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The other exotics have great stats usually too... meanwhile the exotic glaive have a low mag and take 3-5 business days to reload


Yeah that is another issue. I didnt want to tackle the stats themselves in this post, but its a possible adjustment for it as well. I wanted to make ways to generate energy without having to rely on the small ammo and terrible reload


The edge of action reload bums me out the most, and it has almost no range stat depending on how you build it. The projectile is slow as hell as a result of that. Also I will never understand why they didn't let edge of action at least have a nerfed version of weapons of light with the update. We already have a kinetic exotic HC that gives a bigger buff than weapons of light to begin with, so I'm not seeing the harm here even if they don't want the jello cup to replace the bubble.


>Also I will never understand why they didn't let edge of action at least have a nerfed version of weapons of light with the update. Edge of Action’s shield already grants a small stacking damage buff.


I know but that's not what I'm talking about. What I mean is either replacing the 5% bonus with something like 15/20% damage with helm of saint-14, or giving us 15% bonus in addition to that 5% buff with Helm of Saint-14. Weapons of Light is already 25% to the full bubble.


Ah. In that case, I’m on board with what you just said.


I just want my Glacial Quake turbo bubble back.


I mean at this point those could be borderline be considered as part of glaives' identity, sadly enough...


Didn’t it take coldheart all the way until arc 3.0 to get its intrinsic fixed? And that same season we got our first legendary arc trace rifle. But by the time the season after the exotic glaives came along we had gotten a legendary solar, void, and arc glaive so they had even less reason to run them


The legendary arc trace came a season after arc 3.0


That is true it took that exotic forever to get its own intrinsic trait as well


They would have to *radically* buff these weapons to make me use them over any number of exotic primaries or heavies. Exotic specials are in a tricky place to start with, and something as niche as glaives is always going to be a tough, tough sell.


I’ve found intent to be quite useful in solo content. The damage isn’t terrible and glaive sheilds are still crazy strong. Plus the healing turret is very helpful to stay alive, and if you have touch of flame equipped it gives Resto x2


Presumably it doesn't interact with Speakers Sight?


They did add an interaction with Speaker's Sight this season, the glaive turret healing can spawn orbs. They also swapped out the older, worse healing turret for the Speaker's turret at base. It's still hamstrung by being tied to a really bad glaive and taking an alt reload & shield energy to fire.


I like Edge of Concurrence a lot too. If you have room for a Lucent Blades mod they also get a lot better too.


honestly felt this way for so long but my energy slot now is 90% of the time ergo sum or bloodlines


> Exotic specials are in a tricky place to start with I've noticed for a while for Exotic specials to be viable they almost have to be borderline broken and do something increably radical. Most viable exotic specials are borderline heavy weapons: Still Hunt, Euphony, Witherhold, Izi, Conditional, Divinity... all these are crazy compared to legendary options.


Or they fill an important niche, like Arbalest or Conditional Finality, both of which are very good champion killers. There are lots of great special exotics, but I can count the number of times I’ve used the glaive on one hand.


I wish they would just give up on making them class exclusive. Let me have fun with the Hunter one on my Titan dammit No one uses them anyway might as well let those that do enjoy all 3


Honestly the Hunter one is the only one that wouldn’t be wierd to have on all classes. The other two tho


Everyone can use the Golden Gun sniper (though it's objectively worse without Nighthawk). There's no issue with all classes throwing down weak Bubbles or whatever the Warlock glaive does...


It puts down a healing turret that was pretty weak sauce until this season when they changed it to work like the one from Speaker's Sight. It's not a "bad" alt fire, but it's not amazing, and the way you give up the best glaive mechanics & the overall terrible stats still kinda sucks.


IMO class specific stuff is cool and unique.


They should make the Exotic glaive projectiles be ones that Lucent Hive Lightbearers use. Action fires Void shield throws that can ricochet, Intent fires Solar-blades that track and explode, and Concurrence fires Arc blasts that overpenetrate and are hitscan. Of course, the other thing they should do is remove the class exclusivity.


