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>-using low resilience in PvE People were getting pretty frustrated with our Contest attempts, dying constantly. This is a group of people I've played with for two years now, the ones who got me into Destiny. There were three people dying significantly more than the rest of us, so we checked their loadouts. Our warlock had 56 res - "I don't it, I have 100 recovery!". The other two weren't using resists at all - "I don't think I've EVER used resist mods." It explained so much.


I’ve learned many times that I’m *way* more into this game than my buddies who also play. Like, straight up just using any exotic they feel like because it’s cool despite being wildly ineffective, not bothering to use mods that synergize, not bothering to equip stuff to deal with champs. I absolutely love them and will never get all “well, akshually” about it because at the end of the day they’re having fun, but you gotta remember sometimes that even just being in the Destiny subreddit means we’re a bit more invested in this dumb shit game that we love so hard


Ugh this. I have a cousin I play with that does this. Look I can understand some down time like after all it’s a video game I get that, but why can’t they have JUST ONE loadout saved that’s actually meta or viable with a decent res build ya know? We needs +1 for Kings Fall Master one week and he jumped in and did exactly this. “I just have a different play style” one of the other dudes in the fireteam was like “dying?! Your play style is dying?!” Ah man. He was being so stubborn and it’s just like there’s a time to put your big boy pants on and really bring your A-game (which I know he can do). It’s eye opening seeing who really has a passion for the game and takes it seriously vs the people who really only play casually or for fun. Which again is perfectly fine. There’s moments where I come down to casual play and fuck around doing whatever having fun being dumb and silly wellskating retards off the map etc. but dude, when it’s time to kill a god it’s time to kill a god lolol


Yeah i alway tell my friends that they should go for resilience and resistance mods. It doesn't matter if you have increased reserves if you can't stay alive.


I’m convinced it’s also a skill issue because I use at MINIMUM 60 resil and I do perfectly fine in everything from GMs to master lost sectors and stuff like that. Like I feel like “low” resil is manageable as long as you’re not putting yourself in bad positions. However I still think it’s a very valid pet peeve.


They gonna hate you for this but it’s real LMAO


They’ve shown as much but I don’t recall giving reddit opinions any weight unless I want them to have some LMAO.


Oh, absolutely! If you've got good positioning and know what you can take, you can get away with less res. Unfortunately my friends... are not at that level lmfaoo


No I getcha, and it’s a pet peeve of mine as well but it’s more like “If you’re dying a lot up your f’ing resilience or be better at positioning I don’t care which”. But it looks like some of the people reading my post ain’t ready for that convo yet ☕️


See that's something I struggle with frequently is positioning and I've seen some people position beautifully. My res is high, but I'm getting murdered to death compared to the guy with no resilience at all who's totally smoking through a vanguard ops (I'm still a newish player) just because he's got decent gear and mad positioning lol.


Some tips are just knowing what’s keeping you alive, don’t get caught out in the open, and proc your healing abilities. Resto on solar, volatile on void, melee I think on arc? Solar and Void are best for pure healing and survivability but you can make any subclass work. If you’re running Solar Titan just use sunspots and that fragment where if you get solar kills it extends the timer on Restoration and Radiant


getting downvoted for the truth omg


Going into their menu and fucking around on every wipe. Buddy we lost that one because someone else entirely did a mechanic wrong, we don't need to spend 3 minutes looking at your heavy weapon choices.


This is my biggest pet peeve! Some people I play with spend more time changing their "builds" than actually playing.


Me but I'm fussing with my drip because what's the point in saving the universe if you don't look fly as fuck doing it


Ok that's fully acceptable lol


Verity, some might say.


Remember failing a run of planets during pantheon because I fucked up the encounter. It was entirely my fault and had nothing to do with anything else however once we spawned back in people started getting on the guy who did the least damage and then started talking about us changing our dps method (even though we were hitting the correct breakpoint for a 2 phase) and I was like “why are we changing something that wasn’t the problem”


Eh, I don't do it every wipe, but if I find a friction point in my build I'll wait till a wipe or clear and then spend a few seconds seeing what I could do to fix it. Especially with the new prismatic stuff having a fiddle can majorly affect your performance


Okay, I didn't say you can NEVER go into your menu. But if you are defending yourself from Some Guy on Reddit talking about his teammate fucking around in their menu too much, you probably know you fuck around in your menu too much.


