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I currently have an adept with Enchanced Battery, Wewind, and B&S. So looking at your numbers backup mag is not good and Adept Mag is kinda not good. So would a Charge Time mod be the best option?


Adept charge time is great it lowers the charge rate but keeps the damage the same, was a change they did a few Seasons ago.


Total damage remains the same but dps is increased so definitely the way to go. Especially with Veist Stinger origin trait it’ll be really good.


In practicality your total damage increases too because the faster you empty your reserves the more time you have to do damage with other things.


Yeha I suppose that’s true too permitting you get more ammo between damage phases as well.


That's still dps. Total damage is just how much total damage that specific gun can put out over an infinite time with full reserves.


Charge time MW still *shows* the damage decreasing. But IIRC that was also changed to no longer reduce damage right? (just asking as I kind of forgot).


All I know about it myself. Had to re watch parts of it. https://youtu.be/LhWuKks4Zyc?si=Ud2xDXSZMcyFT9Ym


I watched the first 10 ish minutes of this video and he just talked about how the changes made to charge time MW and adept charge time mods only affected fusions and not linear fusions.


True I had though it affected LFRs too, miss remebering there, but with how long LFRs take to empty their total reserves anyway its best to just get the damage out as fast as possible so still would recommend the charge time mod.


Why doesn’t it show charge time drop.


Check the twid he mentions IIRC it says in the bungie post TWID [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhWuKks4Zyc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhWuKks4Zyc)


Nothing lowers your damage anymore that increases your charge rate except backup plan.


Wish I had adept mods. How do you get them again?


GrandMaster Nightfalls (GMs), or go to the Lighthouse Chest from Trials of Osiris by going flawless (7 wins in a row no losses, different cards make it easier) .


Adept mods can be used on adept weapons only. All adept weapons have access to their full list of applicable adept mods on drop. Adept weapons can come from gm nightfalls, trials flawless, and master raids. I believe that's all of them.


Good to know that it’s never happening for me then.


Nah. Gms are easy if you just go super slow until yer comfortable. Just find a build that you feel comfortable with, make sure the champ mods are covered by your team and maybe watch a walkthrough. Also a disorienting GL in your pocket helps. I have never gone flawless though. That one still feels like a long road of practice away. But all doable.


Not with that attitude


Oh I’ve tried quite a bit. I just can’t finish them. I find most endgame content too difficult. That’s why I say that. That is also why I personally like Rahool’s new system. Now I can actually get the exotic armors from the lost sectors.


Well I saw someone offered to help you go thru it a few comments down..you should take them up on the offer! Once you know what to do it becomes alot easier, I can understand going in blind can be a bit tough but alot of this GM is just staying back and doing damage from afar..at least that's mostly my strategy for it Also I'd try to get a build going from someone on YouTube, that's what I do personally as I'm playing titan right now when I main hunter & I havnt played since season of dawn. Theres alot of nice people that will help you if you put in the effort!


It will happen for sure. I’ve been helping my brother get caught up. He hasn’t played since Dawn either. We finally just got to TFS last night. Been trying to convince him that his old tendencies and build ideas are cool but are going to be either completely different than intended or not viable at all because of how much has changed. Especially for armor stat bonuses. He is seriously dead set on having 40-50’s in everything except dis which is at 84. Can’t wait for him to focus the echos armor how I tell him and watch him loose his mind.


Master grasp of avarice is a joke tbh, haven't tried other master dungeons yet but I farmed that one with little trouble


Well I struggle just to do it at its base. So what’s easy for you isn’t easy for others. I’ve had gally’s mission in my log since the 30th anniv.


I mean I'll walk you through it if you want, the sparrow race can be challenging at times but the rest is pretty simple mechanics-wise


I’ll take you up on that in the future potentially. I’m currently helping my bro catch up to TFS.


Sure, he's welcome too, feel free to hmu whenever


GM Nightfall completions and opening the trials lighthouse chest.


As I have made comment on in another reply. Good to know that it isn’t happening for me. I’m awful at PvP let alone Trials. GM’s are just to difficult even taking it slow. Since they can only be used on adepts to apparently I wouldn’t be able to use them anyways. Thank you for the reply though.


If you have time I do GMs with you. Everybody can learn them. It's easy with enough repeats. Just dm me and we find a time frame for us both.


I thought they said it just didn't show the damage reduction due to limitations, but still does.


https://youtu.be/LhWuKks4Zyc?si=VC2t1G4829frNdB8 Charge time masterwork and adept charge mod don't lower damage based on here. Maybe it still does with lfr, but didn't think so


Good to know, I never liked that it reduced damage


> Maybe it still does with lfr, but didn't think so 30 seconds into your own video would tell you the answer to that.


