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Venus, baby!




I yell this everytime i jump into venus for vog


Uurrrmm you mean past an present ☝️🤓


I think the people who downvoted you didn't get the joke :')


Came here to say this. Nothing matches up to the rainy jungles, lush greenery, derelict Golden Age ruins, and old Vex structures. Such a beautiful place.


Same! They tried to capture the vibes with Io, but Venus was always my favorite D1 spot


Did they though? It's pretty good at capturing *Mars* vibes, because... Io was literally a re-colored version of Mars. They even had the Pyramidion and The Lost Oasis carried over from the D1 Mars crucible map Crossroads, and a Rasputin bunker, to boot.


I didn't know that! It was mainly the color palette that reminded me of Venus with all the yellow.


I could def see that and a few pools of blue water here and there. Check out this vid that explains it in two mins... I'm not sure about the Whisper Quest, but everything about Io and Mars checks out pretty good. https://youtu.be/rcsFMMziKXQ?si=TzG_glekBSX4D2sg


And now Io is \*also\* gone.


Aren’t those planets back they are just no-fly zones?


They aren't on my destinations screen so whatever lore reason they have for being only kinda-here doesn't count as far as I'm concerned xD


I feel scandalous that people are mentioning Mars but the wrong Mars! Give me the Meridian Bay! I want to walk in the dunes of the lost city of Freehold. Vox Obsurca lets us fight in the trenches before the Cabal Line but there’s so much space behind to still explore and fight through! Justice for Valus Ta’aurc!


I really miss freehold. Such a great area. A ton of the buildings were exploitable and some honestly had some real verticality to them. It really gave the feeling of exploring a desolate, ancient city that was clearly once a sci fi metropolis. It’s a vibe that no location in D2 has really been able to capture. EDZ isn’t really a sci fi city as much just a regular old European town. Neomuna is still all new and honestly doesn’t capture the city feel nearly as well as freehold.


Standing way up in the old Clovis Bray buildings, hopping into the rafters looking for Dead Ghosts, seeing the mountain sized dunes in the distance Then there's jumping outside of the Black Garden after going through the portal, and making your way over to the underground train station entirely outside of the map Showing people that stuff always felt so good.


Destiny 2 as a whole entirely forgot the Post Apocolypse side of the game's aesthetics. We arent exploring golden age cities left in ruins or untouched for centries, we arent chasing down tech that is so advanced it can change everything. We are no longer reclaiming our world, just reacting to new threats as they come. I miss that feeling of wonder and exploration that D2 inpsired


I think that’s the mercy of D1’s original story. It was so incredible aimless and unclear at the time, and it was justifiably maligned. But in hindsight, that aimlessness made the world and tone so remarkably strong. It really felt like a story that sets up “here is what it’s like to be a guardian, encountering new and varying threats in a quiet world”. For stories to happen, the world needs to “wake up” but D1 showed us what a “sleeping world” could feel like. 


I liked that we could come across anything and it worked. We were trying to reclaim our planets, which means we could go anywhere and make progress on that. Now its just "relax out until a big bad shows up".


D1 Mars was the best driving we had too. I want a beautiful loop like that again with my skimmer


The original Sparrow Racing


Even cooler would be if they found a way to stitch them together into one mega Mars destination


Ugh. Yes please so much. I think they're in completely different parts of the planet though so they'd probably have to be separate instances.


Vex portals could teleport one to the other maybe But yeah they are way too far from each other to just walk to them Only somewhat related but I still think Bungie should do a Phobos patrol area but the patrol space itself would probably end up larger than the actual Phobos in real life lmao


Leviathan. I miss that raid, and the tribute hall was one of the best destinations we ever had to weapon test.


