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I've never taken off sagira since I got it


"You will wear your dead friends skin and you will LIKE it, Ghost".


*Shoves shell in Osiris’s face*


same, had basically to "fight" (not maliciously ofc, we were just bantering with each other) with a clan mate of mine, who of us could keep her equipped during the one SE raid encounter


And it’ll never come off. I worked for that shit, i’m showing it off.


My biggest regret is getting lazy with those damn weapons on Mercury. Sagira is so cool, but it would only work with Mercury anyway! And…then suddenly it didn’t. It worked everywhere. I rue the day. Rue it!


Same. Why change Sagira shell when best shell?


I used to have 3 shell with the crucible/vanguard/gambit mods on each character (still have them just because you cant equip those mods anymore) now i just use the Bunny shell from prophecy on all 3.


Festival of the lost I pull out my cat shell.


Cat shell gang! Goes perfect with the cat projection.


Yall got the catmobile? I love putting a wood shader on it


On my warlock it always the Sagira shell On titan and hunter i change it here and there


I put the pre-order shell for this expansion on when I got it and haven’t changed it since. I don’t change it often. I almost changed it during the campaign because your shell gets some visual effects throughout the Final Shape campaign that don’t move with the pre-order shell, so the effects just float in the wrong spot, but I really wanted to keep using the shell lol


Same thing with mine (multiband shell) the “cracks” just linger stagnant while the parts move around


I hope they fix it one day, but I kind of doubt they will since it seems like one of those things that’s difficult to fix


Haven’t switched shells since prophecy came out. Bunny shell for the rest of my life


I'll change the colors to match my outfit but besides that hardly ever change the actual shell


Only when I have to do verity.


I haven’t changed off of Sagira’s shell since the day Beyond Light launched and we learned of her sacrifice.


Like never. Sorry I changed it for the first time since um Forsaken? I was using the Traveller one, now the one that looks like traveller but with pyramids around it. Thats it.


Got 6-7 MW’d, I change ghosts and ships every time I change outfits. About once a week.


i have ghosts with the old playlist mods still on them, and swap depending on what i'm doing. More often than not though, i forget to, and i'm on my daily driver Bramble from season of the witch




I have loads I use regularly. Basically one for each of my favourite builds. I like to match the style of the ghost shell and ship to whatever fit I'm rocking, so using only one wouldn't work. I honestly wish we had more than 9 slots cos I often have to dismantle a masterworked ghost just to pull another from collections and masterwork that one. I think I may have a problem...


There’s no way your one ghost shell can match with every different outfit you put on.


I only use the armory forged shell and all of my sets include at least one armor piece with the armory symbol on it. So yeah you can have a one ghost fits all


I used my first shell (last city) up until I finally got hairball - don't think I'll be changing it. I do, oddly enough, have my ghost inventory full of customized shells that I like, ready to use... but I never use them. Same with my ship - Estival Excursion is the only one I'll use.


I don’t. Ever since I got the Neon Helix Shell I’ve never taken it off my Warlock. Same for the Estival Excursion ship (plus Calus Selected Shader) from year 1 Solstice.


Don’t think I have changed it since season of the lost.


Whenever I find a banger one


I exclusively used the Armory-Forged Shell until recent events. After the cutscene in Excision where our Ghost is temporarily changed to use the default shell, I decided to make that canon by switching to the Generalist Shell.


Kinda wish it didn’t cost anything and I would change it more even tho it’s kinda cheap




Haven’t changed off of buoy trap since I got it. An inflatable shark destroying the witness was funny


Fr ghost shells should be ornaments.


Have used the egg shell for the last two years and only just two weeks ago changed my shell. So rarely changes lol


On my hunter main, it’s Sagira’s shell, and I haven’t changed it in at least a year. My other toons have different shells, and those I might change more often


Basically never. I rock the same TFS pre-order ghost on all 3 characters.. likewise for ship and sparrow, all 3 characters all get the same items.