No I've just raided with people that get really pissy at even the slightest delay in retrying the encounter, (even though they tend to be the one screwing it up)


This was my last Master Crota run. Every single wipe, people are sitting on ellipses for TEN MINUTES.


In a similar vein, when people wipe to mechanics and deaths and then immediately start question DPS as though it wasn’t plenty enough


Totally unrelated but my friend and I play yugioh and every duel this dude wants to tweak his deck when he loses to someone and I'm like bro you are destroying your deck in the process of doing this. Don't sweat every loss and try to correct. Sometimes you just lose but that doesn't mean your strategy wasn't working.


I get yelled at all the time because when we wipe I’m ready to go. Like wipe doesn’t mean it’s break time. I had a couple of buddies who picked on me just for wiping too. They didn’t understand the concept, never heard of it. There’s situations that are better off just wiping and they would absolutely not accept it lolol just wasting time dying one by one saying “just keep going, just try it”. So annoying.


When the tormentor shows up in onslaught and my teammates run straight for the ADU and use it as a shield.


I never understood people that hide behind the objective they’re supposed to be defending Like do you not know what frontline means?


Post KWTD for a raid team and then when I get there the post maker claims Add Clear. I believe that if you made a KWTD post then it’s mandatory that you take a real role in all encounters. I feel like these people just want carries and I won’t waste my time with them.


Only time I’ve ever took ad clear was in a RoN run (half of it is ad clear but still). LFG’d a team said, “aight, I have Dark” for most encounters and some dudes were like “nope, we got this” and duoed everything. I was just ‘oh okay’ and sat in the corner twiddling my thumbs and silent crying.


I hate this so much. Or when someone says "first time, need teaching" but what they actually mean is "i want a carry and I'm not interested in learning mechanics"


I don’t understand people who want to ad clear in raids. Doing the mechanics is the fun part. I guess they just care about their loot


I loved dsc because it had a lot more than just add clear for the team. Especially the 3rd encounter challenge. I always volunteered to do something mechanic wise in each encounter in that raid.


If it’s a chill sesh I’ll smoke and take ad clear cuz it’s a fun vibe just gunning things down.


Vanguard Ops playlist is right there.


Absolutely. Just as bad as people that Join KWTD expecting to only to ad clear and get carried.


Spending into surges and siphons and not running those elements of weapons


I always remember to swap my surges after dps xD


Sorry just came back to destiny after 4 years so what is this referring to? Want to make sure I’m not making this mistake


There are leg mods(surges) that give a specific damage type of weapons(so stasis, void, etc) more damage if you have armor charge, which you can easily get during dps(for example well spawns orbs of power). But if you run a stasis heavy and use a solar surge mod it does fuck all and wastes a slot


And what’s the best way to ensure you can get an armor charge? Is it something you automatically get or is there a condition you have to fill?


It's just picking up an orb of power, they are on a timer but usually dps phases are done before your armor charges are gone. Btw surges stack you can in total have 3 surge mods for I think 22% more damage


Blue mods on your legs. When you have the blue dots on the left side of your screen that say Armor Charge, you get extra damage on the weapons that match the element of the surge youre running. They have diminishing returns and make your charges decay over time, but they are a core part of DPS nowadays. Cool trick you can do but isnt required in most content: If you have trouble maintaining armor charge before DPS starts, you can build up non-decaying charges before the fight starts, then swap your boots out right before DPS starts and get the full benefit.


Not listening when explaining mechanics during a raid. 4th encounter has been really frustrating because of this


I subbed in to Sherpa a team cuz my friend’s internet cut out and was teaching witness. After explaining I asked if there were questions and 2 people were like “yeah I kinda zoned out when you started explaining”. Like bro. I can’t imagine how hard it is to keep people’s attention for 4th


After I learned how to do it, whenever people teach it I just tune out for 30 minutes, and when I tune back in, almost every time, the dude tries to verify something completely wrong


Having to explain to a "bro, I got quad 100 stats I don't need your help" how to make orbs via siphon mods to help us get well faster for damage phases on Warpriest.


