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It hasn't been free for 16 years.


I'm pretty sure it's more like 20 years. Paxahau took over in 2006 and I don't think that was even the first time that the festival charged. As was made abundantly clear by the first three or four iterations of the festival that were free and none of the vendors or artists got paid, it's impossible to operate a decent festival and not charge money for entry. People who bitch about paying money for a quality product are entitled misers who should stay home and not wreck the vibe.


I think a lot of people don't understand that the city itself is no longer involved with the festival beyond a landlord/tenant relationship with the promotors.


It’s really just too bad that concert prices in general have gone up so much lately. Even back in 2010 you could get a weekend pass for under $100. Now I’m pretty sure it’s more than that just for one day. It’s normal in context, but lots of us definitely are priced out now.


-and I remember the beginnings of murmurings in 2002 when people were angry that Carl Craig was getting screwed out of the DEMF.


There's always gonna be some grumpy asshole(s) for anything in life. (I'm a dude) There could be a machine that feeds you fresh eggs and bacon and jerks you off and gives you $100 afterwards, and there would still be someone complaining that the bacon is overcooked, or that it's not $150, or whatever. If you had a great time, then that's all that matters, don't let other people's opinion weigh in on your good time. Not saying criticism is bad at all, just learn when it's legit or if it's someone just being an insufferable prick.


Tried looking on Amazon for that eggs, bacon and jerk off machine and could not find it… could you please share the link 😁😂


This comment deserves a Pulitzer. Applicable to just about anything


I need advice: when is it okay to complain about a price of something and when is it not okay to complain?


Hmmmmm that's hard to say, since *vaguely gestures at everything.* I guess there's a time and place for everything. Like if you're going out to dinner, don't be nitpicky about prices, do your research, find a place in your budget and then go have fun and don't bring the mood down bitching about prices. And don't complain to retail workers about prices, they don't set the price. If you can find something cheaper somewhere else, online or otherwise, you can ask if they can price match, that's acceptable, but if not, move on with your life and go get it cheaper there lol. The Costco CFO just announced that the $1.50 hot dog is remaining the same. That'd be tricky if they raised it to $2 then it's still affordable but like it's the principle of the matter. Being obviously gouged I think is reasonable to complain about that, like surge pricing with Uber? Or like if parking is usually $5 or $10, then game day all of a sudden parking is $20 (I've seen it go as high as $50 in some lots.) On the flip side, complaining about housing prices and cars and what not, that's par for the course cause shit is so expensive right now. When my wife and I bought ours 2 years ago, we got lucky but we were still complaining cause people were foregoing inspections and going ridiculously over the asking price, fucking everything up. So I guess long story short, time and a place for everything, read the room, and don't take out your frustrations on people who can't control the price lol, but being upset with prices us certainly understandable.


Not enough lube or lotion is my complaint


I’ve never been to Movement because of the cost, but it brings a lot tourism and money to the city and local businesses/venues. It probably sucks to see the capitalistic aspects of the festival now for those who have memories of the free event years ago. Things change and life moves on, I assume those people complaining are bitter about the past. Or, you know, sometimes people build up expectations in their head and then when they aren’t fulfilled that can get salty. If people want to go to a free electronic music festival still there is [Tec-Troit](https://www.tectroit.com/events) next weekend.


There will always be people who have something to complain about. It’s a great festival, but you can’t make everyone happy. If you had a blast, that’s what matters.


No hate here. Main community is r/MovementDEMF


There were people pissed about the rain closure. Gotta love when people are upset about public safety getting in the way of their good time.


Some people don’t like chocolate 😳 that’s so crazy to me! But yeah always complaining jack rabbits no matter what!!


Midtown hips don’t like it because of the genre and assumed intellectual capacity of its attendees, but I don’t know anyone that complains about it that doesn’t find a way to complain about everything. Definitely ain’t my scene (I did used to go about 20 years ago) but I love the energy it brings down here. Do I get sick of some of the afters that pop up by my house? For sure, but it’s 99% people just being happy and celebrating so hell yeah. Electronic music is one of Detroit’s most important exports to the world outside of the automobile and Motown and thinking about it like that makes me feel a certain pride in it even if I barely listen to it.


I work in the industry and have been part Of this show for a long time. To start the audio and lighting and video is a million times better than it use To be. Putting a show on like this isn’t free, probably around million, that’s a lot of coin for 50,000 folks to have a party


Here is the deal, it used free *years ago* but ticket prices have substantially gone up not just to the event but to after parties. Parties that were $10 are now over $50 - and yes I can name exactly which ones. Movement has lost its charm.


prices are ridiculous. you need like a grand or more if you really wanna cut loose and party hop. i used to spend next to nothing and just get blasted


Oh I TOTALLY disagree about needing a grand to party hop. Saturday I did High Dive, deep fake, soul on ice, and Excursions for less than $30 a ticket. Went to all four. I know you're exaggerating but if you just check RA everyday like I was, I bought tickets to anything that interests me under $30.


3 day general admission pass plus 4 days of after party’s (party’s start on friday or earlier and there are some on tuesday) - is going to cost you at least over $500


Oh, I got you. You were talking about going to movement also.


yea yeah.


Can’t pay the bills with charm tho


The party motor city wine lofts doesn’t cost 5X what it did in 2019 to put on. Nope. Sorry.


I did only afters this year, and it seems like you just gotta catch the early bird or phase 1 prices. I wanted to go to city club on Friday this year, but I caught them after it was almost $100.


I’m not one to bitch about it cause I’m older now and just don’t have the same itch to go anymore but it is quite expensive. Artists I’d like to see are never all on the same day and I don’t really feel like going to all three days for that price. But I’m not talking hate over the event because internationally it’s a pretty big deal festival and brings a lot of people and business boost to the city. Yea it was free when Detroit was seen as the scary murder capitol but now that it’s shedding that image it’s not going to be free or cheap. Can’t have nice things if you can’t pay for them.


So many crybabies saying it was good when it was free, how do you expect to pay any of the bills with free? Every dance music event needs to charge for the production that they provide.


The after parties are where its at.


people love to talk trash but yeah everything is crazy over priced - after parties included. people are rightfully pissed off that they can’t afford the weekend. i mean the festival was created as an attempt to throw a big “legal rave” so everyone could dance and party without getting in trouble (raves were getting heavily busted by police at the time the festival started and the rave scene was falling apart). so to see it just turn into a cash grab - especially as a local - really sucks. i just did some low key parties and dj’d a party myself and i had a blast one big modern plus tho - good drugs are *way* easier to get these days seems


Thanks, this was the kind of answer I was looking for. I'm not sure about the lore with the festival and thought it was just people complaining because they don't want to pay.


Everyone, including the artists themselves, had an amazing time. There’s always a few complainers but the weekend is truly magical


Why care what other people’s opinion about something is?


I wanted to know the lore about the festival. Because I saw some push back against it and it's mostly people from the old times complaining about it. Some people in the comments filled me in


Lol I'm one of those grumpy people. It's been great seeing the event grow as electronic music has grown. If you grew up in this scene it's understand you did not need money to party when we were kids. It's the nostalgia that people miss. Hanging out all night with strangers who felt like your best friends. I went to a few parties, saw DJ friends from Chicago and went home. We've all grown up.


Maybe you should ask those people


If you hate it would you be in the community for it? 🤔


of course, go take a look at r/JoeRogan or r/thefighterandthekid


I just miss when it was like $50


Talking “mess”? Trash?


What's wrong with "talking mess"? Pretty common construction.


Maybe it’s a localism. I was away for a while.


Yeah, trash talking, talking mess. I just didn't wanna curse and say talking shit.