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This is a list of links to comments made by Bungie employees in this thread: * [Comment by FriendlyBassplayer](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1dl5l1r/whatever_bungie_did_with_khvostov_they_need_to/l9okxcd/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-21 22:21:28 UTC"): > This should be easy to tune up. I'll take a look --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDestinyTheGame).[](#AUTOGEN_BUNGIEREPLY)


Though it looks and feels much different, it sort of feels equivalent to a weapon with "always on" volatile or destabilizing rounds. It has that same feel of "focus on one enemy, insta-nuke everything around it".


Kinetic Voltshot basically


They really did give us back Zhalo Supercell after all…


I still miss my baby.


One day we’ll get Zhalo back… if red death came back, there is hope yet.


It's been compared to Riskrunner and Trinity Ghoul, which is fine and all, they've both heavily powercrept it, but what made Zhalo so special was it was in the *primary* slot. It was the only elemental weapon in the primary slot for the entirety of year 2. It would have to retain that in Destiny 2.


Except all raid primaries had elements though, so it wasn’t.


They're actually right about this. That largely went away with The Taken King (Y2). Zhalo was the only one that wasn't capped below max light level up until the release of Age of Triumph (tail end of Y3).




Please. Follow the flavor text and give it a high chance of exploding after too many frequent shots. I’ll still take it. 😂


If they're not gonna bring back Whisper fully refunding ammo, they're never bring back Ice Breaker without completely reworking the free ammo.


yeah, youre right. they have said it is never coming back but god damn that was a gun.


I hate shottys, but Invective would make me run one lol


This is facts right here, I ran the gun almost constantly in D1 despite its lackluster performance. Not having to worry about ammo let me be so petty towards random enemies when I carried it. Plus using it as a budget fourth horseman on airborne/solar burn/special surge weeks, rare though they were


I miss my baby.


This is the best way to describe it, and boy does it feel amazing. For a catalyst I think attention orbs would be perfect for it, but I kind of want them to make the catalyst give it the ability to change fire mode by holding reload from scout, pulse or auto, and have each mode affect the stats of the weapon, like the 600rpm auto it is, plus a 200 rpm scout mode, and a 450 pulse mode with appropriate stats for each one


Hear me out; Kinetic Tremors to synergize with Shoot to Loot.


Or just let the ricochet bullets hit orbs/ammo pickups too.


“Ricochet rounds aim for orbs and ammo within 15 meters, before targeting enemies”. Would be perfect.


Or how about the ricochet will seek out ANY enemy, including the one you shot to cause the ricochet. Basically wolfpack rounds for the gun itself.


I'm surprised it did not have attrition orbs since the legendary version does but lacks shoot to loot.


I don’t think it would be a GOOD catalyst but I agree on taking another crack at the different firing modes. In D1 you could never run anything but the high RPM because turning it into “scout rifle mode” didn’t actually change the RPM, so to fire as fast as possible meant risking carpal tunnel.


It also didn’t actually change the damage profile, only the RPM setting did. So you could set it to single shot, but instead of getting a scout rifle damage profile it would hit like a semi-auto AR. Actually worthless


That would be such a dogshit catalyst lmao. It doesn't matter that that was its effect in D1, it was a terrible exotic because of that.


True, I just thought it was fun to use, but attrition orbs would absolutely improve Khvostov, or allow the ricochet to track to a nearby orb on its last bounce


No. God no. Takes an entire mag to create one orb. Just get two kills with a kinetic siphon on. I love the legendary version, but I hate that it has the worst damage perk in the game and the worst perk in the game. Give it any consistency perk or utility perk for an actually useful and fun catalyst. Edit: Give it Firefly. Now you have extra add clear and can pick up orbs with Shoot to Loot with the explosions. Much more fun and fits in with its playstyle.


Part of the reason the options were shit was because the perks were poorly designed. Switching to single shot didn't increase damage despite lowering ROF for example. I expect you could make the customization concept work if you properly balanced the different settings, but overall it's not as vital as it used to be with so many loot options these days.


It would just be uninteresting, especially since revision zero has the same gimmick now. I'd rather get a more interesting bespoke catalyst. And failing that, give it OFA.


Nah, it’s catalyst should be subsistence.


Catalyst should be sweaty confetti


This guy for President of Destiny please.