I’ve used Sagiras shell since it came out on all 3 of my characters


been rocking the Bane of Croat shell on all three characters since Shadowkeep. kept it equipped ever since cause I loved the description of it, and the design. especially with new black armory shader, makes it look like something out from Doom lmao


I'd change it way more frequently if I didn't have to burn resources to masterwork them


I have the cardboard cat Halloween ghost.. it'll stay on until Bungie rereleases the true endgame meta shell, Ghost Ghost


When I feel like it


Worked my ass off to get Hareball. Kept that on. Then Spire hooked my ass and am now full cowboy on all three characters and the Sherrif shell (and Wanted) never come off.


When I get a new I like better


I like to wear sagira’s shell around osiris


I have one on each class. Warlock: Clicker shell. Before that it was the arc shell Hunter: damaged last city shell. Looked especially damaged at the end of tfs Titan: Contenders shell.


I’ve been using the scorpion/dreaming city ghost shell for so long. Only time I take it off is for the pumpkin during Halloween. The warlock & Titan see a bit more variety however


I haven't changed my ghost or ship in years. Sparrow is looking like it's going to be the same since skimmers released.


Ladybug gang rise up. I maybe change my ghost every six months or so. But always sort of go back to Ladybug. Half the time I don’t even notice.


I used to change it up whenever I got a new exotic shell that looked cool. For the new campaign... I put on the Heraldic Shell with Shadow Gilt. Like a void-themed version of Sundance. And y'know what? I think it's probably gonna stay.


Very very rarely I hate all the novelty Eververse crap ones and pretty much hsve only used ghosts I have earned in game (same for sparrows and ships) used to run a ghost for each activity but not so much need for that any more so for final shape I went old clschool and switched to generalist shell and Sagira's shell.


My titan and hunter have been using the niobi labs ghost shell since black armory came out, my Warlock has been using The Nine themed ghost that I think came with season of the drifter.


Basically never lol. I have bunny ears from Prophecy on my hunter and the old Black Armory one on my warlock


I swap ghost shells based on what I need them for. Each character has three; a main one (xp and extra cores), a free roam one (loot detector and xp), and a focusing one (stat focus and glimmer)


i have my ghosts main shell then they have their shell for alt activities, not that the mods for activity specific rewards are much value most days i forget.


I change it depending on the activity. If I want XP, one shell. If I want Cores/Modules/Prisms in Crucible or Vanguard, I run one that looks different. If I want Gambit rep or more glimmer, I'll change to a different but appropriately kitted out Ghost.


Using the Hardlink Shell from warmind 90% of the time.   Swap it occasionally for drip/season/events but that’s usually temporary 


I have 4 Ghost shells. 3 are Generalist shells with different post-match loot mods for easy swapping. The last one is that Halloween shell with bat wings taped on, and I just use that for Verity in the raid.


I only change them if there's a distinct change in my character's style. My hunter's ghost has been the same since the season it came out. Rigg's vortex with mercury vex chrome. My warlock's changed when they turned the praxics into military police and I changed her out of her praxic aesthetic My Titan's has always been the lotus shell. For ghosts who believe peace is possible


Only during the 4th encounter of the new raid, and when I’m searching for chests


I have one with the old bonus rewards from crucible mod on it still, my designated crucible ghost


I haven't taken off my Ghost's hat since I got it in the Season of Arrivals.


I've got different shells masterworked with mods for different purposes (Alchemical Dawn for Crucible, Furtive for Gambit, No Love Lost for resource nodes/chests, etc.) but stick with a few; On my Titan, it's the Kingfisher Shell with Crucible Carmine; the shader makes the shell look similar to the Frontier Shell from D1 with the Ghost Edition, which I used throughout the game. On my Hunter, I have the Viceroy Shell with Tyrian Abyss; I used to almost exclusively run Arcstrider and had blue-themed armor, so I wanted the shell to match. On my Warlock, I have the Stalwart Shell with Midnight Talons. I haven't found a shell I love for my Warlock, but I don't mind this one so it's stayed for a few months now. I like the exotic shells, but I really like the expressiveness Ghost gets during cutscenes with a standard-ish shell form, so I don't really use them.


I got the cat one with the custom audio and have never changed it. 


On my Titan I use the Titan shell.