There are too many “triple-quad 100 stat” guides out there that some players confuse a specific gear optimization with actual buildcrafting. Sure, having high stats is nice, but understanding mods and why/when they are useful gives you so much more mileage than “I get my grenade a few seconds faster when sitting around”


Not trying to figure anything out at all, not even trying to learn anything about the game or anything in it. That's like almost the entire point of a game, friends.


Tbf the games barely explains itself and it's easy to say fuck it turn brain off and shoot at things


That’s the great thing about Destiny. It has depth for people who want to get deep on stats, synergies, etc., or it’s equally fun to play if all you care to do is wear cool looking shit and blast some aliens.


A Guardian Rank 11 not throwing the orbs at teammates to supercharge them during The Corrupted strike…


TOO many of those GR 9+ accounts are bought, or paid for the rank, and the players behind them genuinely don’t know shit.


No way people pay for it


My friends and I have been trying to find the time to group and tackle any *particular* Raid, and that being said, we’ve all managed to complete Garden if only to get Div too. We all got to GR 9, casually playing and enjoying the experience, instead of grinding, and could easily get 10. Not unlike what others have stated. However, that’s not to say there aren’t paid services to specifically obtain Guardian Rank


u/ProtoMonkey did.


dude, i was able to get rank 10 by the end of last season, it’s really not that difficult you just have to put time into the game. ppl who buy accounts are just lame


i did not know about this as a legitimate rank 9, but I also don’t pay much attention to stuff like that


I do it in GMs but if it's just the strike then I don't really care in the elevator, I can get all shields with one orb uncharged. Charging the orb only matters at sedia when at-level and its only a two tap if you don't.


Thank you for this, I had no idea that was a thing lmao.


I did a strike yesterday and even less than 11’s were actually throwing it back to me correctly. And now it’s pretty much required to get the buffed ball in regular strikes too because one uncharged ball wont drop shields anymore


Running double primary weapons


Double primaries are my pet peeve, and I instantly judge anyone who has 2 primaries equipped. Its my elitist pet peeve


Only one acceptable answer to double primary. Wish ender as your Kinetic. It's basically arbalest with infinite ammo.


Final Warning strand pistol is kinda insane with extra precision damage so ill sometimes run that with another primary but hard to use that consistently in harder content


Wish-Ender has been my main weapon for years. Though I also generally play solo or casually and don't have to worry too much about optimal playstyle or causing issues with my team.


I run double primary with lucky pants? One for add clear and the hand cannon to delete anything else


Yeah, forget wish Ender, that was a weird suggestion. Lucky Pants currently is the only accepted double primary build


why not run lucky pants with something like forbearance


I don't like getting caught with my pants down. Same problem with double hand cannon is that the buff is active more but might not be when you need it


That’s not acceptable either. If wishender is that strong than running another special is still better.


I have a friend that does this then complains that their damage is bad


Depends on the player. Running a 200k Master Nightfall for the Pinnacle this week? There are times when you're better off to cover all the champ types and leave the trash mobs for the randos who don't bother to cover either. Say a KT/OFA pulse for Barriers and a EP/OFA scout for this week's Prison of Elders and just a Ghally to nuke and empower others with the boosted Rockets rotator. Not ideal for a GM but not the same as (say) two auto rifles considering neither has champ mods this season.


Same, you're leaving SO much potential DPS off the table it's practically a sin


I run double primaries… I like to have a definite ammo source when dealing with Champions…


Just a tip because others are being wildly unhelpful, but pay attention to the other things like status effects that’ll help deal with champions (hover over the champ icons in your character screen). Suspend, freezing, radiant, etc will sometimes more easily break champions and allows you to slot in an energy weapon. Just as a SUPER general rule of thumb: - Primaries deal with red bars - Energy deals with orange - Heavy deals with yellow By equipping double primary you’re diminishing your effectiveness quite a bit. Fusions, shotguns, grenade launchers, etc can all absolutely shred orange and yellow bars.


