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you’re going to have to stand at Michigan Ave, the whole area is going to be roped off. I’d avoid the area, wait a month or two and schedule a tour or whatever.


Thanks! I was wondering. It was soo low key during the ribbon cutting in 2018. So much has changed since then. I actually have tickets for the open house the following week, but opening day is gonna be special. I'm so excited for everyone who snagged tickets!


I was just going to update same as u/doublecalhoun the perimeter is covered with black mesh tarp, you will not be able to see into the concert - you'll hear it. Not sure how much that is worth to you! Just wanted to update!


it’s not even just roped off — I drove by today and there are concrete barriers, fences covered with black mesh and a bunch of other stuff intended to keep people out / stop people from filming etc


I kinda wanna try too. Even if it’s just standing a few blocks away! Listening to the echos of the speakers blasting. My late architect dad would have loved to be there. Let’s see!!


Doors open at 6pm, concert starts I think at 8:30.


Thank you!


ropes and doors... fuck all that..those are public roads?


For a culturally significant event.


There are concert tickets available for request on 1iota! :) https://1iota.com/show/1727/live-from-detroit


That's how I got mine. Forgot I had signed up for this site years ago and they sent me an email last week.


I was just approved through 1iota thanks to you! I have a question though: it says my e-tickets are not yet available to view. When will I be able to access/view them? I'm just still afraid this somehow isn't going to work lol


Mine says the same thing. I’ve used 1iota before while traveling and going to talk shows and tapings and I’ve never had an issue. I’m assuming like 24hrs before they’ll become available? Fingers crossed, we’re all in the same river-boat here :)


I appreciate the update! If you've had success before I'll trust the process! Cya downtown!


I have to ask, where did you end up?? I got priority and I had NO IDEA we were getting wristbands to be in the pit! Nor did any of us know how to get in there lol. Finally ended up front and center with only like 5 people between me and the stage! It was honestly the best night!


I’m sure we saw each other at some point because I was in the same area! I was center, slightly right for a better view and like 3 people back. What an amazing night! So glad it worked out and you got a ticket, too. I have to say that I was so surprised and had zero idea that we would end up there. I was just happy to be going and roll with the punches, but that pit placement was extra special!


Im not OP but I iust wanted to say THANK YOU for posting this link! We got tickets and had such an amazing experience. This was such a good tip. Cheers!


Im not OP but I iust wanted to say THANK YOU for posting this link! We got tickets and had such an amazing experience. This was such a good tip. Cheers!


Worked for me too. My e-tickets havent appeared yet. I was looking around on the site and found this so just be careful if you have general only, there is also a priority ticket type which sounds more definitive. https://preview.redd.it/snlyins15g4d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b9208a0775179bb510a157b02152e68e862f937


Oh, man - any idea if there are tour tickets available anywhere? I booked a Corktown AirBnb for our anniversary the day the opening was announced, then missed the tickets because of family medical stuff. We'll be around from Friday evening to Sunday morning.


I haven’t seen anything for the tour tickets. I’m assuming that since this concert is being streamed to Peacock, 1iota got involved that way. Best of luck to you, though!


Roosevelt park is already entirely fenced off. You won’t be able to be in the actual area without a ticket. You could try watching from across Michigan Ave. Just plan for crowds… I heard they gave out 15k tickets - and they’ll all be showing up at the same time.


Why not? You should.


That's why I asked if so, what time? I don't live in the city anymore, so I need to do a little planning ahead of time.


I think the Concert starts off at 6pm. No idea if it's gonna be sectioned off or not but you should still be able to hear it from the street, I also thought about walking around, maybe hit up Two James and see of I can hear it if they have their bay door open


It's also going to be streamed on Peacock


It’s all sectioned off.


Nope. Going to be worse than the draft. Once the system kicked me out twice while I was "in line" I decided to forgo this shitshow.


Seriously? Asking honestly. The draft was insane. Weren’t there only 15K tickets given away for this event, while the draft had like half a million or 750K or something? Or are you talking about the logistics, parking, etc. mostly?


This is my plan also. I’m just going to post up where I can outside the gates and if I strike out, I strike out. Got nothing else going on that night


finding parking and getting to the area will be difficult that day, not sure where you live. They won't let you in w/o a ticket and watching it from the street might not be worth all the effort - everyone is different in their wanting to be there when x happened, i'm always ok watching it on screen or hearing about it later. the outdoor space will be open to anyone without a ticket starting June 7th, you still need a ticket to get inside the station non-ticketed entry to the station will be start on Fridays and Saturdays after June 16th


It's too bad there's no trains to take in.


I am not, because I've been sick for a week, and even if I'm back to 100% by then, I do NOT want to be in what I expect to be a MASSIVE crowd oh, it is apparently going to be streaming on Peacock if you want to watch it remotely


Why they are not just having the concert for free in the front steps is beyond me.


It's not beyond you, that's exactly what they're doing. 


Let me rephrase, why they are controlling attendance to a free event is fucking stupid to me.


Liability. Insurance. Stuff like that.


Again, it’s fucking stupid that because of the way legal precedent has been decided over the last 60 years, we are no longer able to have public concerts where there’s a real crowd in the US. Plenty of other places in the world where this is the norm. We just can’t have nice things here anymore. Too much liability, yes, the sensible move.


As an even sponsor who pays for shit like this (but not this one) no, you can not have nice things anymore because the liability is insane, and I don't want people to die. If we don't limit attendance and manage the physical space 40 idiots are going to stampede somebodys memaw.


Yea except they don’t, plenty of places in the world where this isn’t the norm and folks are just fine.


Nope. I've been involved in event planning on 3 continents and I assure you, the identical number and type of idiots show up every time. Except for Germany and sometimes but not always Japan. I'm not saying they don't have idiots, they do, but they also clean up after themselves which is nice. As for the US, the further south east you go the worse or maybe just weirder it gets but, still same deal. I will say that the post covid crowds are about 30x more destructive than before covid. Lockdown turned some of y'all feral.


[Madonna, brasil, 2024](https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-68961409) It’s just a shame that the way courts assign liability to promoters of free events.


Well, we are responsible for the welfare of so many people and it's important to ensure that safety comes before bottom line. Trust me, none of my financier's get excited when I explain that it's going to cost them 200k per tour stop to have enough water, bathrooms, accessible ramps, trash cans, cops, on site ems, and now, if it's outside, blockades (because some people think it's funny to drive through crowds). If I didn't have the jagged teeth of potential civil losses to make them pay for that shit, they would absolutely double book and pay for nothing. Every event would be like fyre festival. Sure there are frivolous suites, but we win or settle and move on. More importantly, if someone is injured by something that should have been organized better it ensures they have just compensation and that promoter learns a hard lesson


because its not really a concert venue, crowd control (think astroworld) if too many people show up and there isn't enough staff to handle the crowd it could cause casualties


Astroworld was a tragedy BECAUSE of crowd control devices. People were crushed because the crowd was restricted. It was restricted because it was a paid event. This is not a paid event. Public concerts of over a million attendees regularly happen elsewhere in the world and people are not crushed. An unrestricted crowd has no pinch points.


When is the first opportunity to simply walk-into-the-building if I haven't registered for anything yet?


Good question. Are there shops and stores on the lower level for the public or is it just ford employees and guards checking badges? Would hope there is food onsite for the employees.




No, but good luck