I change mine once an expansion usually. I have been wearing simulation shell for an extended period this time around though.


i used to change it alot then i got the pharmakos shell, and im a hive nerd.


after i got the vexcaliber shell i stopped switching, didnt really swap them much before either but that one has been glued into the slot since i got it.


Never there's no reason too. I feel like ghost mods are underutilized. They can do stuff as shown in TFS.


I have two shells for each character that I swap between.  One is the maximum XP, Wombo, and a focus. That one goes on any time I'm expecting high stat armor or when I'm looking for chests.  The other is maximum XP and level 4 glimmer boost. That's been on most of the time this season.  Once I hit +20 I'll change it to rank 4 XP and max Glimmer. I also have some maximum ugly shells for Verity.


I have a couple for different builds. If it still works I have some that affect rewards from crucible and vanguard activities.


I main my Siva shell but have alts for armor focusing and a wombo detector for finding chests. I also switch to a seasonal shell for FoTL


Alchemical dawn shell has been my go to since I earned it back in Warmind


Haven’t changed mine since Guardian Games 2021.


Ghost shells costing mats is dumb I only keep one and one class item pre-exotic masterworked felt like a waist to do otherwise.


never basically, I was using the sugary shell since I got then then I switched to the clicker ghost shell and have kept using that one


I used the Hardlink shell for the longest time, but I recently switched to the Vex Harpy shell. Kinda wish I didn't for the final cutscene since you're Ghost turns back into the default for a second but it's fine. Cracked Harpy Ghost looked kinda sick ngl


I got some omolon shell that looks like a poke ball in shadowkeep and just never took it off


I literally have only had 2 Sparrows used and 4 ghosts. Default Ghost from the Game Release (Lost City Shell? I think was the name) The broken version when the game switches it on you in the story. Kill Tracker Ghost (before I learnt discord bot can track) And once Black Armory gave me the Future Perfect Shell, I have never taken it off. Same with sparrows. Default One the game gave you. Rode that until the 1st Solstice then snagged the Gray Hornet motorcycle and never took it off.


I haven’t taken the Siva one off since I got it


I have separate ghost shell for every subclass so on each class there’s like 4 ghost shells (and ships, and sparrows) in my inventory. But I kept the gyro shell on my solar Hunter since I consider that to be my canon loadout Im weird lol


I've been using the Peerless Precision Shell since Forsaken.


I got the Adonis shell and never changed it.


Basically never. Haven't swapped my ships since I got them either, those being Platinum Starling and the Whisper one.


Damn near never. I picked a unique one for the Verity encounter so it's easier to tell me apart from others, but I've been using the same one since I got it which is the Trials Lantern. I'll use the new Trials one whenever I am lucky enough to get it.


Y Warlock is a Vex weaboo, I havet taken the harpy she'll since I got it when it came out.


I use an unshaded generalist shell since we got it back into d2 and haven’t changed it


I don’t think I’ve ever taken the Last City shell off, just changed the shader.


I haven't changed the shell in 2 years


I'm a Titan who has my Cowboy hat glued to my helmet (maybe literally), and since the day I got the Cowboy ghost, my lil pardner hasn't changed his shell.


I got the Predator Sun shell in season 3, and it has been on my Ghost almost always since then. Only exception is armor focusing because I'm too lazy to switch mods.


I have the rabbit ears one from the solo Prophecy way back when and haven't changed since.


Sagiras is forever. Ship also has been the station wagon with butterbark and the gingerbread transmat since that ship was added. Wood panelling on a wood ship is too stylish


Every single build has a custom transmog, shell, sparrow, and ship. The game basically has no meaningful power up or stats, so fashion it is.


Gilded Shell never comes off


Never. Titan gets Sagira, Warlock gets Hero's Wake, Hunter gets Prophecy Rabbit. 


i only use shells that have an "eye" thats different. i havent taken the flayer shell off since i got it. cant remember which it was before that.


Changed it once and never again


I haven't changed mine since I got the bunny shell from the prophecy...it grew on me and I guess it's like kind of a constant in the everchanging world of Destiny for me


Haven't taken the one I've used off since it was masterworked. WIll probably never do it unless they release one that blows my mind and I'm swimming in materials for it.