They are pretty basic I agree. I always wanted them to get reworked to use the Scorn Chieftain Totems. They have the arc totem that pulls things in, the void one gives a shield, and the fire one burns. Would have been fun to charge up a totem for different playstyles.


That would actually be sick


That’s so radically different that it may as well be its own exotic (although it’s a very cool idea)


All Glaives should have Intrinsic grave Robber and Overload like the sword perk this season.




I honestly don’t see why they need to be class exclusive anymore. They are not strong enough to warrant only being able to use them on a certain class


Warlock: Healing your friends returns a small bit of glaive energy (like I’m talking 5% max per heal) and grants a stacking boost to projectile damage   Titan: Stepping through the created bubble grants a Void OS and friendly guardians have  greatly increased reload and swap/ready speeds while inside the bubble   Hunter: scoring a hit/kill with the alt fire amplifies you and nearby guardians. While amplified, this weapon’s melee attacks jolt and its standard projectile attacks have greatly increased travel speed Edit: oh and also make it so the alt fires don’t require glaive energy, but instead work off of a seperate counter like gunpowder gamble, wishkeeper, or still hunt. You can have it gain progress on weapon hits


Those are some solid changes, and honestly yeah i think changing the alt action to be its own counter and not glaive nervy may be the best buff it can get. Or if they refuse to change that at least make it cose half energy at most


They definitely need a second energy bar for their special abilities.  The glaive shield is the reason to run one.  No exotic ability will ever be worth it, it leaves you with a special weapon that barely does damage & can't survive to use the nerfed-to-hell melee. Personally I'd prefer they give them some perks to help their reloads, thats the worst part of glaives by far, and with their bad stats and no legendary perk help they're really unpleasant to use.


Lubraes ruin: make it an exotic that shoots big resonance lasers


Here's what they should have: Titans: Rapid melee attacks apply weaken to the target, Killing a target causes a suppressive void explosion, and rants volatile rounds to allies void weapons. The heavy attack creates a smaller Ward of Dawn over the glaive user and allies within it gain Armor of Light. Hunter: Rapid hits disorient targets. Killing a target creates a blinding arc explosion that jolts nearby enemies, as well as amplify allies. The heavy attack now jolts and causes chain explosions, and grants nearby allies jolting ammunition for their arc weapons. Warlock: Melee/projectile hits scorch targets. Killing a target causes a solar explosion and grants allies scorching ammunition for their solar weapons. Getting kills fills up a meter, and once filled, wielder can consume the charge to fire a healing turret out using the heavy attack. EDIT: These sound a bit crazy, but should have a cooldown between activations so they can't be too over powered. The special heavy attack should take a while to build a charge so they can't be spammed so often.


They need to make glaives better to use first. You’ve got pugilist as a benefit but I can’t use my charged melee with a glaive.


And because the melee overwrites your charged melee, other abilities that return melee energy don't work when you have a glaive out


Okay so like, I like edge of action, I don’t use it all that often but when I do I feel like it’s very helpful. I think the core issue with all three exotic glaves, concurrence being the least effected by this, is that this is Reddit and DTG is one of the most Reddit subreddits I have ever seen. And if you know anything about Redditors it’s don’t mention safes and they like making big numbers explode out of their enemies and nothing else. So long as things like still hunt exist that exist exclusively to generate Big Number (tm) then utility or survival tools will always be unpopular in certain sections of the community. So unless they give action a 80% damage bonus when you enter the flan or intent radiant x5 people won’t care. I would like to see all three of them given catalysts and something in their intrinsic slot, but nothing will make them popular to the Big Number addicts or the people who just can’t like using glaives.


I honestly dont use edge of action too much, mostly edge of intent, and i feel like while they are ok, they just fall so much behind others, and them not having an intrinsic perk, and catalyst, does hurt it a lot. yes they wont put out big boi still hunt numbers but not every exotic will, or should, do that. I just want these 3 to be better at their neiche


Reddit only care abt damage because Reddit is mostly Titans according to previous polls, and Strand, Void and Solar LITERALLY *exist*. Well and bubble exist. Only hunters truly care even a slight bit about defense, and even then, the Liar's/Cowl in question solves this. I'll care about survivability when wiping from death will become a real threat compared to wiping from not shitting out enough damage and add control


them being glaives is pretty much what makes them feel bad.


