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Do you think 291mpbs download and 16mbps upload is enough to not ruin other people's experience? I'd like to at least be able to do these mode-related quests from time to time.




Oh, what a relief! Thanks for the help! ☺


Yeah and Destiny service is not the best 😔


Damn... then I'll guess I'll test if this new connection is enough and only play PvP when quests need it.


Yes. Your internet connection affects other players in the game. If you have bad internet, everyone you play with has connection issues.


At what internet speed do you think I should go with so it doesn't affect people?


As fast as you can? It’s not like there is a certain speed where things are ok just go as fast as you can


Yes. I had a clanmate of mine perma-banned after streaks of bad connections in crucible. Sucks to happen but it is what it is.


I don't know what platform your playing on. if you're on Xbox you can check/test your connection on the settings. Could be a net problem you should check that up. Add buy a new router because my net problem on my Xbox what's making my internet Super weird


I'm on PS5, as I said I have a better connection now than I did back then, 291mbps download and 16mbps upload. But I don't know if that'd be enough to not get reported