If they aren’t gonna give us back the tribute hall, they need to add something just like it into the game. The shooting range on mars by the relic is not nearly enough. Can’t even use it to test the effectiveness of perks like triple tap since the targets don’t even count as hits


Just give us a big-ass DPS tester. All the combatant types with different scalars (minor, elite, miniboss, boss), functioning on-hit perks, infinite/very high health with a cumulative damage counter (even if it's only on a single boss and it's just the usual boss wipe mechanic), and maybe some fodder for kill perks/surrounded/etc. Maybe slap a range indicator on there too. Reused environments, reused assets, it's all good. Just has to be functional. Or, at minimum, just a big-ass copy of Phryzhia that's immediately DPS-able and doesn't shoot back, that you can wipe to for wipe screen numbers (even if they're sometimes inaccurate).


Would be nice also to give it a wipe button to see total damage dealt.


They could bring it back to the enclave or the 4th room in the helm that will go unused from now on


They should have incorporated it into the hall with Shaxx and kept it on the game.


Mars; two of the best strikes and the best public event(-esque) activity. (God i miss Strange Terrain)


I miss it so much too


I also miss that strike, but I hate how they just casually talk about the threat Ghost: “Who’s Nokris?” Ana: “He’s Oryx’s other son but was excommunicated” Ghost: “K”


Yeah, Warminds writing was just kinda bad in general. "The literal son of Oryx corrupting Mars' core? Just kill him, no biggie. Why's he here? Doesn't matter, he's already dead, go play escalation protocol idiot." "One of the five worm gods is attacking Rasputin? Just throw a big stick at it, we'll be fine."


I thought nokris was like the son of Crota and next in line since we killed the dark blade


He's in a tank.


I remember in D1 a really cool cabal farming spot that I would go and just go psycho for hours. Mostly just to complete quests and the like. Simple days those where. Now there's not much reason to go to the planets for anything.


Running laps around the entrance to the Dust Palace strike in Patrol to farm Relic Iron, Chests, and Yellow bar Cabal enemies, could legit sit there for hours on end. D1 had some kind of magic in it.


I want ALL of Mars. I love the Siege Dancers and Flares strikes so much.


what ever we wanted or not


titan, cus i liked season of the deep and no that really is it.


I scrolled way too far to find Titan.


Season of the Deep was my favorite season. Also, patrol mode on Titan was just plain fun.


Titan because it was the best out of the vanilla D2 patrol zones


Titan just for Greg we used to test everything on Greg Carl just isn't the same But life has just not been the same without Greg I'm surprised Bungie hasn't put an ogre in a lost sector on the pale heart and called him Greg as a reference but oh well


Mars just for Escalation Protocol.


Man, can you imagine escalation protocol with our current abilities? Might actually regularly see small groups getting to the end.


I mean, we used to complete it on a regular basis even without a full fireteam of our own. But, there were many times we couldn't get past the 3 wave with bad blueberries.


Back during Arrivals i remember just random ass groups of people finishing it without much issue


I've completed a few times with randoms and if everyone knows what to do you can get it done. I'm not saying it's not hard cuz it really has been one of the hardest events for me to complete but it's fun all the way up until the end.


This. I loved Escalation protocol.


Back when we had un official 9 man activities lol.


"Bungie, bring Mars with EP back and my life is yours!" Or something like that.


THE best public event. Contact in season of arrivals was my second favorite.




A million times mars! Although titan is up there too!


You just reminded me of how much I miss Escalation Protocol.


Escalation Protocol 3.0 with what Bungie has learned about just how good Overthrow is would go so hard to be honest


Only giving us one pick is whack 😭😭 but following the rules then it's Tangled Shore, that place is my top 5 locations and it needs to return. Now my overall list is: - Plaguelands (why did they not return this to us?) - Dreadnaught (Ep 3 please do what must be done) - Titan - Venus (idk why it's just really pretty) - Mars (should have returned with WQ)


This would my top 5 too


Dreadnaught returns in episode 3


Is this confirmed?


