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[J.B. Bickerstaff has agreed on a five-year deal to become the Pistons' coach, sources tell ESPN.](https://x.com/wojespn/status/1807428599017873606?s=46&t=zb1Bef_whRPPB7wveY2gEQ)


I like this hire a lot honestly. He did a lot of good for the Cavs and was extremely passionate - people want to hire other guys who were assistants but we probably just couldn’t get them to come


People need to start looking at it this for what it is. A job. Do they not understand the perspective of an assistant? That is a MAJOR risk to come to this team to start their head coaching career. JB isn't a terrible hire. He did some good in Cleveland. I personally like him more than Monty, and I would've said that last year too, because I've always thought Monty was more lucky than good at his job.


JB literally did a good job last year too, he had LESS THAN 60 games of Mitchell, Garland and Mobley and they still won 48 games lol


A lot of that was being forced to play guys he was refusing to play otherwise though when Garland and Mobley was out. As soon as everyone was healthy he was back on his terrible rotations again. He is a fantastic hire for Detroit. Just be sure to dump him for someone better if you build a contender. He’s good at all the things Detroit needs right now, and very little of what Cleveland needs.


That last paragraph makes all the sense in the world to me. We need to focus on the guy before THE guy. Get someone who develops young talent, can creat consistency and build up the base line of the org. We kind of did the with Rick Carlisle/Larry Brown. I hate using that analogy though cuz Carlisle is a truly terrific coach with a great track record. He probably shouldn't be compared to bickerstaff skills wise, but similar ideology situational I guess. Build it and pass it off to the guy who is gunna take it over the top (cuz that guy def ain't coming to det rn lol)


I think the better comparison skill wise is Doug Collins. Good with discipline and righting the ship enough to get back to playoff contention. Focus on defense, effort, and avoiding dumb mistakes, but not and X and O genius and prone to destructive stubbornness in rotation/minutes


Yup It’s like the Carolina panthers job of the NFL. Just ask Ben Johnson lol


I’m a Cavs fan. This is a great move for the pistons. He will help build a culture in Detroit and pull them out of basketball hell. And I don’t mean that in a mean way. JB is the exact guy you want for this


After Monty’s horrid rotations y’all complaining about his rotations got me nervous lmao 


his rotations weren't the best but what he did in cleveland is pull an absolutely ass rebuilding team up from a low place when we had beilein calling his own team thugs. he built a culture and got everyone to buy in which is so important. I remember thinking "wow the Cavs are fun again" during his tenure. hes not a forever coach and hes not going to get you a ring but he's going to be big for the rebuild and that's what the pistons need right now


I was going to be nervous regardless, but it does ease my mind a bit seeing cavs fans defend him while suns fans last year were warning us about Monty.


That’s my thing, this is an NBA HEAD coach. I know they all start somewhere but assistants are hard to assess compared to an NBA HEAD COACH. I like this hire. He maximized a team with an undersized back court and twin towers in the front court.


4th retread in a row…its so Joever man. Why are we always getting other teams rejects.


I just don't think this is an easy position for a new coach that would have any promise. I'm not entirely surprised we had to go with someone trying to revamp their image, considering our image is trash rn.


On top of that, I'm sure ownership might be a little reluctant to open up the checkbook and pay what it takes to sign someone with promise.


Don’t know why you got downvoted. Valid thought considering how much Monty made out with


I think it’s the opposite why wouldn’t you go for an unproven guy when you have nothing to lose? He literally only has to improve upon a 14 win season


And if they picked an assistant people would whine over "not getting someone with head coaching experience"


It’s a lose/lose. Either hire a retread who doesn’t work out or hire a first time head coach who doesn’t work out. At least the Pistons are hiring someone who’s had success in rebuilding small market teams


Bingo. J.B. is on paper the right hire for us because we are rebooting the rebuild in a sense. We are not ready to compete in the play offs any time soon and need a culture reset and someone to raise the floor of the team. That's J.B.'s strength as a coach. I understand fans being tired of still being in rebuild mode but that's where we are and we have to deal with that before we can dream of competing.


Right! J.B. is the only coach to have success in Cleveland without LeBron in the last 30 years. Also seems to have a pretty good culture and players seem to generally like playing for him. It sucks to still be in a rebuild - but this is a needed reboot


Thought you said the R word, instead said retread.