I just go back and forth between heavy and special kinetic with heavy ammo and special ammo mods equipped to keep me full. Only use primary weapon on rare occasion I’m out heavy and special.




Who hurt you?


Play the game for 10 years and know nothing about anything


In encounters that have multiple objectives that progress can be made concurrently on, having a guardian follow me around instead of us all splitting up (at least on low difficulty). I really shouldn’t have to hold your hand so we can get through Scarlet Keep (playlist) or the new encounter in Overthrow:Impasse.


People who play overly aggressive, keep dying and causing wipes due to stupid moves, then telling people what to do and to be careful etc etc etc


People that keep fighting after everyone agrees to wipe is the most annoying thing to me especially on longer raid runs


Kicking people from activities so that they don't get the completion


Banking with 4, 9, or 14 motes.


\- Peaking the same lane 4 rounds in a row and getting sniped every time


Teammates like this tilt me so hard that I stop caring about winning.


Raiders repeating the exact same failing strategy for an hour instead of taking 5 minutes to think of what went wrong, what could be improved, etc. Dudes, I know you got the strats from a Youtube video and there's nothing wrong with that, but there's nothing wrong with putting your braincells to work either.


Get really upset and negative over things stupid things. Some people just seem to get peeved off at every single thing that happens and just complain about the game the whole time ur with them. It can kill the vibe and moral of a group really fast.


- People who volunteer to be add clear before anyone else - "Do you have [meta weapon]?" "No." "Do you have [readily obtainable substitute]? "No." "Do you have [years-old Exotic weapon]?" "No." - Looking at the guy who isn't doing good damage and he's using double primary - Insisting on skipping lamps in Crota first encounter - "I don't use [incredibly good meta strategy] because I don't like it" - person playing raid


People who argue about classes. Just because someone points out a weakness or shortcoming of their class, or even something they don’t particularly like about it, doesn’t mean they need to be told about all the broken shit that they have. All classes have broken shit. All classes also have weak shit. Let us complain in peace.




When people speedrun the seasonal activity instead of collecting radiolite stuff. Edit-also when they skip champions in nightfalls.


People crying because a exotic mission cant be completed alone


I knew someone was going to mention it.


We could edit it if you want. "People crying".


I find it hard to believe that people have played the game this long and have not made ONE friend they could play with.


To be fair, most content doesn’t require friends, especially if you don’t care much for Raids or Dungeons.


Just walk past a Playstation player and they will send a friend request within 10secs. It’s always PS players. Dunno why. I have about 20 of them, none of them ever pinged back to ask for help either.


I had friends. They stopped playing. I also had a Clan. They stopped playing. I also played with my Brother. Until he stopped. I did the mission regardless after wading through the cesspool that is LFG. But it wasn't fun and I'm debating whether to do it again on my other characters or if I just don't bother since I don't play them that often anyway.


U dont even need a friend, a fucking random on lfg it's enough


I’m just mad I had to run it twice with the two people in my clan. Duo only makes no sense.


Thing is, no matter if I'm playing at 60 fps, I will get dizzy after 1 hour or so if I'm not using motion blur.


It’s the opposite for me, it makes me feel dizzy if it’s on. Especially at lower frame rates, low frame rate + motion blur is cursed.


I had no idea some people like motion blur...or need it on. Film grain, motion blur and controller vibration are the 3 I always make sure are off in any new game. In the rare occasion a game has depth of field that also goes off. Series X for reference.