I think the line from one of their videos about upcoming episodes was something along the lines of "we're heading back to the Dreadnaught"


probaby in seasonal mission format, dont expect permanent things, like when they said nessus is changing, its only changing in the seasonal mission outside of the earthquakes in the patrol zone.


My guess is that they'll update Nessus by Act 2 and another by Act 3. Now if it does change by then and reverts back then it'll be a bit of a problem.


It is, though we don't know in what capacity. Could simply be something along the lines of Season of The Deep and Titan "returning"... Or Haunted and Leviathan. Watch the newest vidoc-style vid on youtube if you wanna know more.


Yeah but I doubt it’ll be back as a full patrol space. Probably gonna be in the same sense the Leviathan was during Haunted: some portions of it, but only those used for new seasonal content


the Plaguelands rugpull was rough. community sentiment was already super low due to paid transmog, the introduction of the DCV, paid transmog, Stasis being in a suuuuuper rough place balance wise, and paid transmog. And then we get a one paragraph update “actually, we won’t be giving you the one thing we promised we would that you were all excited for”. rough time.


They never said they were giving us plaguelands but the entirety of the regular cosmodrome which is what they didn't give us.


What’s plaguelands?


It was from D1 Rise of Iron. It was a new area of the cosmodrome that was snow covered.


Oooh ok yeah that sounds sweet ngl


An alternate variant of the Cosmodrome that was specific to *Rise of Iron*. It gave it a winter theme, blocked off access to certain parts of the area, and also gave access to brand new areas.


Not giving us the plague lands in the D2 cosmodrome is SIVA erasure!


Mars should've 100% been the Wtich Queen location. The time rifts sounded so cool and Mars was always a great location for past stuff. Cant beleive they actually did nothing with mars returning


Especially since we have a Mars dungeon and not a Throne World one 😭😭😭


I've never experienced mars, venus, tangled shore, mercury, titan... 😭


What about Io?


Same, never been


Oh God, the humanity!


Tangled shore, such a cool and unique location. Hoping around astroids? sign me the fuck up




I miss asher


Every time we run into the vex network or there's some anomaly related to them, I say this. He was charming in his own way. He was good at pretending he didn't care about things, but in reality that was a defense mechanism and I respect him a lot for his sacrifices.


my favorite planetary color pallete


The music was so perfect too, that’s the one planet I was truly broken up about losing


I’m sad how far down I had to go to find this. Easily one of my favorite locations from D2 Y1. Just really mysterious with its ancient scenery and loved the hell out of it!


Tangled shore, because with that you can bring back Forsaken.


I hope Bungie bring back the tangled shore for Episode: Revanent, and then decide to keep it. Reinstate the forsaken campaign for all players as like a freebie. Would be awesome.


Freebie? Id expect them to ask for another expansion price to bring it back


They made shadowkeep and bl campaigns free, i dont see why not? Strikes, dungeon and raid would still require the forsaken bundle tho


Forsaken campaign was also free prior to its removal


Wasn't it only for a limited time tho?


The stuff that's paid now was limited, the Campaigns and Stasis were forever.


The campaigns and Stasis are totally free forever. Contrary to what people were saying pre-TFS.


At this point I just want them to REALLY bring back the Dreadnaught when episode 3 drops. Not like Titan where it’s an activity space only. I want the full thing with patrol, secrets, bosses, court of oryx and an escalation protocol type of place.


I mean, it's probably just going to be related to the seasonal activities, but they might bring the dreadnaught back as a revamped location that doesn't resemble its old self. Nessus is probably getting a multi-stage revamp with the storytelling of Episode 1.


Honestly if it does end up being a patrol i hope its a different area of the dreadnaught


On one hand, I would be interested to see if there are any remaining Cabal forces still in the crashed cruiser.




Only if they actually end up doing something cool/good with the IF.


Two tokens and a blue


They really should have had Mercury be split into three zones. Present day mercury, past garden mercury, and future dead vex world mercury. Each can be connected by the infinite forest


The locale of Mercury is actually pretty awesome. Some of the areas in the Infinite Forest were super cool as well. Seeing the sun dominate the horizon is incredible. It sucks that Mercury never got the love and attention other destinations got.