Depends on the current fashion


Much like you, used to rock all Eris shells for the xp but now warlock always has Sagira, Titan has a saint-14 shell, and hunter almost always has the trials of the nine shell


I have been using last city ghost (damaged) since forever But recently I did swap it for one thing: 4th encounter of SE. Having a unique ghost makes it easier so I have a couple to switch depending on my team. But afterwards I'm right back to my old one


It was the solo prophecy bunny one until I found one that worked with photo finish. It’s never changed since and it never will. Especially after TFS campaign ending. We’re officially bonded.


Vow of the disciple. I like the blinks. Also, it's like my only raid shell because my friends are not good at raiding.


Knights peace shell since last week of trials of the nine. Only changed it for the 4th encounter in the new raid to make thing easier.


On my hunter I have the EDI shell form Mass Effect and on my Titan I still use the damaged last city shell from "Red War".




Almost never. I’ve used the prophecy shell or the gambit shell for as long as I can remember.


Ghost and I got matching cowboy hats


Only when a funnier one releases. Beach ball, crab, etc, but I’ve been using the princess one since that released.


>in my view the other ghosts should basically be shaders instead of different items entirely Yeah no they really should just do it that way. It could even have the same favorite system. Then you could get rid of the nine now-useless slots for storing ghost shells on your character and, in my wildest dreams, *add* 3 more squares to each weapon slot's character storage using the now available memory footprint.


I use the Tyrant Shell, and whatever the electric one is.


when i was like 6 years old playing halo 3 with my dad the coolest thing anyone could have was a flaming helmet and thats still true so i only use the solar shell and i will never change it


I have 4, actually. One for each Ritual playlist that has that playlist’s color scheme in mind, with that perk that gives you a chance of an additional drop. Then one for general gameplay on destinations with a Wombo Detector for chest hunting, and that one usually matches my armor On all 4 i use Resilience Armorer since I’m a Titan main.


My warlock has had Sagira’s shell since I got it, Harper’s on Hunter and the Prophecy bunny on Titan. I upgraded them once and decided I’m happy there and won’t need to upgrade one ever again.


For the longest time I used the kill tracker ghost from preordering the base game, but once I got the dreaming shell from season of the lost I haven’t taken it off


I have 2 or 3 masterworked Ghost Shells for each of my characters that I rotate between for different things. One to grind XP, another has Wombo Detector and One to grind ritual rewards.


Changed them all the time until i got gilgamesh


I have different shells for different purposes: glimmer farming, Wombo, extra cores in ritual activities, armor focusing, &c. All of them have the biggest XP buff equipped always.


I also flex my Eris Morn shell at all times. It hits so hard. I do however keep like 10 masterworked shells on me at all times. It can be convenient to swap to a different shell to turn on the planetary material detector rather than messing with the mods again and again.


Before Salvation's Edge came out? Rarely, if ever. But with that raid in mind? Everytime we get to to Verity, typically based on what shells everyone else is wearing and what my armor looks like at the time.


I switch up every now and then depending on if I see a cool shell I wanna use instead, but this really only happens once or twice a year. I’ve also got all different shells on each of my characters


I haven't changed the Ghosts on my Titan and Hunter since Shadowkeep (5 years now???). I changed my Warlock's like 2 weeks ago because of the Shape Hell encounter of the raid.


change egg shell? over my dead body, son


I got the Halo Ghost from Dares and haven't swapped off it on my Titan since.


I've never changed my ghost shell actually. I don't pick the drip. The character does.


I mainly use the No Love Lost from DSC. I also have the chinese lantern one when chinese new years comes around. I gotta represent.


I just want a legendary version of the normal ghost shell. That’s how he looks in most cutscenes and on my shelf.


Once a year, maybe? I did Prophecy solo as I really wanted the Hareball shell and I've been rocking that for a while. But mostly I use the older shells (Generalist, Techno Robin or the purple eye tetrahedral ones if it fits my look). As much as the new ones look cool, I like the old ones that actually come apart and can emote.


After switching to Tower Shell, never.


I haven’t thought about it until I read the post. I remember getting the Hardlink shell years ago and thinking it was cool at the time, so I just wore it and never took it off.