Idk why you're downvoted lol most don't use motion blur


Try to play at 30 fps without motion blur and not getting a headache. That's how I played for years on my ps4, so when I changed to pc, I still got headaches with motion blur off even at 90 fps. The game has to run at 100 + fps for me to not get dizzy without it. And haven't you thought about some people actually liking motion blur because it gives a cinematic effect to the gameplay? That's just how the eye works, if you see a train moving, you see it blurry because how fast it's going, so yeah, that is motion blur irl for you, so some poeple like me get dizzy when you remove that on games. of course that there are games where it's implemented poorly, such as WARFRAME or A Hat in Time, to put examples


No we haven't because the majority of gamers don't use motion blur


Dumping you because of your build. Some of us have perfected how we play and are better at our lame build than others with a meta/many hours spent crafting build. It’s the old how you use it mantra. Not understand vectoring fire. I’m over here to shoot this angle, stay T/F over there and we have a cross fire; please. Dropping after one wipe when neither of us have played this board together.


THE FIRST ONE. I can’t count how many times people I will lfg into a group or someone new joins my clan and the first time I play with them they look at my build and start criticizing it without seeing me play. Like I understand you’re using one of the best well crafted set ups in the game. But I promise my stuff holds up just as well for me. Even worse when I can be just as (or more) effective than them


Complain about missions not being soloable


It must be discouraging to have people on mic telling you that all the time…


Leave quickplay 5 seconss before a match ends. Like, really?


My pet peeve is double primary + no boss DPS weapon.  Usually results in me having to literally kill everything that is not a red bar. Been involved in numerous runs of Onslaught where I had to kill every tormentor, every shrieker, every champion, every ogre, every boss etc. It's not fun playing the game this way. The worst player I encountered was running a double primary Lucky Pants Lumina setup. Never fired any healing bullets at allies. Only used Lumina and never swapped weapons despite having a pretty good machine gun. Had no idea Lucky Pants DPS strategy only works if you swap weapons during the 10 second out of luck debuff (eg swapping to a heavy). Got an extremely small amount of kills over 20 waves. Kept on dying over and over again. Definitely an agent of the Witness. This is not to say all double primary builds are bad, just the ones that have no way to do boss DPS.


Not banking motes in gambit when they have 15.


Leaving after a wipe or 2


Given how critical orb pickup is to keeping our builds rolling, it’s frustrating how often I check the post carnage report and see that folks are barely generating any. Obviously if it’s a rank 5 or whatever that’s fine, but it’s nearly half the people I play with in matchmade content. It’s been years since the change to masterworked weapons.


People using Double Primary Load Outs. My clan members who I've played with for ages. Done STILL use double Primary. I played with one during the Final Shape Legendary Campaign and played some Overthrow and Onslaught AND STILL used Double Primary. Then during Nightfall Strikes some still use Double Primary. I just don't understand why people use double Primary you take forever to blast majors and Champions or waste Heavy when you don't need to


Use primary weapons like autos on a boss. This one really gets under my skin.


The people that join a 50 wave onslaught and then leave after 10 waves. Smh. JUST GO DO THE 10 WAVE ONSLAUGHT!!!


Not knowing how to throw the f*cking orb in the Shuro Chi strike. Like, come on. It’s been 6 years


I do that the second I see a Half-Truths or Other Half in someone's back. Speedrunning sweating during normal strikes is so cringe.


Counter point moving fast is fun.


When that happens I usually just make a point to not do anything at all. Mr. Main Character over there can clearly handle the strike on his own.


I kick these people from my dungeon runs if they skip chests. It's such a dick move, now I have to run again because Mr. Savathun's Ankle Monitor (Timelost) Rank 11 just had to get to the fucking Kell Echo .75 seconds before everyone else. Ive noticed these players are always assholes too


If you're grinding strikes you want to maximize your time spent in strikes


If you're grinding strikes, wouldn't it be better to make a group and go hit some nightfall instead of sweating through a normal strike though?


Sometimes you just wanna chill or not do a way harder activity (NF vs normal strikes) Being fast or efficient (be it speed or killing) isn’t ‘sweating’


Eager-edge/sword loadouts are viable. Speed-running to the point of dragging people is lame, but the swords are good.


I need my pinny and I will get it in the smallest amount of time possible. Sorry if that is inconvenient.


What is the harm in doing something as fast as possible? It just saves everyone time to either grind more efficiently or get back to their life. I've never understood this take.