My first executive order will be to change the final cutscene. Cayde-6’ final monologue will be: “I know you thought this was your Destiny, but it was my Destiny Too (2)”


Buddy, you have just gained yourself another constituent.


Just a few more voters like you and we’ll be able to get Nathan Fillimon back in the studio to re-record the lines


Fuck, where can I vote for you?


Polling stations will be open at your local Waffle House or IHOP (depending on what coast you are on). Please write your vote on a napkin and hand directly to the line cook. Online voting will be on my Onlyfans page once that is up and running


Take my upvote, sir, and good day to you


Nah the catalyst should make it proc a single kinetic tremor on every ricochet so it'll pick up its own orbs lol.


And every kill refunds 7 bullets to keep the 7 theme


Why waste a catalyst on subsistence when the gun reloads very fast already


I’m basically an Actium War Rig main and figured I would never take it off with Khvostov, but it reloads so quickly (and burns through its mag so quickly) that it’s essentially not necessary.


It feels like I’m using Zhalo Supercell since that weapon did chain lightning which while different in appearance feels the same (to me) in gameplay. It’s just so much fun!


Supercell was my favorite exotic and felt completely different to me. It was not great at range and the lighting was greater AoE at the expense of being weaker AoE damage. It was great for density, but not as great for chunkier NFs. Riskrunner is definitely it's spiritual successor, but I do wish we could still have 100% uptime on the lightning like Supercell did, maybe by turning off the Arc resistance and toning down chaining damage. Khvostov has a completely different gameplay loop because of Shoot to Loot and Eyes Up. The damage profile also feels a lot more well rounded.


Getting a double (in pvp) and watching that orb pop feels so good. Probably feels even better on pc when you can actually shoot the orb in fewer than 3-5 business days. Being the hardest to get non-rng exotic and being SECOND in first weekend trials kills is insane


My friends and I have a running joke that every arc exotic is just a different Riskrunner. So now I joke that they finally made Kinetic Riskrunner


It's much less like volatile and behaves much more like volt shot but always on


For me it's the fact that ricochet shots sound like in old western movies where a revolver shot would ping off a hanging shop sign Such a good noise


I want that noise to play on precision hits form The Last Word


Just like the squawk from Hawkmoon


And Lunas growl


The crit hit sound on Dead man's tale


That one's a whip? Haven't used it in a long time.


Correct. I got a list of visual effects that are awesome too.


Reload makes a whip sound too if I'm not mistaken. Been a while since I used it too


That's Chaperone.


I call it Squawkmoon for that reason... So good!


I'm stealing this


It was at first, then when I run strikes and 2 others are using it , it gets a bit grating.


Yeah I don't think there is any need for my teammate's special bullet SFX to be that high in my mix. It's ok for DMT or Hawkmoon since it's relatively infrequent but for Khvostov it's multiple times a magazine, endlessly.


This should be easy to tune up. I'll take a look


More like FriendlyBasedplayer!




That would be amazing! I love the gun and it's super cool, but hearing my teammates ricochet rounds when he's across the map from me gets to be a bit distracting lol. Especially when it seems like it's at full volume.


Thanks. The sound is too loud, same with Summoner


Whenever I hear that noise, it triggers something in my brain. Something feral. The noise controls me.


That’s how ricochets really sound. Go to a range with multiple bays separated by berms and you’ll hear them zinging overhead.


Just needs a Wilhelm scream added to defeats lmao


I haven't got it yet but I've been hearing that sound 🤣 and thought what the hell it was


This weapon, Hawkmoon's "Caw" and DMT......all sound F-in' amazing.


It sounds like bl3 Jakobs ricochet, it's *chef's kiss*


>Such a good noise You see, I find it pretty annoying when I hear it pinging around from someone using it. I swear it cuts through all other sounds


It’s some Goldeneye on the N64 shit and I love it. Might be the first gun I actually buy the ornament for.


The ornament is supposed to be sold for bright dust at some point this episode according to todayinDestiny eververse calendar, but I’m having a hard time holding out!


I bought it right away with the rest of silver i had, knowing damn well i will regret it later like i did with the Malfeasance one (literally one week after, 2 of its ornaments were sold by dust, including the one i bought), but unlike malfeasance, that gun is FUCKING UGLY without it, seriously, its so horrible, the M4 look is leagues better than that shit it has by default, i think very few weapons are ugly by default, but that one takes 1st spot easily.