And a bunch of people would be upset if we got an inexperienced coach. None of us know anything.


Tbf I think JB is the kind of coach that this team could use rn. He’s not a coach that’s gonna compete with the best of the best, but he’s been good at getting players to really reach their potential and go from rebuild to playoff appearances.


It’s how the nba works coaches get cycled through all the time no coach really last anywhere longterm


A young team looking to become relevant could do much worse. You’ll see the defense steadily improve and as a result more competitive games at a higher frequency. His offensive scheming limitations likely mean he’s not a long term answer, but I believe most of you will appreciate his efforts. -Cavs fan who never really bought into JB, but I can still acknowledge the value he added to a team that was in the dumps after LeBron left and Gilbert hired Belein


This franchise once hired another fired Cavs coach after he went 9-32. It's not always the coach's fault.


I mean…do you think a prime candidate is going to come here right now? It’s a tough sell.


Because the very good ones already have jobs.


Why do you think hiring guys who have never been head coaches before are better options?


I've seen "the organization " have a bad year and fire the coach because it's the only thing to do, and we gotta do somethin...


I don't hate it because that Cavs team was young as shit and he established a good mentality there for their rebuild, but I don't know if I like it either. Guess he's a more modern mark jackson which is what some people have wanted. 


I watched him coach the Cavs during the rebuild. This is what you will get as the best case scenario. This is a not a playoff tier coach, but he will give a much needed culture shock to Detroit and get yall ready to play every night.


We said the same thing with Dwayne Casey except JB is younger.


Too be fair to Casey he got us into the playoffs his first year then they decided to shift course and go full rebuild once Blake kept getting injured. Hell he had an arguably worse roster then Monty and still got us more wins.


I’m a Cavs fan so I don’t know much about those days but it may have just been players like Andre Drummond & others not wanting to buy in due to bad work ethic. If guys like Cunningham, Ivey, Duran buy in i think you guys are looking at a different result


And our roster sucked w Dwayne but they played super hard every night at least 


Honestly. If he can do that then I’m happy. That makes us competitive and fun to watch.


The 2022 Cavs with Darius Garland before Donovan Mitchell got to Cleveland was arguably the most fun team to watch in the league. I’d expect a fun season.


for where the pistons are, this is fine.. feels like a coach that will last just two years tho


Definitely feels like a short term stop-gap.


Dewayne Casey was supposed to be a “stopgap” Hire and we’re still in stop gap mode


Dwayne Casey was hired to contend then got stuck in our rebuild. Stop it lol. But I would’ve rather had Casey stick around than Monty last year


If I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt, we're not going to pay for anyone amazing right now. I'm sure the budget for the coach was not very high. And we're not really in a position to swing for the fences. We can't take a chance on an unknown that nobody else wants. With that in mind, I think this is good enough for now, and we'll see what happens in the future.


Woj just reported he signed a 5 year deal, unless he gets fired he’s staying longer than 2 years.


Brother this is the NBA. I feel like 70% of coaches are fired within 2 years.


It’s less likely he gets fired 2 years in because gores would be paying 3 salaries by year 3


Ah yes, never seen the pistons move on from a head coach before because he had a long contract


He’s not doing anything for you in the playoffs, but he’ll do everything he can to get you there and shift the culture


He did well with young guys in Cleveland and got them to a higher level. That’s all we need right now. Baby steps here, stop getting so upset about everything.


Exactly, i swear it’s just a hive mindset here lol. This guy was better than 90% of the candidates and we dont even know which assistants even wanted to get hired


There's also this weird mentality that coaches can never improve. People look at them as fully finished products.


Well, no. The Cavs have a very talented roster and he's generally seen by most basketball people as the reason the Cavs couldn't get to a higher level. That's why he became available. It's neither here nor there. There is no coach who could win with this roster. He'll get a few years and it will be on to the next.


I like it


Did great things when the Cavs needed to rebuild but could'nt get them where they needed to be to win it all, I think he still could be a good fit with our situation


I remember people saying the exact thing about monty a year ago hah


Someone downvoted you, but you are absolutely correct. That's exactly what people were saying about Monty.


You're not wrong. But I think Monty was a fairly unique situation. Not that other coaches can't fail in the same position, but Monty failed harder than anyone I've ever seen.


