurian trenches


there were no times like those, calm but pure suffering. All those crafting gimmicks and hunting for the right mercurian ingredients just to forge one gun after another. It was worth it for the shell


as horrible of a time as it was, being apart of the exponentially smaller community for stuff like saint’s grave, 9 man escalation protocol lobbies, and the release of whisper really can’t be replicated


Truly peak moments


I remember my buddy and I managed to get into Saint's tomb before it was officially dropped. We did the adventure that took you to the entrance, and for some reason the usual door was gone. We had no idea who tf the exo in the room was at the time, only to learn it was Saint-14 a week or 2 later.


I remember all of that so clearly. Remember the way to even get 9 people into EP? You can only load into Patrol Zones with a team of 3 people, so if you had anyone to invite to it you had to message the blueberries in the instance to invite your people and pray they'd cooperate. The change to Tractor Canon from iirc a 50% debuff to the target for Void weapons specifically to the now everlasting 30% Weaken function. Pair that with Void IKELOS V1 shotgun because elemental mods were a thing back then (Bring back elemental mods Bungie, and my life is yours!) and a pre-nerf Trench Barrel and Escalation Protocol would go as smooth as gravy.


few nowadays will understand or know of the serenity from farming tree of probabilities with tractor + void ikelos with lunafactions just to get a single DFA drop


Idk man i kinda enjoyed it... i was a new light back then and i didnt know what the hell i was doing but i loved mercury fsr and i was just in my own lane when i got the shell, it was basically by accident because i was just doing shit lmao


Nuh uh You didn't play when the game was down in the dumps - > arrivals


Black Armory was actually arguably one of the best pieces of content they put out. Sucks it got sunsetted.


Dude I'm so pissed. My wife and our friend and I attempted the secret activity to get the ghost shell, but typical Bungo the 14th wave bugged and we could never finish it. At least I got the ship Tho.


I didn't had PS+ back then, and when I got it, Beyond Light dropped 😭


Do you need ps+ for destiny 2? I don't need xbox live for destiny 2 so i assume you don't


You need PS+ to play in a fireteam


Xbox Live is now required only for PAID games. Destiny 2 is free, you don't need Xbox Live to play it now (like it used to be)


Yes, you need it for playlist activities, dungeons, LFG, making Fireteams, etc. You can do patrols an campaigns without PS+ but that's about as far as you can get.


Damn that sucks I got full access without live... Common sony L


And that's a recent thing, you used to need Gold for free games




Sagiras shell has stayed my ghost shell since I got it before CoO was canned. I feel awkward pulling it out in front of Osiris sometimes.


As someone who grinded a significant amount to earn it I say no As someone who is jealous of the Niobe labs ghost shell I say ok


As someone with both those shells and Reckoner I say. Bring them all back in their original grind. But at least change them a little (add prismatic crystals or light cracks or something, like they did with the ships from whisper and zero hour) so the originals can hold their special place. But these new lights can see what a grind really is.


Maybe it can be called “Shagira reformed” or something like that and it can be the Shagira shell but the broken parts and cracks being fixed with gold, kinda like that Japanese style of fixing things called “kintsugi”


Precious Scars made shell


As someone who spent way too many hours on that shell, please don't.


i have it




I grinded my ass off to get it before forsaken, and as much as I want them to rerelease the Niobe labs shell that I missed, I hope they don’t rerelease any older you-had-to-be-there rewards


Its not as good as it seems. I changed mine to more interesting ones many months ago.




I remember skipping school to play Curse of Osiris, and I still use the shell to this day as my glimmer farming one. I really hope they bring it back for new players, it's a very nice shell and they just don't make them like they use to


I was playing back then but I just didn’t farm the weapons out. It just didn’t seem important back then. I could have done it which is annoying now but oh well.


Got mine just before CoO was sunset, and it was my perma shell until I got the Prophecy bunny shell, which I've never taken off since I got it


This is why we need some form of trading. I have it and have never used it. I'd gladly give her for free to a good home.


nah, I want immaru's shell


If his Guardian is not included I don't want it 😍




Before beyond light I was on my older siblings account. I grinded out both siggeras shell and whichever mmxx# shell was the one that was the traveler with the bits orbiting around it. As a reward for all the effort id put into the game they got me my own computer to play with. I would love to get either back. T.T




you mean that ghost with chains that with Iridiscent Coral can blind people?


no no no, the ghost from destiny 1 that just had a ghost sheet over it


I’ll trade Sagira shell for Honors of the Nine shader


Still the one of the best white shaders in the game I’m so glad i got it


Yeah, this was during Bungo's era of we want loot to be bragging rights and vets telling the new players that they just had to be there for it, telling all these great stories, while acting like year 1 D2 wasn't a shit show. Wanna know how many memorable stories I have from year 1? Two.....Two whole memorable stories from Leviathan. Not any other part of year 1, literally only Leviathan.


Me but with zavalas ship, I just wanna run each vanguards ship on each character instead of the default one on all 3


Jokes on you, they already have your soul.


