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This post made me think. Do new lights go to Nessus for any real reasons? I remember before the campaign was removed, we had to go there to find Cayde but is there anything going on for new players now? Or is it just a planet that is still there for reasons?


You do get some new player quests to do bounties for failsafe but you don’t really get a character introduction.


I joined a lil before witch queen and never got a character introduction. It’s like never explained narratively who or what failsafe is I still don’t know she’s just funny robot to me


She’s the AI on the Exodus Black ship that crashed on Nessus. Her entire crew died and she didn’t have any contact with anyone until we showed up in the Red War. I guess that’s why she kind of went crazy. She also calls you Captain because she made you Captain during that campaign for helping her out.


It’s sort of explained in the dialogue of a few strikes, or at least it used to be. I started at chosen and that’s the only way I learned about fail safe.


There used to be quests that explored her history a bit more, I think Sturm & Drang was one of them. Kinda sad those are gone.


If I recall correctly, Ghost remarked at one point that "we're not the captain" and she responds with something along the lines of "hey, idiot, I can only listen to my captain. So _you are my captain_. Got it?" I really miss Red War.


Still crazy to me that the whole thing is just gone forever. Miss that shit


Words cant describe how much I wanna replay it. Crazy to me that there are people who complain about it 'being bad' to this day.


Red war slapped and I’m tired of pretending it didn’t. I recently rewatched all the cutscenes on YouTube and god damn did we not realise what we had at the time. They really should find a way to add that back in.


What I'll never understand is all the people who complained that the starting bit, where you don't have the light, they'll complain it wasn't long enough. Complaining that we didn't feel powerless before getting our light back. And all I have to say to that is that if you want to play the game about being a cool space wizard cowboy without the cool powers, it really sounds like you just want to play a CoD mmo.


They shouldve just rebranded the old build of the game as "Destiny 2 Classic" and continued with the Live version of the game, just like they did for Destiny 1. Unfortunately it is very unlikely for Vaulted campaigns to come back to the live game. Bungie effectively has to rebuild them entirely to make them work(its the real reason it was vaulted in the first place), and that isnt getting into just how crazy power creep has been(it would generally need some update to its combat)


>Her entire crew died and she didn’t have any contact with anyone until we showed up in the Red War You're kind of glossing over the fact that there were hundreds of years between the ship crashing and us finding it lol. It's no wonder she went crazy


Also the vex and the fallen were scavenging her ship, which resulted in lost and damaged ai cores etc


I think the Fallen only showed up with the Red War. There was dialogue where Failsafe complains to Cayde that he led the Fallen to her. They did some damage during the strike but otherwise didn't do too much.


That, and she sometimes decide to save power/processing power and disable her politeness filters.




“No, you do that!”


They have retconned her going crazy a bit. Older lore implied that she developed two personalities during her centuries of isolation, her factory default setting which is the cheerful voice and the more depressed voice that represents her emergent personality. The new lore basically says she only has one personality and it’s the depressed sounding one. The other voice is a “politeness filter” that automatically translates what she is trying to say into a cheerful and upbeat version. Her politeness filter is defective so it turns on and off somewhat randomly.


Well, that sucks.


These fucking writers lately ... Maybe it's an attempt to not have bad pop culture style mental health tropes in games, I can... Kinda be ok with that, but sigh it just wasn't necessary.


It’s okay, i consider her to still have split personality. Because that’s how i’ve known her since Y1. No amount of retcon will change my headcanon


Specifically you were made Captain because only the Captain had access to the ship logs, so she made you Captain so you could access the logs if I remember correctly.


not just for helping her out, she had to actively make you the captain of the exodus black so you could access parts of her ship


Thanks, I also started during the Witch Queen and this character intro is helpful


I joined right before TFS and have literally 0 clue what they are or what goes on on Nessus besides that I did a couple bounties and public events there.


Failsafe is an orphaned teenage girl who is really smart and also emotionally fragile. She saw the captain of the Exodus Black as her surrogate father but, since he is "super dead", latched onto the Guardian as her new surrogate parent. To the extent that she had a sibling rivalry thing with Ghost, in which the two of them would compete for your attention. A character like that really didn't fit into the much heavier storylines that led up to the Final Shape, so I can understand why she got benched for so long.


Does she call you Captain?


Do some patrol bounties or strikes on Nessus and you will be wearing that Plunder suit with abandon.


Buddy, I've been playing for 10 years and she's still just a funny robot to me


This thread is Asher Mir erasure, and tbh, we all just forgot about him lmao.


I will never forget the best character from year 1. It's criminal it took them 3 years to bring him back in some form.