Yeah, I absolutely hate this line. A low stakes situation where you're rebuilding is the perfect time to experiment with an up and coming coach. It just worked out fantastically for the Thunder with Mark Daigneault and is looking promising for the Jazz with Will Hardy.


Couldn't disagree more that guy was a proven winner in Europe


Monty also clearly didn’t want to coach though and was planning not to.


Yeah but Monty didn't want to coach Gores forced him to by making an offer he couldn't refuse the guy was going through his wife's breast cancer battle and it was clear that he was checked out from day one but finally started coming around a little later in the season,by then it was too late


Does anyone think if Cleveland had a better coach that they would’ve beaten Boston?


Cav fan here, I’m so sorry


I was lurking through y’all’s sub this season, y’all hated that man


I appreciate your empathy.


LOL stop acting like you had some elite roster and the coach fucked everything up and kept you from winning.


It's so weird. Looking at their team, they accomplished pretty much exactly what they should have.


Yep. Cavs' fan here, and I've never understood why so many fans act like the Cavs are an abject failure. They have more or less linearly improved since 2021.


Really wish we hired a new head coach instead of someone just fired.


You mean someone with no experience?


Dude has a proven history with helping a team in this position. As long as the front office makes sound moves to build a team with complimentary skillsets then the team will start to improve.


That was supposed to be Charles lee last year but Gores overruled and picked Monty.


Can’t win for losing with some of y’all Dude literally turned a team around that was in a similar situation and y’all talking bout he couldn’t get them over the hump…can we get out the f’n garage first? Not my first choice, but go look at the Cavs sub they think he’s good for where this team is at rn


Most of this sub is whiny babies reverberating each other


5 or so years ago this sub was fantastic. Real analysis, everyone having respectful conversations, even though we were shit there was optimism around the place. Now it is just the fucking pits man. A bunch of people echoing the same trash ass sound bites and recycling r/nba posts, all the while refusing to accept that our players aren't actually as good as we think.


The most disappointing of all the rumored coaches. I wanted someone who runs a functional offense with guys moving off ball. Cleveland just ran basic pick and rolls to death with Mitchell and Garland. Guys just standing in the corners. Mobley is still the same guy he was as a rookie, so that’s also a bad indicator of player development. With perspective, assuming JB gives a shit and tries, he’ll be better than Monty. But at this point, I feel like we’re spinning our wheels in mud on coaches.


I don't know if he could have run a better offense based on the roster. Us Pistons fans know the limitations of playing 2 non-spacing bigs.


Go look at early season games from the 2021-22 season or during the Cavs' winning streak this season. JB knows how to run a movement offense, the Cavs just confusingly didn't more often than not.


Mobley, Allen and Garland have all improved during JBs tenure.


I actually like this hire at this stage of our rebuild given the few options we had JB's good with young guys and helping them develop. We'll just need to get a different coach when we hopefully eventually get to the playoffs, because he's not the greatest X's and O's halfcourt guy


He did wonders for Darius Garlands game. From worst player in the NBA under John Belein, to all star player in 2022 under JB. Look forward to some nice player development


Cavs had very flawed roster. Midget backcourt that can’t defend and two bigs that don’t stretch floor. Cavs finished where they should have. JB didn’t deserve to be fired there. Don’t mind hire


We don’t exactly have a stacked roster here either. Will he get the same excuses? “Extremely poor defending backcourt with worse rim protecting behind them. His only wing defenders can’t shoot to save their lives. JB didn’t deserve to be fired tbere”


Cavs for some reason thought they should have done better. If anything they overachieved.  Pistons are a clean slate. They can be anything  Cavs are about to be stuck in no mans land with all these big contracts. Mobley due for extension too


I think the takeaway there is that teams generally perform to the level of their rosters and most coaches can only move the needle by a few regular-season wins with their lineup decisions. Only outlier coaches make a huge difference; otherwise it comes down to culture-building and playoff tactics.


He had an all nba guy and 3 all stars. The excuses for this guy lmfao.


What excuse? He was fired and hasn’t coach here yet


Cavs fan here to give you guys some insight. Great guy for a rebuild and he's probably going to create a solid core for the team and in a few years you'll be competing for a playoff spot. Buuuut that's the problem. JB wasn't made for the playoffs, unfortunately. Besides that he also has a problem with timeouts and he often gives too many minutes for guys who don't deserve it. Nonetheless he's a good coach and he's probably going to make yall a better team.