Because it involves the presumption that everyone wants to, or ought to want to, run through content as fast and "efficiently" as possible. Often I like fast and efficient too, but then sometimes I also want to check something out, a chest, whatever... Or I feel like taking in the goddam scenery. So getting joining allies because Joe Eager Edge decides *for the whole team* that this run must *of course* be a personal best speed run--under the rationale of saving everyone time (thank you blessed saviour)--that scenario can be frustrating. And I play to take a break from the drudgery of life: I'm not always in a rush to get back to real life. That big rush through a tedious (tho' necessary) activity mentality makes it seem like playing Destiny is akin to figuring out the quickest, most optimal and efficient way to take a sh*t. I dial back my speed especially when it's apparent a newer light is on the team.


It's not about harm, it's a video game, no one's getting hurt. But I'm not trying to be efficient. I'm playing a videogame. I'm doing an easy activity. I want to enjoy my time shooting things, which is hard to do when some sweatlord is pulling me around, room to room. I don't play videogames to save time, that makes no sense. I'm not in a rush to grind anything to the point that I need to pause my life so I can get back to it. I get people want to go fast, but it'd be great if they just made a group labeled "speedruns only" or whatever. You don't understand that take amd that's fine, but I don't understand the paradox of "wasting time efficiently".


If you want to enjoy your time shooting things, Patrol exists lol


Oh dang this is me. I just like going fast but I didn’t realize it bothers people. Def not sweating about it but eager edge is so engaging and my favorite way to move about when I am chilling.


Good old ADD. I often find it's the same people that spam emotes at any moment of respite, and are generally hyperactive. Such are the times today.


Fuck those guys that wanna be efficient with their time, I guess?


As a beyblade hunter, seeing others constantly trying to shoot my tangles


Even worse when you’re the only person running strand and your team just picks them up and throws it


The amount of tangles I've accidently picked up because I was trying to reload is quite numerous. It's not always intentional.


I completely understand that. Noting against a harmless mistake every now and then in the heat of things. Or even if you’re also running strand I can understand. This was more so towards people who aren’t running strand that will shot/ sprint at the tangle as soon as they see it to use it


Continuing to kill ads after a teammate just popped a roaming super. Obviously higher end content is different but in vanguard ops or public events it makes no sense. Let them make a bunch of orbs for you and have a fun time.


Sending people hate messages in matchmade activities PVE or PVP is #1A Refusing to not cheese an encounter after the cheese has failed repeatedly Trolling people who want to get a raid challenge like all solar or arc done


people who tell others to run double special


Big fax


Moan about one of the best exotic missions we’ve ever had


People that refuse to get a build.


People who leave a Crucible match within the first 2 minutes.


\>-Not using harmonic mods for the free discount i don't want to update all my build every season sorry


Yeah my weapons change depending on surges so it’s easier to use the more expensive mod to make sure I have the space to swap among any of the elements


Avoiding crucible as much as possible and then wondering why they're no good at PvP.


With the well nerfed this season, oh, you better strafe...


The only time i use harmonic siphon is if i have a non-heavy weapon matching my super. Otherwise the rest of the harmonic mods depends on situation


Armor mods in general. Seriously, people use the dumbest and literally useless things and actually in real content too. It kills me inside so much. Also, people misusing the term 'kwtd'. It seems hardly anyone knows what it means nowadays. Like it's actually painful to see some of the lfg posts in discord.


PvP players who rez you in plain fucking sight or just like sit there while rezing instead of you know….shooting


Strafing in well is actually gonna come in handy now... With how easy it is to get melted if consistently shot by a boss or enemy group you kinda do need to strafe now.


[new light taking notes dont mind me](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/write-that-down-write-that-down)


Could someone take a moment out of their time to explain to me motion blur? Why is it a thing, why do most people dislike it and turn it off, does it only just create some blur or does it do other things? I’d love a quick break down from someone who knows their shit instead of a bland google search. Preciate it 🙏🏻 Also for the LOVE OF GOD stand still in wells. If they’re even viable anymore I don’t even know yet.