Luckily (/s), new players get put into an automatic cutscene and mission with new Failsafe immediately after launching the game after logging in for the second or third time.


For guardian ranks you need to do bounties on Nessus. There's no way to learn why the hell she calls you captain tho.


Why does she call us captain?


In redwar she made us her new captain because her whole crew got murdered by vex


There is a lot more to it, but that is the gist of it


Something about how we needed to access her scanners or secret info or something so we pretend to be the captain in order to get it.


Wasn’t the og captain turned into a vex or something? 


likely, and he guided you to find his corpse


It's been a few years since I've played the red war but if I remember correctly it's because you're the first person to reboot her. You go to Nessus to find Cayde and activate failsafe. She was the ai for one of the colony ships blown up during the golden age collapse. Since you rebooted her and she's a ship AI she assumes you're her captain.


I thought it was that she knew you weren't the captain, but because you need to access data on her to effectively avenge her dead crew she has to make you captain to do it.


Yes there was certain info access restricted to the captain of the exodus black and failsafe registered the guardian as the exodus black captain so we could help each other


There's also a whole emotional arc where you learn the reason she didn't want to do it had nothing to do with not trusting Cayde & the Guardian to do the right thing. It's that she didn't trust us to not die on her like her original crew.


That could very well be true. Like I said it's been a long time since I've played the red war. Byf probably has a video on it.


I think it’s just Xur atp.


and now xur has a new spot in the tower so hes not even on nessus anymore lol


Xur ain't even there, he lives in the tower full time now


I just started this game few days ago. Went to visit Failsafe for my guardian rank objective, she said: “Wow, I have so many things to catch up on!” and proceeded to list major spoilers from every expansion (I’m only halfway through shadowkeep right now) lol


I’m an OLD light and I never go to nessus anymore… what’s that tell you?


Did the Inverted Spire strike today for something (can't remember if it was for a lost ghost or one of the seasonal quests) and I think after 7 years I've still run it more in the D2 beta than the full game.


I was so dissapointed we got Nessus instead of Venus.


I like Nessus. Nessus is fine.  But I ***LOVE*** Venus. With those ancient Vex structures,  juxtaposed against the sinking and crumbling Ishtar Academy buildings. That shit was truly special and I loved the grand library where we first meet the Vex and Elsie.  That shit left an IMPRESSION on me, the Vex have been my favorite ever since.


Worst part for me is that in the lore, the vanguard still goes to Venus every now and then. Related, I think it would be dope if you could go to the entrance of DSC and see a raid team go in like you could in VoG. Maybe even make the the captains at the entrance a little meatier so that randoms can help out.


This, last wish, too, and don't forget we should help people get into the pyramid at witch queen. The pit for crota... Just sad they don't do it anymore.


I was doing the Phogoth Nightmare hunt and it reminded me how iconic the atmosphere of the hive moon base is. Even all this time later it's still one of the best and creepiest and most intriguing locations they've made. They leaned more into the "icky space bug" aesthetic for the Hive in D2 and away from the "ancient gothic space horror" aesthetic which I think was a bad move. I'm glad Oryx's ship is coming back, I hope they keep the original look and feel


Yeah I don't think anything will ever top the Moon during beta- having pretty much zero knowledge of the Hive, and nearly all the enemies being skull-level enemies. I remember staying up for hours when the Moon was up, just exploring trying to find anything and everything I could in the underground fortress


I love looking to the right of my desk and seeing a print of The Citadel with a fireteam in the foreground on my wall. The Citadel is by far one of the coolest structures in the Sol system. So iconic.


Back in the day I thought it was so cool to see a unique enemy such as vex that had the weak spot in the middle of the body. I bought a destiny ps4 because my buddies convinced me. I still love Venus and miss it.


With the Ishtar-related revelations in Lightfall I'd be *shocked* if Venus doesn't make a return for the next expansion, assuming there is one.


With a codename like "Frontiers," Saint talking about leaving the system, Failsafe coming back, and exploring the Dreadnaut- I'll be shocked if the next expansion is anywhere in our system/something we've known about. I think they're about to take us outside Sol and start exploring some new places now that The Witness and the Black Fleet aren't stalking the edge of our solar system and blasting everyone.


A bit before TFS came out, i asked myself "when was the last time I went to Nessus?" lol


Season of plunder expeditions LMAO.


Quite often, really. Bounty or quest with Vex or Lost Sectors? Straight to the Orrery.


Nessus is a centaur not a planet.