Skip to 1:38 for some awesome ricochet noises as well as a very musical mag dump into a gong https://youtu.be/8YzEce7XN_E?si=FcnTKWCoabye-Ei0 Timesplitters 2 had some awesome ricochet noises too. Love when game makers ditch the real sounds and just make everything a western


Timesplitters 2 was just an amazing game.


For me it's how quickly it allows me to enter transcendence and get my super back. I'm able to generate 325+ Orbs during a run of onslaught with it and Song of Flame. Gun feels great, and I love the bounces. :)


Doesn’t song of flame apply scorch rounds to kinetic weapons? That makes khvostov even more fun


It does, but more grenades means more orbs :)


Holy, I forgot about that


I was doing vanguard ops last night and was astounded. One guy made 8 orbs. Another made 13. I made 50 Like geez. Do people just not use siphons? Or is this weapon the bees knees? Hint: it’s both


As long as it’s not super high-power delta content (probably the one place Khvostov struggles), I also just swap ammo finder perks for more kinetic siphon mods lol.


The crazy thing is Khvostov is almost too good at killing to be a big orb generator. It kills a whole group so fast it'll only spawn one orb lol.


Some of these newer guns have more flair to them. Even the legendaries. The Call sidearm for example. Whoever came up with the rocket sidearms and healing Rifles was brilliant. We need more of that sort of thing. I love the new health bar around our Guardian Rank. We can actually play support now and know when to heal or even put up a barricade. The game feels better than it ever has.


the ammount of times ive been low and a healing nade has just been chucked at me is so great


Exactly why I love playing warlock right now. Chucking a healing nade on a low teammate or rushing over to give them a rift and actually see it keep them topped up makes it feel more rewarding than just seeing if they die or not.


I love doing this but with No Hesitation now that we can actually SEE HEALTH BARS.


The Call has quickly become one of my new favorites. Feels like a shotgun.


It's also made the game more stressful lol. I'll see a teammate at deaths door when I'm too far away to do anything.


It’s so satisfying getting constant kill notifications for enemies I wasn’t even aiming at


I go to shoot at the next group and they’re all dead


Same with Dragon's Breath. From Zero in D1 go Hero in D2.


My favorite fire and forget weapon.


Dragon's Breath got me through the final Witness fight in the Legend campaign.


Absolutely clutch being able to put a x5 propellant shot on one of the subjugators and then duck away from witness attack.


It's weird, I tried using DB against the big guys in the witness fight, and found that parasite just did better for me


After trying a couple times I switched to DB and that was my winning run for my Hunter. That being said I used Leviathan's Breath when I was playing with my warlock and I finished it in one run lol. LB is too good against the big dread. They were always stunned, they could never get a shot out. I'm going through the campaign with my Titan now and I haven't taken it off lol.


Not to mention that the catalyst gives it 15 arrows by default, and reserve mods don’t raise it. So you can run all defensive chest mods instead of reserve mods for those of you who still are


Honestly I hadn't tried it, I'm sure that works great too though.


One of my favorite things to do with it is to place a shot on the ceiling or a wall next to a large group of enemies, rather than in the middle of them. On some occasions, most of the flames fly away from the targets when you shoot directly at them. Putting it on the ceiling above them or a wall next to them means they get hit with everything


Wait you can proc the ricochet without hitting an enemy?


Im referring to Dragon's Breath, but it would be wild to shoot Khvostov at a wall and have it proc ricochet rounds


Use it with Dawn Chorus, thank me later.


Wait a sec........*goes to vault*......... THERE YOU ARE


Hey now Dragon's breath D1 was a crowd control king, and its fire effect was very visually satisfying. I made the world burn.


Personally, I hated the change they made to it with *The Taken King*. Made it harder to hit enemies with it because of the damn delay. Do love how they combined both versions of it with the D2 variant.


Ah see that's the change I loved. Made the brothers strike ezpz. Just burning the doors all the adds flooded from.


My favorite exotic weapon currently. It's just so satisfying to use.


After they fixed the flames from solar grenades it became the best dps weapon in the d1. And still is. Low man crota and other raid encounters make it mandatory. I love that gun.


This is where I’d agree, IF I COULD GET THE STUPID WEAPON.