We’re so far from even thinking about the playoffs that this does not concern me


I totally get that lmaoo But still, if everything goes right, JB's going to make yall a playoff team. And when that time comes, you should be concerned lol


I would cream my jeans to be in the playoffs


Im neutral on the hire. But the Cavs didn’t lose in the playoffs because of him. That roster is a total mess, despite being talented. The FO should be looked at heavily in Cleveland lol.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


What’s your opinion on his player development? Mobley looks like the same guy on offense as he did in ‘21.


With mobley when our FO made Mitchell trade they stopped prioritising his development it has been reported in many articles. If we are looking through stats glances on Mobley u will be concerned but thats not the whole story. Mobley was the 4 option on Cavs when we traded for Mitchell behind him, Garland & Allen but he still made progress was more efficient in 2nd year & finished top three as a DPOY candidate. This year our roster was majorly injured & we never got to take next steps as team Garland injury made us change our whole offense again & Mobley was out for long with mid season knee surgery but when he came back he was our most promising player he made progress & watch Celtics series when he was our second & than basically first option as hub JB utilised him so well. We are hoping our next coach makes Mobley priority because he has that talent to be unlocked JB couldn’t do because him & our FO went whole win now mode.


Give us 2-3 years of development and turn it over to the next guy.


I’m also a Cavs fan and essentially a JB coached team feels like “get out there and out hustle them!” Is the game plan on offense and not much else. He will always stick to the best 5 players on the team to close out games. He’s a very good defensive coach though and will bring grit and grind but if you need him to draw up a play, or make a on the fly adjustment, it’s not happening with JB. For pulling the Pistons out of absolute hell this is the best hire available


JB fits where we are as a team and what needs to be done. I'm zen with this.


Great hire . Established ,Young coach that did a good job in Cleveland People clamoring for Sweeney when he was here with Casey during those dreadful years. Group think on this board is insane


Yeah i really don't see an issue with him, especially where we are as a team.


Cavs fan here. This is a culture guy. This is a motivator, this is a defense first guy. Not a great playoff record but who cares. This is the guy who can get you out of the mud and make the regular season fun again. You will definitely hate how much he yells at the refs instead of focusing on the game but that’s part of his appeal as a players coach.


Cavs fan here. Aside from the obvious Reddit comments over on our subreddit, JB is a solid coach for you guys from a rebuild perspective. I’ll be frank, you guys can’t get any worse than you are now so he’ll be able to jumpstart some development and put some confidence back in your young guys. Ivey was one of the more electric players coming out of college, Cade has all-NBA potential, Duren, Ausar and now Holland? Lots of guys looking to build something in Detroit and JB is your guy to start that process. Most of the hate from us came from the fact that he tends to baby his rosters. We were where you guys are when he took over for us. Collin Sexton, rookie Darius Garland, vet KLove out of his prime and a bunch of vet minimum caliber players (we had Ante Zizic still on our squad if you remember him😂). Even KPJ, pre-domestic violence, throwing soup at the assistant coaches. Since then, we’ve acquired Strus, Jarrett Allen (in his prime), Donovan Mitchell, and Caris LeVert and before we knew it we were ready to make noise in the playoffs. JB Bickerstaff is not a playoff caliber coach. The minute your team feels like they’re at least above play-in level, he should be fired immediately. He ran the same plays that we used to run years ago, treated Garland and Mobley, two young guys but with multiple years of pro basketball experience under their belts, like rookies and coddling them while playing rotational players like Niang too much during our run and not trusting our starters. On the sidelines, he’s had a history with officials and arguing, sometimes shooting himself in the foot mid-game due to missed calls or pure ignorance. Because of that, it was time for him to go. We outgrew JB. All in all, you guys should be okay because he’s still a decent coach but with the talent you guys have available on your squad, you won’t need him for very long.


https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5509528/2024/05/23/cleveland-cavaliers-jb-bickerstaff-fired/?source=user_shared_article Cavs oust J.B. Bickerstaff, a good man who had players’ backs even if they didn’t have his


Quite uninspiring to be honest. Would’ve preferred a younger coach to come up with the team. Feels like they just got the first guy they could spend a good amount of time with & wanted to get it done before free agency… I’ll back him but just doesn’t feel great right now.