Just started a new account. Played a long time ago so I remember the old campaigns and stuff. You only go to nessus now for guardian rank 3 and then the new seasonal quests. I think there might be some quests we could do that are optional? But yeah not much of a lore introduction to her, I had to explain to my son who she is and why she was my favorite character


I started officially playing just before the end of Season of the Wish. I didn’t have any expansions or dlc until the day before The Final Shape. As a New Light I’d only go to Nessus to explore and do public events when I got bored. I’m glad I have actual content here now. The Cosmodrome/EDZ/Europa are fairly dull landscapes. It was nice to have something alittle more enriching to wander in going to Nessus. I only did the necessary bounties and never really thought much of FailSafe besides her fun/quirky personality. The game doesn’t provide much background at all about her for new players. Excuse my digressions. -The Moon I avoided until I delved into the Lore and loved its storytelling. I use the Altar of Sorrow hordes as cannon fodder when I need to reach a kill limit for an Exotic Catalyst. Using BadJujus perks I rarely had to reload and with String of Curses I was one shotting everything. I feel kinda bad cause the group that was there before me left after Tier 1 cause I ended up soloing it. Either way. Nessus⬇️ Other than currently attempting expert level Breaches on Nessus I wander around a lot and try to figure out how to get to the portal behind the well. I’ll do that in time. I want to finish other parts of the dlc’s and do some dungeons first.


Failsafe gave the greatest warlock coat/body armor of all time so…well not to mention being one of the best characters ever lol.


Remember when Hawthorne was a character important to the story? okay, maybe not important, but like had a prominent role


This is weird but I kind of want her hawk to die and become a guardian lol


You want Louis to become a guardian?


I want to see Louis thunder crash. Maybe throw a Nova bomb.


Louis becomes THE celestial nighthawk.


louis IS the celestial nighthawk


If the traveller will give it to a hive knight birds should be fair game


Shit, I've never wanted anything in destiny more now that someone put forth the idea.


have her ghost be named peter


Saint would be best friends with Guardian Louis.


I mean if the hawk dies we’ll get another sarcastic, alcoholic sniper


New vibration based subclass... Resonance subclass???


Inb4 Louis **is** the traveller. (Bird symbolism and all that)


Not another bird themed Hunter!


>!She was even shown in the cutscenes before Excision, she was at the final battle on the front lines.!<


Honestly did not see her there


I think she's behind the Bray sisters. That or behind two random guardians...... I know I saw her because I was specifically looking for her when I ran it this week. She's real easy to miss though.


>I think she's behind the Bray sisters. That or behind two random guardians...... Both lmao. She's behind two random guardians to the left of the shot where Ana is the focus and Elsie is to the right.


Somebody should teach her darkness


Yeah I hate they just ditched her after the red war. They should bring her back for a episode or something. The current story doesn't have a normal human prospective at the moment. What do they all think of the Final shape and the events afterwards.


Only thing Hawthorne does to me is yell at me for judging her if I idle next to her in the tower.


I'm pretty sure shes talking to her bird


That and the extremely breathy “bye”


There's a reason the Traveler guides us with a hawk in the Pale Heart. Also, you still have to interact with her at least.


Fun fact: in the opening cutscene before the Excision mission you can see Hawthorne in the background amongst nameless guardians. No dialogue, you can't even really see her unless you know what to look for. It's a miracle Bungie remembered her at all.


How about Devrim Kay. Dudes been sitting in that church window for 7 years alone.


Was in Season of Defiance


Easy explanation. Osiris forgot to install the color inverter on the machine in the H.E.L.M. It was a rush job, it couldn't be helped.


Osiris rushing? Never. (Sarcasm, incase that wasn’t clear)




Let the hate flow through you!


No, his impromptu stratagems have a high rate of success.


Osiris is at the computer like > < > > V V < >




was he rushing or was he dragging?


You're likely correct, BUT there is more about how failsafe has to work very hard to put on her cheery voice, and the sarcastic one is her default. Could be that the colors are changed to reflect that.


>If you go to failsafe on nessus right now her normal voice has the yellow glow but her sassy/sarcastic voice is red and kinda glitchy Uh, this is how she is for me on the Helm as well. Yellow is the bright happy voice, red is the sarcastic pessimistic one.


She had it the other way around for me during the first cutscene.


Yeah I just had the first cutscene and it was definitely swapped (red = normal voice, yellow = glitched). I'm pretty sure that cutscene is bugged because you can see the animation/movement also doesn't match up. Specifically, yellow is a smooth spin whereas red is jittery/glitchy, and so it makes sense that the sarcastic voice should be glitchy red.


I never forgot about her. She was too memorable. I used to just play the Nessus strikes just to hear her and Cayde banter. I’m glad she was brought back.