Venus man, so much still to delve into. Especially with the revelations about Maya, The Veil and the Ishtar Collective


There was a lot of talk in another post about Venus a few days ago and someone brought up Echo Chamber, the PlayStation exclusive strike. Xbox players never got it because it came out in October 2017, a month after D2 was already out. The spawn for the strike is at VoG and doesn't go into the patrol area, but an instanced space on the way to the gate lord from base D1. VoG only feels like Venus from the outside, so I'd love something on the smaller side if they can't do the full destination.


From D2? Mars or Titan, Titan especially for the Arcology. From D1? The answer is obvious...VENUS BABY!


Unclear if it’s actually considered to be in the DCV. But I REALLY want Venus back as a full destination.


I don't really care about the destinations, but it would be cool to have both of the strike's from the shore back.


I never got to play Tangled Shore. But as someone whose favourite locations were the Prison of Elders and Winter's Run, it sounds like my ideal Destiny habitat.


Mercury. Looks cool and i like the music. Plus if they add quests to it you know your not in for a long run to get to it.


All of it. I know, real original. But all of it. I don't care if the game is 600gb, I want it all back so we can re-experience anything we want to go back and play.


Mars or derelict leviathan honestly


I know people hated Nightmare Containment, but I loved it. I had an absolute blast using my Solar 3.0 builds to solo every wave. I did over 400 of them lol


Tangled Shore. I need The Empty Tank back asap


I honestly don’t understand why the vaulted tangled shore.


TL;DR: The sundial and my desires for the end of Destiny 2. My answer to the question is Mercury and the Sundial. Not because I think what we did in Season of the Dawn was cool, but because of what we could do with it in the future. I still say the best thing Bungie could do is keep Destiny 2 alive. At least for now. There are still stories that can be played out. There are still enemies in the shadows. There are newcomers who will attempt to fill the power vacuums we have created. And there is still content Vaulted. While we explore the world of Destiny after the events of The Final Shape, i believe Bungie should keep bringing back content that was vaulted. Restore Mars, Escalation Protocol and It’s strikes. Restore Io and the Pyramidion. And keep bringing back the older raids. Wrath of the Machine, The Leviathan, Scourge of the Past, Eater of worlds. Restore the Tangled shore and Forsaken. We do not need new content in these locations. We just need them back. Let us access the Sundial and play through The Red War. Let us move back in time to relive the glory days that are past. Maybe even go above and beyond and let us visit the Iron Temple. Or the old Tower, reformed. The assets already exist, they just need reskinned. Once there is no content from Destiny 1 or 2 to reprise or restore, set the rotations in, bring back OG Triumphs and things we missed. Maybe even set them on a rotation. People enjoy this. OG World of Warcraft players are a testament to this. We will continue to play every shred of content until we have nothing left to accomplish. And even then, we will try and find a way to punch bosses to death just to keep playing.


Just bring it all back, I'm sorry Xbox One and PS4 users but it's time you upgrade and let us have our content back. There's so much of the game that didn't need to go away but didm


Io or Mars. Maybe I’m in the minority here but I didn’t really like the Tangled Shore.


Mercury because the soundtrack was FIRE and I couldn't get Sagira.


In terms of the location I liked Titan the most but Io would have alot of potential given the vex theme and mars escalation protocol was good fun,.


I'm the only person who misses the vex network I imagine lol I thought that shit was pretty cool, tho I wasn't super into the game at the time so idk


I think no one's mentioned it because it's not technically a location or sunset. If it was, I'd be right there with you


Fuck note 2, Leviathan. All 4 raids, tribute hall, menagerie and derelict


Mars or Titan. I was never a big fan of Tangled Shore as a destination.