Hes only 45


I don’t hate this, but I am a loser, so


Going out on a limb here but we will win more than 11 games and he'll be praised for helping to rebuild the team.


I'm happy with this. Let's rock, JBB.


This post was linked in our subreddit. This is a great hire for you guys. JB completely turned our culture around. He knows how to get young guys to buy in. He’s the perfect starter coach. Then when your team is ready to make the leap, you’ll move on. But you have to take step forwards first to do that.


Last former Cavs head coach we hired was Chuck Daly, so it's hard not to like this.


He was fired from his last job for bickering with his staff.


I'm meh on this, but I was also meh on Dan Campbell and Jim Caldwell. I was excited for Patricia, Casey, and Monty. So if anyone needs anything to cling to, it's my poor judgment of coaching hires haha. Based on the comments, particularly from Cavs fans, JB feels like a Jim Caldwell. A good guy for a young, developing, team. Can bring a sense of much-needed competency and stability after Monty. However, his X's and O's and game management skills are limited, and will likely do more to hold the team back than propel them forward when it came time to win in the playoffs, settling on mediocrity. For the current state of the franchise, that isn't necessarily a bad thing, although it does mean we'd likely need to move on from him when we do get there. Just got to make sure not to hire a Patricia.


Yeah, my main concern with JB is can he get buy in from the young guys. If he does then this will be a solid hire


This was like the one guy I didn't want.


Cavs fan here, he is great at establishing a culture and for development of players, nothing more, nothing less


Cavs fan here in case anyone cares for my opinion: You guys are probably gonna become a really fun overachieving team in the next 1-3 years. JB will install a great culture, the young guys will all buy in, your defense will be great, and the team will be greater than the sum of its parts. It’ll be a blast. Then, you’ll most likely plateau. He is not a good strategic basketball mind, and that will show, particularly in the postseason. He will stubbornly insist that all your problems stem from your lack of effort and intensity, despite him asking the team to maintain those things for long periods of time at an unsustainable level. Then you’ll probably move on like we have. Can’t tell you what comes after that unfortunately.


People seem to have this idea that if a head coach has had an NBA job before that means he's a bum, but that's a pretty terrible stance. The reason guys get multiple chances is precisely because being an NBA head coach is really tough and tons of guys flame out and never get to try again because it was an absolute train wreck. The ones that get multiple chances get multiple chances because they've shown the right acumen for the job and demonstrated success.  J.B. did a really good job in Cleveland, and just because they fired him doesn't mean he's a bad coach. I think he'll do a good job in Detroit.


Can’t believe despite the ones of people in this sub hoping it would be Tyler Hansbrough, Langdon decided to hire someone else


If he can turn us around like he did with the cavs then i’m cool with this


Good signing in my opinion. Even with all JB’s faults, he really is a good coach for a young team looking for an identity. Now is he a coach that can take you to a championship. Hell no. But this team just needs a solid foundation at this point.


I’m a Cavs fan and watched basically every single cavaliers game during JBs tenure. JB obviously is an amazing locker room buy-in coach; he will likely get the most defensive juice out of the team that can possibly be squeezed. I think he’ll create a positive environment and after a year or two pistons fans will love him. His big weakness (what got him fired), is that he has no offensive system. He calls it a ‘free flowing’ offense that involves an absurd amount of dribble handoffs way out past the 3 point arc. It’s horrendous, but maybe he’ll change his ways with y’all’s personell.


If he can get our young guys like Duren to atleast try on defense that’s a W


Nahhhh that's sad


This is one of the most depressing teams ever


He's a good rebuilding coach though, he didn't win a ring, but he's really good at getting the Cavs back after LeBron, I'm not mad at all


He’s a very good rebuild coach and can get the most out of young players. Just when it comes time for the playoffs, not so much -Cavs fan


Good hire


Reading the Cavs threads about him, he's a good rebuilding coach and can develop a young team which is what we need right now. Unlike Van Gundy, Casey and Williams who were coaches for more established teams.


As a Cavs fan hes a terrific coach for a rebuild, he will instill a winning mindset with the young guys and raises your floor a ton, but as the group matures you will need a new coach awful at rotations and x's and o's.




Pretty sure he was a good culture setter and helped the young guys. We will see


5 years!?