If you have discord, hit me up. I’d love to help. It’s monotonous, but worth it, even if you have to kill the Overthrow bosses.


I’m stuck on the meatball, that’s it. I also have some other missing one but I think I know what it is.


You can just run the meatball and it’ll give it to you, I played with three different people claiming the meatball was their last one, I told them if that’s true then we can just run blooming and it’ll give them the meatball and they’ll get their last mote of light directly deposited to their inventory. Every single one of them hit me with the “it didn’t give me a mote of light, it gave me an exotic one” and I was just like “yep, now let’s go to the lost city and open that chest. And every single time they freak out about not having the interact button appear I had to stand to the left of the chest and say to stand exactly here and all three have gotten it.


Maybe I need to use it a little more, but I switched back to graviton lance on warlock cause everything just dies


Give it a shot. You can even go all out with Kinetic siphons and kinetic surges. The speed at which your super and transcendance bar fill is…something (broken).


That’s the key to using it right there. Stack as many kinetic siphons and surges as you can so you can get and keep Eyes up, Guardian proc’d. It borders on S tier once you shoot/pick up some orbs!


I use it with chromatic fire on arc prismatic. Everything is blind.


do the ricochets headshot?


Khvostov can trigger Hazardous Propulsion on ricochets too btw


Second this. Triple kinetic surge, kinetic siphon, and the fragment that grants extra transcendence bar fill from kinetic damage, you get transcendence (and supers due to the exotic primary damage thing) stupid fast, never wanting for special or heavy ammo (rarely touch them cuz Khvostov does so much damage). I’ve been running it with Mataiadoxia for anti barrier needles and suspending needles and the jolting/weakening grenade fragment and storm grenade. Champion activities are a piece of cake, regardless of what types. With the slow/suppression from transcendence grenade and jolting storm grenades, overloads don’t stand a chance. Suspending needles (and indebted kindness for good measure) handle unstops. Barrier needles and the radiant on hit and radiant on orbs take care of barrier champs. I’ve never played a built that so effortlessly combines the gunplay AND ability spam of destiny into one build. Usually you have to choose one or the other, but this gives both. And theoretically, the only thing required is Khvostov, kinetic siphon, and triple kinetic surge. The rest is cake. Shoot an orb and watch everything die. And since the super doesn’t matter at all, you’re free to change it based on the surge, so you get the kinetic buff from the surge. Void surge? Nova hits like a truck. Solar surge? Song of flame is a blast and offers another anti-unstop solution. Strand surge? Needle is basically darkness nova bomb.


This is the way. Easily the best Warlock build bar none for champion-inclusive content.


Is it noticeably better/more fun than something like Outbreak? I don't have Khvovstov yet but it seems to fill a similar niche, and Outbreak is probably my favorite weapon in the game


Isn't that just the same as any primary with shoot to loot? What makes this different?


Graviton Lance on a prismatic warlock with solar super is basically God Mode


Kinetic siphon, Kinetic Surge x2, and you've got Transcendance, super, and the Eyes Up Guardian x7 *constantly* up. It's pretty sick, it's the only primary I've used since I unlocked it.


I can't really blame you for that. Graviton Lance is ridiculous as well. Both are great guns.


It’s cause it’s just a gun. Like I love all the space laser and bosses turned guns we get but sometimes you just want to roll up with good ole fashioned bullets


Actually yeah, this exactly. It's precisely why I still use Sweet Business to this day.


I wish the ornament was its base look so bad. It’s so much better looking imo but I ain’t buying silver for it


Good news! Today in destiny says it’ll be up for Bright dust this episode. When? We don’t know, but I can wait.


Ornaments for Khvostov and Still Hunt are coming to the bright dust store this episode


Yes and no, there are plenty of exotics that are "just guns" that feel terrible.


The sound design on most Exotics are top tier. Hearing that ping sound when the ability procs feel awesome.


It annoys me how good it is because there are so many other primaries and kinetic weapons I want to try but I can't bring myself to take it off. On one hand, I know I could be using The Call or something and be just as, if not more effective, but on the other hand, PING PING PING


The sound design for the weapon is exceptional and is incredibly addictive. Above all else it's a very simple self contained weapon. Shoot things and bullets ricochet, pick up orbs (which it can shoot to pick up) to ricochet HARDER.


