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Which weapon specifically did you use? because if* its any of these then the locked status isn't relevant Newer IB weapons - multimach/tusk of the boar Brave weapons from quests Pantheon triumph weapons


Newer IB weapon, multimach. What do you think could be causing the problem?


Its just bugged with enhancing, Bungie are aware of it though


Yo that's crazy haha good thing I have been a lazy piece of shit and haven't enhanced my tusk of the boar yet


I have the same problem with a tusk of the boar, sad because it's a really good roll


I have this same bug with the same exact weapon. Really hoping bungie fixes asap I need my gold border back


Wish I had known the Brave weapons were bugged before enhancing my Recluse… on me for not reading TWABS very carefully I guess


Brave weapons in general are not. My hammerhead and edge transit are enhanced even though my perks swapped places on my shiny edge transit. I used to have envious/bait and switch in one row and chain reaction/explosive light below it but envious and chain reaction swapped places and I'm not sure why. Doesn't really matter but it's odd that it happened.


What you're referring to is a known bug with Iron Banner weapons, not the locking


If only Bungie put status updates like this in the fucking game (Bungie knows about the issue)


Its a known issue, covered in the last TWAB. It only happens on single roll weapons that have been enhanced. If your weapon has double perks per row then it should work. My hammerhead is T3 with red borders around the perks and no masterwork gold border


I think you are missing something. never had this issue and if this was an issue then it would have been found much earlier


It is literally a known issue with IB weapons. The same thing happens to tusk of the boar


I have this issue on a standard random dropped midnight coup. I dont think locking is the issue tho. I believe the issue is leveling it straight to 17 and enhancing it to three without applying the enhancements one at a time. Both my enhanced perk columns are stuck with red borders unable to be enhanced now but it worked fine on another midnight coup that I applied things properly to. Please dont downvote OP there is definitely something wrong with enhancing weapons right now.


you might need to level it first!


I canNOT level the weapon, as stated in the post


Weird. I've enhanced lots of guns. My method of going so is: unlock enhancing -> level it up to 20 (for the stat boost) -> enhance column 3 -> enhance column 4. I've never done an IB weapon but I've done Brave guns, world drops, and raid weapons. Never encounter what you're describing.