I don’t mind this hiring honestly. In theory he’s a great coach for getting Duren right defensively, and might be able to unlock Ivey into a garland type. He will be a solid coach for the young guys. It’s a safe hiring, one I am okay with.


I give the guy a lot of credit because to come here with the way this team is constructed… he’s gonna have a lot of work on his hands. Good luck JB I’m rooting for you.


Cavs fan here: You will not win a championship with this guy. But you WILL most likely be back in the playoffs by the end of his tenure


Cavs fan here. I told y’all in a previous post that you should hire him because this is the position he thrives in. Great culture building coach that you need to get rid of the second your team starts trying to compete. And y’all shit on me for it lol. Good luck.


Cavs fan here. JB is great for establishing a solid culture and good defense. Once you get to a point where winning matters is when he’s gotta go


As someone with no expectations for this coming season, I don't mind it.


I'm not mad. Experienced. Took his young team to the playoffs. Had solid defenses. Didnt play the 15th man on his roster in the starting lineup over there future. Monty was hired to take us to the playoffs, but that doesn't seem to be the goal this year.


We're in no position for a first time head coach. We're quickly getting into a dire situation where we simultaneously don't know what the young players are and need to pay them soon. Now is not the time to take a swing on a first time head coach who may be good at X's and O's but may not actually be able to lead a team Bickerstaff isn't one of the top coaches in the league, but I have a hard time saying the Cavs have underperformed. They were a 4 seed who lost in the 2nd round to the eventual champs, and they have a roster where the best players don't fit well together. We can worry about getting over the 2nd round hump later If we lose some games in the regular season due to coaching miscues that'll be the least of our worries. I'm more than fine with a proven head coach who actually wants to be a coach


We hated on him as Cavs fans but he got us above .500 and back to relevancy. It's when we traded for Mitchell and didn't progress as much as we had hoped. Some nights we felt unbeatable, others were met with a failure to make the right adjustments until we were down by 20+. He's got more expeience under his belt and I would say it's a win if he can put you guys in a similar spot?


Solid hire. Team should show improvement. JB does have that track record. Win 20 games this season and I’m happy😂. Yes the bar is low


I don't hate it. I read a Cavs fan a little while back stating that Bickerstaff was the guy you wanted leading your rebuild, but once you got established you needed an Upgrayedd because he was the guy to get you over the rebuild hump, but he couldn't get you over the contender hump. Our guys need someone who can help them develop and JB did a solid job of developing The Cleve


If it makes you feel better, these are the takes of people who basically just read into reality as it's given in the W/L column. Cleveland flamed out two years ago after Allen got injured because Mobley was too soft to deal with the Knicks bigs. Then they ran into the buzzsaw known as the Boston Celtics. All while still playing basically two non-shooters at the 4 and 5. And no, Mobley is not played like a shooter. Before anyone points to his percentge.


Im down. He helped the cavs team and they seemed to like him get through their rebuild. Prolly won’t be a playoff winning coach for us though


As a Cavs fan, I’ve been up and down on JB. He’s proven that he can build a culture, build a defense and develop guys. I think the roster issues on the Cavs kept us from seeing if he could build an incredible offense, but I wouldn’t say he’s incapable from what we’ve seen


People surely will handle this with level heads


GREAT hire for a rebuilding team. If I were a Pistons fan, I would like this hire ALOT. He did alot for the Cavs.


I think this is a solid hire for what the task at hand is. Develop young players, and mold them into professionals. I didn’t watch Cavs games, so I’m not speaking on his X’s and O’s. But the team improved and won. Here’s hoping it works out.


Cavs fans really acting like firing their coach was a good thing as if they would have beat the Celtics with a different guy holding the clipboard.


The cavs have always looked locked in and played hard the last 2 years. I think this is the best we could of hoped for.


Great hire! This was who I was hoping for, the Cavs only fired him became of Donovan Mitchell drama. Great coach and student of the game!


I’m not mad at it. Keep fixing the roster and let’s go get our 25+ wins finally with a Cade all star game push


This is the way 


At least the dude had a winning record in Cleveland. It’s been awhile since we can say we got close to that level 😂


I was hoping he’d be our next coach. I still don’t understand why cleveland fired him. They improved each year.