Strictly based off his numbers, enhanced battery and adept charge time would be the best combo for largest reserves / mag.


i wuv wewind wounds 🥺


Technically adept CT lowers your mag size as I myself was excited to try it. There really isn't a win or easy choice here. One thing I didn't test was the mag reserves with it.


spoiler alert - charge time won't do anything for you (I'm pretty sure) All of this is hilarious because these problems are only illuminated due to the fact that they removed damage mods. They just continually demonstrate that can't think more than one step a head. Like - no one there is capable of understanding that each change potentially has a consequence and that needs to be evaluated.


They actually discussed that before final shape released. They stated that they are considering what to do and that one idea that was thrown around was having mods that give you +5 stat to a given weapon stats and maybe buff the stat bonus from adept mods to +15 instead. As you mention, changes have consequences and that's why they first just removed spec mods and then see how the sandbox would stabilise before introducing more changes in the form of new mods or whatever. They might introduce good or bad changes to mods, I don't know, and introducing 1 change at the time can be seen a conservative approach, sure, but it's actually showing they do think ahead, unlike what you say.


Good to know Ty


I'll add that the effect of Reservoir Burst is the same as Backup Mag, so the most total ammo you can obtain is 19. No change with the enhanced perk, which only adds stability.


Sounds like that would be important enough to be shown in game somehow - not just mag size but either a base reserves value or (even better) your reserves for the weapon with current gear equipped.


Theres so many ridiculous interactions in this game that affect relatively signifcant things that need to either be fixed or displayed better. blast radius stat affecting the damage of special GLs, heavy GLs, mountaintop, and rockets all in different ways none of which are displayed in game is one of my biggest current gripes.


We definitely need more in depth information within the game, not just on d2 compendium. We should know exact percentages for damage, energy refunded, internal cooldowns, what stacks with what, what gets overwritten, an ammo calculator (to see what’s best for ammo refunded, 4th times compared to triple tap to rewind rounds, etc at differing mag sizes)


to add further, stuff like aim assist and accuracy cones and how much they grow per shot/shrink over time. range in actual meters and its falloff, how stability impacts guns, handling times, etc I want all the nitty-gritty stuff that only really devs and hyper-nerds would care about


I’d also like to see what the radius is on stuff like shatter damage, do different crystal sizes impact it? On frozen enemies? Is it a consistent decrease of damage from the center outwards? Is it exponential? Or is it all or nothing, either you get 100% or zero if you’re not in the area of affect.


Anyone know what ionized battery does?


Greatly Increase magazine size Greatly Decrease reload speed


My bad, I mean in terms of mag size and reserves.


Just tested, 6 in mag and 19 total reserves


I just tested in enclave, ionized + backupmag is giving me 25 total reserves (I have no reserve mods for strand on or harmonic at all) So I'm not entirely sure how the math works for this - Unless enclave messes with reserves for some reason? Edit: Just tested some more, ionized+backup gives 25 in reserve Ionized on its own with no ammo mod, gives 19 in reserve. I'm lost lol


The enclave is weird, for some reason it gives you the proper amount of reserves and an additional magazine. So, to see proper reserves in the enclave equip the weapon and just look at the smaller number. Completely ignore the extra magazine that it gives you.


That’s so dumb but makes sense from what I tested


Brings you up to 7 in the mag with backup mag, so it's an option for non-adept rolls. I haven't tested reserves.


ionized + no mod 6/19 ionized + backup mag 7/18 ionized + adept mag 7/18


Ionized meaning less reserves kinda sucks.


So take off backup mag to rally and put it back on.


What does Reservoir Burst do to your mags? Thanks for this, I did the GM yesterday and was so confused with the mag perks and mods seeming to do nothing, this explains it


Bonus mag size


I get 22 with triple reserves and up to 25 if I remove adept mag


Whats on your roll?


Enhanced + rewind/envious + BnS


Just tested a roll with enhanced + rapid hit/ALS + BnS with adept mag triple reserves and got 22, odd


My bad m8, had an error in my writing. Corrected it


Oh so if i remove adept mag i get 25, this doesnt make any sense


Remove adept mag and rally with triple reserves Switch off reserves and put on mag mod. Pretty damn annoying tho


Im still trying to figure our why I have two rolls both with enhanced battery and backup mag yet one shows 6 in the mag and the other shows 7.


You roll with 7 probably has Reservior


Yup youre right. Bit weird how it affects it but doesnt mention it in the perk at all.


This was me. Spent so long swapping mods on 2 otherwise identical rolls. Does Reservoir impact totals at all?


I guess if you get 7 in mag (via Enhanced or other options) it should decrease total reserves


So, if i’m understanding this correctly, if my Scintillation has the options for ionized battery or liquid coils, I should select liquid coils so I don’t lose reserves?


