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“wizard explains how magic works”… …”paladin says : well man, no idea what you talking about with your point hat, all my magic comes from faith that it will work!!!”


Even though this is how it works somehow your explanation made me laugh out loud as this is by far the funniest version I've seen when talking about it


“I understand being a soldier, not a magic man”


Bit of a silly disjointed rant but then again it was posted by a Titan.......after all.


Take my upvote. Well played.


Isn't that line a fan service nod to our reputation amongst the fandom of being crayon eating, punchey apes?


Probably, but it does go against established lore.


Is the lore that all titans are tactical geniuses? Or is the lore about extraordinarily genius tactician titans in a sea of crayon eaters?


Are you dumb because you're Titan or are you Titan because you're dumb?


My guess is the latter. I mean, Saint-14 is a good guy, and a hell of a tactician by all accounts. On the other hand, he’ll also wrap your buddy’s corpse’s legs around you and headbutt you so hard you both split in Twain. So yeah lol


Anything that breaks the fourth wall can't be considered in regard to lore imo. It's outside of the realm kinda thing.


Honestly, I’m more upset by them putting out the message that titans eating crayons is hurtful and offensive, so we don’t want people to use that meme anymore. Now during the last vidoc, they literally call titans crayon eaters. I wouldn’t care if they didn’t make a big fuss about not talking about that before, but since they did, all I get from them bringing it up in the vidoc is just a tongue-in-cheek way to tell us to go fuck ourselves. It really feels like they’re punishing everyone because of a group of pieces of shit ever since the twilight garrison incident. I don’t support what those fuckers did in any way, but it damn sure feels like I’m being punished for their actions.


Tbh the company has been losing and gaining workers throughout all this time since de "crayons eaters is bad" incident. I don't think it is too crazy to believe that one or two workers being extra loud in their opinions were the cause for that comment. Now that they are gone, the rest of the team feels more comfortable to crack some jokes. Either that or the dev and the editor of the video made a slip on that comment.


Can you enlighten me on what incident happened?


IIRC a Bungie dev told people to not make “Titans eat crayons” jokes because it was offensive to autistic people or something like that


Which is hilarious because it's a reference to fucking US Marines. If anything, now I think people at Bungie think autistic people actually eat crayons which is a way more offensive assumption than a decades old armed forces joke.


[here's more context.](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/s/AXhuMuHVoS)


Well they were “a” instead of “er”


It's a joke. Saint is the stereotypical barbarian part of titans. Zavala is a tactical genius palladin.


Nah, Barbarians typically attack more than defend. Saint is a Sentinel, which is more of a Paladin. EDIT: To take it a bit further, Zavala is less of a Paladin and more of a Battle Master (the 5e subclass, akin to Warlord).


Saint is known for headbutting things to death and going on a massive attacking crusade.


*holy* crusades with his big purple thunderdome sanctuary


I'm 90% sure an actual crusade needs a religious place to take back


Just because he's one of the most renowned Titans doesn't instantly make him a genius. Like everybody else says, he was talking to his bf so that could be a part of it, but I'm a firm believer that in battle, it's always a 50/50 on what to do. There was a lore entry somewhere about a Titan discussing this with themselves, about how the other classes sees them as dumb, but in reality we have our own battle mantra and form of meditation that keeps some of us in flow with the fight. I'm talking mid fighting tactics and battle prediction, and honestly, punching something is always the right choice, not the dumb one. It has worked almost 100% of the time (I'm a Titan main btw) because it was applicable. You don't see Titans punching the Witness because it wouldn't work and we know it, but ask literally any other ground based boss about their experience with Titans and you wouldn't get an answer because their ass was pummeled to the ground.


To play into the the joke at this point. I’ll gladly take a knuckle dusting crayon eater any day, cause I need someone in front of me to take hits as I am just a squishy knife twirler. Especially if you are good at it and a good person. You all may be big walls of armor, but you all are definitely softer than it.


"I'm the wall against which Darkness breaks" it's literally our void mantra. You need a wall that never breaks, never lets down and holds for eternity? *Puts Ursa* You got it


Then I will gladly hide behind it till I can take my CN shot and that annoying red dot in the distance that is shooting a scorch cannon at us all while lighting everything else on fire. Then after everything is said and done I’ll take you to the ramen shop and let you have the glory while I eat in the corner.


Deal 🤝


Then we are in agreement. 🤝


I mean that's literally the lore of Ursa right? She's in a tunnel helping evacuate refugees, and literally draws a line in the dirt and decides she will hold that line for eternity if that's what the refugees need to get to safety. If that isn't the essence of being a titan idk what is.


> Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face


So what does being a battlefield master and tactical genius have anything to do with what they were explaining? You are also taking it much worse than I think it was meant. Remember that Saint is talking to his bf, who was a Warlock and also is a bit of an egotistical ass. Its less a haha titans are stupid and more of someone playfully giving their partner shit.


I'm sorry. I'm a Titan main. Can you explain in English?


Lovers talk to each other differently.




More like the set up went over your head. Tried to let you keep the joke running, but Reddit gonna Reddit.


Huh. Well, I'm that case. You know I'm a Titan main. Care putting it in simpler terms?


You know how you treat one fist differently? It’s like that.


Are you accusing me of being a fistist? I use both my left and right fists EQUALLY when fighting ALL enemies.


I mean, sure, but also, Haha Titans are dumb crayon eaters.


As a Titan I thought it was a funny joke and not a dig on titans, like, sure the sandbox lead thought we were stupid, and many devs think we are sutpid, but the narrative / lore team doesn't write us as stupid. Or, it's rare if they do. The dialogue Saint had issue with was a load of space jargon and like, it makes sense he wouldn't get it while Timelord Osiris and Supercomputer Failsafe do. Saint is more focused on plans of action. Providing support on a front line. In peacetime, learning culture from others. Like, I know explaining a joke ruins it but, this is the joke. It would've made equal sense if Crow was standing there and being like "Can you explain that a bit simpler, I am a Hunter after all." Or if Devrim were there saying he was just a normal human.




Least sensitive Titan main


He is lying. I see his stompees and all black clothing in his inventory.


*reads entire post* While I feel like you’re arguing several different points at once, some I agree with and some I don’t, I feel that- *reads last sentence* Oh my god why does every post about “Titan bad” somehow have to include Hunters?


Can't complain about your class being hated (because simultaneously every class is hated by bungie) without mentioning someone else. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy at this point why people think titan is bad. All you see is other people saying titan bad so of course you end up thinking it


The type of person that mains titan is also the type of person to be insecure about the size of their DPS. It's why they overcompensate with the giant shoulder pads.   In the real world, they would be driving a truck, truck nuts mandatory. Aaaaand this metaphor started as a joke but now explains why titans have a persecution fetish


I think Saint is purposely written as the typical "all brawn" Titan. No one would say that about Zavala, Slone or Saladin. They are literally all high ranking officers within the Vanguard. Saint is literally known just for killing Vex and Fallen for fun lol


Yeah them making Saint say that line was cringe af


*Clef?! The Vex use such strange names...*


I read this in Failsafe's voice


You do realise that Warlocks are the experts on technology, magic and lore in Destiny, right? Titans aren’t going to be experts on every single thing or else the classes will have no traits to call their own. Even back in D1, this was the case. Void lore put emphasis on how Titans didn’t put much thought into how they used Void Light in comparison to Hunters and especially Warlocks, who dealt with the mysterious and unnatural parts of Void Light. In D1, Osiris was the Vex expert in lore. Felwinter, a Warlock, discovered SIVA due to his expertise with Warmind technology as a result of being Rasputin’s son. Eris is our Hive and Taken expert and she was a Hunter who learned almost everything she knew from Toland, a Warlock. D2 introduced our other Vex expert, Asher, a Warlock. Ikora is our secondary or third expert on Hive and Vex. Warmind introduced our Golden Age tech expert, Ana, a Hunter. And when we look at the Hive, Oryx is the Hunter equivalent, Savathun is the Warlock equivalent and Xivu is the Titan equivalent. Oryx explored and sought to discover. Savathun was known for lying, her expertise on rituals, pushing the boundaries of Light and Dark and gathering information. Xivu is the most blunt of them and dedicated herself to war. If we look at the Awoken trio, Mara is the Warlock equivalent, Uldren was a Hunter equivalent and is literally a Hunter as Crow and Sjur was the Titan equivalent. Mara is the most interested in gathering power, learning secrets and gathering knowledge. Uldren explored and sought to discover. Sjur was Mara’s Queen’s Wrath, her bodyguard and enforcer. If we look at the aliens in our Coalition. The Cabal are the Titan equivalents. The Eliksni are the Hunter equivalents. And while unofficial currently, the Hive are the Warlock equivalents. Caital is the Titan equivalent, a Warrior and blunt with a passion for stories and her people’s history and culture, like Zavala. Mithrax/Missraks is the Hunter equivalent, seeking out pre-Whirlwind Eliksni lore and culture to spread it amongst modern Eliksni, like how Hunters seek out Golden Age tech to return to the City. The main contenders for our Hive allies are Savathun and Luzaku, both Wizards, who are the Warlock equivalents of the Hive. If we look at the factions the Titans are experts on, they are the most down to Earth factions, the ones they have similarities with or have history with. The Cabal are a militaristic culture and have fought humanity several times. Our Cabal experts are Titans, with Zavala and Saladin being the characters most associated with them, Hunters being second through Crow and Warlocks being the least involved with them. Warlocks are the least involved with the Eliksni, with Titans and Hunters primarily being the experts. It’s almost like the tacticians and warriors are tacticians and warriors and aren’t experts on every single subject. Zavala, Saint, Shaxx and Saladin have never been portrayed as experts on anything that isn’t warfare and strategy. How many times has Zavala turned to Eris and Ikora for guidance on dealing with what he knows he doesn’t understand much? Plenty. How many times has Saint looked to Osiris for guidance? Plenty. Shaxx doesn’t do much that isn’t acknowleding the risks of warfare, but he lets the experts handle things and does reach out to them when he needs them, such as when he reached out to Elsie during Into the Light to see what parts do the City are most vulnerable to attack based on her knowledge of the Dark Futures. Saladin hasn’t gotten involved in things that are outside his expertise much. You want lore on Titans being tacticians and masters of warfare? Look at lore involving Saladin offering guidance to Caital and how he helped the Cabal adapt their tactics to account for the loss of so many Cabal and the collapse of their empire. Read the Into the Light lore and how Shaxx put together an arsenal to better combat the Witness’s forces, trained Guardians and sought to address weaknesses in the Last City’s defences. Just observe how many times Zavala has been looked to for guidance in times of hardship or how he can rally the Coalition and the Guardians. Saint was mainly known as a champion of the people more than a tactician, but he and Osiris did step up to fill Zavala and Ikora’s shoes while Final Shape was taking place.