Motion blur really obscures your vision and there is activities/encounters when situational awareness is crucial. You need to see what's happening around you, even if you running/riding


Double primary in endgame content. Like what are you going to do when your heavy runs out? Tickle the boss with an SMG? Now I know some exotics are really good for damage, but have a back up plan for when it just isn't enough.


Running in front of you to block your shots when you’re not moving. Makes me wish we had friendly fire turned on.


They touch my balls (strand tangles). Buddy, i need my balls so i can make a beyblade. You've seen me make some earlier, so why are you breaking my balls now


Seeing constant complaints in Destiny Subs…. It’s become like a senior community board.


Ppl that still not understand how to do a mechanic in strikes or patrol and there are a lot of such ppl!


Using Dome in front of the dps position instead of behind.


By people I mean me, and it is fat fingering the ole super.


I was doing new raid for the first time and one dude died really fast. We didnt bother to check till tea break, and lo and behold, HIS RESILIENCE IS 29 'skull'


I have a friend who doesn't even run T1 Resilience and honestly he sometimes lives more than me lmao.


I haven't run well since tfs came out but that one resonated the most with me. I've eaten so many of my own rockets because Mr Jimmy legs wanted to show off their figure eight skills haha. I always laugh, but it low key makes my blood pressure increase for a few seconds.


people refusing to dunk in gambit until they have 15 motes seems counterintuitive, why wouldn't you want to send a huge blocker over to the enemies every time? well at the begging of the game at least if you get the first invade and kill a few of their players, you'll potentially set them back by a huge margin making it hard for them to make a comeback trouble is most people don't understand this, so you end up with games where you have one or two people hoarding motes who die to the first invader that could have all been prevented if they just dunked more often, extremely frustrating and it's half the reason i don't play gambit


Double Primaries


Except for motion blur, I have no idea what the rest is hehe (I’m new 😖)


Is using low recovery bad? I think my current build is running like sub20 recovery.


Depending on your class, you probably want at least 50. But resilience is the main worry


Still posting a Verity encounter guide


Keep shooting immune shields like bro you can't do damage learn what the word means and the encounter mechanic.


Just running into everything, getting surrounded and getting killed. NEVER rush an Ogre, Abomination, or Wyvern. Common sense to some that escapes many. Then there's running into just the regular enemies, getting overwhelmed and dying. Having 110+ on any stat. Having between 100-109 is reasonable. We can't have exactly 100, at least not without some luck. But having 110+ on anything is just ignoring the basics of Destiny2. You HAVE to change something. Getting 110+ on any stat takes effort, even with mods. People trying to pass the mechanics to you. In certain activities, you have to capture a plate to open a door or throw a ball at something to get rid of their shield. Some people try passing it to you without even trying to do it themselves. They'll grab the thing and drop it next to you and follow you around like a lost puppy.


I mean I have 113 discipline but t10 resil and t9 recov, I feel like I do fine


Take 10 off Discipline and put it onto anything else. Any value higher than 100 makes no difference.


The 10 is from my fragment. I could probably roll a few new armor pieces and see what I can do


It's what I did last season when I had 116 mobility. Wanted more strength from it.


What is the free discount on the harmonic mod


I love how angry people get about people using motion blur. Like I've never seen people so angry about something that has absolutely zero impact on them.


Blueberries that can go several strikes with 80+ kills and not generate a single orb.


People with guardian rank 8 and above struggling to do basic dungeon mechanics while I am doing all the work, even though I am just back from a year long break from the game


Might just be me, but I cannot play without motion blur. The game looks really weird with it off so I leave it on


Rushing through Nightfalls/missions in a hurry and ignoring the enemies just to constantly die because they tried to ignore the enemies Just play the game, it isn't hard. 🫠


Been seeing it more and more recently but it REALLY, REALLY, REALLY irritates me when someone is using an auto rifle for DPS.


Touch my (strand) balls when you’re a crayon munching solar titan.


not carry the arc cranium into the track section of Hypernet Current to take out the blights


They seemed to be despawning last season before being able to get one up there much of the time


being incapable or reading a clock