They also forgot that we fished there I guess since she was surprised that we had been fishing in general as if a million guardians didn't spend millions of hours fishing there lol


I think that makes it funnier to me that yes we fished on Nessus, no we did not check in with Failsafe while we did so


I always made sure to go visit her whenever I went to Nessus for fishing. Did I seriously not tell her anything? Scratch that, did NOBODY tell her? She knows Saint is alive so she wasn’t kept in the dark the whole time, but then she’s also somehow surprised we’re in a coalition with Empress Caiatl when the majority of *Chosen* happened on Nessus.


Haha yeah I could live with that


“Captain, these are protected waters! / So like, don’t try to catch any fish here, you got it? / They are all all endangered, and I’ll never forgive you if you kill one!”


No, they didn't forget. The entire lore tab for the seasonal armor's titan mark is Saint trying to get Failsafe caught up, but instead she keeps asking how it was possible for their to be fish in the Vex Radiolaria


I grabbed her four bounty’s for tfs bounty prep lol


Her deadpan/sarcastic side is far too emotionally active too.


I think she's just so excited to be included in our adventure that even her deadpan side is getting into it lol


It’s interesting/funny to know that her deadpan side is her real voice and her cheery voice is simply a filter And a bit sad too lol


I heard it too. But I think that is just the fact that the VA hasn't had the opportunity to continue with it to keep it consistent. I mean just look at Elsie, she went from having a prominent British accent, smash cut to Season of the Seraph and it is all but gone in the Operation Seraph Shield mission.


the thing that threw me off was she didn’t have an accent at all in D1, then she shows back up with an entirely different accent, and then in seraph she sounded much closer to her D1 self.


The fact that many players are just now getting acquainted with Failsafe somewhat blows my mind (in a good way).


And that’s it. I’m gonna sue them into the ground. Will update as soon as more details emerge


Good luck guardian


People are coming out of the woodwork saying "Man I love Failsafe, I'm so glad she's back!" and I'm over here remembering how much people hated her back at launch. (I, for one, *always* loved her and am genuinely glad she's back)


I hated her at launch but I think they've done a better job with her now. The sadder voice being used for more than just a (imo) bad quip button has helped make her into a more well-rounded character than before so that when the jokes do come they feel more earned.


Just asking as someone who has been a fan of Failsafe since day 1. Why didn't people like her?


Every character in the red war campaign was generally written to be quippy, failsafe and Asher mir being the worst offenders. Players just found them extra annoying


I usually don't care, but I do hope they fix it.


It really is a shame that the d2 and forsaken campaigns got shelved


I like it better that way, shows the politeness is a strain that she's fighting against.


All I can ever think of when I remember Failsafe is her cheerily, emphatically saying "I am in grief! :)"


literally unplayable


Makes me wonder if the Vex already got to her. You see in the cinematic after Excision the Vex approached Failsafe, if that event already occurred or is foreshadowing I'm not sure. But hopefully we didn't pull in FailSafe into the Helm that's already been infected or otherwise observed by the Vex already.


Its like the entire beginning of this episode of us just *remembering* failsafe and nessus exist Nessus is such a great location, a planetoid almost completely taken over by vex but nature still finds a way


I never forgot my favorite character!


Refunding my Final Shape Annual Pass rn, literally unplayable


Failsafe seems thirsty as hell in her mission dialogue!


Nah, she my main squeeze yk


The episodes make since why they didn’t shed Nessus. I’be been wondering why they got rid of Mars, Titan and Mercury but kept Nessus?


Too many assets to vault it. Nessus by itself hosted almost half the strikes in the game after the initial wave of vaulting.


The pyramids weren't there 😔


I mean, there is a good chance the person/people who did her design originally don’t work there anymore. We think of development studios as a single entity but of course they’re made up of individuals and knowledge is going to get lost when people depart.


I'm just surprised Nessus has survived this long lol


Every single one of my friends hadn't been to Nessus outside of strikes, or Failsafe since the Red War and completely forgot where she is. It's been so long she doesn't even sound the same.


I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought it's weird.


God I love sassy failsafe


Did her voice change? Her sweet voice sounds right.. but the snarky voice sounds different to me…


It’s more emotionally involved. Particularly noticeable when she’s catching up with all the events she’s missed.


I miss failsafes original voice. This new voice sounds weird


same actress tho


It's been a while since we heard anything new from Failsafe. All of the voices in the game probably shifted gradually over time but her change is particularly noticeable due to the large gap in time between her old lines and the new ones.


Is it? I wondered. Joy seem like a genuinely great person.


*^("...yaaaaaayy!")* I absolutely chuckled at that one.


Yes but they did something and she sounds weird now


I was really confused when I saw the angry voice as yellow and her happy voice as red.