Mars or Io


Titan, for Greg


Dreadnaught… Even tho it will eventually


Leviathan. Even though it was seasonal, having it be an entire destination was really cool like the Dreadnaught.


Mercury, just for the lost sector. Can't explain why, but I loved that little place.


It would have been cool to visit the different time frames in patrol too.


No idea what DCV is but dreadnaught was my favourite location ever.


Tangled Shore. Alternatively, Scourge of the Past or the Eliksni Quarter.


I just want Titan back. It had the aesthetics that I loved. I didn't get to go to the tangled shore to my recollection, but I miss titan's methane oceans. Season of the deep brought us back there for a time, but I wanna go back all the time. Nessus went for a long time without having much reason to go there, and now it's getting a glow-up... Why can't Titan come back and do the same?


I really miss the derelict leviathan. The vibe of the destination, and the season especially, were just great


mars my beloved


venus 100%.




Io, Mercury, Mars, Titan, and the Tangled Shore. I have started during the Witch Queen, and thus have never experienced those destinations at all.


Toss up between mars and derelict leviathan cause those are the two destinations I have spent the most time on and haven’t gotten board of I spent a long time on io Titan and mercury doing quests and adventures at they were fun but passively nothing was going on compared to mars where escalation protocol would be running and it had my favorite adventures also derelict leviathan had a lot of stuff going on outside of just the main activity which made it feel alive and it was also kind of challenging every now and again which felt good


Venus...... Place was awesome.


Tangled shore or Titan.


IIRC bungie called the D1 content that hasn't been brought forward part of the DCV So Venus If you're saying that doesn't count (boo) probably Io


Whatever planet the pyramidion was on. That was my first nightfall and I had a goddamn blast with it


Man I wanna say Titan but it's got to be Mars purely because 2 more strikes + Escalation protocol, and they can add the Battlegrounds Mars stuff to it too.


It’s coming anyway but the dreadnaught for sure. Love the hive theme.


Tangled Shore was my favorite place to do daily gunsmith bounties.




Titan. I vibe with the rain.


Leviathan so I can do all the raids I missed. But also I liked the seasonal haunted version . I would go to quickly try out builds there all the time.


Venus. That way random people could help you with the first encounter of VoG again. It’s not a hard encounter, it was just nice to see people want to be involved


IO. Pyramidion was one of the best strikes ever and festering core which people barely remember because it was only in the game for about a year


I miss Tangled Shore so much


Hello hopefully undercover bungie man! I'd pick the Plaguelands. I loved Archon's Forge, and I loved being able to pick up battle axes as I roamed around doing things. It was a cool area. Also the strike in it was really good.


OG Leviathan. All of it from raids to Menagerie, Tribute Hall and Juju mission.


Titan because it's beautiful. I like just being there


i want that city destination back. honestly all lobby areas deserve to be readded


Venus. Such a cool place to hangout. Give it an EP style public event and you’re cooking


The tribute hall, we need an actual place for weapon and mod testing, plus it was cool af filling it with stuff, it could totally be updated for today stantards


IO was beautiful Or a new version of Mercury where you can always go to the Infinite Forest all the time on the patrol


I miss Venus. I know it's D1 and not D2, but that places was magical


Titan. It just feels like the most interesting out of all the patrol zones we’ve lost. We need more golden age-ish locations. Plus, we’d finally have Greg back again and hopefully the savathun’s song strike.


Tangled Shore, landing there and hearing the music playing really bangs this planet


The tribute hall. Add a wing every season. Add vault and mailbox access. Add a crafting table.


Tangled shore was awesome


Tribute hall, and the menagerie if the first doesn't count.


I just want Prison of Elders back honestly


Gotta be Venus. A beautiful, lush planet with so much potential for secrets we still need to find. Ishtar Academy was such a cool place and it would be amazing if they flushed out the secrets of the Ishtar Collective in a return to Venus.