Haven't taken the guardian angel one since I got it. Only time I'll change is if there's a really good one out, and I can match armor with it


i have had the year 1 flawless shell on for 6 years


I use the shark bc I think it’s goofy


I usually change it with events like festival of the lost, the dawning, etc, but outside that I usually try and find something that aligns with my current fit.


Ghost used to be a shank shell until I got the servitor shell and never took it off. And I only pilot Fallen ships. My hunter backstory is that he and his ghost spent a lot of time with Eliksni before making their way to the last city. Along the way he picked up a few Eliksni customs as his own.


I used to have sagira's shell stuck to me but it started to feel a little fucked up after she died so I changed things up for awhile I had 8 or so masterworked shells on each character that I'd change to match my outfit, but ever since I picked up the heart-powered shell last year it became sort of my "canon" one that I rarely swap out because the concept of a ghost who genuinely believes they're my "magical girl mascot" since they channel the light brings me great joy (and I mean, after that finale to TFS, would they be wrong?)


Been using Sagira’s shell since I got it back in CoO.


I got the Tower Shell when I started and masterworked it because it was first legendary shell I received. I've never taken it off.


Yeah I change mine. It’s fun to see a tennis ball or a submarine or sagira in cutscenes. Never use a projection though.


Only for the 4th encounter in SE. Other than that I haven't changed my ghost shells in a couple of years. Hunter-No love lost shell, Warlock-Vantastic Shell (station wagon), Titan-Harpy shell. I only changed it on the Hunter


I got the rainbow ghost shell from that one curse of Osiris nightfall and never took it off since. I see no reason to switch because there's not really any other ghost shells that really appeal to me, except sagira (so sad I missed out on it)


I've used the vex harpy shell since the day it was released so I really don't understand your question lol


Sagiras shell except for when using Stasis. Then it's Rimed shed


Every time i get to the verity encounter - i love my sunglass ghost with all its mods but i need something with a more distinctive silhouette, but can't be bothered setting up a new ghost with mods


Very rarely


Cat ghost. It makes noises. Enough said.


The only character I care about the ghost on is my hunter and I have the Tex mechanica shell from presage on it, for most people here zero hour or the whisper is their favorite exotic mission experience in D2 but for me presage hit everything I wanted and more, I must’ve played it on all 3 characters weekly for half the season and after that at least once a week to run clan members through it, so that shell reminds me of those good times, best memory is helping this older married couple I play with, they couldn’t for the life of them do any of the jumping in the mission no matter how many times we ran it, so each week I’d just let them stay at the beginning till I could pull them and I loved it, to this day I’m the “jumping god” to them


after every use


Sagira. I worked hard for it


I wore Sagira’s Shell until I got the Horus Shell from Trials. Haven’t taken Horus off since


All three of my characters have had the same ghost shells on for years but I still keep some that I like in my inventory


I got my cat ghost shell from festival of the haunted around 2-3 years ago and I've never changed it


Occasionally, but I've almost exclusively used the Scribetrace Shell since I got it


I still use Last City Shell (DAMAGED)


Sagira since she was available.


I used to have a master worked ghost shell for each activity I was in (Vanguard, Crucible, Gambit, etc.) just to make it faster to set it up as I did different things. Then Bungie simplified all the ghost mods and I only used one. 


Clam, permanent.


Almost never. Been rocking the generalist shell pretty much exclusively since it became available.


I have a Sundance lookalike that's been there since forsaken.


Rarely after my ghost died in TFS though i decided too change it


Bunny shell until Verity, then I swap to mint chocolate chip Sagira because no one I play with played when that was a reward.


I used the Predator Sun shell in Beyond Light (that's when I started) I used the Witch Queen preorder shell for all of Witch Queen and into light fall and now I use the cordyceps shell and have been since it dropped


I've been using the [Lion Guardant shell](https://bungie.net/common/destiny2_content/screenshots/779216203.jpg) ever since it was released with Shadowkeep. Just the perfect titan shell IMHO and I love how the ghost is actually the mouth and there's little glowing eyes above (that change glows with shaders), so when ghost speaks the "mouth" does the speaking animation. It's also one of the modular shells, so if you're dead it pulls apart into a couple of individual pieces that float around the ghost. Also used the cabal drop pod transmat since the Red War, drop pod is just the best way to arrive anywhere. And the Pragmat Harrier ship ever since that was released during season of the lost. I like my ships to have guns on them, and look like they have actual place for a guardian or two.