And thank fuck for that.


I was hoping we'd transplant her into an Exo frame, especially after Season of the Seraph. I got very excited when Saint mentioned Failsafe's surprise and was hoping for a bit more than just a transfer to HELM.


That’s exactly where my mind went when saint mentioned the surprise. I was all “Exo body! Exo body!”




I f’ing tried.


Why would I remember a character I don’t like?


The funny thing is this isn't the first time they've done this. They accidentally flipped 343 Guilty Spark's light around for Halo 2, it turns off when he talks and is on when he's not talking.


They also forgot about savathuns song


It will never stop being amazing to me that they completely stripped so much story content from the game, stuff that is crucial to the storyline of destiny 2.


They really should have just made a Destiny 3


Honestly Failsafe's current iteration feels different, but not in an accidental or mistaken sort of way. The two distinct pieces of personality seem to be blending together a little, taking on aspects of one another. And I think that's interesting, she almost seems a little more stable. So yeah the lights thing is probably an accident but I still think that current Failsafe is neat


Best girl deserves more content and screen time


I wouldn't have ever noticed ngl. She's been great this season though!


Just throwing this out there but new lore retcons the dual personality thing, its a politeness filter that sometimes involluntarily drops off sometimes volluntarilly


Everyone forgot about her because she fucking sucked ass in vanilla. We were happy to forget about her 


I haven't really touched the new stuff but yes, I did notice the colors were switched.


Maybe they’ll explain that in a lore tab.


I'm a relatively new player and I thought my brain was playing tricks on me when at times I thought someone else and not failsafe was speaking. This was good to know haha


Load her into a beefed up Heavy Rasputin Frame and let the ghost (the one we rescue) ride along and they can play Guardian!


Imma Keep it real, for years I didn't even notice Nessus was still there 💀 I dont even know how I never saw it


I got familiar with her again after destination materials got sunset, because Nessus bounties were bugged to still give you piles of datalettuce. I started going there for my gunsmith and destination bounties to do powerleveling and bank more materials for glimmer exchange until they patched that.


Is it me or does sarcastic/sassy failsafe sound different to me it’s almost less sassy and more depressed if that makes sense


Lol watch this be the start of an ARG where it turns out it was done intentionally and there's another world and/or hidden raid. Gimme that Dreaming City experience.


I still think someone should tell her about Neomuna and how some colonists did survive the collapse maybe it'd make her less sad


I didn't. I've loved her since day 2 of d2 when I made it to Nessus the first time.


I forgot she even exist till this season


THIS, it quite annoyed me and made me think I was crazy and had it flipped.


I never did


i didn't forget about her 🥺❤️


As someone that played in vanilla with a bunch of friends and only came back during lightfall…. The weirdest “true shit” ever. At the time failsafe was my friends’ and my favorite part of the red war campaign, and getting back in last year i was amazed that they hadnt done anything with her! She’s a bit weirder and more inconsistent than usual in echoes but honestly im just happy to have her around again


I literally had to ask my friends to remind me of its backstory lol


I’m more confused about how they’re using Failsafe. Is she 100% in the HELM? Because I can go down and still get Nessus bounties from her. Hen you run the missions, you end up in her room on Nessus but changed. But if she’s on the HELM, why does she need an elaborate hologram system to display her spinning wheel? And more importantly, why was Emo Failsafe a bit hot for us?


i hope failsafe gets a body or smth


I noticed when she is the sarcastic snarky version of herself, her color wheel moves around slowly and calmly, as if it's her natural self. When she is the happy-go-lucky version her wheel jumps around erratically. Maybe we'll get some character development over the course of the Episode that delves deeper into her personalities and which is the dominant or original.


Hot take: They ruined the writing of failsafe… I dislike her and she feels like she is trying too hard now with the two sides


bungie was like \[we need new content\] guy in the corner: how about nessus, we have done nothing with it in a long time...


I've genuinely been missing Failsafe since Newlight all but eliminated any need to go to Nessus, but I gotta say I didn't notice that they got the colors wrong. And since I don't own Last Light, much less Final Shape, I won't be able to catch up with her for a while.


They did? I always go to see her when I'm on Nessus to grab a few bounties or what not 😂😂


I’m so glad someone else noticed. Thought I was crazy when the colors didn’t match.


Her other personality is not even sassy anymore. It's just normal now, the other one being silly/naive - strange for an AI tbh.


Its just Bungies love for attention to detail. If you go to the tower you can still play crows audio message where he says he wishes he could have met Cayde.


We’re talking about the same company that can’t even spell vanguard properly on the engram tracker.