Jesus Christ I just remembered how God awful it was to get


One of two things I’m glad I grinded for in that dlc.


I had it and didn't know it was that coveted


I have it even though I don't use it much because I have other shells I like more


I'd give you mine in exchange for being able to solo the mission for my exotic class item.


I did maybe four weapons from CoO and decided that I’d literally rather pull my own teeth out of my head than do the rest. I stopped playing D2 until Season of the Lost because of that. If y’all have it, y’all deserve to have it.


I rock it on my warlock while hunter has crimson shell and titan has armory forged shell. Love em all


Nuh uh in the same way I yearn for the Niobe shell that I don’t have, you must continue to yearn for the Sagira shell that I do have


As a Sagira Shell user I hope it doesn’t because of all the people who talked shit about a DLC that wasn’t even that bad😤


but I liked Mercury too 😭


Ok you’re an honorary member then😭


i have it :)


no. I did not just grind and suffered through curse of osiris for a ghost shell someone can just buy it a few years later for sliver


Then unvault Mercury. I don't want it only for silver, I want to *earn it*.


Are you sure? You'll hate the grind


I have it *I played a lot of CoO*


I own that shell, i hate myself for doing so. Was it worth it? Yes.


Not to brag but i have it


I have it and use it seldom.


I haven’t taken it off since I unlocked it


It’s my mark for sticking with this game at its absolute lowest point. All my friends noped out of that grind, all the content creators whinned incessantly but did I care (or have a life) nope.


Nah. It was one the few things you could earn back then.


He’s dressed like Golddust from the WWF


*me having it equipped now*


If only bungie didnt annihilate half of the game's content for no reason ppl would still be able to get it


Yeah Bungie decided to give so many people the middle finger by just deciding to straight up lock out old ornaments


Wait real talk, I have sagira’s shell, but I don’t remember it being so hard? All I did was get the prophecy weapons I believe


Gatekeeping is a hell of a drug. Also it probably was more long than it was hard. Maybe that's what people refer to.


no, i want to gate keep it


*has shell* *doesnt use it*


Sagira’s shell is my absolute favorite, I haven’t taken it off since I unlocked it 7 years ago!


Not me using it ever since I got it the first time


I have it but honestly i dont remember how


Proud sagira shell haver


ok, I propose we do release the Sagira shell. However, you'll only get the middle core shell without all the spike so the alpha vet from d1 doesn't get mad at us. Edit: without all the floating spike around the core, I mean..


When I first started playing destiny, after forsaken, that was the only shell I wanted. Done the first 2 campaigns and done a little of the vault thing on mercury to get the shell before I took a little break. Little did I know all campaigns would be sunset and I'd miss the chance to get it. Still fucking salty bout it cuz I wanted to do warmind and forsaken but never got the chance


Verity would turn to hell on earth


*Laughs in curse of Osiris grinder*


I have it 😸


I have it hehe


Eh it's okay. We've had way better shells since. It stays in collections since I stopped using it around Shadowkeep.


Forgot it was rare, impossible to get now and a Grind back on the Days.


FOMO is a plague and im 100% in favour of anyone being able to get anything. People acting like getting something is a badge of honour, when nothing should have been removed from the game in the first place. I'm tired of spending money on something, for it to be removed because it's no longer the seasonal content. Fuck that shit, let me run around on the leviathan, hunting nightmares, let me run around the tangled shore hunting wrathborn. There is no reason they couldn't have segmented the data so you could download the bits you wanted to play and gave the new players a good introduction. Imagine starting d2 now and starting the red war campaign and slowly making your way through all the content. That would be freaking sweet. Get to the end of a campaign and cop the 2024 equivalent of "please insert the next disc" and just install forsaken. No new player knows who crow is. No new player understands the wishes, no new player knows who Cayde is. It's absolutely abysmal and the state of the game (for new players) is dogshit. Outside of that though, game feels pretty good atm. You should be able to get your shell. (I have it, but I don't use it, so why SHOULDNT people be able to get it?) It doesn't hurt me, to let other get it.


I ain’t reading allat


As someone that hates fomo sure. As someone that has it, no it makes me feel good to have something so rare :D


I don't think they should sell Sagiras shell, because the people that went through that special hell to get it deserved to have their unique ghost, but I would be down for Bungie to release a version of it that's corrupted by hive or darkness stuff. That way, the pure shell still has its rarity while new players can have a simulacrum.




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 18 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1agi8yw) on 2024-02-01 95.31% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1dqukrt) on 2024-06-28 92.19% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1drcn8a&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 92% | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 551,679,435 | **Search Time:** 0.08283s


Bad bot


good bot


Bad Human


No, I suffered through that traveler-forsaken experience alone. I made the sacrifices than everyone else couldn’t, I think leaving the shell as a reminder to all the people who literally went to shit and back is a good enough ‘thank you’.


Nah you snooze you loose. There is lots a shit I don't have too.