I want a sniper that has the Icebreaker sound


This gun is perfect, but the only thing I wish it did was reload itself on orb pickup/StL, then it would be insane.


I love using it but having a hard time finding a build that synergizes with it on Hunter. It's a very good neutral game gun to have but I end up losing out on a lot of the stuff that makes hunter survivable due to the verbs on weapons like incandescent or getting destabilizing rounds through various means.


[Here's the Prismatic Hunter build I use](https://imgur.com/a/d2QkHJA). Throw on Kinetic Siphon, Heavy Handed, Momentum Transfer, and Impact Induction.


I really wanna get it but I hate the quest line for it so much. It confuses me and there's just an insane amount to it. Wish I could find someone else needing to unlock it so I could get help.


Just remember that Quicksilver storm felt great, and Osteo Striga felt great… look at them now.


I’m sure it is but imma be honest… it has without a doubt the least enjoyable quest I’ve done in this whole series… yes even above raze lighter I think I need like 2 or 3 more motes


im at 16/17 motes and i dont know which overthrow bosses ive killed


Try killing the meatball a few times. They sort of fixed the issue with it by making his mote get added to your inventory automatically, but it's still a little buggy and sometimes takes a couple kills to get it.


Assuming it’s the meatball (servitor) then kill him 3 times. Return to orbit after each kill. I believe that’s what bungie said about the issue. They are still looking into fixing it assuming that doesn’t help things but I hope it does since it’s such a nice weapon!


Had the same issue, what fixed it for me and a friend was vaulting the 16 motes then killing the meatball once and the exotic mote dropped.


Will try that ty


This weapon is perfect. It also fits very nice into prismatic as it can build up both meters extremely fast (talking like 10-30 seconds in best case). The add clear is also very strong, it allowed me to keep up with a gjally user on day one in the first encounter. Only thing this beast can't do is boss dmg obviously, but at everything else it's so damn good at. New favorite weapon by far


How do you get the legendary one.


Open the 9 gold region chests in the pale heart and find the scrap piles in each of the 6 cysts. Each of those will give you an encryption bit, once you get all 15 you can go to the region of the pale heart that looks like a frozen version of the intro mission from D1, there will be a gold chest on a table, that's where the legendary khovostov is.


My teenage son got it last night. He's already fairly good at PvP (kd above 2.0, flawless several times etc) and decide to try the gun on regular control. He had 2 games with 5kd and one at 7kd. I don't know if it's because the gun kicks ass or because you expect it to be so you change your gameplay but damn... Personally, I tried it in pve and while it's a fun gun, it doesn't outperform my The call/No hesitation combo.


I'm in the process of getting the Motes of Light now and finding just getting there to be a really cool experience of grinding out activities that I actually kinda enjoy doing. We'll see what happens when I'm in the final stretch, but right now it's been a cool way to really dig into the destination activities in a way previous exotic weapons haven't.


Now the quest on the other hand… can go fuck itself to the highest degree. First all region chests, then all fucking piles of rubble in all cysts but guess what before you do that you have to unlock all cysts through 6 separate fucking questlines that also make you complete an overthrow 6 fucking times and go on wild goose chases looking for ghosts, following a bird, and then completing the more annoying versions of lost sectors called cysts some of which are damage bugged especially the moth one (confirmed by Bungo). Then after all that you have to search for more bs collectibles all across the world some of much are quests themselves in a way. Then motes of light by doing ten million overthrows and some of the boss drops are bugged and none of them track correctly… there has never been a worse quest line in the history of D2. It’s like 17 quests in one.


This gun has not left my primary slot since i got my hoil/star eater bond. it feels so good to use and i am a 720 auto fan boy. The sound design is peak


good for you, but, i can't get cuz i'm stuck at 15 motes


Haven't played much recently. How do you get this weapon?


It's actually a very long and convoluted multi-part quest. Have to find Lost bits in all the region chests in The Pale Heart and find all 6 Lost bits in the Cysts. [How to get Khvostov](https://youtu.be/5jJBy1_qVx8?si=JP-qLzaUrkNsPyug)


It's the only gun that's pulled me away from The Call. I don't have an Indebted Kindness, if I did I'd pair it with Khvostov and Power weapon of choice and just rule the universe.


I just wish they let me put Sweaty Confetti on it like I could on the Legendary version. That plus the ricochets would be perfect.