Lol. While he was good for us with our young guys, he was also there when we drafted them so the bond was more organic. Wonder if he can implement the same kind of development in Detroit.






JB Bickertrash


Not even gonna lie I don’t know much about JB. Was hoping for an up and coming, but I really hope this is a hire that can connect with young players.


Yeah, not great.


Similar to the draft in how there wasn’t any player I was exited about, there wasn’t any coaching candidate I was excited about either. It is what it is right now and we just hope we start moving in an upward direction.


Good luck. Hopefully he has a healthy roster for much of the season.


As a Cavs fan, this is honestly a decent hire for you all, he'll establish a hard working culture. That being said, long term? You'll want him gone after year 3. He won't win you a championship with his playoff coaching style.


Championship? We just don't want to suck.


24 wins lfg


Can someone explain why he was fired?


Sheed and Bonzi Wells on JB getting fired by Cleveland - [https://youtu.be/ZZiHOI\_QTuM?si=6oB53ZGr5DafJVow](https://youtu.be/ZZiHOI_QTuM?si=6oB53ZGr5DafJVow)


Cavs fan here. You hired this man at the right time. He's more of a developmental coach if anything, which is perfect for you guys. I'm sure that your GM was smart enough to sign him for the short term. >J.B. Bickerstaff has agreed on a five-year deal to become the Pistons' coach, sources tell ESPN. Oh. Oh my. E: "Four years are guaranteed, fifth isn't, per sources." From a redditor. So 4 years guaranteed. That's still hefty for a developmental coach. Better, but a 2 or 3 year would've been better off IMHO.


To be fair. At this point I think the FO impacts more. Unless there are some great great coach like spo or pop


I don’t hate it….?????


Tyler Hansbrough in shambles


I wanted a fresh coach.


Boring, re-tread hire. I'd rather have given an assistant a chance like Quinn or Sweeney to see if they could grow together. Bickerstaff hasn't been lights out, but solid I guess.


Five years, we’ll see about that. When have we ever had a coach last that long?


Hey if you wanna be in Detroit I love you until you piss us off 🔥🙌🏾


Really wanted some fresh blood on this team, Sean Sweeney/ Micah Nori dreams shattered :( with that being said I hope he at least brings a passion and culture of winning that Monty did not instill last year.


I don’t mind the hire but the 5 year length is something I wonder about. Hopefully it’s not a godfather contract for 5 years though.


I think JB is a solid coach but I think he was part of the reason that Cleveland team had a ceiling on it. They had kind of a weird roster with 2 ball dominant smaller guards and the twin tower front court and he didn't seem creative enough to figure it out on offense. Mobley is a good enough passer to be involved in the action, which can mitigate his issues as a floor spacer, but he spent to many possessions as a non threatening spacer in the corner. I could be way off but that's how it seemed in their last 2 playoff runs. With all of our shooting issues that worries me and why I was really hoping for borrego who's got a reputation as a good offensive mind.


Hear me out, hear me out. We have the guy that drafted Donovan Mitchell. The guy that coached him. He’s shown little intent on signing a new contract…. Has the prophecy come full circle? The mistakes of one Stan Van Gundy… can they be rectified?


I'm okay with it, it's just kind of boring. I also don't know much about his offense because the last thing I want to see is another stagnant, iso-centric offense where JI stands in the corner.


How many times are we gonna hire fired rejects from other teams? A younger hungry assistant is what’s needed. 


for all the shit he got from us cavs fans, i will note he helped us win 10 overtime games in a row. it’s not a perfect hire, but i think he’ll be good for you guys for at least a couple years


Cavs fan here. JB is the right coach for you at the moment. He does great with the early development of young players. We definitely took a step forward with him.


From a coaching aspect it is fine and from a business aspect it is fine. Can't blame Gores in trying to save a little money while Monty is on the books.


Fantastic. Specialized in player development at the beginning of his career. All about this.


thats a good pickyp


Seems fine, hope he can at least bring what's advertised and get Ivey and Duren and Ausar in roles they can play and playing them correctly.


Cavs fan here, really great hire. He’s really good at coaching younguns


I like this for y'all. Bickerstaff did a great job developing Garland and Allen. He had them playing good basketball. Similar situations with Ivey/Cade and Garland/Spida. I'm expecting he'll help Duren the most. I think he'll be able to get him to position himself properly on D and actually protect the rim.