Mars and Io




Why would leviathan only count for tribute hall? I want the location back for all the leviathan activities like menagerie and three raids as well.


Either Venus or Tangled Shore.


I just want Year 1 & 2 raids to come back, with their armors, so I can finally finish their sets!


Maybe Mars, because Escalation Protocol was actually pretty good, and the weapons and armor were pretty awesome.


D2 old Mars, EP was fun as hell. Also bring back Scourge of the Past… I want to hear the shrieks of terror as a Flaming Servitor chases down my fireteam


I actually liked Mercury because of its strikes but the space itself is kinda meh. I wish it was a better destination Would absolutely not bring back Titan, im so exhausted of that place. I grinded out so many faction tokens there. Remember those? Tangled Shore was the coolest. As much as I loved Mars, I didn't like EP or the patrol space


Red War or the tangled shore but only if it includes the Reef Social Space. I liked the way it looked


Tangled Shore had *so much* potential. I'd like to see a reprisal be done right. Broodhold stays as a strike. Hollowed Lair gets redone from the ground up and becomes a storm-the-fort style Scorn raid (you could even keep the lore bit that we ran it over and over because Fikrul just refused to stay dead), with loot themed after all the Barons. Warden of Nothing, much as I like it, gets removed so Prison of Elders can be reprised as a dungeon, with loot themed around various high-caliber Eliksni prisoners (looking at you, Skolas, you ASSHOLE), and you could even reprise Dreg's Promise as the exotic. Hunting down the Wanted escapees can be reworked and become the Shore's version of Overthrow. And, lastly, **GIMME BACK MY TANGLED SHORE WEAPONS BUNGIE.**


Titan, I loved the Arcology


I want titan back as a patrol zone SO badly. I got into the game during splicer, but I remember being at Titan and talking to Sloan like one or two times years prior, and also getting one shotted by what I think was a Brig? I’ve always loved the deep sea type of vibe Titan gave and the architecture. I thought season of the Deep would’ve scratched that itch, along with Ghosts of the Deep, but sadly it didn’t, and the dungeon is unfortunately still such a shit show I tend to try and forget it


I'd agree on the Tangled Shore, mainly for the story implications. With all the hints that Sjur Eido is still technically alive, all the references back to her and her statue in the Shattered Throne that gives you Wish Ender, bringing back the Tangled Shore would finally give the ability to bring her back, since her body is buried at Sjursrest on the Tangled Shore.


I'm really torn between Venus and the dreadnought I have fond memories of my brother letting me explore around on Venus before i started playing the game and i was loving it that place is beautiful.


Mars but Im gonna cheat and say fuse D1 and D2 Mars.


Escalation protocol was super fun so old Mars is my mine. It was onslaught years before onslaught came out.


IO, but mainly cause i want new things on IO, i just like the terrain pallette a lot


Mars or Titan


All of them, I paid for that shit lmao


Venus without question.


Titan! The salvage and deep dive activities were so nostalgic for me


Mars, like with escalation protocol and everything. or maybe Venus. or D1 Mars lol it's hard to choose


mercury for a garden world alone


Tangled Shore would be nice. It would return a couple of strikes and make the Forsaken campaign replayable.


Mercury, but revamped to where the Infinite forest is expanded upon and is explorable like a bigger version of corridors of time (branching paths that we have to discover that may lead us to new areas, or hell even portions of past destinations past present of futures)


I previously said Tangled shore, but my mind has changed. I want D1 mars back. I miss Freehold. No other location in Destiny, before or after has properly given that feeling of exploring humanities lost ruins from a long gone golden age. My hope is that, with the witness gone, we can go back to the vibe D1 had where we were really just trying to reclaim our lost worlds and exploring the ruins of humanity’s golden age


I miss shattered realm. Going for the Realmwalker title without a guide was really fun (until I used a guide to get through some of it because I was lost as fuck)


Tangled Shore is a good one, but I think Mars should make a return and combine it with D1 mars as well.