That line made me cringe/facepalm. Bungie's "fist on cover" philosophy is probably the worst thing to happen to Titans. Like what could Behemoth have been if they weren't made to be another punch subclass for no reason.


I love the Saint character, but I hated that line for the reasons above. Zavala and Saladin are much better ideas of what Titans should be; battle hardened front line defenders and strategists. It's disappointing they keep falling into the 'muscles mean dumb punchy character' trope.


I've disliked them turning fanon into canon almost every single time they did it and this one is no different.


The way I see it warlocks are intelligence, titans are wisdom and hunters are charisma casters.


Nah, Hunters are clearly the Wisdom casters and half casters, they are the only one’s with an animal companion. (Moths and Mothkeepers) …..never mind most Hunters in lore and out seem to have a negative wisdom.


That’s true but the moths are more like a construct of light like a golem/elemental something high level warlocks, sorcerers and bards do all the time although your argument in that regard does make sense since Druid and wizard both get access to conjure minor elemental which accounts for souls on warlock and the moths on hunter maybe Titan would still be wisdom though due to the lines that can be drawn between Titan and paladin/cleric


They're battlefield geniuses, tacticians and generals. Doesn't mean that they know about esoteric research that someone like Osiris does. In real world, brilliant generals would often be incredibly clueless about other areas of life. Same is true for pretty much any person who didn't explicitly set out to be a polymath.


Titans don't do research and study. They're the leading figures. Saint, Saladin, Zavala, Sloane.


This is one of the most unhinged titan-complaint posts yet holy


As i titan main, me have hard time understanding somethings , but doesnt mean i aint gonna try. But anyways chaos strat may as well be the way to go, until refined.


Bros been eating too many crayons


another titan complaint post? how many days in a row is this now?


I feel like the line was more saint poking fun at Osiris who is wildly intelligent beyond anyone's capability of understanding (except potentially ikora) so saint isn't saying he can't understand what Osiris is saying because he's a titan, he can't understand what Osiris is saying because no one could understand it


Op is widely stupid so he didn't understand


It’s also probably a joke/jab at an opinion Osiris has expressed before. Osiris 100% is the type to actually think all \*insert group here\* are incompetent, simple because they don’t understand the world like he does, or do thing in ways he wouldn’t, and he doesn’t have the empathy to understand why they would do it like that.


Bungie is creatively bankrupt, both in titan gameplay and characters. Theh can't be arsed to follow their own lore, ffs.


Yeah, that is kinda weird that Saint-14 said that. Anyways does anyone have a Ship I can hide in? I’m trying to hide from Martlet, she has been chasing me.


I just think it was a lame attempt to reskin the thoroughly beat to death *"In english, please"* trope. If Bungie really wants to run corny boomer humor, why not just give Saint-14 a love of vodka and then reveal his pre-exo name was Sergei Smirnoff or whatever? Feels like the same ballpark to me.


I don't have a clue what saint's line has to do with anything, this just reads like someone with a victim complex. In a video game. Chill out man, titans are absolutely tactical military leaders, and we do have builds that let us control the battlefield and the flow of combat. We're just currently a completely balanced class while the other 2 are broken, we'll be back in the spotlight soon like always


Titans are canonically crayon eaters in the lore stop coping