Made a lil table with ionized battery numbers included [https://imgur.com/goONbeY](https://imgur.com/goONbeY)


I saw some weapons like this on d2foundry as a lot of the stat boosts are mostly accurate. Not all weapons are affected by this. Snipers benefit from reserves with both a mag perk and backup mag atleast with the ikelos or rapid fire frames at base without solar reserves. I also noticed that the site must be messed up as all the precision frame linears have their reserves marked as infinite but every other special/heavy weapons show the accurate reserves.


you definitely want accelerated coils tho and a charge master work because both increase dps


On one side, I understand backup mag increasing mag size but decreasing reserves; it's increasing dps but maintaining same total damage so a weapon mod isn't just objectively better than the others. But the fact that combining it with another mag perk can not only lead to one do the perks not getting their benefits in (no increase beyond 6 shots for scintillation) but to *also* decrease total ammo with no equivalent mag gain? It's just an actual trap. It's making the weapon objectively worse with no way of knowing beforehand.


I just settled with one with accelerated coils. It’s double weapon drops this week but I don’t think having or not having enhanced battery will matter too much with rewind rounds and its origin trait


thanks! I also heard liquid coils is good because the charge time reducing perks dont reduce charge times!


Liquid coils doesn't update the charge time in the UI, but it does affect the actual charge time by 40 and increases damage 2%. It ends up being lower dps but higher total damage. Both changes are fairly negligible.


I think the (positive) bug is discussed here https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/GsOkVq5Kd0


Ah Ok, I didn't realise there was a bug specific to this weapon. I know the UI charge time numbers don't change for liquid coils on any weapons.


Yep that’s what I’m using :) idk if it’s a glitch though


this is still a very common misconception. They do work together and fallout plays did the same error a year ago https://youtu.be/txyJ2-EKjXQ?si=ffzvGt9qEgx7d6dL the stat display is bugged. It does not show it going lower but it totally does


Pretty sure this is wrong. Liquid coils, accelerated coils, and adept charge time mod all change the actual in game charge time without showing their effect. (Liquid increases charge time by 40ms & increases damage by 2%, accelerated does the opposite, and adept charge time decreases by a flat 40ms). I haven't seen anybody saying that it changed with final shape, so these hidden stat buffs should still be in effect.


its discussed here didnt run any tests https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/GsOkVq5Kd0


this is still a very common misconception. They do work together and fallout plays did the same error a year ago https://youtu.be/txyJ2-EKjXQ?si=ffzvGt9qEgx7d6dL the stat display is bugged. It does not show it going lower but it totally does liquid coils will actively reduce your dps


I think in this case its a special bug https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/D6dPW9smTg


again it does not show the charge time reduction on the stats but if you measure the frames it gets lowered


I threw in liquid coils and adept charge time. Rewind rounds and BnS hit like a truck with this thing. Luckily grabbed a god roll on second GM.


>I threw in liquid coils and adept charge time. Those cancel each other out, no?


Liquid increases charge time with better impact and the mod lowers it.


Sorta, just the charge time gets cancelled out, The mod doesn't lower damage, so you get the higher damage from LC but with a lower charge time.


Thanks for the info. I'm removing my adept backup mag


So enhanced battery with charge time masterwork.


Jokes on all of you ....i have accelerated and adept charge time to save me 8 frames of charging , thus increasing my DPS and i still have full 20 reserves chumps 😎


Ooo 4,% "more" damage lol


Posting this as it's own comment so it's not hidden in a reply I just tested in enclave, ionized + backup mag is giving me 25 total reserves (I have no reserve mods for strand on or harmonic at all) So I'm not entirely sure how the math works for this - Unless enclave messes with reserves for some reason? Edit: Just tested some more. - Ionized+backup gives 25 in reserve - Ionized on its own with no ammo mod, gives 19 in reserve. - No ammo perk or mod = 25 - Just backup mag = 25 I think it's more the specific mag types interfering with backup mag working than the other way around.


Enclave is not good place to make tests, because it automatically gives you maximum amount of ammo available on a gun


~~the max amount is still affected by ammo mods and armour mods, as is visible across the tests actually changing the result~~ ~~Also I get 29 reserves with 3 strand mods on~~ edit: fuck you enclave he's right lmao, I'm so mad WHY would it be that inconsistent xD


I've also noticed that perks that increase or decrease charge time don't work.  On some swords, impact tiers don't add to impact either.


I don't think this is right? Or something is definitely off On my adept one with enhanced battery and backup mag I'm getting 7 in mag and 25 shots total and without backup mag getting 6 in the mag and 23 total?


I just tested with my Ionized/RR/BnS roll and got 21 total ammo with no reserve mods. Tested on the moon because the Enclave gives you more ammo than normal.


why is this shit so hard for bungie to get right?