I used to have multiple ghost shells per character, but then I decided to only have one shell per character and have it be based on how much I like the shell or being tied thematically to what class my guardian is. Also it's more resource friendly.


Not many ghost shells say you actually did something, let alone did some hard. I’m never taking my bunny shell from solo flawless dungeon off.


Its been a few years, but the moment I got the Empathic Shell was the day I stop caring about any other ghost.


Never. Ever since I got my Black Cat shell it’s been the same. And always will be.


I've had Sagira's shell on since Curse of Osiris.


Have had my contender shell since I’ve gotten it and haven’t bothered to change it. Still has all my encounter clears tracked for Leviathan as well.


I have 10 fully masterworked shells. Why? I got tired of switching mods every activity. I've got 2 for each ritual Playlist (one for enhancement prisms and one for masterwork cores) plus a few made for patrol spaces. Public defender and those lovely women combos. I got one that's all xp boosts and I got one I use those armored drop mods on It's not excessive


Almost never. My bunny buddy stays on unless I change it for a seasonal event to match a temporary theme. Lil Styx hasn't left my side (except the rare seasonal event theme) since I got him years ago.


Sagira Shell + Platinum Starling + D1 Y1 MOT emblem for life.


I master worked my deep stone crypt shell and haven't changed it since.


I've always used just one shell but lately I've been considering a couple of more to swap out for different activities


I have like 3 and it’s coordinated with my outfits but mainly its the Multiband Shell.


Almost never. I pick one I like and masterwork it and that's that. I don't feel the need to waste my materials to masterwork multiple shells. I have one or two per character.


I haven’t taken Sagira off for any longer than a few seconds at a time since Season Two.


I have never swapped off my Station wagon ghost since i got it


I have the original like pre order exotic ghost and I don’t think I have changed it on my hunter. In 7 years. I am not kidding. My warlock has had the broken traveler ghost from arrivals on since that live event, or wherever it was from, could be the pass (i think it was from the event i dont rememeber tbh was just cool). My titan hasnt been ressurected since forsaken so I have no idea whats equipped 👀


I change my ghost shell for the Verity raid encounter. Otherwise I've used exclusively the solar shell ever since I got it.


When I started in Plunder I swiftly acquired the Skiff Scribbles shell, and kept that until the Summer Solstice came around and I picked up Spelunker so we had [matching outfits](https://i.imgur.com/fA8HCOn.png).


Whaaaat!?? You don't keep 9 shells on you at all times, each with different mods, ready to go for any activity???


If I get a coopl new one I will try it, but I always end up using the Pokeball.


Generally keep the same one on which is the Rime shell from beyond light. I regretted not getting the Eris shell as it’s my favorite though and there’s no possible way to obtain it :(


I have never ever changed ghost shells until verity.


See back in the day, ghost shells gave set perks. Some gave extra glimmer, some gave more mats. A few gave extra XP. By donating to the Bungie Foundation during one of their charity drives, I got the Empathic Shell, which gave that XP bonus. It's a little balloon shaped like a heart. I find it really cute. When the ghosts got their revamp, I masterworked it immediately. I haven't taken it off since.




Every time I do Verity if someone else wants to run a similar theme. I will ***always*** do my best to make my ghost and my guardian both distinct from other teammates and pair together in an intuitive way. It kinda annoys me other people don't try as hard to make it easier for their fellow teammates but I get that some people are attached to their ghosts or fashion.


Never. We have a one eyed cat so that never comes off.


Vestian Shell all day, sometimes I'll throw on the warlock shell from Vanilla


*Very* rarely. I got the Astrologic shell and had stuck with that for god knows how long until this season, when I swapped to the Spectrum Shell. If I ever get the Horus shell though I'd never change from it.


My wife got me one those ghost shells they sell. The green one. I always use that one since I have one in the office.