My playtime has been limited for this expansion and I'm slowly trucking towards this unlock, I want it so bad. Then comes the grind for a Caliban's/Liar's Handshake or Caliban's/Syntho exotic cloak.


Destroying a group of those flying fuckers with it always gets me going…. When im doin the clock in dual i always say “its your turn again” lol


100% it will get nerfed into the ground. I love it and so does everyone.. it will get nerfed.


I fucking love this gun, so much so that I actually paid money for the ornament to make it look like an M4, I never buy silver but this gun is 100% worth it.


Khvostov and Dragon's Breath give me hope that, someday, Fabian Strategy will return and actually be good.


Tlaloc, my beloved


The effort required to unlock it though makes me not even wanna play the game..


Yes sir!!!!!! I feel this post in my soul!


I was using it in momentum control and it was so ridiculously good. Decent range for quick kills and even when I was under fire I could get doubles without even really trying. I can't believe they made it so stable while also giving it so much more. Feels like how they overtune exotic hand cannons more than how they typically design ARs. It's so fun


They absolutely cooked for this gun. I main exotic autos almost exclusively and it's replaced Quicksilver in my element neutral builds.


I sadly started loving Outbreak too much before getting Khvostov, but i will agree on it feeling really good. But weewee wound on Outbreak feel amazing


Bullets bounce. Rooms cleared. YIPPEEEEEEE‼️‼️


I have been enjoying the shit out of khvostov and radiant dance machines. Clears ads and does decent boss damage. Love that gun


Everything about it is perfect. It's my favorite primary to use currently. It sucks autos aren't on the artifact because I keep having to take it off for champion content.


I gotta add, I love what they did when they added a legendary version.


I agree 1000% I love it


I just love the fact it's a reincarnation of Zhalo Supercell. Where that would chain lightning randomly this chains a kinetic bullet every 7 shots. The sound and design to this gun is amazing.


I’m in the camp that saw the initial reveal trailer for it and cried “boooo bring back the customization instead of the ricochet!” I admit to being wrong. So very very wrong. It’s such a blast.


I mean you act like this is the first time they have made a weapon good they brought back


I dont quite understand the hype. It seems to just be a kinetic exotic that does some AoE, but everyone is raving like it does something incredible.


catalyst should be the ricochet shot can hit orbs of power and pick them up for you


It’s the stability. This gun just feels so good to shoot


We need an exotic bow that can do this now with maybe an exotic item that synergizes with it and some of us can live the fantasy of roleplaying as Yondu


My only complaint is the way it looks. In the base skin the carry handle is too far forward and on all models there two charging handles for some reason?


I’m a huge fan of the guns that have suppressors. I just love the sound design they have made for them. Hopefully they create more.


The ricochet sound is so good


The sound of the super ricochet is pure magic


Is it farmable? Just got back to the game and dont have it.


we need more exotic auto rifles ill literally cut my left hand off


I haven’t unlocked it yet and even just sound of other people using it is so satisfying


It reminds me of that one perk in borderlands where when you phaselock an enemy and shoot them the damage chains to all other enemies around them. Very satisfying.


IMO the only way they could make it better is if the catalyst made it so that shots would richochet on a single target if there’s nothing surrounding it. Like every 7th shot bounces 7 times on a boss. Would be so sick.


I still remember people being disappointed that the new one was different than the one in D1... I have yet to see someone that doesn't love the gun. It's beautiful


Plus the sound of the ricochet round to top it off. B-e-a-utiful.


meanwhile, I *hate* the constant ricochet noises to the point that it makes me not use the gun lol


While we're on the topic, can we bring more attention to BS of khovostov having a ugly ass skin when you get it, but you can buy the ORIGINAL skin for $10 worth of silver? I know they're greedy but FFS, make an entirely new skin and make it ugly on purpose just to push us buy how it's supposed to look in the first place.


Actium war rig with khvostov, onslaught ros arago wild card and rewind rounds HMG is an insane build. So much bullet frenzy it’s hilarious. I giggle every time I hear the ricochets and remember - shoot the strongest ad that can die in a clip or so, and the other little ads nearby will die before you even turn to them! Reload if needed and repeat.


Dude I feel the same, I LOVE IT, it was a pain in the ass to get but it was so worth it.


Necrochasm money gang We love One for Thrall