I was expecting this responce lol. I know glaives arent for everyone but there are a bunch of people that like them


I went through way too much trouble to get the catalysts for Vexcalibur to not actually use the weapon lol.


Edge of Action is my highest level weapon lmao


Dozens of us!


Dozens I tell you!


I love glaives.  Vexcalibur & Winter's Bite are excellent exotics. The class glaives integrate their special abilities in the worst possible way, by ruining the shield & tying to the awful reload glaives use.  They also have absolutely trash stats. I'm glad they learned from their mistakes, but the class glaives are nearly unsalvageable even after a bunch of attempts.   They need a complete rework of how they function; alt-reload & crippling the shield is just a terrible mechanic on glaives.


imo they all should have either been legendaries or in the kinetic slot (still w their current elements) so they were more unique


Great ideas! On top of them, remove the class restrictions. I’m a hunter main and I want to use other exotic glaives with triton vice!


Do you think adding a fragment from the subclass to the glaives would be too much? Like, surrounded kills Grant super energy to the titan glaive Ember of benevolence to warlock glaive Idfk, spark of beacons to the hunter glaive?  Mainly the idea of giving the "class" weps a "subclass" specific fragment that would match their respective playstyles? 


Exotic bows and some swords deserve a fourth perk first, then they can move on to glaives.


oh i am still floored how little perks wishender and Black talon have


They also still require 200 legendary shards to purchase on your alts from the board on Mars. I've kept meaning to go and pick the other classes' glaives up ever since I got the Warlock glaive during WQ, never really played my other classes enough to remember. Finally remembered last week, and learned that I can't buy them because I got rid of all my legendary shards last season.


yeah i'm glad i picked up the warlock and titan ones at least. They have been saying this has been an issue every week so for with no word on a fix...


I think it'd be cool if the catalyst added a thing where long pressing reload to activate the special ability would send out a Scorch/Weaken/Jolt burst around you. I think it would help with that feeling of vulnerability when you go to activate it.


The Hunter glaive could be all jolting wave frames, and I still wouldn't use it.


> ~~After over 2 years the class exotic~~ glaives ~~still dont have intrinsic exotic perks, and that just makes them feel really~~ bad. Fixed your title for you.


I will keep on repeating this forever: make them like the CoD Zombies Origins staffs. The unique firing modes should be tied to holding down the fire button rather than charging the meter and holding the interact button. This would not only be a significant buff but also make it feel way more smooth. The meter would only for blocking, just like any other glaive.


I always forget glaives exist. Don’t think I’ve ever used one in my 2K hours in this game.


Like so many aspects of the game they are half ass thought out. All flash and no substance. Just like gambit. Great idea horrible follow through. And in classic Bungie fashion they either abandoned the idea. Or buff it like that's the answer to making something useful or interesting. 


Yeah make all three glaives usable by any class but you get a special perk that makes it better to use on the class it was made for


The day they make an exotic glaive that is all about its melee and not its boring primary fire and without involving the stupud energy bar. Then we will have a fun exotic glaive. I dont know why they design glaives around sholting and blocking damage..and not on impaling and slashing people. I guess if they release shields they will design thel around dealing damage then ?, Give us a glaive that allows us to dash forward and pierece through ennemies...one with elemental damage on melee hits...etc... Glaives are just a waste of a weapon type rn.


Let the titan one count as powered melee and il be happy


Bungie had made multiple changes to glaives. They are still not used enough for them to care. Glaives are the weapons equivalent to Gambit. They make/made changes. Still nobody uses them. They’ve given up.  


Glaives in general are just too clunky


They already got your money for that work. They ain’t gonna do more. Bungie only does the bare minimum.