Hate that this is a thing. Makes no sense


Was wondering if my adept scintillation is decent enough, and also want to know what barrel/mag/mod I should use: * fluted/polygonal * accelerated/particle repeater * rewind rounds * BNS * reload speed mw


Semi-unrelated but are Ammo Finders just underwhelming for this archetype? Made a brick with a Scavenger equipped as well & it only gave me 2 shots.


Yep. And they have been for a looooong time


Is it better than line in the sand? You can get clown cartridge + Firing line or clown cartridge + bait and switch on the weapon.  Clown cartridge + reservoir burst with the seasonal artifact mod saint’s inspiration. You get multiple shots of reservoir burst that way. You just need to proc the origin trait  before DPS.


3 burst will always be better than single burst.


With Ionized Battery, it's: * No Mod: 6 Mag/19 Total * Backup: 7 Mag/18 Total * Adept Backup: 7 Mag/18 Total


I have a wewind/envious + b&s roll, with ionized battery or liquid coils. Not sure which one I should use now, maybe liquid with adept charge time?


So what's the best mod to put for this weapon??


Ive farmed 28 adepts so far keep getting surrounded & hatchling on mine. My last 6 in a row had surrounded! One of them had 4/5 godroll perks but surrounded in the last coumn! Adepts should have double perk options in the 3rd & 4th column imo.


I'm a bit confused about this. Doesn't backup mag just increase the mag size? I tested this in the enclave and all variations of the gun had 25 total shots. I tested ionized + backup, ionized no backup, Enhanced no backup, enhanced with Backup, and Adept Back up, and no mag perk at all. This is different than your results. (Unless if the Enclave gives you 3x reserves) If what you're saying is true, which mag perk should someone try and get?


Now was this a change that bungie has mentioned or was this something that was found out by players?


I noticed putting a backup mag ob my midnight coup did nothing to magazine size


This used to happen on other weapons, machine guns in particular. Having backup mod in a way makes sense to lower your l reserves because it's fitting part of them on the drum, but due to rounding errors the game robs you something like 8-9 bullets on retrofit (not a big deal cause it's a machine gun anyway). So the temporary "fix" for those who have a cursed roll would be to - just switch from enhanced/ionized to the other perk, assuming you have one (coils, fuse, particle repeater, wtv) - remove backup mag - rally to the flag, get maximum reserves. Then just go back to the weapon switch to enhanced/ionized and backup mag, from 5 -> 7, best of both worlds with mag size+ highest reserves possible. Annoying to do and swap around in between dps phases, not impossible though.


Just tell me what the actual god roll is then? I don't need all of this info.


So I wasn’t imagine things, I think the reclose have same problem if you have substance perk on it if you put Backup mod on.


Bungie fix game or add ammo reserves on the stat screen.


What’s the drop rate on the nightfall weapons? I ran five base nightfalls yesterday and never got one. Does the drop rate increase at higher difficulties?


Higher got more chance. The advance NF got abysmal drop rate but you can grind until it drop one to unlock focusing, then you can go to focus your vanguard engram. I ran maybe 10-15 runs until it drop for me, it's bad but atleast you got more engram to focus later.


I think they are rare drops at base, uncommon for the middle tier, and common for master.


Guaranteed from a GM clear




You're completely wrong Re-read post. Ionized Battery (I tested it yesterday and got same complications with reduced reserves). You don't want to lose reserves by any means. 7 bullets in a mag against 6 won't make any difference with perks like Rewind Round and Envious


That last part is incorrect. Envious is affected by mag size. Max envious overflow is mag size +200%. So 6 mag size = overlflow up to 18 in the msg. 7 mag size = overflow up to 21 in the mag. The usefulness will depend on which perk combo you have and whether it has more than 18 ammo to utilise to the full extent. Rewind rounds refills 60% of hits landed, so it would be affected by mag size as well. 4 rounds refilled vs 5 for the first proc. Second proc would refill 3 in both cases.


Whilst your words about Rewind Rounds are true, this is totally invalidated by one single fact and test. I was able to shoot **all 21 shots without reloading** with Enhanced Battery - Rewind Rounds - BnS. Even have footage Key is Veist Stinger. It has a big chance to proc on this frame. So Rewind Rounds is flatout better than Envious Assassin and mag size (and etc) doesn't matter at all, because you're able to shoot all rounds.


That's not guaranteed to work every time. Veist Stinger on Linears has a 10% chance to proc per hit and refills 25% of the mag. Sometimes, it can proc every mag, and you never reload. Other times, it may not proc at all (rarely). Usually, it will be somewhere in between.


As I said - on this frame Veist Stinger chances to activate are insanely high, because every projectile counts as a hit. So far I had 0 times when I didn't blow all load


Ah, I see. I didn't know it counted every hit from the burst. That will probably get nerfed like they just did with Precision Instrument

